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Doyeon Kim
Dr. Kate Birdsall
WRA140: 002
11. 16. 2015
Anti-Japanese Affect to Relationship between Japan and Korea

What is Anti-Japanese?
When you make a purchase decision, does the decision influenced by the culture of your
own country? Most of Asians think twice when it comes to the products that are made in
Japan. Why do Asians so cautious about buying Japanese products? It is because most of
Asians have victim mentality from the history of Japan. However, if I ask to Western people
including Americans about their feeling toward Japan, they usually give positive and
optimistic feedback. In todays Eastern Asia, anti-Japanese sentiment reached its peak and
even spreading among our generation children. What is Anti-Japanese? This word comes
from the word Anti and Japanese. Anti-Japanese word reflects feeling of aversion,
grievance, distrustful toward Japanese people and even their culture and the government.1
Where does the Anti-Japanese come from? It traces back to the history; relationship between
Asian countries and Japan. The anti-Japanese is a big and serious issue in the world, because
it definitely has undeniable impacts on economies and politics in many countries.


The United States History of Colonization time and World War

December 7th (Japanese time December 8th) 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
without the declaration of war or attack. Japans purpose was not attack to the United States.
They always wanted to get a resource for running the machines such as trains, ships or plains
to use industrially and for war. So they looked around then they decided to take the British
colony and the United States colony in South Asia. Also Japan expected that if British and the
1 Wikipedia

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United States lost their colony on the Asia, then they would admit Asia is under control by
Japan and they would have held peace pact. However, Japan thought that if they attacked the
United States colony which was Philippine the United States Navy and air force would be
arrive really fast from Hawaii to Philippine, so they hit a clever method. The method was
attracted Pearl Harbor first which was located in Hawaii then making the United States Navy
and air force become neuter then they can attack Philippine much easily. The first plan:
making the Pearl Harbor neuter was successful. For the result the destroyed 18 American
battleships, nearly 300 air plane were destroyed, destroyed airfield, almost 2,500 men were
killed and more than 1000 people were wounded. The information from History Channel,
The Japanese plan was simple: Destroy the Pacific Fleet. That way, the Americans
would not be able to fight back as Japans armed forces spread across the South
Pacific. On December 7, after months of planning and practice, the Japanese
launched their attack. At about 8 a.m., Japanese planes filled the sky over Pearl
Harbor. Bombs and bullets rained onto the vessels moored below. At 8:10, a 1,800pound bomb smashed through the deck of the battleship USS Arizona and landed in
her forward ammunition magazine. The ship exploded and sank with more than
1,000 men trapped inside. Next, torpedoes pierced the shell of the battleship USS
Oklahoma. With 400 sailors aboard, the Oklahoma lost her balance, rolled onto her
side and slipped underwater. By the time the attack was over, every battleship in
Pearl HarborUSS Arizona, USS Oklahoma, USS California, USS West Virginia,
USS Utah, USS Maryland, USS Pennsylvania, USS Tennessee and USS Nevadahad
sustained significant damage. (All but USS Arizona and USS Utah were eventually
salvaged and repaired.) (History channel staff)
The United States had big damage from Japan, but the United States was rich in mental
power. They would not do action as what the Japan expected. The United States conceded

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their defeat and did ready for counter attack. Before the Pearl Harbor happen, in America
there were existing disfavor. After the Pearl Harbor attacking, the disfavor was extended
hatred by strong anger.
Japan came into the picture around 1936 when Japan and Germany signed the
Anti-Comintern Pact, which basically said that they aimed to disintegrate all
existing nations that functioned under communism. Japan then decided to takeover
French Indo-china so they could have better access to China. The United States,
who has always been friendly with the French, and the British decided to freeze all
of Japans assets and most importantly placing an oil embargo on the country, and
demanded that they withdraw from Indo-China. This left Japan wanting to declare
war on the United States, however they feared the strength of the USs naval fleet,
so they decided to plan a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.
The attack on Pearl Harbor spurred Anti-Japanese sentiment throughout the US,
which lowered the social status of the Japanese immensely as they were seen as
animals and inferior to the rest of the human population. Niall Ferguson, a
scholar of international history who has taught at Harvard, Stanford and NYU,
stated that Allied troops often saw the Japanese in the same way that Germans
regarded Russians- as Untermenschen (subhuman). Anti-Japanese sentiment
swept the nation at an unimaginable speed. It was so intense that in 1942
President Roosevelt was pressured to sign Executive Order 9066 which demanded
that all Japanese-Americans must leave their homes in the west coast and relocate
to one of ten internment camps. 120,000 people were moved. Jap Hunts also
became a popular thing; people would give themselves jap hunting licenses and
would go and round up Japanese-Americans and kill them. This was one of the
most conspicuous infractions of civil liberties in American history. The status of

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Japanese-Americans decreased dramatically during this time period as everyone
else in the US thought they were superior to them. (Zabbatin)
The Anti-Japanese declined after the United States dropped atomic bomb in Japan. In 1944,
the United States beat Germany which is called D-day battle. However, until January 1945
the United States kept beat Japan at every battle and on July, the United States asked
surrender to Japan. However, Japan did not surrender and kept trying to break battles. For the
result, the United States decided to use atomic bomb for making Japans surrender. Using
atomic bomb as real was the first time in Japan, so the World never thought the atomic bomb
was that much powerful. The United States was sorry about too over actions, so they
compensated Japan a lot as financially and emotionally. Dropping atomic bombs was relieved
anti-Japanese a lot and later Japan make an image as victim of World War .

Korea History of Colonization time and World War

In historically, Japan always invaded to Korea constantly. In August 1910, Japan seizure
Joseon (the last Korea Dynasty) s national sovereignty. Until 1945, Japan did so many cruel
and inhuman things such as massacre and military sexual slavery. Typical massacres are Jeaam-ri massacre and Kanto massacre. Jea-am-ri massacre was happened in April 15th 1919.
Japanese first lieutenant() ordered to Jea-am-ri town people to meet on the church
and the first lieutenant of the Japanese soldiers asked a question pastor about the Christian
doctrine and the pastor answer that to teach and to follow the holy bible and the captain of the
lieutenant yelled to Korean who were in the church as you were *action(on March 1st 1919, in
Korea had big nonviolence demonstration which is March first movement and Japan was
very mad about it) was wrong from the doctrines and then ordered to Japanese soldiers to
shoot the gun to people in the church then block all the window and door then set fire on the
church to kill least of people who survive from the shooting. This happen was really secretly

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happen, but fortunately Canadian pastor Frank William Schofield knew that and wrote a
book: Unquenchable Fire for report these cruel incident to World. Kanto massacre was
happened in Japan, in 1923, Horrible earthquake delivered to Japan. Japanese people was
very afraid and worried a lot about it so several rioting broke out so Japanese government
decided to spread rumor which were Joseon people(Korean) put poison on the well, Joseon
people kidnapped, Joseon people set fire to Japanese peoples house, Joseon people robbed
etc. Japanese people was furious about it and they made a group which call Vigilant and
started kill all Korean. They distinguished Korean as struck a person hard then if the person
screamed in Korean or spilled a hot water little bit then if screamed in Korean then kill him or
her. There are no data to exactly number to show that how many Koreans were lost their life
from the Vigilant but Korean history literature said 6600 and Germany history literature said
23000 people died, so people approximately 6600 to 2,3000 people were killed by Japanese.
Also Korea was lost queen by the assassin at night then Japanese cut into pieces her body
then burned the body.
Other big history is Unit 731. This was a Japanese version of holocaust. Compare to
German holocaust; has had a target. The target was Jews. There are a lot of rumors why Hitler
and German people hate Jews. But historians guess German need common enemy and at that
time, Hitler hate Jews. That was perfect timing to make Jews be a target. Historian Klaus
Fischer calls anti-Semitism the hate that furled the Nazi movement (Lace, 63)2. The reason
is if they have a same enemy then people will be gather their power and thinking. So in
Hitlers speech, there are always talk about Jews and he remind German people should abhor
Jews. Simply say about the German holocaust, it was factory for killing Jews. From the data,
more than 70% died in the concentration camp. 30% was homosexual, handicap people, and
people who doesnt want to service in army. Usually, 30% people was send forced labor
2 The Nazis

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place. Japanese holocaust has not had a target like German holocaust. In Japanese
concentration camp, there are Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian and even American. Of
course Chinese and Korean was most lost of life but in this camp, Russian and American also
lost of life is pretty interesting and proof Japanese holocaust hasnt had specific target. In the
Unit731, the main duty was medical experiment on a living body such as they cut pregnant
stomach in half, trying take out organ from living human without anesthesia then testing how
long the organ work from out side of the body, and making the person get chilblains then try
to hit down or to break the chilblains hands or feet for checking the person can feel pain, etc.
The Unit 731 was kind of secret project because the experiment reports from unit 731 were
sold to the all of the World, so a lot of atrocious experiments are covered in the past.
The last sad story is military sexual slavery (comfort women). What is the military sexual
slavery? During War World , Japan were think about that how they can raise the soldiers
morale, and the solution was women. However, they did not want to make a trouble or issue
with Japanese citizen, so they decided to bring Korea, China or other Asia young women and
then using them as sex slaves in the army base, Japan knew that if they said that you will
work as sex slaves, then nobody would work so they lied to women as many ways. Sometime
Japan said women, the work is in factory to working in there, or helping odd job in
government office or city hall, or temporary nurse in the hospital but every think was lied and
also sometime they kidnaping girls. The women age length was twelve years old to seventeen
years old. According to Ianfu-The comfort women of the Japanese Imperial Army of the
Pacific war, The number of women and girls forced into ianfu (military sexual slavery)
system is estimated at between 120,000 and 200,000 with recent estimates near 160,000 were
Korean. (Schmidt, 13) In comfort women issue, many people ask several question and main
question is why comfort women recently issued, why not long time ago just after World War
. In Korea, virginity is very important problem especially to women. Long time ago and

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still now Korean people think that if women lost her virginity before marriage, the women is
seamy women. Schmidts research mention that Traditionally, virginity is an assumed
requisite for marriage in Korean society. Therefore, many surviving ianfu who were unable to
conceal their past were shunned by their families and their society when they returned home
after the war. Also Japan made image the military sexual slavery are prostitute, they never
lied to the women, but they applied on that position. So these kind of situation made some
survivor military sexual slavery let do not them back to home country. Interview from Soondeok Kim: Comfort Women survivor said that taking tens of men everyday as that young age
was horrible. Another Comfort Women Survivor Soon-hee Park said that There were some
pregnant women (Japan) made them get abortion, not letting them have babies. Seo-un
Chung: Comfort Women Survivor said, 13 went and 3 of them died. The remaining 10 went
to a dugout. Some of them were taken to the dugout. It turned out that they were buried there.
They(Japan) were worried there might be any trouble if they let us out, so they were to kill all
of us prevent any future trouble.

Currently view of the Japan image and future effect

Currently Americans have good emotion to Japan. Many article and history reference

represent that American was very sorry about the atomic bombs. So they accept their fault
and made new relationship with Japan. Interview from James Mariani who is Student in
Michigan State University, When I think about Japanese image, They are kind of weird, I
usually have a idea about Japan from Japanese TV show, but their show is strange, probably
the reason should be culture. Also they have better manner than Chinese people. About Pearl
Harbor, It is upset story, but we dropped 2 bomb, so it is pretty even. However, Koreans still
had bad image on Japan especially historically. This is my personal experience, when I was
young as 8 years old, my parents never let I watch Japanese animation. I could watch
Japanese animation after I learned Korean history deeply. My parents were very worried that

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I loved Japanese culture without any knowledge of history. Especially, Japanese always put
the culture in their animation. For example, one of famous Japanese animation is Keroro , the
main characters hat is from World War Japanese soldiers military cap.

These days Japanese governments move and performance are distortion of history and break
the Constitution of Japan. The constitution of Japan is the international law which is that after

Figure : Keroro

Figure 2: World War 2 Japanese

soldiers military cap that acturally
weared it.

the World War , UN (United Nations) discuss with members then legislate a law for Axispower. Axis could not make and have normal size arm, but could have army with minority
number of soldiers. Also when they want to help UN member countries for militarily, they
should get permit UN. However, few months ago, Japanese government agreed at that to
change constitution of Japan in the national assembly. The changing is they will increase the
size of the army, they can send their army anywhere and if their citizen in some country, they
can send army to that country for protect the citizen ect (ABC news and BBC news) For
Western countries, this is really good movement for exclusion China. Japan is United States
ally and in the United States made a sharp cut their defense spending, so if Japan make
normal army as same as other countries then can send their army anywhere when Japan want,

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it will be helpful power. However, on the Korea view, Changing the constitution of Japan is
that Japan ready for invade Korea again. Even if Japanese government protest that invading
Korea will be never happened, but Korea never heard any heartfelt apology from Japan. That
could expose that Japan never regret about the World War furthermore anytime they can
attack Korea. Other action which show Japan did not show any reflection about World War
and colonization is distorted history. There are so many distorted histories but two things
are totally distorted. They described military sexual slavery as prostitute, colonization
described as helping modernize. (BBC news and The New York times) In the New York times
deal with news about this topic and there are several example,


Tokyo Shoseki
Most popular ninth-grade
Japan caused grievous

Conservative textbook

damages to other countries

World War II, was disarmed

during World War II, and

and militarily occupied by

received massive losses

the Allied powers. The

itself. Then the Japanese

Allied powers strongly

Constitution made pacifism

requested Japans

its basic principle,

disarmament and that it

renouncing war and making

should be reflected in the

efforts for everlasting peace

Japanese Constitution as

in the world. Article 9


Japan, after its defeat in

stipulates renunciation of
war, not to maintain war

Therefore, Japan as a

potential, and not to

nation decided to renounce

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recognize the right of

war as means of settling

belligerency of the state.

international disputes, not to

maintain war potential, not
to recognize the right of
belligerency of the state.
This pacifism was accepted
by people partly because
postwar Japan started from
immense damages from
World War II.



These historical problem brought anti-Japanese sentiment in Asia especially in Korea. This
anti-Japanese sentiment disconnected the relationship between the Korea and Japan. Not only
it breaks the positive connection, it also has negative outcomes especially in the areas of
economies and politics. Korea and Japan, both has to take action to resolve this tension. Japan
should stop ignoring their past and negative impacts to many other countries. They have to
admit their history and ask victims of World War II and Koreans forgiveness. To build
pleasant and concession relationship, the victims and Koreans should accept their apologies,
not ignore it. All of us has some responsibility to make a better world. We cannot escape from
the past and ignorance is not the answer.

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Works Cited

The Nazis. William W. Lace. San Diego. California: 1998. Print.

"Pearl Harbor." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 6 Nov. 2015.
Zabbatin, Daniela. "Anti-Japanese Sentiment Resulting from Pearl Harbor and It's Affect on
Japanese-Americans." Social Change and the Future. Sociochange in Uncategorized, 9 Oct.
2014. Web. 6 Nov. 2015.
The Canadian Veterinary Journal. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, Aug. 2009.
Web. 14 Nov. 2015.
"Testimonies of Halmonies (Korean "Comfort Women" Survivors)." YouTube. YouTube, 5
Oct. 2012. Web. 7 Nov. 2015.
Schmidt, David A. "Chapter 2, the Issue." Ianfu, the Comfort Women of the Japanese
Imperial Army of the Pacific War: Broken Silence. Vol. 10. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen, 2000.
15-17. Print.
X. " ." ., 07 Feb. 2012. Web. 15 Nov.
2015. Unkown.jpeg
Online News Depart. "[] 2 ." :

. Seoul News, 28 Apr. 2015. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.

ABC News. "Japan Passes Changes to Pacifist Constitution to Allow Troops to Fight
Abroad." ABC News. ABC News, 18 Sept. 2015. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
BBC News. "Japan's Lower House Approves Change to Self-defence Law - BBC News."
BBC News. BBC News, 16 July 2015. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
The New Your Times. "A Shifting View of Japanese History." The New York Times. The New
York Times, 26 Dec. 2013. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
BBC. "Japan Textbook Angers Neighbours." BBC News. BBC, 03 Apr. 2001. Web. 16 Nov.

Bock-Soon Diary

Kim 12

May 5th 1938

The weather was very good. It wasnt hot and cold, but I am sure the weather will be
hotter, which is good news and bad news. I can go to swim with my brothers, sister and
friends but farming will be also busy. I am the first kid to my parents so I have to have
responsibility. I hope tomorrow also weather will be same as today.
May 7th 1938
My one of the friends parents came to our house at late night. They asked me about
did I see Soock-he (my friend) and when, where and what she did say before she leave. They
looked like urgent and seem like Soock-he is lost. I am worried my friend so much. I was
hung out with her whole today morning and she was very happy because her birthday is
coming. I hope people can find her as soon as possible.
May 10th 1938
3 days passed from Soock-he was gone. I heard from old people in the town that
Soock-he have been kidnap. But they also do not know the reason of the kidnap. Why and
who kidnaped Soock-he? I am so sad and missing her so much. My parents also gave a
warning that do not talk with stranger and comeback home earlier.
May 18th 1938
Today my fathers face was very gloomy and my mother also looked pale. I think,
some thing wrong with us. I asked that what is happen to them, but they would not answer
and just sighed. That made me more nervous and to feel worrying. I should ask my neighbor
that what the problem in here is.
May 22th 1938
I also knew the problem in our family. My father so not know the Japanese letter, but
few days ago Japanese governor force to my father to sign on the paper. He did not know
anything about the paper contents and the Japanese governor aimed gun on his head. After he
signed in the paper he knew what the paper talk about which is he will donate big money to
Japan. However, our house did not have that money
May 24th 1938
Mr. Jang who is working on the small Japanese office told our family about that I can
make a money if I go to Japan and working on the Japanese factory. He said that is not
difficult and dangerous work and the factory pay high value of money than farming. But my
parents are worried that I am just 15 years old. I am also worried that be far way form my
family and hometown.
May 26th 1938

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I decided that I work on the Japanese factory. I will work a year hardly then I will go
back to home. I also persuaded my parents. I am the first child of my parents and my brothers
and sister are too young. I should help my parents. Mr. Jang said, if I want to apply and go to
Japan, I should ready quickly because I am kind of late to go work. My mother was starting
to prepared my stuffs.
May 29th 1938
This is my last night of with family and home. I will leave tomorrow morning. I never
leave this town in my life, and tomorrow that is my first time to live from home and that is
foreign country. I am too nervous and also afraid. My heart beat too fast and I cannot fall
May 30th 1938
Today is busy and sad day. My mother, brothers and sister kept crying until I leave the
town. My sister grabbed my arm and not let me go. I also cried with them, but I need to leave.
My father only said a word, Be safe and take care of yourself. Just a year, I will go back to
my family soon.
Jun 6th 1938
I got off from a ship, but it seemed like not a Japan. Weather is too hot and people
wear strange hat. The hat is I never seen before it looked white or brown and shape is corn.
We arrive somewhere by a bus, but there was also not a factory. I kept ask to people there
about where it is? where is the factory? But nobody answered me or got angry to me. Where
am I?...
Jun 7th 1938
I was raped by more than 15 Japanese soldiers I feel so dirty and I want to go back
home. This is not I thought working It was so painful and ashamed I cried whole day
when soldiers raped me, but they beat hardly until I stopped crying. I am so tried now and I
worried that tomorrow also happen like today.
Jun 10th 1938
Every day passed, more soldiers raped me. One of girl like me, she tried to run away
from this camp, but she was taken by the soldiers. Then she was beaten by them very badly.
Her face could not recognize as human. During she beating from soldiers, she kept crying,
but the crying was different as painful crying. The crying seemed like too sad.
Jun 19th 1938
I was my friend, Soock-he, today! I was so shocked and also gladded to meet her. I
asked her how she could be here and why, then she started crying. She said that she kidnaped
by two stranger males then she got on the ship. When she awakened, the place was this camp.
We both cried during talking and I missed my family more How can I back to my home...?
I hope somebody tell to me.

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Jun 25th 1938
My next room girl committed suicide It was too shock and afraid. The most afraid
thing is the soldiers did not have any sadness or agitation. Do they think we are not a human?
They just think we are a sex toy?...
Jun 17th 1938
Soock-he got pregnant, it was very strange I do not know that do I congratulate the
pregnant or sad about it. I think, everything is wrong Soock-he said, think positive way,
she do not know the babys father, but she will have her family.
September 17th 1938
Japanese soldiers recognized that Soock-he have a baby. They send her to hospital and
they caused abortion her. After she went back from hospital, she looked mad I worried her
so much.
September 18th 1938
Soock-he took more than 30 pills, she screamed and vomited blood all day. I could
comprehend her feeling from the screaming. This place is hell. Only way can get out from
this hell is die.

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