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AM Broadcast Band

The captured data file (hf_600khz_256_complex.dat) was obtained from a USRP tuned to
600 KHz. The data file is available at : .
Importing this data file into MATLAB using the method described in Capturing Signals
in GNU Radio , we can find the DFT of this data to display the spectrum. The complete
256KHz of spectrum centered at 600 KHz is shown below.

Note that at least two stations are present in this range. Expanding to view the range 50
KHz below the center, we observe a station offset by about 23 KHz (really 20 KHz due to
USRP frequency error).

We receive this signal using:

./ hf_600khz_256_complex.dat 23

Note that the volume was adjusted down to reduce the distortion. Listening to the station
we confirm that this station is at 620 KHz.
Next if we expand the display around the other strong station we observe that it is 47
KHz (really 50 KHz) offset from center.

We receive this signal using:

./ hf_600khz_256_complex.dat -47
and listening we confirm that this station is at 550 KHz.

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