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Daniel Parisi

App Review
1A. Hudl Technique Golf
1B. I would use this app when we are in the golf skill theme because
this app analyzes golf swings.
1C. There are a few reasons why this app interests me. One, because
after you video tape your golf swing, you can play it in slow motion to
see exactly what your swing looks like. Another reason this app
interests me is because you can compare your golf swing to a
professional golf swing. I would use this app when we are on the golf
unit and let the students video tape their swing, analyze it, and it
compare it to a professional golf swing.
1D. Throughout the duration of the class, students will video tape their
golf swing and analyze it using the Hudl Technique Golf app in order to
improve their golf swing. Psychomotor
1E. What were some common flaws in everyones swing when they
compared their swing to a professionals?
2A. Fitstar Personal Trainer
2B. I could possibly use this app in the fitness skill theme or I could use
it for warm-ups
2C. The app interests me because it has many different types of
fitness workouts. I could use this app in the fitness skill theme or
possible use this app for warm-ups on a daily basis. The workouts are
always different so if we were using it for warm-ups, it wouldnt be the
same every day
2D. In the beginning of class, as a do-now, students will use the Fitstar
Personal Trainer app for their warm-up in order to work on their
physical fitness and as a warm-up for the class. Psychomotor
2E. Was the warm-up a cardiovascular or muscular strength workout?
3A. Calorie Counter Pro
3B. I could use this app in the fitness skill theme because in order to be
fit, you must eat healthy also.

3C. This app interests me because it counts how many calories you
are taking in with everything you eat. Some students dont realize the
amount of calories they are taking in with some foods; this app could
help them realize how many calories are in certain foods.
3D. Throughout the next few weeks, students will be asked to use the
Calorie Counter Pro app to keep track of all the food they are in eating
in order to help them learn how to eat healthier. - Psychomotor
3E. Did the number of calories you ate increase or decrease from week
one to week two?
4A. Instant Heart Rate
4B. I would most likely use this app in the fitness skill theme because
that is when we will be going over heart rate
4C. This app interests me because you can use an iPhone or and iPad
to take your heart rate. Instead of doing an activity then having to
count your own heart rate, this app can do it for you.
4D. Before and after our first activity, students will use the Instant
Heart Rate app to find out what their heart rate is in order to
understand that after a physical activity, heart rates increase.
4E. Was your heart rate at your target heart rate after we finished our
physical activity?
5A. MusicWorkout
5B. I would most likely use this app for a warm-up.
5C. This app interests me because it tells the students what the next
workout and perform it when the music is playing. You can set up the
music you want, the workout, and how long you want to the music to
be playing.
5D. In the beginning of class, for a warm-up, students will follow the
MusicWorkout app in order to warm-up for the class. Psychomotor
5E. What muscle were we using when we were doing a push-up during
the warm-up?
Discussion Questions

1. What are the expectations for students in your physical

education program?
I expect my students to be on time, prepared, participate, and
give 100% effort every day.
2. What does a prepared student look like?
A prepared student has shorts or sweat pants on with running
shoes or sneakers and an appropriate physical education class
3. What is the best method to proactively encourage students to be
prepared for your class?
In my opinion, the best method to proactively encourage
students to be prepared for my class is the reward system. There
are many different ways to reward students and many different
rewards that students love. The reward may vary student to
student. Giving the student a reward for being prepared will
motivate them to be prepared every day.

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