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Stargirl Socratic Seminar Questions 2

In Chapter 13, one of the jurors says, You meddle into other peoples
business. You stick your nose in, whether youre invited to or not. Why do you
do that? (p. 66) What do you think Stargirl is trying to achieve? Does she
reach her goal?
In Chapter 21, we find out that Stargirl does everything she can to find out
about everyones business. Do you think this is right? Do people like it when
Stargirl tries to help them out? Why?
When Archie talks to Senor Saguaro the cactus, he says it all boils down to the
question: Whose affection do you value more, hers or the others? What
does this question mean? Why is it important? Which side do you think Leo
will end up choosing?
In Chapter 19, Leo goes to Archie for answers about what he should do
because everyone hates Stargirl, but he comes out with a question instead. Do
you find this odd? What are your thoughts about answer questions with
questions? Do you think this is a good idea?
Choose three adjectives to describe Stargirl. What evidence do you have for
how you describe her. (She is _______________ because in the book)

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