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Digestive System Project

Ulcer: An open sore on the body caused by a break in the skin that fails to heal.
Causes- an infection with the bacterium.
Symptoms- Bloating, Heartburn, Nausea or vomiting, A gnawing or burning
pain in the middle or upper stomach between meals or at night.

Celiac Disease: A disease where the small intestine is sensitive to

gluten,having a difficulty to digest food.
Causes- When people with Celiac disease eat foods that have gluten, their
immune system forms antibodies to gluten which attack the intestinal lining.


gas (flatulence, farting),
swollen ankles (edema),
vitamin K deficiency, and.
excessive bruising and bleeding.

Lactose Intolerance:Adults and children who have an inability to digest

lactose,which is a sugar found in dairy products.
Causes- when your small intestine doesnt produce enough of lactase to
digest milk sugar.
Symptoms- abdominal bloating, pain, or cramps, gas, diarrhea. this
usually occurs within 2 hours after consuming milk or dairy products.
Esophagus- The muscular layers are normally pinched together at the
upper and lower ends called sphincters.When a person swallows,the
sphincters automatically relax to allow food or drinks to pass from the
mouth to your stomach.
Small Intestine- The small intestine is the part of the intestines where 90%
of the digestion and absorption of food occurs. The main function of the
small intestine is absorption of nutrients and minerals from food.

Large Intestine- The function of the large intestine is to absorb water from
whats left of the indigestible food matter and transmit the useless waste
from the body.
Gallbladder- It is an organ that is located at the right side of your abdomen
below your ribs and sits under the liver.Its a storage organ that helps in the
digestion of fat and helps to make bile concentrated to increase effect on
fat cells.
Liver- the liver produces proteins that are important to blood clotting. The
liver also breaks down old or damaged blood cells. In fat metabolism the
liver cells break down fats and produce energy.
Stomach- An organ located in the left side of your upper abdomen.It
receives food from your esophagus.As food reaches the end of your
esophagus it enters the stomach through a valve called the lower
esophageal sphincter.
Pancreas- Produced by the pancreas enzymes or digestive juices are
secreted to the small intestine to break down food after it has left the
stomach.The gland also produces the hormone insulin secretes it into the
bloodstream,in order to regulate the bodys sugar level.
Rectum- The final section of the large intestine,terminating at the anus.
Anus- The final stages of the digestive tract are the rectrum and
anus.Before reaching the anus,the rectrum is the last straight section of the
large intestine.The anus is the opening at the lower end of the digestive
tract that controls the expulsion of feces.

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