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‘The subject of this article Isa pressure vessel of 520 tonnes which has tobe erected by means of ‘ovo main it cranes and one alerane. The pres sure vessels as shown in Figure L ‘Weewill make use ofthe technique which we learned in the previous alleles and which can be summarised as: "8 Taibloads can be reduced by olseting the tating ug. 1 TalHloads ean be reduced by positioning the ‘main ling trunnions close to the column's centre gravity (C.of6). ENORMOUS CRANE ‘The eno:mous weight and lengt of the column ‘mean that avery large crane would be needed toereetitinasinge lit. An alternative method would be the erecton ofthls column by means ofa mast gantry system (or Gin Poles), The use of suct a liting gantry is though time consuming and occuples a large area of the construction site due to guywires ‘which are in any cases neaded Gules iting gantcies are avalable as wall but they stil equire arather big crane t assist inthe erection ‘ofthe gantry itsll. Another disadvantage ofthe ‘act gantry system fs the high pln load under- eat the legs of the gantry, which must be bgorbed by specally constructed foundations. Depending. the location othe jobsite, use ‘of two main Ht eranes and one talleane offers In general afar more efficient, econamical and luster erection method than the use of hiting gantres, Remote areas are really the only ‘exception to this OVERLOAD DANGER! Inti antici we wil iit ourselves tothe erec- tion of 520 tonnes pressure vessel by means of ‘we man if cranes and oe tallerene. The main consideration whieh we have o observes: low ‘4a we onitor the lsd in exch main lit rane A and B duringthe erection procedure? ‘Aseach main lit cranes connected directly to the main liting trunnion (See Fig), and not ‘through an equaling spreader beam, the danger exists that one ofthe cranes coud be overloaded Ifthey donot the column atthe same spd. ‘The solution is rather simple: We have to tse a device which accurately measures the position of each liting trunnion in relation to the horizon during the entire erection proce dur, so that we can adjust the bltng speed of ‘the main lt eranes accordingly. Whea both If Jngtrunnions are keptin a horizontal plane dur THE SAFE VIEW Inge li, then there willbene overload in any ofthe two main it eranes, However, {crane A Wis faster then crane B, Ut will result in an overload of crane A Depending on the distance ofthe main liting {runnion to the Cot G, this overload could be Insigntiant or could be dangerous. iis thus necessary to calculate these conditions belore starting the lift. tis also important te keep both ‘main iting trunnions ina horizontal plane dur Ing the Lit. Following are sore caleulations of the overload on "A" or“B° when both trunnions arenot kept horizontal. ‘Suppose tha our pressure vessel is not lied correctly and that crane 7A" lis faster than crane “B" resulting in at degree angle with the torizon. Due to this incline with the horizon the load in crane A willbe : 27009 tonnes wile tn crane B it will be: 248.1 tonnes. ‘This overload i calculated when the column is supported by both cranes in vertical position. I is proportionally less before the col urna reachesits vertical sition Tne larger the distance between the C. of G. and the lit. Ing trunnions, the greater the Influence of an incline on loads ‘on erane A and B willbe. These loads are calculated below. (See Table L.) When the distarce of the matn lifting run- ions is inreased to twice the orignal dis tance, the averload will increase to twice the ‘magnitude aswell See Table 2 beloe where the distance ofthe main lifting trunnions has been Increased to I2 metres What have we learned from this exercise?” First ofall try to install the main lifting trun- Electronic inelinometer Richard Krabbendam* continues his 4-article series on multiple crane lifts with a project involving two main lift cranes and a tailcrane. USING A TAILCRANE sions as close as possible tothe C. of G. ofthe pressure vessel. Be aware that we should always keep the mai illing trunnions a least 2 rmettes above the C. of G and nat any closer. "The reason fr this thatthe main iting sings are placed around the elreumference of the trunnions and the freon thus ereated could prevent the trunnions rotating in the slings as ‘the columo ls ited I this hapoens, the slings ‘will eventually tur. However, a the end ofthe ‘operation, one may find thatthe colemn will ‘not completely turn into the vertical psition = {his wil hinder the lowering down over the Foundation bolts. To counter this problem I would recom mond the following "Place a 2 milimetre thick steel strip between te trunnions an the Uiting slings and grease Sit. This wil allow the siings to tum better around the trun- rlons’ surface and at the same time protec the sling from wear and tear. SeeFigured) 1 Place steel guides om a least 3 foundation boks. These guides ‘wll eelate the postioning of ‘the column's base rine aver the Joundation boli. Its also ads- ale to connect 4 chain tees or {frst the base ring during the loveringproce- ‘cure. These tools wll be of great help n guicing the base tng and will avold possible damage to the thread ofthe foundation bats. VITAL MONITORING We sll have net discussed the main issue of tis ‘operation: how da we accurately moaiter eich Tiking teunnio to ensue that Ht stays i a el- be 7 TABLE 1 Distance to GofG.: 6m ‘Angle with horizon e r = ¥ a Teadincrane “8 zauor | 200m | ze07e: | 20281 | s00407 Teadncane peoor | sar | asa | 2as7er | Der Heghtdicencebawen NES | oem | gen | isan | 2Bem | sem TABLE 2 Distance to GofG: 12m ‘Angle with horizon e r = = e loadin "5 pevor | zai | souast | s20s6r | sA0eDr Teadincane poor | seas | aiaesr | WsBaa | 17820 Heghtdficerabawen XE | ven | sen | an | 2Ben | Seen 33 THE SAFE VIEW Toierone “C" Wain Ltt Crane “8 i i 160 ras Sane“ <4 zontal plane during the entire iting procedure? During @ large number of tandem lis of big columns, I have successfully used the same ‘method over and over again. During my first tandem lift back in 1976, used two methods to ‘monitor possible overload of each crane. Load Indicators, which were installed in the dead fend of the lifting tackle and an electronic Inclino meter, which measured the angle of the Imaginary line between both liting trunions ‘andthe horizon (Se Figure 4.) ‘Imust admit thatthe load indicators were of ‘no use at al, Due to the friction of the sheaves of ‘oth iting tackles, the variations in the dead end ofthe tackle ofeach erane were In no way are able measure from which to monitor the opers- tion, The incino meter, which we installed on a ssivelplate a the basering of the column, was far ‘more reliable and proved to bea very good too. ‘The inclinometer is fitted on a multiplex board with a swivel and can be clamped to the top of the basering or atthe bottom. See Figure 4.As an extra precaution we attached a normal spirit level on the same swivel plate so that even fthere were an electronic failure we could sii monitor the operation. As the tables show, tls very important to keep both Ifting trun- ions horizontal during the entire lifting proce- dure and thus avotd any overloading of any of the main lit cranes. Normally, one would! post tion both main lft cranes and tailerane as shown in figure 2. By calculating the decrease ofthe taiLioad in relation to the angle with the vertical we can establish the most economical Position of tailcrane“C". Let's now look at how the talHload decreases in relation to the angle with the vertical See Table3.) ‘With the results of this table we can now establish the optimum position ofthe ai-erane. ‘The tallerane should a least have a capacity of about 80 tonnes at aradlus ofabout 14 metres. A Liebherr LTM-1400 with Spanlit system has capacity of 87 tonnes at 14 metres radius with 5355 metres booenlength. It seems that this tele- scopic crane would have sufficient capacity to handle the talload of our column, We now have to position the Liebherr atthe side of the column between the tabiug and the main it eranes, in such a way that we can really prove that the ‘rane can guide the tat point ofthe column until thas reached its vertial position. ig. 3 the position of each crane is clearly TABLE 3 ANGLE TO THE VERTICAL Identified. As main lit cranes we have selected two mobile Demag TC3000 cranes with ‘Superlift attachment. Each crane is positioned at 10 metres radius with 54 metres main boom and has a rated liting capacity of 340 tonnes with 100 tonnes Superiit counterweight. The deal positions with each crane placed perpen- dicular tothe column's longitudinal centreline. In our case, both lifting trunnions protrude 650 millimetres outside the column's shell, which Just gives a theoretical clearance of about 150 millimetres (this depends on the physical «dimensions ofthe erane boombeads) ‘The rated liting capacity for both cranes in tandem is 2340 = 680 tonnes. With a weight of 4520 tonnes, tis liting capacity Is 520/680 = 75 per cent ofthe maximum allowable iting capac- ity, which we considered safe, provided the pre- cautions aretakenas described inthis article. We could even accept a smaller safety margin, which ‘means that these crane types could even erect columns close to the 600 tonnes weight category. ‘The concluding part of this article, dealing with the erection procedures and alignment of the vessel, wil be published inthe March issue of terationat Cranes, “Richard Krabbendan Vee resident fume cine ae Toe a aes cel ooirsa | ea Rael few eed ae rds bor sacar oe oat, | Taderane“c* reo] ran] raat] rat]| eror] ssat] aaa] oo ‘directa of itrec BV Holland, He! | ae

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