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Jordyn Aldrich

Final Reflection
Sean Crossland
December 13, 2015
During this semester I did a great amount of learning and growing in many different
ways. With every article, video, and assignment, my bubble got a little bigger and my
compreention of the world around me gained another layer of depth. A majority of the
assignments had at least one article, as well as a clip or video related to the topic. These
resources played a vital role in changing the way that I see the world and my understanding of
the way it works. While every single assignment was eye opening and inspiring, what really got
me were the assignments, such as the credo/manifesto, the philanthropy report, the consiousness
of self, the documentary evaluation and response assignment, historic leades and the national
park services, and the project proposal, have made the greatest impact for me. Combined, these
assignments have created the most impact on how I look at history and events that have taken
place, how I view happiness and a sound mind, and how I see the posibilites that there are for
change to br created.
Starting wih the historic leades and the national park services assignment, I was exposed
to the importance of preserving the past to remind us of why we need change and the black holes
that it has brought us out of. It has reinforced my feelings of using history as a guidline, never as
a weapon; if we dont move forward we are doomed to repeat it. The next one is the project
proposal because I was able to identify what cause I wanted to help in and where I wanted to
really impliment change. I was allowed to assess my desires in order to really make a difference
where I saw fit rather than being told where to go and what to care about. The organization that I
worked with impacted my life in so many ways and these are experiences I would have missed
out on if it had not been for this assignment. The credo/manifesto assignment allowed me to see
what I thought was most important regarding the qualities and skills of what it truly takes to be

Jordyn Aldrich
Final Reflection
Sean Crossland
December 13, 2015
an effective leader. This allowed me to assess and anylize various perspectives of a leader and
what their hats may be.
The conciousness of self assignment was the most life changing thing I have ever
experienced. After leaving the isolation tank, I felt so raw as if no trials of this world had ever
reached my soul, as if I had been completely made new and was given a new canvas. I found the
true meaning of a sound mind and the importance of haivng a clear head when it comes to
change and leading. The documentary evaluation assignment was a great way to reflect on
happiness and what it means around the world; the differences between people and cultures
regarding what happiness truly means. How other human beings categorize life, how they assess
worth and wealth, how happiness is measured and why it is that way. From this I was exposed to
realities outside of what normal and happiness are through my eyes. I was able to soul search and
think of success, what is it, and how to I connect that directly to my happiness. More beneficial
than that, I was able to see success and happiness that I never want to be burdened with or
fool myself into thinking is an acceptable way to live; I will never allow myself to be tricked into
believing that Im living if it is just to servive the day.
And lastly, the philanthropy report assignment was so exciting, research wise, because I
had no that so many fortunate people were doing so many incredible things and giving back to
the people and problems that they desire to make better for those enduring them. Although I do
not ever foresee myself with any amount of life change money, that doesnt mean it could never
happen; and if that time were to ever come I need to know what I would do with it. What
problems do I desire to change to the point that I would give millions towards improving?
Having these amazing examples has given me a great deal to look up to and take to heart the

Jordyn Aldrich
Final Reflection
Sean Crossland
December 13, 2015
humility that these humans have. These assignments have all played a major role in how I view
my place in this world and what I want to do with the resources that I have. I have had many soul
serching, life changing epiphanies through the assignments of these courses. I think that if the
layout of the assignments had been any different, it would have altered the conclusion that I have
arrived at. I say this because every article, video, and assignment fueled the next one. The order
and relevance of the individual assignments, for me, allowed my emotions and thoughts to carry
over into the next assignment. I never felt as if there was an assignment that was not relative
towards another; I never felt as if I was given a curve ball. The assignments were also set up for
me to take away my own thoughts.
There was never an assignment were I felt that I would learn the exact same thing as one
of my peers; we might have come to somewhat of the same ideas, but the process in which we
arrived to our finals thoughts was our own. There was always room for my personal thoughts,
views, and insight. The assignments were always leading those thoughts to expand and grow,
constantly challenging what I was learning and pushing me towards not settling for everything
that I see and read. I would have to say that the order of the assignments and layers in which the
course was built upon created an layout that was fun, motivating, inspirational, and made the
course exciting. The fact that the classes always seemed to be discution driven was another thing
that I really liked about the course. Yes, there was a general outline but the discussions were
based off of us, what we had learned, and how we could apply those lessons and new ideas
towards specific topics and situations.
The only thing that I would suggest is that I think it getting to know the other students a
little bit more. Not necessarally that we all need to be best friends by the end of the course, but I

Jordyn Aldrich
Final Reflection
Sean Crossland
December 13, 2015
feel as if we get into such depth about different topics and yet I hardly know the person sitting
next to me. With that being said, I do feel as if I did feel comfortable enough with my peers to be
able to speak how I was truly feeling. So my thoughts are that if I feel this comfortable talking
about these things infront of people that I hardly know, imagine the growth, knowledge, and
perspective I would gain if there were even less barriers and more of a comfort zone.
I will take away so many things from this couse. I have taken things that I have learned
from this class and applied it towards my other classes from this semester. For example, how I
research information, how I weed out the reliable sources from the unreliable sources, and how I
frame my thoughts and ideas. I feel as if I am now able to really process and compartmentalize
different topics and information when before, if I heard about similar issues or separate issues
taking place in one area, I just automatically lumped it all together. Also, because of these
developments, I have found that I am capable and confident when it comes to public speaking
and writing papers; I feel more mentally organized. I have also learned that I genuinly enjoy
learning about circumstances, life, people, culture, opportunities, etc., through this class. Before,
I use to settle for taking things at face value and did not show too much interest in finding out
more, but now I am all about getting to the bottom of whatever the topic may be.
This course has completely changed my life for the better and has shown me layers and
depth of myself, the people that I am surrounded by, the world as a whole, and the diversity that
makes the world what it is. One thing being that I will never look at any given situation the same
again. I will look at an issue, think about how I view it, what changes I think would improve it,
whom those changes would affect, and the timing of these changes and what would happen
between now and then. This doesnt necisarily have to be based off a problem, but I have I view

Jordyn Aldrich
Final Reflection
Sean Crossland
December 13, 2015
other peoples descissions and life styles. I will also look at the world differently in the sense that
before I thought of it as divided countries and, for the most part, chaos. Now, I see veiw it as
groups of people living their lives the way they see fit, fighting for what they believe, and
finding happiness the ways that they know how. Ive learned to stop putting lables on people
based off where they originate from. People, all around the world, are just trying to make it by in
life as well and as happy as they can. The change in the way that I view myself and my place in
the world. After receiving this knowledge I feel as if I have a certain obligation towards acting
and thinking a specific way.
I am going to take what I have learned from this course and apply it towards my life
every single day. I will start making more conscious choices, from here on out, regarding who I
am and how I want to be. Starting from the moment I wake up, I will make sure that I am in the
present moment by taking a deep breath before I even begin to get ready. I will set a purpose for
my intensions and thoughts to positively benefit all of those I come in contact with, before
stepping foot outside of my house. Every day is different and so is every single person I meet, so
I will have to ensure that I am mentally and emotional secure in order to overcome the negative
of the day while being able to uplift any person. I will be more aware of my own thoughts and
feelings, holding myself accountable when no one else knows the truth; I have ensure that my
intensions are pure. I will also take more time for myself. I am easily consumed by my goals and
dreams because they are things that I whole heartedly desire, but I will not be able to fulfill any
of these things if I am not in my right being of self. I will have to remind myself that if I am not
good to myself, who can I honestly help?

Jordyn Aldrich
Final Reflection
Sean Crossland
December 13, 2015
I will also be more conscious of being here in the present. Along with my dreams come
day dreams and, more times than not, I find myself where I want to be rather than where I am; I
will stop dreaming my life away. I will be happy to know that I have things to look forward to,
and reference them when I need motivation, but I am missing out on so much and its a painful
thing to realize. I can hardly stand the thought of the seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc. that have
been consumed with my desire to be somewhere else already. I, like everyone else, have so much
to offer every living being so I need to stop cheating the world of what I have and stop cheating
myself of the joy it will bring. I have so many great things to look forward to in this life but the
only thing that is real is life right now; I wont waste it all away on a daydream.

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