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Larry Taunton starts his book with being at the table with an

atheist and speaking about Christianity and the reality of grace.

Then he recounts how he and his wife want to adopt an orphan
girl from Ukraine named Sasha. As they started the process of
adoption, they couldnt believe what they encountered:
corruption, an atheistic shaped country, and false promises of
the socialism; a clash of two cultures. The author connects the
story of Sasha with grace. He also describes how a world with
atheistic believes would look like: a cold and graceless world.
But through Sashas story we can see that the world is not
beyond the healing power of gracebeyond the grace effect.
The book was very interesting, because I wasnt sure if Larry
Taunton and his family would bring the adoption to the end
seeing the corruption of the country, the bribes they had to pay
and the horrible conditions of the children in the orphanages.
As I read the book I was very astonished by the things the
author described as being interesting in Ukraine: like cars parking on the sidewalk, no toilet
paper at the orphanages, pay the full rent amount for the entire stay up-front, etc. These all are
similar in my country (Romania), these two countries are after all neighbors. Even the corruption
which the author described is present in our country and it is so hard to stand against it. I think
the author didnt want to speak against Ukraine, but to show us people who were indoctrinated to
ignore the weak and poor people of the society and look out for their own interests and how the
atheistic view of man shifts from being made in the image of God to being more than a soulless
animal. I enjoyed reading the book also because the author was well-informed with chosen
sources, you could recognize that he has understanding for complex topics. I recommend this
book to those who cant imagine how corruption still works in some countries and to those who
want to learn to be thankful of the place where God has put them (in that family, house, country,
I received this book free from the publisher through the <> book review bloggers program. I was not required
to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR,
Part 255 <> : Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in

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