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Screening Assessment Reading

RDNG 361
Name: Lance
Age: 8
Grade: 3rd grade

Evaluator: Robyn Pavlicek

Date of Evaluation:11-24-15

Parent permission was obtained for this assessment.

Student Information: Lance is in the 3rd grade at Sacred Heart Catholic School. He is
very bright and was eager to do this assessment for me. He told me tht he would like to
go to Texas State and be rancher.

Assessments Administered: Neuhaus Reading Comprehension Screening for 3rd grade,

Words Their Way

Student Observations: Lance listened intently to the directions I would give him and he
would nod his head once he understood them. While reading one of the passages on
his own I could tell he slowly read the passage and he referenced it many times. He
sat still as I gave him his spelling test and read the passages to him.

Assessment Results:
Neuhaus Reading Comprehension Screening:
Lance was Benchmark with 2 errors on decoding skills. For Reading Fluency he was
above benchmark at 42 seconds. On the Oral Language/World Knowledge he named 17.5
items in one minute. For Listening Comprehension he had 7 correct above the
benchmark. On Reading Comprehension/Metacognitive Strategies he answered 7 of the
questions correctly and showed 3 metacognitive strategies.

Words Their Way Developmental Spelling Inventory

I gave Lance the Lower Level Spelling Inventory. He got 9 out of 25 words wrong. The
word serving was the first word he got incorrect. He spelt the word sreving. The next
word he got incorrect was carries and he spelt it caires. Another word he misspelt
was the word favor and he spelt it faover. As the list went on the words became

harder and he misspelt the last five words: cellar, pleasure, fortunate, confident, civilized,
and opposition. He did well on his consonants, short vowels, digraphs, blends, and long
vowels. He had trouble with other vowels, inflected endings, syllable junctures,
unaccented final syllables, harder suffixes, and bases or roots. He had 45 out of 62 feature
points and 16 out of 25 words spelled correctly.

Lance was above the Benchmark on the Nehaus Reading Comprehension Screening in
every category. When I read to him he would listen intently and was able to answer the
questions word for word. He had 3 metacognitive strategies that he used. On the Words
Their Way Spelling Inventory I gave lance the Lower Elementary spelling test. He did
very well on consonants: initial and final, short vowels, digraphs, blends, and long
vowels. He had trouble with other vowels, inflected endings, syllable junctures,
unaccented final syllables, harder suffixes, and bases or roots. He had 45 out of 62 feature
points and 16 out of 25 words spelt correctly. Lance had the most trouble with syllable
junctures and an intervention to help him improve is using guided discovery to show him
the double letter patterns.

Robyn Pavlicek

Overall my assessment on Lance went well. He was above benchmark on the
reading assessment and he only missed three words out of the twenty he was supposed to
get correct. He was able to name the items I asked him to say in a timely manner and he
knew his states the best. As a future teacher doing this assessment, I see how important it
is for students to be able to read fluently and spell their words correctly. It is our job to
give them the tools they need to grow as readers. If students have a strong background in
reading and spelling they will be able to succeed in school and in life. Doing assessments
like these will help find students who need extra help and practice to stay at the
benchmark level.

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