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Day 1 of The Blues Unit Lesson Plan

John Kinney
Grade/Class: Grade 9 General Music

Date: 12/8

1. Measurable Objective(s): I will measure students ability to recognize and correctly

answer questions regarding notation symbols (repeat signs, time signatures) by the use
of a worksheet. I will also measure students understanding of basic diatonic chords (I,
IV, and V) by the use of a worksheet. Additionally, I will measure students pitch
accuracy/understanding of Solfege by using a warm-up in which the student has to sing
back the melody I play on the piano during attendance. Pitch accuracy and the
understanding of a 12 bar blues form can be measured by the use of my worksheet too.
2. Required Prior Knowledge and Skills: Students must be familiar with sheet music
and its basic symbols and what they represent, the keys of C and F major, and must
have basic proficiency using Solfege. Students must also be familiar with diatonic chords
in a major key.
3. Review Needed: Students may need to be reminded of major diatonic chords (which
are major? Which are minor? etc.). Additionally, students will have a group warm-up
using a major Solfege scale.

4. Materials, Repertoire, Equipment needed:

Copies of the 12-Bar Blues Worksheet
Copies of warm up: diatonic chord exercise
Mp3 of Milkcows Calf Blues by Eric Clapton
5. Agenda:
1. Warm Up Worksheet
2. Class warm up: Solfege Major Scale
3. Attendance sing-back Solfege check
4. The Blues Lecture take notes
5. Worksheet
6. Have students sing through the 12 Bar Blues form

6. Lesson Sequence


A. Brief Opening: As a brief opening, I will ask students to, using Roman
Numerals, list the diatonic chord sequence in a major key on a worksheet
that I hand out.
B. Learning Activities:
1. Diatonic Chord Worksheet Warm Up
2. Have students sing a major scale using Solfege as a class
3. Attendance: Solfege Sing-back (monitor accuracy/progress of
individual students). I will play basic, short melodies on the piano and
students will sing back the melody using Solfege.
4. I will give a brief lecture on blues music. I will explain the historical
context, major figures, important geographical locations, and influence on
popular genres. I will encourage students to take notes.
5. Using my guitar and the 12 Bar Blues Worksheet, I will teach the
students the 12 bar blues form using a song. Once I hear them sing the
song without my help, I will encourage them to fill out the rest of the
worksheet that answers basic questions regarding the notation of the
song. While they work, I will play Eric Claptons Milkcows Calf Blues and
encourage them to identify when the chords change in the form.
6. Collect their worksheets as the ticket to leave and ask each student to
bring in a 12 bar blues song as a YouTube link, mp3, CD, etc. Ask them
to print out lyrics and write a I, IV, or V chord above the words.

1. 4min
2. 2min
3. 6min
4. 8min
5. 8min

6. 2min

C. Assessment: To show that the students understand the form of the 12

Bar Blues, I will assess them as a class based on how well they are able
to independently sing the 12 Bar Blues Song with me playing guitar.
Additionally, the questions on the 12 Bar Blues Song worksheet assess
the students understanding of time signatures, repeat signs, and which
chords are represented by Roman Numerals in a major key.

D. Closing/Wrap-up: The 12 Bar Blues Worksheet serves as the ticket to

E. Assignment: Have students bring in a song and lyrics that have
been harmonically evaluated.
7. Accommodations: For special needs students, I will be sure to check in with them
individually to make sure that they are aware of when the chords change during a 12 bar
blues. For English Language Learners, I will make as much use of the white board as
possible, and have them sing on La when the class sings the song (only if they feel
comfortable). I may prompt the situation as If the words are moving too fast to read, feel

free to sing on La.

8. Teacher Reflection/Self-Evaluation:

9. National Standards: Students are both Creating and Responding in this lesson.
10. State Standards: Singing, Reading & Notation, Critical Response, Purposes &
meaning in the arts, Rose of artists in communities, Concepts of style, stylistic influence
& stylistic change, Interdisciplinary connections

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