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ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form


Alysha Flietstra

Grade: 2nd

Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Math - Money

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
Coins Kahoot! & Coin values adding up to 100
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)
Lesson Three
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to
applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the
name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.
Visually distinguish between a penny, nickel, dime and quarter.
Recite the value of each coin
Add coins together to make $1.00
Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve word problems involving lengths that are given in the
same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as drawings of rulers) and equations with a symbol for the
unknown number to represent the problem.
Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones;
e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones. Understand the following as special cases:
100 can be thought of as a bundle of ten tens called a "hundred."
II. Before you start
Prerequisite knowledge
and skills.
(formative and

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc)
do you need for this
lesson and do you have

Students must be able to count by 1s, 5s, 10s, and 25s to 100
Students should have counting on skills developing
Formative Are students working with their partner?

Do you need to set up

your classroom in any
special way for this
lesson? If so, describe

15 bags of mixed coins pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters

White Board and Marker
Coins Kahoot!

No, students will be working in partner groups around the room/at their
desks for the majority of the time

III. The Plan



The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher
activities and student activities

Review coins and amounts of each using magnetic coins on white board.
(penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar)
Re-Write the value next to the coin as students call them of

Hide the values

Start Kahoot!



When finished, put I-Pads away in computer cart.

Explain that students are going to get into partner groups. Each group will
have a coin bag and a white board.

Students will take turns pulling out a coin each at a time. They will add the
coin to their white board. When the coin is placed on the board the students
will write the value of the coin to the left side of the coin. The students will
write the total of their money to the right side of the coin.

Partner groups will keep taking turns and adding to their totals until they
reach just over $1.00.

Students may start over after once through for additional practice.

Review a few groups boards. Showing other groups examples of how to

reach $1.00

Ask, How many ways could we add up coins to reach $1.00? Answer An
infinite amount!

Clean-up of supplies

Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time:

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