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Ximena Espinosa

Reflection: Avid
Sophomore year has been exactly what I expected last year. The pressure is
on to you to get good grades and do your best. Although it is a bit of a
challenge to maintain a good student there have been pros. In my three core
classes I have learned more than I expected. In history class, for example, I
learned about the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution.
Interesting enough most of the information has stuck to me which is a
surprise because History has never been my favorite. The Industrial
Revolution has introduced to me the new invention and skills we use today
in the modern world. Passing on to Geometry I have learned how to do
shapes and has helped me review my algebra skills that last year I learned.
But better than that manage my time. And Avid has helped with that as well.
Having seven classes and being involved in three clubs at school is having a
full plate sometimes. Thats why I thank Avid for helping develop academic
skills and other ways that I will use beyond my education. One of them is

socratic seminar discussions. This is a discussion among a group of shared

ideas about one topic in specific. Ive found that my participation has
increased from freshman year to now sophomore year. Opening up and
being involved in discussions with more than five people helps me with one,
speaking skills, two, patience as to respecting other while they are talking
and three, by expanding my knowledge as I listen to others ideas.

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