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Multiple Antenna Systems, Home work-1, Due date: 14th August 2015

August 7, 2015

Dr. Kiran Kuchi

Q-1: Simulate a BPSK systems employing Maximum Ratio Transmission (MRT)

with Nt transmit antennas and a single receiver antenna. Plot the BER for N t = 2, 4.
Assume unit transmit power. Assume AWGN with noise variance n2 per dimension.
Q-2: Assuming independent Rayleigh fading across transmit antennas, the BER for
this type of MRT system is given by

u Nt
2 i=1 |hi |
P = Ehi Q t


where hi are i.i.d. complex normal random variables with zero-mean and unit vari2
1 x2
ance. Evaluate the expectation w.r.t. hi . Hint: Q(x) 12
+ 41 e 3 where the
symbol denotes approximated as.

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