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\file Screenshake.cs
\author Khan Sweetman
\par All content 2015 DigiPen (USA) Corporation, all rights reserved.
File does does things. COOL things.
#include "Doxygenizer.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Syntactic shortcuts
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
Doxygenizer::Doxygenizer() : bracesIn(0)
// ...
// ...
void Doxygenizer::LoadFile(std::string fileName)
// Open the file
m_fileName = fileName;;"temp.txt");
// Check for validity
if (m_inStream.is_open())
std::cout << "Opening " << fileName << "..." << std::endl;
std::string fileEnding = fileName.substr(m_fileName.size() - 3, m_fileName.size()).c_str();
std::cout << "Inserting header..." << std::endl;
if(strcmp(fileEnding.c_str(), "cpp") == 0)
// Copy the file into a temporary file, generate headers along the way
std::cout << "Processing file " << fileName << "..." << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> lines;
std::string workingLine;

std::getline(m_inStream, workingLine);
// Check for reasons to insert Doxy comments
// Dump all but the last two stored lines
for(unsigned i = 0; i < lines.size() - 2; ++i)
m_outStream << lines[i] << std::endl;
// Then write the header
InsertFunctionHeader(lines[lines.size() - 2]);
// Then insert the last two lines for proper alignment
m_outStream << lines[lines.size() - 2] << std::endl;
m_outStream << lines[lines.size() - 1] << std::endl;
// Dump out any remaining lines
for(unsigned i = 0; i < lines.size() - 1; ++i)
m_outStream << lines[i] << std::endl;
// Tell the user that the file can't be opened
std::cout << "Can't open file." << std::endl;

std::cout << "Closing file" << fileName << "..." << std::endl << std::endl;

void Doxygenizer::CopyFileBack()

std::string line;
std::getline(m_inStream, line);
m_outStream << line << std::endl;

bool Doxygenizer::IsFunctionBeginning(std::string line)

int startBracesIn = bracesIn;

if(line.find("{") != string::npos)
if(line.find("}") != string::npos)
if(startBracesIn < bracesIn && startBracesIn == 0)
return true;

return false;

bool Doxygenizer::HeaderAlreadyDefined()
std::ifstream headerStream(m_fileName.c_str());
std::string firstLine;
std::getline(headerStream, firstLine);
bool alreadyDefined = false;
"/*******************************************************************************/") == 0)
alreadyDefined = true;
return alreadyDefined;
void Doxygenizer::InsertFunctionHeader(std::string headerLine)
// Get the parameters
// - Doesn't work with function pointer return types, unless they are typdef'd first
// - Doesn't work if there are extra spaces
// - Doesn't work with const
int numSpaces = 0;
size_t pos = headerLine.find_first_of("(");
size_t prevPos = pos;
std::vector<std::string> parameters;
bool onParam = false;
while(headerLine.find_first_of(" ", pos) != string::npos)
pos = headerLine.find_first_of(" ", pos + 1);
parameters.push_back(headerLine.substr(prevPos + 1, pos - 2));
onParam = !onParam;
prevPos = pos;
// Get the return type
size_t index = headerLine.find_first_of(" ");
std::string returnType = headerLine.substr(0, index + 1);

m_outStream <<
m_outStream << "/*!\n";
m_outStream << "\\brief\n";
m_outStream << " \n";
m_outStream << " \n";
// Print the parameters
for(unsigned i = 0; i < parameters.size(); ++i)
m_outStream << "\\param " << parameters[i].c_str() << "\n";
//std::cout << parameters[i].c_str() << std::endl;
m_outStream << " \n";
m_outStream << "\n";
// Print the return type
if(strcmp(returnType.c_str(), "void") != 0)
m_outStream << "\\return\n";
m_outStream << " \n";
m_outStream << "*/\n";
m_outStream <<
std::string Doxygenizer::GetDate()
// Get the current date/time
time_t rawTime;
struct tm * timeInfo;
timeInfo = localtime(&rawTime);
string date = string(asctime(timeInfo)).substr(0, 11) + string(asctime(timeInfo)).substr(20, 24);

return date;

void Doxygenizer::KDebug(const char* msg)

std::cout << "* * * * * * * * * *" << std::endl;
std::cout << msg;
std::cout << "* * * * * * * * * *" << std::endl;
void Doxygenizer::InsertImplementationFileHeader()
m_outStream <<
m_outStream << "/*!\n";
m_outStream << "\\file ";
m_outStream << m_fileName << endl;
m_outStream << "\\author Khan Sweetman\n";
m_outStream << "\\par
DP email: k.sweetman\\\n";
m_outStream << "\\par
Course: --\n";

m_outStream << "\\par

Section: --\n";
m_outStream << "\\par
Assignment: --\n";
m_outStream << "\\date ";
m_outStream << GetDate() << std::endl;
m_outStream << "\n";
m_outStream << "\\brief\n";
m_outStream << "This program calculates the distance to the moon using only a compass\n";
m_outStream << "and a straight-edge. Functions include:\n";
m_outStream << "\n";
m_outStream << "- Distance\n";
m_outStream << "- Calculate\n";
m_outStream << "- Convert\n";
m_outStream << "- Convolve\n";
m_outStream << "- Contort\n";
m_outStream << "\n";
m_outStream << "Brief description of the assignment:\n";
m_outStream << "\n";
m_outStream << "Bullet point list of functions for this assignment\n";
m_outStream << "\n";
m_outStream << "Hours spent on this assignment:\n";
m_outStream << "\n";
m_outStream << "Specific portions that gave you the most trouble:\n";
m_outStream << "\n";
m_outStream << "*/\n";
m_outStream <<
void Doxygenizer::InsertInterfaceFileHeader()
m_outStream <<
m_outStream << "/*!\n";
m_outStream << "\\file\n";
m_outStream << "\\author Khan Sweetman\n";
m_outStream << "\\par DP email: k.sweetman\\\n";
m_outStream << "\\par DigiPen login: k.sweetman\n";
m_outStream << "\\par Course: --\n";
m_outStream << "\\par Assignment #--\n";
m_outStream << "\\date ";
m_outStream << GetDate() << std::endl;
m_outStream << "\\brief\n";
m_outStream << " This is the interface file for all member functions\n";
m_outStream << " of a class called Stack.\n";
m_outStream << "\n";
m_outStream << "*/\n";
m_outStream <<
Doxygenizes specified files
\param argc

Number of arguments passed to main

\param argv
Arguments. Passed as an array of pointers to NUL-terminated strings.
First element in argv is the name of the program.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Doxygenizer doxy;
for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
return 0;

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