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DATABASE Health check:

1)Physical memory/ Load:
1) Free:free command displays amount of total, free and used physical memory (RA
M) in the system as well as showing information on shared memory, buffers, cache
d memory and swap space used by the Linux kernel.
$ free -m
2) vmstat:vmstat reports report virtual memory statistics, which has information
about processes, swap, free, buffer and cache memory, paging space, disk IO act
ivity, traps, interrupts, context switches and CPU activity
$vmstat 5
3) top:top command displays dynamic real-time view of the running tasks managed
by kernel and in Linux system. The memory usage stats by top command include rea
l-time live total, used and free physical memory and swap memory with their buff
ers and cached memory size respectively
4) ps :ps command reports a snapshot on information of the current active proces
ses. ps will show the percentage of memory resource that is used by each process
or task running in the system. With this command, top memory hogging processes
can be identified.
$ps aux
2) OS Space threshold ( archive, ora_dump etc.. ):
Checking the OS space is available in all filesystems,specially the location whi
ch is having archive logs ,oracle Database files.We can use the below OS command
$df h
$du csh *
3) Top 10 process consuming memory:
We can Displaying top 10 memory consuming processes as follows:
ps aux|head -1;ps aux|sort -m
We can use the top command, and press M which orders the process list by memory
4) Free volumes available:
We have to make sure Sufficient disk space is available on the mount points on e
ach OS servers where the Database is up and running.
$df h
5)Filesystem space:
Under normal threshold.Check the filesystem in the OS side whether the sufficien
t space is available at all mount points.

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