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Everyone wants to make their dreams a reality, and the truth is, its not as hard as you
think it is. Let me explain.
A few years ago, I was in school full-time and worked during the summers. My last job was
a 9-5 office job, working 40 hours a week scanning and filing papers for pharmaceutical
companies. I remember being totally fed up with it, and feeling like it was killing my soul. I
told my father that I was never going to have a job like him, and I started to dedicate my
attention towards what I felt my calling was.
I wanted to write. I didnt know about blogging, marketing, entrepreneurship, or business,
but I had a passion for writing and sharing knowledge with the world. This passion led me
to go against the will of people around me and go to University for philosophy. What was I
going to do with a philosophy degree? I didnt know. All I knew was that it was calling me.
I dont want this post to be about me, but I want to share some of my journey to inspire
hope in those of you that are doubting yourself. The minute I started following my heart,
my life starting to completely change for the better. I created a Facebook page to share
the science and spiritual knowledge I had been learning, and synchronicities started lining
up for me, Jordan from Spirit Science ended up contacting me, I ended up making a
website, and within a little over a year I was able to drop out of University.
So please understand I know what it is like to hate your job, to have family members who
want you to follow the traditional paradigm, and to feel confused as to what you want to
do. I know exactly what it is like to feel hopeless and have no solid idea about what your
future will entail.
Here are 4 things I learned on my journey from being a 9-5 worker to a self-employed
writer. I really do hope this adds some value to you.

1) Discover your passion




What brings you alive? What makes you feel fulfilled, inspired, and excited? The biggest
step you can take towards making your dreams a reality is to get really clear about what it
is you are passionate about in life. It could be something as artistic as writing, designing, or
inventing, or something as rigid as negotiating, researching, and completing projects.
Your passion doesnt have to be grand. It may be small and subtle. Regardless of what
your passion is, its important that you always follow where it is pulling you. Dont
suppress it to conform to an old paradigm, and dont trade it off for financial gain. Your
passion is your soul telling you what it wants to do.The is YOUR life. What does your
spirit desire? Forget about fame, riches, and popularity. Forget about what your ego
wants, what your parents want, what your peers are doing, and what society expects. All
of that stuff is crap. Where does your heart and soul want to direct you? This is the only
thing that matters.

2) Become obsessed with it




Become obsessed with turning your dream into a reality. Nobody ever created the life
they want for themselves by passively wishing about something. How can you do your
passion more often? How you can do it better, more professionally, with more efficiency,
while adding more value to people? Your passion needs to become your hobby, your job,
and your obsession. It needs to fill your consciousness, your schedule, and your heart.
When you are obsessed with your work, other people will become obsessed with it too.
Fuse your passion and your life together.

3) Live from an abundant mind-set




Live from an energetic space of believing you have already succeeded in achieving your
goals. You dont make your dreams a reality by thinking about them. You make them a
reality by signalling to the universe that you have already stepped into that reality. The
Law of Attraction is a helpful tool for manifesting your dreams, and when you combine this
with proper focus and hard work, you cant help by manifest the life you want.
Doubt is toxic and draining. If you are really serious about creating the life you want for
yourself, then you need to fully believe in your ability to do that. This belief has to come
from your faith in your ability to add value to the world through your passion, combined
with the knowingness that anything else will fail to fulfill you. Failure is not an option. Its
a state of mind, just like success.

4) Trust the universe




Have faith and trust the Universe. It knows what it is doing, and it knows what you need in
life. Sometimes its best to stop worrying and surrender your will to the will of that which
is beyond you. By trusting the universe, you learn to accept when it is giving you and
showing you. When you learn to accept this, you start working WITH the flow of the
universe to make your dreams a reality, as opposed to trying to forcing your dreams to
The universe is on your side. If you need it halfway by putting in the focus, time, and effort,
you give the universe energetic permission to show you something amazing.




Another important step that almost goes without mentioning is to be really clear about
what your intentions are. Do you want to make your dreams a reality so that you can
prove others wrong? Then you are operating from ego. Do you want to do it so that you
can feel superior to your peers? Ego. Do you want to do it so that you can become a
millionaire and buy that Ferrari youve always wanted? Once again, ego.
Make sure your intentions are pure and are directed at adding value, serving, sharing, and
changing the world for the better. The Universe knows the state of your heart and will
respond accordingly. Whenever my intentions are off, that reflects in my level of success.
When you discover your passion, stay true to it, fuse it together with your life, live from an
energetic space of already succeeding, trust the universe, and keep your intentions clean,
then there is nothing missing from the equation. Nobody has ever failed or lived an
unhappy life when all of those things are in line.
In the near future, I will write an article on this website about how to discover your
passion, because I know that many of you reading may not know what your passion is yet,
and its really easy to find out what it is.
Hope this helps!
Steven Bancarz,
Team Spirit


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