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For the Annotated Bibliography Assignment, we were to gather information to

begin our final research paper. The annotated bibliography will be used as an
organization tool when writing our argument. The annotated bibliography serves as a
place where all sources can be found and a small summary of information gathered of
each source.
Before beginning my annotated bibliography, I had to choose the topic of my
research and the main research question. While researching the topic, I gather a big
amount of information that can make me a credible source in the discourse community. I
created summaries on the information that I was reading and created a citation in APA
format. While gathering information about my topic (parents contributing to food waste),
I also had to gather information about the opposing side of the argument. This would help
me create a well thought-out statement when arguing my point.
When creating my annotated bibliography I took notes on the information I was
reading in the articles. This helped me to create a detailed summary on each source,
which would then help me find important details and use them in my written argument.
This also helped me to learn more about the opposing side of the conflict.
The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to access important information
and their cites when writing my written argument. I do believe that I have achieved the
purpose of the assignment and I know that I will ne using it to create a well-developed
argumentative essay.

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