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Ramana Maharshi continued cinema screen, fie sera to week ‘hips bat the screen on which the pe tures ae projected remains unburnt land cy. itn? Because the pictures Bre neal” andthe. screen. rea. Siniary reflections pase rough 3 Imirr But Its not affected a al by thete number or gual nthe same way the world is @ phenomenon upon the substratum ot the ‘single Realty which Is not a Sor easennaeta: (Lenin ma cae one ‘otinte Tio, the one Reality the Sel is. Exstence underying al forms all tal Existence’ without beginning or changes. all forces, silmatter and ‘end = eternal aspire BE FREE TO THINK FOR YOURSELF For eons the mysteries of the mind were a mass of unanswered questior What is the mind really composed of? ‘Why do people act the way they do? What hidden factors stand in the way of man becoming more aware and able? Lon Huta daconrad the answers and evi them in is pose besteler DANEMICS: The Mader Scenes of hria Hon ‘Upon lease shot toe op ol the New Vor Tres Besser Ust and stay ther month ater month Sears ner i cones 9s 9 Bascal Incatonal mporarce ‘oso ins book charging he fre of mankind ew ean halo OU tobe eat hk or Youre JUST GET IT, READ IT, TRY IT, AND EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF. YES | vant ta be fs o tink for meat Peasa snd me my copy of anaes The Mecer Soence of Mental Heath Price £400 inc PEP Make conics poyble to DIANETICS ond send ther wth your cae 1c: UANETICS, Dept Sent il Manor, East Gnstens,Sussox RH UY Name Aakiess Final "he radiance ol consciousness ~ biise in the form of one awareness Shining equal within and witht I ihe ttpreme” and "bitail primal “hs, because it etemal and of the nate of iss, the reataton of the fea! ‘Sel ful the goal towards side sive and wih ich we gan tobe aluays happy, Ur {aimed by sorrow is “hia years_after leaving the physicel boo, tamana’sinuence Fellas far reaching’ i ever wae Ramana taught lotgely through the Silent" power of hs. presente, Ine dependent ofthe physical body £0 fsToss need not mpede tht teoch- Ing Although replies connolonger be ven through the mediom of the Sota word. 9 lrg. rumba! ot mana anewers to questions ha been recorded Depending onthe vidual spprane these con provi Sn ellecive substte. Ae Ramana ims sald in response to anos disciples. shortly betore the death of iia‘boay ‘ow attach too mach importance to the body. Tam not going way. Where could 02 tam here ‘such has been the experience of hi disciples many of whom have ome fo know him after the body de: pared fens rica fal seca clu te sme tc he nt

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