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Some of the words listed in the pronunciation guide below can be heard by accessing the

website provided. A request to have the other words pronounced by a native speaker of the
Igbo language has already been submitted to the site.

Things Fall Apart Pronunciation Guide

1. Chinua Achebe CHIN-wa a-CHE-beh
2. Abame AH-bahm-eh
3. Agbala A-ba-lah
4. Akuke AH-koo-keh
5. Akunna ah-kou-N-nah
6. Amikwu ah-MEE-kwou
7. Anene ah-NEH-neh
8. Ani AHN-ee
9. Aninta ah-NIN-tah
10. Chi CHEE
11. Chielo CHEE-el-o
12. Chukwu CHOU-kwou
13. Efulefu EFF-ou-LEFE-ou
14. Egwugwu EH-gwou-gwou
15. Ekwefi ek-weh-FEE
16. Ezeani eh-ZA-nee
17. Ezenwa eh-ZENG-wa
18. Ezeudu e-zeh-OU-doo
19. Ezinma eh-ZEE-mah
20. Ikemefuna ikeh-Meh-fou-nah
21. Kiaga kee-AHG-ah
22. Machi MAH-chi

23. Maduka MA-doo-KAH

24. Mbaino M-ba-EE-no
25. Mbanta m-BAHN-tah
26. Mgbogo m-BO-goh
27. Nneka n-NEH-kah
28. Nwakibie ng-WA-KI-be-yeh
29. Nwayieke NGWAH-YEH-keh
30. Nwoye ng-WOY-yeh
31. Obiageli O-bee-ki-GEL-ee
32. Obierika O-byeh-REE-kah
33. Odukwe O-douk-WEH
34. Ofoedu OFF-o-EH-dou
35. Ogbanje og-BAHN-jeh
36. Ogbuefi Indigo o-bou-EH-fee Eedeego
37. Ogbuefi Ugonna o-bou-EH-fee ou-go-N-nah
38. Ojiugo O-jee-OU-go
39. Okagbue Uyanwa oh-KAE-bou-ou-YANG-wah
40. Okonkwo o-KON-kwo
41. Onwimbiko ong-woum-BEE-koh
42. Uchendu ou-CHEN-doo
43. Umueru ou-mou-EH-rou
44. Umuike ou-mou-EH-keh
45. Umuofia ou-mwoff-yah
46. Umuru OU- mou-rou
47. Unoka OU-no-ka
48. Uzuwulu OU-zoh-WOU-lou

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