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Primary Sources

"Ancient Greek Geography Art and Architecture.wmv." YouTube. N.p., 14 Dec. 2011.
Web. 10 Jan. 2016. <>.
This web site was used because one of the pictures I used when I looked it
up was on this video of different pictures. I used the picture of a
shield with the head of Medusa on it.
"Ancient Greeks: Arts and theatre." BBC. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2016.
arts_and_theatre/>. This web site was used to get a picture of a famous
sculpture by Myron. Its a copy of a Greek sculpture made by Romans.
King, Jennifer Lyn. "Epidaurus, the Theater from Ancient Greece: A
Photojournal." Jennifer LYN KING. Ed. Jennifer Lyn King. N.p., 12 Nov.
2013. Web. 10 Jan. 2016. <
epidaurus-ancient-greece/>. This web site was used for a picture.
There are many pictures on this website but I just used one picture
of Ancient Greek art. The art is from Epidaurus, Greece.
"Roman Colloseum After Studying Ancient Greek And Roman Architecture With
And Roman Architecture Amazing." HAMINIKAN. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2016.
d-roman-architecture-amazing/>. This web site has many pictures. I
used a few of these pictures because they are of buildings from Ancient
Greece and Rome. There are a lot of pictures of architecture.
Secondary Sources
Cartwright, Mark. "Greek Architecture." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ed. Joshua
Mark, James Blake Wiener, and Jan van der Crabben. N.p., 6 Jan. 2013. Web.

10 Jan. 2016. <>. This web

site was used for information on Greek architecture. This helped me
learn more about the makings of the temples and theaters in Ancient Greece.
Cartwright, Mark. "Greek Mythology." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ed. Joshua Mark,
Blake Wiener, and Jan van der Crabben. N.p., 29 July 2012. Web. 10 Jan.
2016. <>. This web site was
used for more information on Greek mythology. I learned more about
the different myths and heroes.
Cartwright, Mark. "Greek Sculpture." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ed. Joshua Mark,
Blake Wiener, and Jan van der Crabben. N.p., 20 Jan. 2013. Web. 10 Jan.
2016. <>. This web site talks
about how Greek sculpture making techniques were changed over time. I
used this web site for more information on Greek sculptures.
Cartwright, Mark. "Roman Architecture." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ed. Joshua
James Blake Wiener, and Jan van der Crabben. N.p., 5 Oct. 2013. Web. 10
Jan. 2016. <>. This web site
was used for pictures and information on Roman architecture. I used
the picture of the columns and the information on how Roman architecture
was similar to Greek architecture sometimes through the columns to create
my project.
Cartwright, Mark. "Roman Sculpture." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ed. Joshua
Mark, James
Blake Wiener, and Jan van der Crabben. N.p., 25 Aug. 2013. Web. 10 Jan.
2016. <>. This web site helped
me get more information on Roman sculptures. This contained information
about the different types of techniques the Romans did over time.

"culture." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2016.

<>. This web site was
used as an online dictionary. The word I looked up was "culture" and
then I did a screen picture on my computer and cropped it to put the
definition on the web site for my project.
"Greek Gods." Tale Beyond Belief. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2016.
This web site contains information about the Greek and Roman gods. I
used this website for a picture of the Greek gods and a picture of Apollo
riding his chariot.
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston Holt. World History Ancient Civilizations. N.p.:
n.p., 2006. Print. This grades 6-8 history textbook was used for
information on Ancient Greek and Roman art and mythology. I also used
this book for pictures of different buildings or maps of Ancient Greece and
"Roman Art (c.500 BCE-500 CE) Origins, History, Types, Characteristics."
Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ed. Neil Collins and Aine Ni Muireadhaigh.
N.p., 2015. Web. 1 Nov. 2015. <
roman-art.htm>. This web site of the origin of Roman art helped me
understand more about what the parts of Greek art influenced Roman art.
It has information on the influence of different types of art:
architecture, painting, murals, and sculptures.
Starr, Chester. A History Of The Ancient World. New York: Oxford UP, 1965.
Print. This book of Ancient World history helped me find information on the
rise of Rome and the early civilization of Greece. This book helped
me understand how Greece and Rome started out.
Wasson, Donald. "Roman Mythology." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ed. Joshua
Mark, James Blake Wiener, and Jan van der Crabben. N.p., 10 Dec. 2014. Web.
1 Nov. 2015. <>. This web site

of Roman Mythology helped me understand why myths were made and what
are. It also gave me information on the exchange between Greek and
Roman mythology.

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