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Comparison of Risky Eating Behaviors Between College-Age

Males and Females

T. Palm, Undergraduate Nutrition Major, Rutgers University, M. Tursi, Undergraduate Nutrition Major, Rutgers University; P. Policastro, M.S., R.D., Nutrition
Specialist, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Rutgers University

Risky eating behavior (REB), including restricting food
consumption and consistently worrying about weight gain, is a
dangerous habit that may develop into disordered eating. The
objective of this study was to identify the frequency of REB
between male and female college-age students. A random sample
of male (n=103) and female (n=128) students were surveyed by a
trained interviewer in university dining halls. Using a 5-point
Likert scale ranging from seldom/never to always, students
answered 10 questions regarding eating behaviors, modified from
the validated McKnight Risk Factor Survey. Using SPSS
(Version 16.0) frequency analysis of male and female students
showed a potentially risky pattern of how female subjects
viewed/thought about body image/weight. 32% frequentlyalways limited what they ate to lose weight, and 44.75%
frequently-always worried about weight gain in the past month.
On a daily basis, 37.75% of females frequently-always worried
about calorie consumption. 34.75% frequently-always compared
their physique to that of models/celebrities/peers. Only 12.6% of
all males frequently-always worried about weight gain, 23.3%
frequently-always worried about calorie consumption, 23.3%
models/celebrities/peers, and 14.6% frequently-always limited
what they ate to lose weight. College females are known to have
a higher incidence of eating disorders than college males;
however, little research has been devoted to differences of REB
between the two genders. Results of this study indicate that
college females, compared to males, are more at risk to engage in
REB. These findings suggest the need for increased awareness
and availability of REB prevention aides for college-aged


Participants: A random sample of male (n=103) and female (n=128) students
ranging from ages 17-23 of various race and ethnic backgrounds
Data Collection: A modified version of the validated McKnight Risk Factor
Survey consisting of questions on a 5 point Likert scale of seldom/never-always
was administered by a trained interviewer to assess participants level of
engagement for risky eating behaviors.
Analysis: The data collected was analyzed using cross-tabs in SPSS (1999, SPSS
Inc., Chicago IL). The Institutional Review Board of Rutgers University approved
this study.


REB in Females v. Males









Worry about Weight Gain

Worry about Calorie Consumption

Limit What they Ate to Lose Weight


Compare Physique to that of Models/Celebrities/Peers


Figure 3: Comparison table of REB in males and females

Figure 1: Survey used to assess students risky eating behaviors

Background: Eating disorders are frequently studied, especially

at the college level. However, disordered eating is a less obvious,
yet still unhealthy relationship with food. Disordered eating may
become more prevalent for college age students, but little is
known about the associated specific risky eating behaviors that
disordered eating may begin as, especially in regards to sex

The study found that college-age females are more at
risk than males for engaging in risky eating behaviors.
Supporting Ideas:
The fact that more females than males frequently to
always worried about weight gain, calorie consumption
and compared their bodies to those of celebrities,
models and peers shows they tend to be more
vulnerable to REB.
Education and prevention aides should be offered to
college age females to promote awareness of REB.

Research Question: What is the frequency of college-age males

and females displaying risky eating behaviors?

Figure 2: Picture of team administering survey

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