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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr.






Adelin Ungureanu
Universitatea Constantin Brncui din

Adelin Ungureanu
"Constantin Brancusi" University of

n istoria constituional a Romniei regsim
apte legi fundamentale adoptate la intervale
diferite de timp. Debutul primei Constituii
romneti se regsete n anul 1866, chiar dac au
existat i alte reglementri normative, cu caracter
general, anterior acestui an, intrarea n vigoare a
primei legi supreme este raportat n a doua
jumtate a secolului al XIX-lea. Primele dou
constituii au avut un caracter profund democratic,
cuprinznd liberti, care nu se regseau nici n
alte documente similare ale vremii, la nivel
european. Cea de-a treia a creat cadrul unui regim
autoritar al monarhiei, cu puin naintea ultimului
rzboi mondial, iar urmtoarele trei au fost
specifice perioadei comuniste. Legea suprem
actual se ncadreaz pe linia primelor constituii,
i a fost supus unor modificri la 12 ani de la
intrarea ei n vigoare.

In Romanias constitutional history we can
find seven main laws adopted at different periods of
time. The beginning of the first Romanian
Constitution can be found in the year 1866, even if
there existed other normative settlements, having
general character, previous to this year, the entering
in force of the first supreme law is reported in the
second half of the 19th century. The first two
constitutions had a mainly democratic character,
containing liberties, that couldnt be found even in
the similar documents of that period, at European
level. The third one created an authoritarian regime
of monarchy, a short time before the last world War,
the following three have been characteristic to the
communist period. The main supreme law is
positioned on the line of the first constitutions, and
was submitted to some variations, at 12 years from
the moment it entered in force.






Key words: constitution, historic, effects, main


Legea fundamental indic principiile

generale de organizare a societii i din
aceast cauz durabilitatea sa n timp este
mai ridicat. Constituia unei ri este o
lege-cadru, peste limitele creia nu se poate
abate legislaia n vigoare emis ulterior
legii supreme a rii. Date fiind
generalitatea, durabilitatea i stabilitatea
constituiilor, acestea reprezint cele mai
importante legi ale unei ri. Regimul
constituional a ptruns n organizarea
intern a statelor lumii, cu cteva secole n
urm. n funcie de forma de guvernmnt,
de tradiie dar i de schimbarea regimurilor
politice, n unele state s-au succedat o
sumedenie de legi fundamentale, pe cnd n

Basic Law indicates the general

principles of organization of society and
therefore its sustainability over time is
higher. The constitution of a country is a
framework law, beyond the limits which
can not deviate from the legislation
issued after the supreme law of the
country. Given the generality, durability
and stability of constitutions, they are the
most important laws of a country.
Constitutional regime entered the internal
organization of the world, several
centuries ago. Depending on the form of
government, on tradition but also on the
changes of political regimes, in some
countries have succeeded a lot of
fundamental laws, while in others, the

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2009


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2009

altele, aceeai Constituie s-a aflat n

vigoare mai bine de o sut de ani, eventual
cu unele modificri impuse de evoluia
n rile Romneti, preocupri de
ordin legislativ ntlnim nc din vremea
domnitorilor feudali. nvturile lui
Neagoe ctre fiul su Teodosie, sau atenia
acordat aspectelor, ce privesc reglementri
de ordin social de ctre Domnitorul
Moldovei Dimitrie Cantemir, precum i ali
predecesori ai si, Alexandru cel Bun i
Vasile Lupu. Primele coduri de legi i fac
apariia n al II-lea deceniu al secolului al
XX-lea, Codul Calimach n Moldova i
Codul Caragea i n ara Romneasc.
Primele legiuiri scrise au fixat o sum de
cutume iar acolo unde respectiva lege nu
reglementa concret se fcea apel la obiceiul
locului, pentru soluionarea situaiei. Iat
ce cuprinde Codul Calimach n acest sens
dac n acest cod nu s-ar afla o lege
potrivit la pricina nfiat, atunci se
cuvine a se urma pmntescului obiceiu
carele, n curgerea de muli ani de obte
pzindu-se i ntre judectori cercetnduse, s-au ntrit i cu chipul acesta au
dobndit putere legiuit1.
Cu toate eforturile n domeniu, ale
domnitorilor din spaiul danubiano-carpatopontic, jumtatea secolului al XIX-lea a
gsit rile Romne fr o Constituie.
Pentru o exprimare mei exact a sensului
legii fundamentale, vom spune c aceasta
reprezint un ansamblu de norme juridice,
iniiate i adoptate dup o procedur
prestabilit de ctre un organ special
constituit, normele juridice respective
avnd n vedere instituirea puterii i
maniera de exercitare a acesteia2.
fundamental a rii i expresia voinei
suverane a poporului, pentru c st la
temelia organizrii statului i formeaz
baza legislaiei; este poziionat n vrful
ierarhiei sistemului de drept din ara
noastr, toate celelalte legi fiind n armonie
cu aceasta; are un caracter oarecum rigid,

same Constitution was in force more than

one hundred years, possibly with some
changes required by the evolution of
In the Romanian country, we meet
legal concerns even from the time of
feudal rulers. Neagoe teachings to his son
Theodosius, or the attention to issues that
concern social regulation by the ruler of
Moldova Dimitrie Cantemir, and other of
his predecessors, Alexander the Good and
Vasile Lupu. The first legal codes are
appearing in the 2nd decade of the
twentieth century, the Calimach Code in
Moldova and the Caragea Code in the
Romanian country. The first written
statutes have set an amount of custom
and where that law did not specifically
regulate they called for the customs of
that place, to resolve the situation. Here
is what the Calimach Code comprises in
this respect "if in this code you would not
find a suitable law for a certain event,
then it is necessary to follow the custom
of the land which for many years was
kept by people and was researched by
judges, have been strengthened and with
this image it had acquired the lawful
power ".
Although efforts in this area, the
rulers of the Carpatho-Danubian-Pontic
space, mid-nineteenth century found the
constitution. For an accurate expression
of the sense of fundamental law, we say
that it is a set of legal rules created and
adopted by a pre established procedure
by a special body constituted, that those
legal rules regarding the establishment of
power and how to exercise it. The
features of the Constitution: it is the
fundamental law of the country and
sovereign expression of the people, for
that is the basis of state organization and
forms the basis of legislation, is
positioned in the top-level of legal system
in our country, all other laws are in
harmony with it; it has a character

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2009


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2009

deoarece modificarea sa nu se poate efectua

dect tot printr-o lege constituional, cu
respectarea procedurilor cerute pentru acest
gen de legi i aprobarea sa de ctre popor
valorificarea tradiiilor democratice ale
statului i reprezint un sistem deschis,
putnd primi influene interne i externe3.
S-a afirmat c prima Constituie a
Romniei, chiar dac nu s-a numit aa au
constituit-o Regulamentele organice, 18311834. Acestea reprezentau o mai veche
iniiativ, ncercat i de ctre domnitorul
Grigore Ghica dar desvrit sub
oblduirea ruilor, a Curii de la Petesburg,
de ctre dou Comisii de redactare (una la
Iai, alta la Bucureti) sub preedinia
consulului general rus Minciaki. Dei ele
nu pot fi considerate o Constituie n sensul
concret al acesteia, date fiind procedura de
elaborare i influena ruseasc asupra
Regulamentele au oglindit n coninuturile
lor o separare a puterilor n stat, astfel:
domnitorul deine puterea executiv,
Adunarea Obteasc pe cea legislativ iar
sistemul judectoresc capt noi valene
prin nfiinarea tribunalelor judeene, a
instanelor de apel, a corpului de avocai i
a procuraturii. Pentru a prentmpina
reluarea la nesfrit a unei cauze deja
recunoate autoritatea lucrului judecat4.
Faptul c cel ce s-a ocupat n acea perioad
de problemele administrative n cele dou
ri Romne, ce aveau s se uneasc nu
peste muli ani, generalul rus Pavel
Kiseleff, a atras punerea n practic a
dispoziiilor Regulamentelor, chiar anterior
intrrii lor n vigoare astfel nct a putut fi
evideniat aspectul pozitiv n ornduirea
social, generat de coninutul unor
reglementri cadru.
Dac Regulamentele Organice nu
au avut statutul de Constituie, exist preri
c Statutul Dezvolttor al Conveniei de la
Paris din 7/19 august 1858 ar putea fi

somewhat rigid because its change can be

made only by a constitutional law under
the procedures required for this kind of
laws and with the approval of the people
through national referendum; ensures the
value of the democratic traditions of the
state and it represents an opened system
which can receive internal and external
It was said that the first
Constitution of Romania, even if this was
not its name, was comprised of organic
regulations, 1831-1834. They were an
older initiative, tested and perfected also
accomplished under the protection of the
Russians, the Court of Petersburg, by two
Drafting Committees (one in Iasi,
Bucharest other) under the chairmanship
of the Russian general consul Minciaki.
Although they can not be
considered a Constitution in its actual
meaning, because of the elaboration
procedure and Russian influence on the
Regulations reflected in their contents a
separation of powers in the state, as
follows: the Prince holds executive
power, the Public Assembly the
legislative and the judicial system takes
on new values through the establishment
of county courts, courts of appeal, the
body of lawyers and of the prosecutor. To
prevent indefinitely the resumption of a
case already decided under the Organic
Regulations, the High Royal Chair
recognizes the authority of the trialed
event4. The fact that at that time the one
who was dealing with administrative
issues in the two Romanian countries,
who were to be united not many years,
the Russian general Pavel Kiseleff, drew
the implementation of the provisions of
the Regulation, even before their entered
into force so that it could be highlighted
the positive aspect in social order created
by the content of framework legislation.
If the Organic Regulations did not

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2009


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2009

considerat ca o Constituie a Romniei. De

altfel n debutul Statutului se precizeaz c
respectiva Convenie este i remne legea
fundamental a Romniei5. Aceast lege
cuprinde 18 articole. Conform cuprinsului
su, iniiativa legilor aparine doar
legislativ mpreun cu Adunarea Electiv
i cea Ponderatorie. Cea din urm este
compus din 64 de membrii, jumtate din
numrul acestora fiind numii de ctre
domnitor. Un proiect de lege respins de
Adunarea Electiv nu mai poate fi supus
dezbaterilor acesteia dect ntr-o alt
sesiune. Cu privire la acest aspect exist
similitudine cu prevederile constituionale
actuale, un proiect de lege respins ajunge
Parlamentului, cel mai devreme n
urmtoarea sesiune. nc un argument n
sprijinul considerrii respectivului Statut ca
fiind o Constituie l conine articolul 17
care spune toi funcionarii publici, fr
esepiune, la intrarea lor n funciune, suntu
datori a jura supunere Constituiunei i
legilor erei i credin Domnitorului6.
Regulamentelor Organice, nici Statutul
nu poate fi considerat, o Constituie n
adevratul sens al acesteia, pe de o parte
sub aspectul procedurii elaborrii sale, pe
de alt parte, datorit insuficienei
funcionrii unui sistem bazat pe o lege
cadru, aa cum e cazul unei legi
Dup aceste dou tentative de
redactare a unei Constituii, venite oarecum
Constituant aleas n aprilie 1866 ncepe
lucrrile pentru elaborarea i adoptarea
imediat a unei legi fundamentale a rii.
Dup dezbateri aprinse ntre conservatori i
liberali dar i cu implicarea hotrt a lui
Carol, care abia fusese instalat la
conducerea rii, legea fundamental este
adoptat de Adunarea Constituant la 11
iunie. Prima Constituie a Romniei e

have the status of the Constitution, there

are opinions that the Statute developer of
the Paris Convention, 7 / 19 August 1858
could be considered as a Constitution of
Romania. Besides, in the debut of the
Statute it is stated that the Convention "is
and remains the fundamental law of
Romania5. This law comprises 18
articles. According to its content, the
initiative of laws belongs only to the
ruler, who is exercising the legislative
power along with the Elective Assembly
and Ponderous one. The latter is
composed of 64 members, half of them
being appointed by the ruler. A project
rejected by the Elective Assembly can
not be debated except in another session.
The issue is similar to the current
constitutional provisions; a law rejected
project reaches the table of the chambers
of Parliament, as early as next session.
Another argument in support of
consideration of that status as a
Constitution is contained in Article 17
which says "all public officials, without
exceptions, at their entry into service,
must swear obedience to the Constitution
and its laws and faith for the Ruler"6.
Just as in the case of the Organic
Regulations, neither the State ... can not
be considered a Constitution in its true
sense, first in terms of its development
process; on the other hand, due to
insufficient regulations to ensure the
functioning of a system based on a
framework law, as is the case of a
fundamental law.
After these two attempts af
somewhat under foreign influence, the
Constituent Assembly elected in April
1866 started work on the development
and immediate adoption of a fundamental
law of the country7. After heated debate
between conservatives and liberals but
also with the determined involvement of
Carol, who had just been installed in the
country's leadership, the fundamental law

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2009


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2009

promulgat de Carol la 1/13 iulie 1866,

aceasta fiind data de la care ara noastr are
o lege suprem7. Modelul avut n vedere de
ctre romni este cel al Constituiei Belgiei,
care la rndu-i avusese la baz ideile
Constituia noastr, a romnilor din acea
perioad este mprit pe 8 titluri, din care
al III-lea titlu se divide n cinci capitole,
primele dou dintre acestea subdiviznduse n seciuni8. Constituia Romniei dei
este elaborat la puin timp dup intrarea n
a doua jumtate a secolului al XIX-lea
cuprinde unele drepturi rar ntlnite n
legislaia constituional european a
vremii, precum dreptul la azil politic,
libertatea individului, care este garantat
sau inviolabilitatea domiciliului. n ceea ce
privete nvmntul articolul 23 prevede
nvmntul este liber nveetura n
colele Statului se d fr plat. nvetura
primar va fi obligatorie pentru tinerii
romni pretutindeni unde se vor avea
instituite coli primare9.
n privina puterilor statului,
Domnul are att atribuii legislative, pe
care le exercit mpreun cu Adunarea
Deputailor i Senatul dar i puteri
executive mpreun cu minitrii. eful
statului este cel care convoac cele dou
Camere cu rol legislativ, dar totodat poate
s i dizolve aceste foruri. n legtur cu
puterea judectoreasc, este interzis prin
Constituie a se nfiina tribunale
extraordinare, pentru toat Romnia
funcionnd o unic, Curte de casaie iar n
ceea ce privete partea financiar, la nivel
naional funcioneaz o singur Curte de
n ultimul titlu (al VIII-lea)
ntlnim o abrogare expres indirect a
tuturor dispoziiilor contrare cu prevederile,
prezentei Constituii. Aceasta a fost
revizuit n trei rnduri, n anii 1879; 1884
i 1917. Intrat n vigoare la 1 iulie 1866,
Constituia i-a ncetat efectele la 28 martie
1923, fiind abrogat de noua lege
fundamental a rii10.

is adopted by the Constituent Assembly

on June 11. The first Constitution of
Romania is promulgated by Carol at 1 /
13 July 1866, being the date on which our
country has the supreme law. The model
envisaged by the Romanian Constitution
is that of Belgium, which in turn had
based her ideas promoted by the French
Revolution. Our Constitution, of the
Romanians of that time is divided into 8
titles, of which Title III is divided into
five chapters, the first two of these
subdivided into sections8. Although
Romania's Constitution drafted soon after
the entry into the second half of the
nineteenth century includes some rare
rights in European constitutional law of
the time, as the right to political asylum,
freedom of the individual, which is
guaranteed or inviolability of the home.
With regard to education Article 23 states
"Education is free ... learning in States
schools is given without charge. Primary
education will be mandatory for young
Romanian wherever primary schools9
will be established.
Concerning the state powers, the
ruler has both legislative powers, which
he performs along with the Chamber of
Deputies and the Senate but also
executive powers performed along with
the ministers. The head of state is the one
who convened the two rooms with
legislative role, but also can and dissolve
these forums. In relation to the judiciary
power, is prohibited by the Constitution
to set up special courts, there is only one
court for the entire Romania, the Court of
Cassation and in respect of finance there
is only one national Court of Auditors.
In the last title (the VIII th) we
meet an indirect express repeal of all the
dispositions contrary to the provisions
provided, of this Constitution. This has
been revised three times in the years
1879, 1884 and 1917. Entered into force
on 1 July 1866, the Constitution ceased
its effects on March 28, 1923, being

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2009

Dup ncheierea primului rzboi

mondial, soldat cu ncorporarea tuturor
teritoriilor romneti n interiorul unei
singure granie dar i cu modificarea
(schimbarea echilibrului de fore n
Europa), necesitatea unei noi legi
fundamentale n Romnia era evident.
Dup venirea la guvernare a noii puteri n
1922, un an mai trziu intr n vigoare noua
lege suprem a rii. Ca i precedenta este
structurat tot pe opt titluri, divizate pe
capitole i respectiv seciuni i cuprinde
138 de articole, cu ase mai mult dect cea
din 1866. Noua Constituie este asemenea
predecesoarei, una democratic i care
respect drepturile romnilor, egalitatea
cetenilor n faa legii, dreptul la asociere,
la munc dar i libertatea presei. Conform
textului constituional, proprietatea privat
este garantat de stat, acesta neputnd
interveni asupra proprietii particulare
dect pentru cazuri de utilitate public,
dispunnd exproprierea. ncepnd cu
intrarea n vigoare, la sfritul lunii martie
a anului 1923, bogiile subsolului aparin
statului. De asemenea a fost introdus votul
universal, cu respectarea ns a unor limite
stabilite cu civa ani nainte. Constituia a
menionat separarea puterilor n stat, astfel
puterea legislativ aparine Parlamentului,
cea executiv este ncredinat deopotriv
Regelui i Guvernului iar puterea
judectoreasc a revenit naltei Curi de
Casaie. Constituia din 1923 a marcat
profund viaa romnilor n perioada
interbelic, ns nu toate garaniile i
prevederile democratice au fost respectate
ntocmai11. Intrat n vigoare n 1923,
Constituia a fost abrogat expres n 1938
la data de 27 februarie de ctre o alt lege
suprem. Dup evenimentele de la 23
august 1944, mai exact la 31 august, prin
Decret Regal, legea fundamental din 1923
e repus parial n vigoare, pentru ca n
acelai an i doi ani mai trziu s sufere
unele modificri iar la 30 decembrie 1947
s fie scoas definitiv din vigoare12.

repealed by the new fundamental law of

the country10.
After the First World War resulted
in the incorporation of all Romanian
territories within a single boundary but
also radically change of the international
context (changing the balance of forces in
Europe), the need of a new fundamental
law in Romania was evident. After the
new government came to power in 1922,
one year after that it enters into force the
new supreme law of the country. It is
structured as the previous - in eight titles,
divided into chapters and sections and
that includes 138 articles, six more than
in 1866. The new Constitution is like its
predecessor, a democratic and respects
the rights of Romanians, equality of
citizens before the law, right to
association, the right to work as well as
the freedom of the press. According to
the Constitution, private property is
guaranteed by the state, it may not occur
on private property only for public
interest cases, disposing expropriation.
Since its entry into force, at the end of
March 1923, the subsoil wealth was
owned by the state. It was also introduced
the universal suffrage, subject to certain
limits established several years ago. The
Constitution maintained the separation of
powers in the state as: the legislative
power belongs to Parliament, the
executive is entrusted both to the King
and the Government and the judiciary has
returned to the High Court of Cassation.
The Constitution of 1923 profoundly
affected the life of the Romanians in the
interwar period, but not all the safeguards
respected11. Entered into force in 1923,
the Constitution was expressly repealed
in 1938 on February 27 by another
supreme law. After the events of August
23, 1944, specifically on august 31, by
Royal Decree, the basic law of 1923 is
partially reinstated in effect, that same
year and two years later to undergo some

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2009


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2009

Ajuns la putere dup ce ara fusese

condus de o regen, Carol al II-lea dorind
s conduc n mod individual i cu
nesocotirea principiului separri puterilor
n stat decreteaz o nou Constituie. Ca un
paradox dei prin aceasta sunt subordonate
puterile statului fa de suveran, intrarea n
vigoare se face abia dup supunerea
textului constituional voinei populare,
naiunea pronunndu-se n favoarea
acesteia prin plebiscitul popular organizat
la 24 februarie 193813. Aceast Constituie
a fost redactat de juristul Istrate Micescu,
iar n baza ei autoritatea monarhului a
crescut foarte mult, Parlamentul avnd un
rol pur decorativ, atributul legiferrii fiind
preluat aproape n ntregime de Rege, care
avea i largi prerogative executive. A fost
introdus pedeapsa capital i s-a stabilit c
dreptul de vot s aparin cetenilor, care
au mplinit vrsta de 30 de ani14.
Constituia, numit i a lui Carol al II-lea,
numr o sut de articole grupate n opt
titluri, divizate pe capitole i seciuni. La
articolul 30 se prevede c Regele este
capul statului15 formulare, ce ne amintete
de absolutismul monarhilor feudali, care
rosteau <poporul sunt eu>. Situat
cronologic ntre legile fundamentale
democratice i cele caracteristice regimului
totalitar, care s-a instaurat n Romnia la
puin timp dup terminarea celui de-al IIlea rzboi mondial, Constituia din 1938
face neintenionat trecerea de la un regim
fundamentale ale ceteanului i pe
separarea puterilor n stat, la un alt regim
caracterizat de nesocotirea drepturilor i a
libertilor individuale, n cadrul cruia
puterile statului aparin doar formal unor
instituii diferite, n realitate ele fiind la
dispoziia conductorului suprem sau a
unui grup oligarhic, care deine controlul n
stat. Intrat n vigoare la 27 februarie 1938,
suspendat, tot de ctre promotorul ei,
regele Carol al II-lea la 5 septembrie
194016, cu o singur zi nainte de abdicarea

changes and to be permanently removed12

on December 30, 1947.
Coming to power after the country
was ruled by a regency, Charles II
wanting to rule alone and disregarding
the principle of separation of the state
powers decreed a new constitution. As a
constitution, the powers are subordinated
to the sovereign state, the entry into force
is made only after submission of the
constitutional text to the will of the
people, the nation is in favor of it by
popular plebiscite held on February 24,
193813. This Constitution was drafted by
lawyer Istrate Micescu and under the
authority of the monarch it has greatly
increased, Parliament having a purely
decorative role, the attribute regulation is
almost entirely taken over by the King,
who also had extensive executive powers.
The death penalty was introduced and the
right to vote belonged to the people who
have reached the age of 30 years14.
Constitution, called the one of the
Carol II, has one hundred articles
grouped under eight headings, divided
into chapters and sections. In Article 30 it
is provided that "King is the head of
state" form, that reminds us of the
absolutism of feudal monarchs, who
uttered <the people is me>. Situated
chronologically between fundamental
democratic laws and the characteristic of
the totalitarian regime, which was
established in Romania shortly after the
end of the World War II, the Constitution
of 1938 is a unintentionally a shift from
regime based on respect for fundamental
rights of citizens and the separation of
powers, to another system characterized
by disregard for individual rights and
freedoms, in which state powers are only
formally different institutions, in reality
they belong to the supreme leader or an
oligarchic group which controls the state.
Entered into force on February 27, 1938,
that fundamental law is suspended, also

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sa de la tron.
n anii urmtori, Romnia va intra
sub zona de influen a Uniuni Sovietice i
din punct de vedere constituional, vreme
de o jumtate de veac, se vor succeda trei
legi fundamentale. La 13 aprilie 1948 intr
n vigoare noua Constituie a Romniei,
compus din 105 articole, care sunt grupate
n 10 titluri, fr ca acestea s se divid pe
capitole sau seciuni. Aceast lege
fundamental a rii difer foarte mult de
precedentele prevederi constituionale.
Inclusiv numele rii devine Republica
Popular Romn, mijloacele de producie
trec n proprietatea statului, de asemenea
proprietatea privat asupra fondului
forestier ori a mijloacelor media va fi
desfiinat, acestea urmnd a fi preluate tot
de ctre statul comunist. Dei se prevede o
serie de drepturi subiective ale cetenilor,
n realitate acestea vor fi nclcate flagrant,
dispoziiile cuprinse n Constituie n acest
sens nensemnnd prea mult pentru puterea
abia instalat la conducerea rii. Despre
separarea puterilor n stat nici nu se mai
poate vorbi organul suprem al puterii de
stat a Republici Populare Romne este
Marea Adunare Naional a R.P.R.17.
Acest for are att competen legislativ ct
i executiv, formnd guvernul, stabilind
denumirea ministerelor i atribuiile
acestora, precum i alegerea Prezidiului
Marii Adunri Naionale, n fapt, organul
colectiv de conducere nemijlocit a rii,
acesta putnd emite decrete semnate de
Preedintele i secretarul Prezidiului. n
cadrul M.A.N. sistemul de vot este fie
secret, fie prin ridicarea minii, fie prin
aclamaii, metod des utilizat, prin care se
va realiza fr dificultate unanimitatea
pentru aprobarea diverselor proiecte
La nivel local, administraia este
asigurat de ctre Consiliile populare i
comitetele executive, alese din rndurile
consilierilor. Legea permite nfiinarea unor
instane speciale, prevedere de care se vor
folosi noii conductori, pentru a-i

by its promoter, King Carol II on

September 5, 1940, with one day before
his abdication from the throne.
In subsequent years, Romania
will enter the zone of Soviet influence
and constitutionally, for half-century,
there will be three fundamental laws. On
April 13, 1948 enter into force the new
Constitution of Romania, comprising 105
articles, which are grouped into 10 titles,
not being divided in the chapters or
sections. This fundamental law of the
country is very different from the
Including the name
of the country
becomes the Romanian People's Republic
becomes the means of production pass
into state ownership, private ownership
of such forest or media will be broken,
they will be taken throughout the
communist state. Although it provides a
series of subjective rights of citizens, in
reality they are flagrantly violated, the
provisions of the Constitution in this
regard do not mean too much for the
power which recently came to the
country's leadership. We can not, even
talk about separation of powers the
supreme organ of State power of the
Romanian People's Republic is the Grand
National Assembly of the RPR. This
forum has both legislative and executive
power, forming the government, setting
the name of ministries and their functions
and the choice of the Presidium of the
Grand National Assembly, in fact, the
collective body of direct leadership of the
country, it may issue decrees signed by
the President and Secretary of the
Presidium. In M.A.N. voting system is
either secretly or by show of hands or by
acclamation, a method often used, which
will easily achieve unanimity for the
approval of various legislative projects.
provided by people's councils and
executive committees, elected from the
counselors. The law allows the

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condamna la pedepse grele, pe aceia, care

erau considerai opozani ai regimuri.
Deloc lipsit de interes este i votul acordat
pentru aceast Constituie din anul 1948,
aceasta fiind votat n unanimitate de cei
401 reprezentani ai neamului, n forul
legislativ suprem al vremii. A suferit o
singur modificare, cu ase luni naintea
ieirii din vigoare, fapt ce se realizeaz la
24 septembrie 1952, o dat cu apariia unei
noi constituii18.
Adoptat tot cu unanimitate de
voturi, noua lege fundamental pstreaz
pstreaz <linia> trasat de precedentul act
centralizat i nimicind practic proprietatea
privat. Fr a insista asupra coninutului
ei, scoatem n eviden ns faptul c n cei
13 ani ct a fost n vigoare
a fost
modificat de 11 ori, numrul modificrilor
constituional a rii. A fost abrogat
expres la 21 august 1965, ncetndu-i
astfel aciunea n timp19. ncepnd cu
aceeai dat, Romnia beneficiaz de o alt
Constituie. Dac cea adoptat n 1952
cuprindea 105 articole n titluri, conform
tradiiilor textelor anterioare ci n 10
capitole, noua Constituie cea din 1965,
printre altele adoptat tot cu unanimitate de
voturi, are 114 articole grupate n 9 titluri.
n textul acesteia se precizeaz c ara
devine republic socialist, avnd o singur
for politic, conductoare a ntregii
societi, exportul devine monopol al
statului, relaiile externe ale statului romn
sunt de prietenie cu alte state socialiste i
doar de colaborare cu rile avnd o alt
reprezentnd cea mai nalt form de
organizare a clasei muncitoreti20. Cam n
acest sens sunt formulate prevederile legii
fundamentale a romnilor, lege aflat n
vigoare pn aproape de nceputul
ultimului deceniu, al celui de-al doilea
mileniu. La fel ca i cea dinaintea ei
Constituia a fost modificat n cei 24 de
ani ct s-a aflat n vigoare n 10 rnduri21

establishment of special courts, provision

of which will use the new leaders to
condemn the heavy penalties on those
who were considered opponents of the
regimes. Not without interest is the vote
cast for the Constitution of 1948, which
was passed unanimously by the 401
representatives of the people in the
Legislature of the time. It suffered a
single change, six months before leaving
the force, which is conducted at
September 24, 1952, with the emergence
of a new constitution.
All unanimously adopted, the
new fundamental law kept the drawn
<line> from previous constitutional act,
strengthening the centralized economy
and virtually destroying private property.
Without insisting on its content, but
emphasized that in the 13 years it has
been in force it has been amended 11
times, the number of changes are
unprecedented in the constitutional
history of the country.
It was expressly repealed on August
21, 1965, having ceased to hold such
action in time19. Since that date, Romania
will benefit from a different Constitution.
If one adopted in 1952 contained 105
articles in titles, according to previous
customs but in 10 chapters, the new
Constitution of 1965, among others also
adopted unanimously, has 114 items
grouped into 9 titles. In the text it states
that the country becomes a socialist
republic with a single political force,
leading the whole society, becomes
export becomes the monopoly of the
state, the Romanian state's external
relations are friendly with other socialist
countries and only of cooperation with
other countries having another sociopolitical approach, the party representing
the highest form of organization of the
working class12. At about this Basic Law
provisions are made for the Romanians,
the law in force to close the beginning of
the last decade of the second millennium.

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existnd n medie o ajustare a textului

constituional o dat la doi ani i cteva
luni. La 8 decembrie 1991, Constituia
elaborat n 1965 este abrogat n
totalitatea ei, mai ales c n mare parte
aceasta czuse n desuetudine, nc din a
III-a decad a luni decembrie 1989.
Noua Constituie a Romniei
aflat n vigoare i astzi a fost elaborat de
ctre Adunarea Constituant, nfiinat n
acest scop, n urma alegerilor din luna mai
1990. Adunarea Constituant a avut un
termen de 18 luni n care s finalizeze
textul constituional. Acesta a fost votat n
plenul Adunrii pe fiecare articol n parte.
n final 81% din membrii Adunrii au votat
n favoarea adoptrii textului Constituiei,
textul fiind supus voinei poporului printrun referendum naional desfurat la 8
decembrie 1991 i ncheiat cu votul
favorabil pentru noua lege fundamental a
rii, a peste 77% din participani.
Constituia avea la intrarea n vigoare 152
de articole dispuse n cuprinsul a apte
titluri, unele dintre acestea fiind derivate pe
capitole i seciuni.
n toamna anului 2003, mai exact
n datele de 18 i 19 decembrie, Constituia
Romniei este modificat. Printre aspectele
avute n vedere la aceast dat i care erau
considerate depite din punct de vedere
evolutiv dar i al aspiraiilor integrrii rii
n structurile europene s-au regsit:
serviciului militar; garantarea proprietii;
nlocuirea Curii Supreme de Justiie cu
nalta Curte de Casaie i Justiie;
posibilitatea folosiri limbi materne n faa
instanei de ctre cetenii romni
reducerea imunitilor naionale doar la
nivelul opiniilor i al voturilor exprimate n
calitate de demnitari; iar n ceea ce privete
procedura elaborri legilor, a fost exclus
medierea, acest procedeu fiind folosit cnd
cele dou camere ale Parlamentului
adoptau n mod diferit un proiect de lege
sau o propunere legislativ, urmnd a se

Like the Constitution before it, this was

amended in the 24 years that was in force
in average 10 times21 a constitutional text
adjustment every two years and some
months. On December 8, 1991, the
Constitution drafted in 1965 is repealed
in its entirety, especially since it largely
fell into disuse, since the III decade of
Monday, December 1989.
The new Constitution of Romania
in force today was developed by the
Constituent Assembly, established for
this purpose, following elections in May
1990. The Constituent Assembly had a
period of 18 months in which it had to
complete the constitutional text. It was
voted by the Plenary Assembly on each
item separately. Finally 81% of Assembly
members voted in favor of adopting the
text of the Constitution, the text will be
submitted to the people through a
national referendum held on December 8,
1991 and concluded with a favorable vote
for the new fundamental law of the
country, over 77% of participants. The
Constitution when it entered into force it
had 152 articles arranged across the
seven titles, some of which are derived
by chapters and sections22.
In the autumn of 2003,
specifically in between 18 and December
19, the Romanian Constitution is
amended. Among the issues considered at
this time and were considered outdated
evolutionary and aspirations but the
country's integration into European
structures were found: elimination of
compulsory military service performance,
ensuring ownership, replacement of the
Supreme Court with the High Court of
Cassation and Justice, the possibility of
using mother tongues in the court by
Romanian citizens belonging to national
minorities, reducing national immunities
only to the opinions and votes cast as
dignitaries, and in terms of making the
laws, the procedure was ruled out
mediation, this method is used when the

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constitui o comisie mixt (de mediere),

care s ajung la un acord asupra textului
adoptat. n cazul, n care nici comisia de
mediere nu reuea s dea o form final
textului legislativ se trecea la supunerea
proiectului n cauz dezbaterilor i votului
celor dou camere reunite n edin
Romniei are 156 de articole, grupate n
opt titluri (tot attea titluri cte avea i
prima Constituie Romneasc, cea de la
1866), divizate pe capitole i seciuni22.
Legea fundamental a rii aflat
n vigoare se nscrie pe linia constituiilor
moderne, garantnd drepturile i libertile
fundamentale ale omului, indicnd forma
republican de guvernmnt; prohibind
pedeapsa capital; interzicnd extrdarea
sau expulzarea din ar a unui cetean
romn; recunoscnd dreptul de a fi ales n
Parlamentul Europei, pentru cetenii
romni, dup aderarea rii la U.E. stabilind
atribuii distincte n dezbaterea i adoptarea
legilor de ctre cele dou Camere ale
mandatului prezidenial la 5 ani, astfel
ajungndu-se la disjungerea alegerilor
introducndu-se un nou titlu23 dedicat
integrrii euroatlantice a rii.
n exact 150 de ani ct au trecut de
la adoptarea i intrarea n vigoare a primei
Constituii a rii noastre, Romnia a avut
apte legi fundamentale i un numr total
de 26 de modificri ale Constituiilor aflate
n vigoare. Dei n toat aceast perioad,
statul romn a beneficiat continuu de
prevederile unei legi supreme nu putem
vorbi totui de o stabilitate constituional.
Schimbrile de regim politic, conflictele
internaionale, n care a fost angrenat ara
noastr dar i imixtiunea sovietic n
politica romneasc au contribuit decisiv la
apariia unor noi legi fundamentale. Cea
mai longeviv Constituie din punct de
vedere cronologic a fost chiar prima,
perioada n care aceasta a fost n vigoare

two houses of Parliament adopted a

different bill or legislative proposal, will
make up a Joint Committee (mediation)
to reach agreement on the text adopted.
If, not even the mediation committee
failed to give the final legislative text it
passed the project to debate and vote by
the both houses met in joint session.
The new Romanian Constitution
is composed of 156 items, grouped into
eight titles (as many titles as it had the
first Romanian Constitution, the one in
1866), and divided into chapters and
The country's fundamental law in
force is part of the modern constitution,
guaranteeing rights and fundamental
freedoms, giving the Republican form of
government, prohibited the death penalty,
prohibiting the extradition or expulsion
from the country of a Romanian citizen,
recognizing the right to be elected in
European Parliament, Romanian citizens
after the country's EU accession, setting
different tasks in the debate and adoption
of laws by the two Houses of Parliament,
extending the presidential term of 5
years, thus leading to the disjunction of
the parliamentary and
election, entering a new title23 dedicated
to the country's Euro-Atlantic integration.
In just 150 years since the
adoption and entry into force of the first
Constitution of our country, Romania had
seven fundamental laws and a total
number of 26 amendments to the
throughout this period, the Romanian
state has continuously benefited from the
provisions of the supreme law can not yet
speak of a constitutional stability. Change
conflicts, in which our country was
geared but also the Soviet interference in
Romanian politics have contributed
decisively to the emergence of the new
fundamental law. From the chronological
point of view, the longest Constitution

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depind o jumtate de secol. Frecvena

modificrilor aduse legilor fundamentale n
partea a doua a veacului trecut denot
importana sczut, pe care o acordau
guvernanii vremii, acestei legi. A modifica
n civa ani de peste zece ori o Constituie
nseamn a avea un sistem legislativ nepus
la punct i mai mult chiar, se poate
considera o diminuare a supremaiei
normative, atta timp ct tocmai aceasta
este supus schimbrilor o dat la un an sau
la doi ani.
Ca o comparaie cea mai veche
Constituie din lume aflat n vigoare este
cea a S.U.A. i i produce efectele
nentrerupt de la intrarea sa n vigoare i
pn azi scurgndu-se mai bine de 200 de
Dac aproximativ n aceeai perioad, noi
romnii am avut apte Constituii iar
americanii una singur, la capitolul
modificri ale legii supreme ne situm la
egalitate cu acetia. i Constituiei S.U.A. i
s-au adus ntre 1791i 1971 nu mai puin de
26 de amendamente24, tot attea cte
modificri au fost la nivelul sistemului
constituional din Romnia.
Anterior demarrii procedurii de
elaborare a Constituiei Romniei, aflat n
vigoare, a fost pus problema repunerii n
vigoare a Constituiei din 1923, la fel cum
s-a ntmplat n 1944, considerndu-se c
aceasta a fost cea mai democratic, lege
fundamental a romnilor. Chiar i dup
aprobarea prin referendum a noii
Constituii n decembrie 1991, au continuat
reprourile la adresa acesteia25, cum c s-ar
situa sub cea din 1923.
La nivelul Uniunii Europene s-a
Constituie, care ar urma dup aprobarea sa
prin referendum de ctre statele membre s
devin legea suprem pentru legislaia
emis la nivelul ntregii uniuni. Cum ns
dou dintre statele membre deja s-au opus
acestui proiect iar olandezii au manifestat o
reticen vdit mpotriva Constituiei

was even the first, the period in which

was in force is more than half a century.
The frequency of changes to the
fundamental laws in the second half of
last century shows the low importance,
which the governments of that time gave
to this law. Changing in a few years more
than ten times a Constitution it means
you have a nonfunctional legal system
and more, it can be considered a
Constitution over all legal acts, just as
long as it is subject to change every one
year or two years.
As a comparison the world's
oldest constitution in force is the U.S.
and its producing an ongoing effect
since its entry into force and until today
being more than 200 years.
If approximately the same time,
Constitutions and Americans alone one
Constitution, when it comes to the
chapter of changes we stand on par with
them. The U.S. Constitution had between
1791 and 1971 no fewer than 26
amendments24, all as many changes were
in the constitutional system in Romania.
Prior to starting the procedure for
drafting the Constitution of Romania, in
force, was put in force the issue of
recalling the Constitution of 1923, as
happened in 1944, considering that this
was the most democratic, fundamental
law of the Romanians. Even after the new
constitution was approved by referendum
in December 1991, criticism continued
against it25, saying that it would be below
that of 1923.
The EU has drawn up a draft
European Constitution, which would after
its approval by referendum of the
Member States became the supreme law
of the law issued in the whole EU. But
since two of the Member States have
opposed this project and the Dutch
showed an obvious reluctance against the
European Constitution, which would

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europene, care le-ar diminua anumite

drepturi, putem afirma c deocamdat,
Europa este departe de a avea propria
Constituie, pe btrnul nostru continent
realitatea fiind diferit de ceea ce se
continentul nord-american.

reduce certain rights, we can say that for

the moment, Europe is far from having its
own Constitution, on our old continent
reality is different from what is
happening across the Atlantic, on the
North American continent.

- Codul Calimach,
- Constituia Romniei
- Constituia Romniei de la 1838,
- Constituia Romniei de la 1848,
- Constituia Romniei de la 1866
- Constituia Romniei de la 1965
- Constituia S.U.A.
- Manea, Mihai, Teodorescu, Bogdan, 1994
Istoria romnilor, Ed. Didactic i
Pedagogic, R. A, Bucureti
- Muraru, Ioan, Iancu, Gheorghe,
Pucheanu, Mona-lisa, Popescu, CorneliuLiviu,1993 Constituiile Romne, R.A.
Monitorul oficial, Bucureti,
- Simion, Mihail, 1997 Separaia puterilor
n stat Controverse filosofico-juridice, Ed.
Avrmeanca, Craiova
- Statutul dezvolttor al Conveniei de la
Paris, promulgat de A. I. Cuza,
- Zamfirescu, Zoica, 2005 Drept
constituional Sistemul actual constituional
romnesc, Ed. Sitech, Craiova

Calimach Code,
Romanian Constitution of 1848,
Mihai, Manea, Bogdan, Teodorescu,
1994 - Romanian History, Teaching and
Pedagogical Publishing House, R. A,
Pucheanu, Mona-Lisa, Corneliu-Liviu,
Popescu, 1993 - Romanian Constitutions,
RA Official Gazette ", Bucharest
The Constitution of Romania
The developer status of the Paris
Convention, enacted by AI Cuza,
The Romanian Constitution from 1838 ,
The Romanian Constitution from 1965
Zamfirescu, Zoica, 2005 - Constitutional
Law the Current Romanian Constitutional
System, Ed Sitech, Craiova

Codul Calimach, art. 13; contieni fiind de vidul legislativ, legiuitorii de la nceputul secolului al XIX-lea au creat
posibilitatea rezolvrii unor litigii, pe baza obiceiului locului, n lipsa unei reglementri legale.
Zamfirescu Zoica Drept constituional Sistemul actual constituional romnesc, Ed. Sitech, Craiova, 2005, p8
Idem, p9-10
Manea Mihai, Teodorescu Bogdan Istoria romnilor, Ed. Didactic i Pedagogic, R. A, Bucureti, 1994, p43
Statutul dezvolttor al Conveniei de la Paris, promulgat de A. I. Cuza, preambul; totui Convenia nu e
considerat o Constituie a Romniei n adevratul ei sens, spre deosebire de Regulementele organice, pe care unii
autori le consider ca fiind prima lege fundamental a rii, e drept sub o alt form.
Idem, art. 17
Manea Mihai, Teodorescu Bogdan Istoria romnilor, op.cit. p112
Constituia Romniei de la 1866
Idem, art. 23; fiind considerat una dintre cele mai democratice Constituii ale vremii, legea fundamental din '66
consacr gratuitatea nvmntului. De altfel i n actuala Constituie <nvmntul de stat este gratuit> conform
textului, existnd concordan n timp ntre cele dou acte supreme.
Muraru Ioan, Iancu Gheorghe, Pucheanu Mona-lisa, Popescu Corneliu-Liviu Constituiile Romne, R.A.
Monitorul oficial, Bucureti, !993, p67-68
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Manea Mihai, Teodorescu Bogdan Istoria romnilor, op.cit. p265

Muraru Ioan, Iancu Gheorghe, Pucheanu Mona-lisa, Popescu Corneliu-Liviu Constituiile Romne, op. cit. p94
Idem, p114
Manea Mihai, Teodorescu Bogdan Istoria romnilor, op.cit. p318
Constituia Romniei de la 1838, art. 30
Muraru Ioan, Iancu Gheorghe, Pucheanu Mona-lisa, Popescu Corneliu-Liviu Constituiile Romne, op. cit.
Constituia Romniei de la 1848, art. 37; cu toate c M.A.N. deinea funcia legislativ, este mare diferen ntre
Parlamentul de azi si respectivul for de acum o jumtate de secol, inclusiv sub aspect funcional, Parlamentul
funcionnd continuu i nu doar la convocri fcute pentru aprobarea prin unanimitate a proiectelor puterii.
Muraru Ioan, Iancu Gheorghe, Pucheanu Mona-lisa, Popescu Corneliu-Liviu Constituiile Romne, op. cit.
Idem, p161
Constituia Romniei de la 1965
Muraru Ioan, Iancu Gheorghe, Pucheanu Mona-lisa, Popescu Corneliu-Liviu Constituiile Romne, op. cit.
Constituia Romniei
Constituia S.U.A.
Simion Mihail Separaia puterilor n stat Controverse filosofico-juridice, Ed. Avrmeanca, Craiova, 1997, p181
1Calimach Code, Art. 13, aware of the legal vacuum, legislators from the early nineteenth century created the
possibility of settlement certain disputes based on customary place, in the absence of legal regulations.
2Zamfirescu Zoica - Constitutional Law the Current Romanian Constitutional System, Ed Sitech, Craiova, 2005,
p8 3Ibid, p9-10
4Mihai Manea, Bogdan Teodorescu - Romanian History, Teaching and Pedagogical Publishing House, R. A,
Bucharest, 1994, p43
5 The developer status of the Paris Convention, enacted by AI Cuza, preamble, however, the Convention is not
considered a Constitution of Romania in the true sense, unlike organic Regulations, which some authors consider
as the first fundamental law of this country, it is true, in another form.
6 Idem, Art. 17
7 Mihai Manea, Bogdan Teodorescu - Romanian History, op.cit, p112
8 The Romanian Constitution from 1866
9 9Idem, Art. 23, is considered one of the most democratic constitutions of the time, the Basic Law of 66 enshrines
the freedom of education. Moreover in the current Constitution <public education is free> according to the text,
with the time line between the two supreme acts.
10Muraru Ioan, Gheorghe Iancu, Pucheanu Mona-Lisa, Corneliu-Liviu Popescu - Romanian Constitutions, RA
Official Gazette ", Bucharest 1993, p67-68
10 Mihai Manea, Bogdan Teodorescu - Romanian History, op. p265
11 12Muraru John, Gheorghe Iancu, Pucheanu Mona-Lisa, Corneliu-Liviu Popescu - Romanian Constitutions, op.
cit. P94
12 13Ibid, p114
13 14Mihai Manea, Bogdan Teodorescu - Romanian History, op. p318
14 15The Romanian Constitution from 1838 , Art. 30
15 16Muraru John, Gheorghe Iancu, Pucheanu Mona-Lisa, Corneliu-Liviu Popescu - Romanian Constitutions, op.
cit. p118
16 17Romanian Constitution of 1848, art. 37, except that M.A.N. had the legislative function, there is a big
difference between Parliament today and that for half a century ago, including the functional aspect, the Parliament
always operated , not only during convened made by an unanimous approval of power projects.
17 18Muraru Ioan, Gheorghe Iancu, Pucheanu Mona-Lisa, Corneliu-Liviu Popescu - Romanian Constitutions, op.
cit. p138
18 19Ibid, p161
19 20The Romanian Constitution from 1965
20 21 Muraru Ioan, Gheorghe Iancu, Pucheanu Mona-Lisa, Corneliu-Liviu Popescu - Romanian Constitutions, op.
cit. p188
21 22 The Constitution of Romania

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2009


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