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CEIT 319
The reason why we chose the unit Likes and Dislikes is that we thougt
students will need that to express themselves in daily life. It is a functional
topic for the communication. In addition, it is enjoyable for the students
since it gives them the opportunity of Expressing themselves. We could
also utilize this topic for web 2.0 tools.


Analize Learners:Ourtargetgroup is 5th gradestudents. Theyalready
know how to make sentences in present tense. They also havesome
background knowledge about foods,sport and so on. As theyarechidren,
theyareinterested in cartoons.

State the Objective: At the and of thisclass, studentswill be able talk

about theirfavouriteactivities. Theywill be fluent in speech. We did not use
somanygrammarstructrebecause we believe that communication is more

Select and designmaterials:We arrangedmetarials in accordance with

the topic that we chose. We usedprezi,, Obsurvey,AudioBoom,

Utilize Media and Materials:For utulizing the materials, we prepared

media as clearly as possible in ordertofacilitatestudents comprehension of
the material. For the first lesson we usedpresentationsprepared with Prezi.
In addition , weusedthem in order; firstly to develop theirreadingskills ,
secondywritingskills , then listeningskills and finallyspeakingskills.
RequireLearnersResponse:In order to get response from the sudents,
we preparedactivities by which they can be interactive. In addition we
willevaluatetheir in classactivities.
Evaluation: In order to evaluatestudents knowlegde, we prepared a
surveyusingObsurvey. We askedsomequestionsrelated to the topic.

In order to fastenstudents learningprocess, we usedeclecticapproach. The
main purpose of this is lesson to enablestudents with communication.
Cohesion and comprehension is importantpart of understanding and using
the language appropriately. Therefore, we firstlyusedPrezi to avoid
misunderstanding. So that theydiscuss about a topic, we
chosecartooncharacters for prezi. In this way, they would be able o
bothunderstand the main grammaticalitems and talk about them
Secondly, we used a listeningactivityrelated to the story to develop
theirlisteningskills. For thispurpose we chose an technique from
AudiolingualMethod. The listeningpart was the followingpart of the story.
We usedthem in context. The story was to develop theirreadingskills and
the listeningactivity was to develop theirlisteningskills. With thoseactivities
we gave the students the input that is necessary and with the survey we
Lastly, we prepared activities for their speaking skills. The game enables
students to think and answer quickly. Therefore, their capability of
comprehensible thinking and speaking increases. The other activity
focuses on working cooperatively. The students should work not only as an
individual but also as a group in class. Hence, we prepared an activity to
make them work as a group. Thanks to this activity, they work with their
pers so that they can develop speaking skills in a more comfortable

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