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November 26: Reflections from

Along the Path to Enlightenment


Spiritual evolution occurs as the result of removing obstacles and not actually acquiring anything
new. Devotion enables surrender of the minds vanities and cherished illusions so that the mind
progressively becomes more free and more open to the light of Truth.

From: The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing is Hidden (2001), Chapter 3: The Nature of the Quest,
p. 30

Evoluia spiritual are loc mai curnd ca rezultat al ndeprtrii obstacolelor,

dect prin dobndirea a ceva nou. Devoiunea permite renunarea la
vanitatea minii i la iluzii, astfel nct mintea devine mai liber i mai
deschis n faa luminii Adevrului.
A spiritulis fejldshez tulajdonkppen semmi jat nem kell elsajtitani.
Ha eltvolitjuk az akadlyokat, egyszeren bekvetkezik. Az elktelezettsg
lehetv teszi, hogy lemondjunk az elme hisgairl, ddelgetett illziirl
azrt, hogy az elme fokozatosan szabadabb vljon, s megnyiljon az
Igazsg fnye eltt.

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