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Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Tapping for Miracles: Class 1

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, this is Margaret M Lynch from, and welcome to the first
class for Tapping for Miracles. Im going to start out with giving an overview of the class
and getting you oriented on how the class is going to run. And then what well be doing
in each class is just about an hour or an hour and 10 or 15 minutes of the tapping. And
then were going to switch over to Joan, whose going to take over at the end of each
class and end the class with a really nice energy healing and blessing for each chakra.
So thatll happen closer to the end of the class, and then at the end of each class, theres
an opportunity to ask questions or give feedback. I usually stay on the line a little bit
longer to give people opportunities to ask me questions or Joan questions as well about
the meditative part of the class. I will start with a welcome to the class. This is Tapping
for Miracles, and as I said in some of the marketing information about the class, as soon
as we say the word miracles we really start to trigger some of our deepest held beliefs
around our religious upbringing, around God or the God of our understanding, around
abundance does abundance really exist and certainly around our own worthiness.
So that being said, as soon as we get into areas that are going to cross over with the
words God and religion and Divine, I just want to stress that Ill be using words like God
or the Divine. Joan will be using different words for the way she understands her
spirituality, and definitely substitute the words in the tapping or the words in your own
mind that resonate for you. The words that you use for the god of your understanding
all sorts of religious backgrounds are represented on my classes and I love that about
the classes.
But I say this not just because its politically correct, but because for you to substitute
the words for God or the Divine or the universe the words that really personally mean
something to you when you substitute those words, the whole tapping experience,
the whole healing experience is going to be more personal and more meaningful for
you. So please consider that as we move forward.
You all have access to the foundational class for the Rhys Method Profiles. You may
not have had a chance to look at it yet but I include that information. Were not really
going to be discussing it or going through the profiles in detail in this class, but the
reason why I include it is because I think it is life changing information. And it every
profile as you start to hear and understand your profile or your dominant two profiles,
each of them has a chakra dominance. So as we work through the chakras in this class,
understanding your profile will help you zero in on chakras where you might need some
extra work or where your life long work might be in owning more power around one or
two of your profiles.
Rhys is busily writing the book on the profiles and it should be finished this year. So
theres not a lot of written information because this is his exclusive teaching. Its never

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

been taught outside the school before except in my programs. So I hope you really
enjoy and take some time with that. Its very life changing information. So I also like to
mention that I am not an expert in the chakras. I teach the chakras based on the way
Rhys Thomas of the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine the way he teaches the
chakras, and he has some unique ways of teaching them.
So youll be hearing that throughout this class and the reason why I like to use the
chakras as sort of a lens to look at some of these issues is I was very intrigued in when
I was reading some Carolyn Myss, who is an incredible teacher of the chakras. She
wrote a book called Energy Anatomy, and she says that when you think about our
physical anatomy you know, we could all picture an anatomy chart that would have all
the different organs and bones and systems of the body. And she says that your energy
we are organized energetically as organized and as detailed and as precisely as we are
physically, and thats why she called it your energy anatomy.
To look at your energy anatomy, that is defined by the chakras. The chakras literally are
your energy anatomy, and so I think its a very compelling way to look at all the systems
that we have in our body energetically and in each one, theres very different things
going on. So of course in this first class, were going to start with the first chakra and
really get into what happens at the first chakra. But because this class is about miracles,
Im going to be focusing on three core pieces.
So in really getting ready and researching this class and I apologize if you hear me
shuffling around papers because I have notes everywhere from preparing for this class.
I really feel that your ability to manifest miracles or believe in miracles or you could also
say your vibrational match with the idea of miracles is really dependent on three key
things. The first one is your belief in infinite possibilities infinite resources. The idea
that the universe, the Divine, that God has infinite resources, not just have them, but
have them for you for you personally that there are an infinite amount of resources
available to you at any time. And so this sounds a lot like lava traction because it is
abundance and infinite possibility.
Secondly, its connected to your faith that you are seen, loved, supported personally
very, very personally by a benevolent power, by the god of your understanding. And so
its not just that there is a benevolent god and that he cares about you or you are exist
in the mind of God, but that its a very personal relationship that you are seen. Your
uniqueness, your life purpose is seen and is important and is supported. So thats a big,
big faith.
And the third one is always your feeling of your own worthiness your ability to feel
how unique you are, your unique nature, your unique life purpose, and recognize and
feel that as absolutely worthy of infinite resources, worthy of being seen personally,
loved and supported by the god of your understanding. So as we move today towards
the first chakra Im going to start by talking about the first chakra. Were really going
to get into the second one, which is faith that you are about that you are seen and
loved and supported by the god of your understanding because at the first chakra, we

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

are looking at our most basic level or earliest programming really in beliefs around our
physical body, our family, and our religious upbringing and everything solid in our life
including money.
So the first chakra the question of the first chakra is Am I safe? So let me just
describe the first chakra a little bit. Its also called the root chakra. Its located at the
base of the spine in the coccyx. It represents again everything solid in our life from the
ground to our body to the house you live in to money. And its where we hold our
deepest beliefs about safety and security in our body, in our family, in our community,
and our religion. Its where we because its the physical side of our being and its
where were connected to physical matter to our life.
Like I said our house, our car, our money its where we actually physically manifest our
visions, our beliefs, our relationships; our life purpose is physically manifested at the
first chakra. So when your first chakra opens, it becomes a magnet drawing the matter
of life to you in the form of the material manifestation of good health, of prosperity, of
relationships. So Rhys describes it its like a tree. Its powerful, majestic. The first
chakra is solid, unmoving, alive, but its also very simple. So when you look at things in
your life physical things your money, your house, your car, your computer, how well
are they functioning? When you look at your body, how well is it functioning?
You can get an idea of how well your first chakra is doing. Its all about safety, security,
and so when it comes to where did we get these beliefs, they really come from our
earliest programming, which is our tribe I call it our tribe of origin. So our family or the
people that raised us really provide that first level of programming about whether or
not were safe physically, whether money was something that was safe when we were
growing up, whether survival was an issue daily survival was there enough food?
Was there enough love? Was there enough care?
So when we think about this idea of miracles where Deepak Chopra says, Any miracle
that happens involve some kind of direct contact with spirit. And I say that your
vibrational match with miracles is depending on three things, one of them being your
faith that youre seen and loved personally by a benevolent god or benevolent universe.
Then we also look at what is God look like at the first chakra or what does religion look
like at the first chakra? So I did a lot of looking at Deepak Chopras book called How to
Know God, and Ill be drawing on that through this process. And he teaches that Wow,
there are seven levels of spirituality that match up to the seven chakras. How cool is
And so at the first chakra, again its all about safety and security, and its also so its
safety, security means your first chakra is where your fight or flight response is your
basic nervous system fight or flight response. So what is the god of the fight or flight
response or the god of safety and security? Well, it means that the god at the first
chakra our belief, our faith in whether we have a benevolent god is a god that is
sometimes merciful but sometimes punishing, sometimes vengeful or its the god thats
protective that keeps you safe if you follow the rules. Its very much like a parent

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

protecting us who are the small child, and that is a basic thing that I find in a log of
religious training is very first chakra where if you follow the rules, God will protect you.
And so what do miracles look like at the first chakra? Miracles at the first chakra really
are around surviving great danger. They become mostly about being protected. Money
becomes about being safe from danger, protected or the opposite, which is scarcity, is
more real. So as we look at miracles, and its important to feel seen and loved and
personally supported by a benevolent god who cares about us or a benevolent universe
or Divine again, this is where you want to substitute your own word for the god of
your understanding.
When were at the first chakra and its fight or flight mode, we basically see from that
level a god who is punishing, vengeful, sometimes merciful, and we will often pray for
miracles around survival. So when were at our worst, at our most fearful, at our most
desperate, thats when we feel its okay to pray for a miracle to somehow survive this
danger, to somehow get enough to get by. And so Deepak Chopra says, When you, at
the first chakra, have fear, so anything in your life, which were going to start to tune
into next that triggers fear or survival mode, then you have a god, what he calls it
the god of the fight or flight response. And again miracles become something around
just surviving or being protected by the Divine where were weak and we need the
Divine to protect us.
So to see how this is working theres a lot of information there to throw at you, and
Im sure its kind of processing around. In these lower chakras, well probably talk a
little bit more specifically about this connection with the Divine because this is really
where we process whether or not the god of our understanding is benevolent or not.
And I laugh when I say it only because it sounds crazy, but that is very true to my
experience that the way that I was raised religiously was always sort of a big question in
my mind. If you follow the rules, and sometimes even if you did follow the rules, there
was a flood and you had to get on an ark.
So there are some interesting contradictions that I saw in myself as I looked at all these
questions. I thought, Well of course I believe in a benevolent god, and then I went
Hm, if I look at a lot of my first chakra beliefs and the times in my life when I turned to
faith and to prayer, it was in times of great desperation and need to be protected. So
what I want you to start to think about and tune into, and then Im going to give a
chance for people to give me feedback is I want you to travel back in time.
So some people like to take in nice, deep breaths and close their eyes, and I want you to
just picture yourself maybe around six or seven or five somewhere younger version of
yourself even if it feels like youre sort of making up a picture in your mind. And I want
you to just see yourself this younger version of you and put yourself in the house
that you grew up in at that time and put your parents or your care givers there in the
picture. And I want you to bring into this picture and just let your unconscious mind will
fill in the details for you.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

I want you to bring into this picture some things that symbolize first of all the god of
your understanding at that time. So often that comes from one source your parents
and your religious upbringing. So theres one thing I want you to bring into the picture.
What is Gods role in your family, in your life? Whats the teaching about God or your
religion? Whats the feeling about it?
And secondly I want you to bring into this picture something that symbolizes the safety
and security around your family. So were things tight? Was scarcity more real? Was
there anxiety? Was there fear? Was your family in survival mode or were you in
survival mode because of whatever was going on in your family? I just want you to tune
into that for a minute and notice these two things in this picture your vision of what
God is and how safe you felt. And so that younger version of you what would a
miracle mean? And just notice if you resonate with this idea that a miracle would be
deliverance from fear some kind of safety, some kind of security.
Sometimes people pick up the kinds of miracles that their parents would pray for, ask,
or talk about. So just take a look at this picture, and I do recommend you write down
notes for yourself because the information thats being painted in this picture is very
powerful for you. It comes from your subconscious mind, your energy system, and its
often got a lot in there to clear. So if youd like now, you can Star Seven, and Id love to
get some feedback on how this picture looks. What was the feeling about the god of
your understanding or your religious training and what was the feeling in the house
around survival mode? And so again you have to his Star Seven, and youll be unmuted.


Margaret Lynch:



Hi, this is really interesting to do because I hadnt thought about it in so long, and I
realized that my parents would just drop me off at Sunday school and they would tell
me if I didnt come every week, that I would burn in Hell and it just brought back to me
these memories. Like oh, I was like Oh my god, I was so afraid of God. I was afraid of
His wrath, and I hadnt thought about it in so long.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so we you come into the present moment and you think, Wow, I would love to
have miracles in my life. And thats at your when were looking at first chakra and
youre looking at five, six, seven years old, this is your earliest, your most basic
foundational programming, and every chakra above in somehow, some way or another
will speak the truth of that programming. So yeah, kind of a conflict. So looking at the
picture, whats the level of fear in you?


Well, in my family I felt safe. I didnt well, consciously I didnt know that they were
struggling at the time cause they kept it from me. They didnt speak about it in front of

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

me, but I later found out that they were struggling. So I guess unconsciously I was
picking up on that.
Margaret Lynch:

But if you were to put yourself in the situation of if you dont go to Sunday school,
youre going to go to Hell.


I know. I was terrified absolutely terrified.

Margaret Lynch:

So I just want you to see. You know, look at the picture, and see if you could see that on
your face cause its really interesting the way your mind will paint that picture. And
when you can even picture the terror on your face or fear, even though youre just
closing your eyes and imagining, its a very strong indicator that thats whats being
carried in your nervous system. Remember, first chakra is the fight or flight; so what we
see here that triggers fear will still trigger your fight or flight in some way.
So for you, theres some kind of going to be fight or flight trigger when everything go a
little bit closer to spirituality or the Divine, which is cutting off half your chakras just a
little. And as I was saying earlier, I laugh when I looked at this in myself because I
consciously think, Well of course am not a, you know, and then you go back to this
early programming. You go, Wow, thats whats in my first chakra. And so what
would a miracle have been like for you? How do you think you wouldve defined a
miracle? If you were to ask that child what would a miracle be like, what kind if miracle
is it okay to ask for?


I guess just to know that I would be safe and never go to Hell.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay so yeah, a miracle is not going to Hell. Okay, great feedback. Thank you.





Margaret Lynch:




Margaret Lynch:



Hello, this is Beloved. Going back to that time for me, it was about total survival for me
and for my parents. It was like always the fear of in not being able to pay the rent or
have food on the table and also survival within the family, not knowing when one of the
parents was going to strike. And in terms of God, it was that in duality of that loving
God sometimes, if I was that perfect and completely pure and that vengeful and
punishing God. So I guess a miracle for me would be just to barely survive to survive.

Margaret Lynch:

Thank you. Yeah, thats pretty big. Deepak Chopra says in How to Know God, he said,
The god of the first chakra is what does the what do you need to do to make the
god of the first chakra happy? And its fear and loving devotion. So theres always this
You got to be afraid of me, but you better be lovingly devoted. And so just as you

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

said, If Im perfect, loving, but also vengeful and punishing. So theres always fear
there, right? Thats why he calls it the fight the god of the fight or flight.

Fear and also the belief that I had to sacrifice for God to serve that the love of God.

Margaret Lynch:

The belief that you had to what?


Sacrifice for the love of God like earn Gods love.


Yeah, its interesting because as Im hearing that, Im feeling this the same thing,
Margaret that you were talking about. Like in my adult mind, God is so loving that
theres no way that he would make me beg for mercy, but going back to the way that I
was raised, I have this picture of a stern ruling God thats superior and powerful and like
asking for a miracle would mean begging for mercy that He would just have mercy on

Margaret Lynch:

And so this is the end of this is why I use the chakras because we would never come
up with this in when we think about a class about miracles would we? We think about
miracles. Its like This is going to be great! And to look at what goes on at the first
chakra around miracles, its some pretty dark stuff. And so when we find stuff thats
dark like this, absolutely we want to clear it, and the other side of it is when we do clear
it, like oh my goodness, youve cleared something thats really heavy because there is a
difference I found.
As soon as we talk about how we are viewed we can talk about other people judging
us and fear about all sorts of things, and I do lots of classes where we do a lot of that
work. But as soon as we take it to the Divine or to God, its this global level. So I have to
sacrifice and earn my deserving or earn love at this when you say God, all of a sudden
its at this really big global deeply rooted in our core level. And it sort of trumps some of
the day to day stuff.
Its a lot more unconscious cause were not conscious of it all the time, but its when
you get something thats very global like this because its not just like my neighbor. Its
God, which is so deeply rooted in programming programmed in me that when we find
these conflicts, boy does clearing them away theres just a huge upside. So I always
like to thats my disclaimer when we find really dark stuff. Its going to be great when
we clear it. Okay great, anybody else before we start to do something tapping?




Hi. Oh sorry.

Margaret Lynch:

Go ahead.


Margaret, my


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


You get this.


Oh sorry. My view is completely its very different from everyone elses on this. I
dont have vision of what I thought a god was when I was a child because church was
not a big part of my life, my upbringing. But and Im not even sure how safe I felt since
that time. I know there were times I did not feel safe, but the big thing that came up for
me was miracles, no. Its just not a thought that comes into my head. Im sitting I
dont know how to explain it other than that. Everybody else you were saying
everybody goes Oh miracles, wonderful. And I dont have any preconceived idea of
what a miracle is. And so my

Margaret Lynch:

And so its


Im sorry. Go ahead.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so thats great because weve always got a thats why I said its great when you
voice your comment because youre always speaking for a ton of people on the class.
So I appreciate that. So theres sort of theres a million Rhys will always say, Theres
a million ways not to feel something, and so theres sort of a gap there for you. What
does that mean or if you were to look at that picture for that young child, if someone
asked them about what is their view of God if they dont really have one? What would
that bring up in a child to say, I dont really believe anything. Ive never been really
taught anything.
Theres sort of a gap there in again what I call the faith that you are seen, loved, and
supported personally by a benevolent god. Now its sort of there is no benevolent
force out there. Its just me. Its just this room. Its just work, so which is very what
we call very first chakra. Does that make sense?


Yeah, it does.

Margaret Lynch:

So its interesting that you signed up for the class.


Because I have been working on my spirituality in that last four or five years and
recognizing that I have one and recognizing that Im connected to all kinds of things out
there, but I the word God is not the same to me as it is to other people. I see it as
actually when I look at that word, I think of it as very negative, but that was the way I
was raised or the way my father talked about Christian religion and that was when I was

Margaret Lynch:

And so yeah, and so thats good to look at because you there wasnt actually a gap
there. There was actually and even if it was a little bit older, it wasnt just neutral.
There was definitely some negative connotation.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Yeah and when I started this spiritual thing, I realized how negative it was. I could not
open myself to anyone out there of any kind of religion because there was such this
negative connection, and Ive let go of most of that which is wonderful.

Margaret Lynch:

And what often we find of our parents generation so Im like in my mid 40s and so our
parents generation, I think of people in their 60s, 70s, 80s that often when they
rejected religion, there was always it was often around a first chakra issue where they
felt that Hey, the one thing Gods supposed to do is protect me. How could he let this
happen? How could God let this happen to us? So theres some sort of a break in the
religion because of or their belief what they were raised with because theres some
way that the way they saw God was supposed to be there to protect like a loving father
just wasnt. So it might be interesting for you to look at where that came from in your


I think I know exactly where it came from. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

So I think there was one more person trying to leave a give a comment.


Yes, hi.




I was just going to add to the other people I agreed. I had very fear-based God and the
miracles is sort of yeah on any miracles, Gods got better things to do. But he was very
punishing view and also theres an all-watching or he knows what youre thinking, what
youre doing and he will punish you very vengeful. There was nothing benevolent
about the god that I was brought up. It was almost like Well, youre lucky to exist.
And so my thing was just hoping that he wouldnt notice me, that hed ignore me and let
just carry letting me exist, but you know, turn a blind eye. Theres no way miracles
are going to happen to me.

Margaret Lynch:

Wow, so at best Im ignored, which is and so someone else said safety or a miracle
meant not going to Hell. For you a miracle would be He doesnt God doesnt even see
me. I get ignored.


Yeah, he wont strike me. Yeah, I get to exist that He wont actually strike me dead.

Margaret Lynch:

Thank you for that. Okay so lots of and this is really what we focus most on in the first
chakra. Its a lot of focus on this religious belief because its very first chakra because it
gets to our safety. And were talking about both safety globally like we all just
expressed whether we were safe like our soul, whether we were going to Hell, whether
God was going to punish us, and how that related to our actual family what was going
on in our family at the time whether we felt safe in our family or our family was actually
experiencing survival mode around food, around money, around resources.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

So were going to do this round first, and then the next well see what comes up after
this, but I wanted also do a round on the other side of it, which is that the physical
things in your family or lack of things would be much more real than the physical reality
of miracles. If scarcity is more real, then abundance does not actually exist in your
energy as much as we want to talk about it and think about it. So were going to start
tapping, and Im going to tap along and just leave a gap. I dont have anyone doing an
echo round for me, and I think thats okay because sometimes people like it and
sometimes people dont.
So Im just going to try to leave enough gap even though I tend to talk fast so that you
can do a repeat round, and again please adjust my words around whats really coming
up for you. Everyone on this class is going to have slightly different issues. I try to hit a
lot of them, but certainly if theres one theme thats really hitting you, you can kind of
keep on that theme and follow along with me loosely.


Margaret Lynch:



Oh Im sorry, I think I just un-muted myself.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, lets see. Youre good now. I just muted everyone uniformly. So karate chop
point, even though I love the idea of miracles, the truth is I was raised with fear fear
about God, fear about punishment, fear that He was always watching me with a critical
eye. Why would I want a miracle from this god? Im just going to honor that and hope I
dont get struck by lightning for saying it even though I would love miracles in my life. I
understand this involves contact with spirit, with the Divine, with the god of my
understanding, and Im not so sure about that.
In my first chakra, God meant fear. God meant anger. God meant sometimes merciful.
If you were good, Im just going to honor all this old programming and the fear and the
terror attached to it. And tapping through the points, there I was a small child so afraid
of Gods wrath, afraid Id go to Hell, afraid I wouldnt be forgiven, afraid my family
wouldnt have enough to eat, afraid I had to be perfect. But I knew I wasnt. Miracles
for me meant surviving. Miracles for me meant God was benevolent. A miracle for me
meant things I couldnt really understand. I never really understood miracles.
So many confusing messages in my religion, in my family and in my reality. Id love to
ask for a miracle, but it mostly meant survival. I just wanted to survive. There was so
much fear, and it didnt seem like God cared. As a matter of fact, He seemed really
scary. I totally honor this conflict around miracles, around the Divine programmed in
my first chakra because when I think of miracles at a deep level I remember fear. I
remember survival mode, and that doesnt feel good. Im so open to healing this for my
highest good.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Okay and take a nice deep breath. Just see how that went and if you want to give me
some feedback on that, you can Star Seven again and that will un-mute you. I just want
to see if that kind of triggered us higher or where were at. Sometimes around like that
can actually trigger more emotion if its voicing some really old stuff, particularly
sadness can come up.

I just got myself un-muted. Can you hear me?

Margaret Lynch:



What I noticed what was really, really powerful and Im very grateful for that is I was
raised in a Communist society. We did not have God, but what I noticed is for me, God
its a power thats outside of me. And so it is naturally and unconsciously associated
with probably more of a male energy, but also with the government. And I think for me
generically called the Divine, I kept substituting with the word power because that
was bringing the most triggers for me and noticing that power. Theres no control.
Thats very strong and I just thought it was interesting.
So I dont know if theres anybody else that is from a different background, but again
with power its that we constantly associate with things outside of us whether its the
government or it can be a male figure since God has been depicted very often as a male,
not a female. So I had some of those issues came up for me. So thank you for that.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, interesting, and you actually kind of moved up to the second chakra cause those
are all second chakra issues around God and religion and miracles. So cool. Sometimes
our energy system says, Mm, I got more of the second chakra. Im going to move up
there. Well be hitting some of those ideas again next week. So good.


The thing that I noticed


I was surprised yeah, I was really surprised because there was a lot of things coming
up that I thought Id already kind of gotten over psychologically and everything. I come
from a background where I was taught with childrens books and things that if you were
too good, if you were like a nice good person, a nice good child, then God would take
you away. So if I was too good, if I was achieving and doing everything perfect, then I
would die. So I had this kind of very reverse relationship to God. So I cant be too good,
but if Im bad, Ill go to Hell. So it was interesting that that came up.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah thats an interesting that how do you walk the middle of that, right?



Margaret Lynch:

Okay good, there was someone else who had just started to comment.


What I noticed was well, when we did the first thing, miracles for me are scary. Thats
the word that came up. When we were doing the tapping, what I remembered was that

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

almost every time Ive ever experienced something that I would call a miracle, its
brought up huge amounts of fear after it happened. I mean I was like oh I noticed it,
and then Id be like in major fear. So for me miracles really are scary, which is
Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and great for sharing that. So you see directly the fight or flight connection. So at
your first chakra, miracles are not safe. So a miracle could happen to you and itll only
be able to come so far down into your energy system. When it starts to hit your second
and first chakra, youre like No freaking way. I dont want this.


Exactly, and a lot of times what has been a miraculous occurrence, Ive fought against it
so much that it actually leaves. So I really want to get over that.

Margaret Lynch:

Right, and again the way I define miracles is its when the Divine co-creates with you.
And so being able to go far beyond just your will and your willpower and your hard work
you think of the idea of the firefly trying to fly through an open window and the
windows half open, and they just keep hitting the wall an inch away from the open
window. You just keep flying and hitting it and the determination in that little firefly!
He keeps getting up and flying again and an inch away the window is open.
So this is the Divine is co-creating with us so that as Wayne Dyer talks about the path of
least resistance. So to be able to allow miracles to flow through your whole energy
system and into your life and support your life purpose, it takes your life to a whole
different level. So the fact that weve got these blocks in there that say, No, miracles
are not real or miracles are in one category. If I almost got hit by a bus and someone
saved me at the last minute, thats a miracle. Thats it.



Margaret Lynch:



For me, miracles theyre not only not safe, they are dangerous, and I can see how
when I have gotten things that are wonderful for me that I consider wonderful or a
miracle, then I something bad happens whether its my health or my finance or
something. I see how thats related to the sabotaging part. So yeah, thank you for that.

Margaret Lynch:

Its amazing how many people are resonating on that. So were going to do another
round and were really going to hit the fight or flight a lot harder because when you
really tune into something like this, tapping is exceptional at turning off and rewiring the
fight or flight. And so remember that when youve got something that comes up strong
like this, you have proven it true hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times in your
life. You have evidence that youre carrying around that says, This belief that I have
that this is dangerous is true, and Ive proved it over and over and over. You actually
have neural pathways developed around that.



Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

So when you find a core belief, you want to really work with this more than just tapping
today. Yes.


Margaret, for me, something kind of interesting happened is I actually grew up with a
God that was incredibly loving and in a religion that did not believe that in Hell and all
that. But for me, so I immediately jumped way back to my parents who represented
God for me in a whole different and very conflicted way and that was where all the
judgment and the damnation even though I went to a church that was totally the
opposite, when we started tapping, I kind of bypassed the whole presence of God and
went into sort of my second God if you will, which was my parents at an early age.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, very and that was more real to you than this sort of even as a young child, we
see where theres incongruence. We see when people arent congruent like youre
saying one thing and youre doing another. And so you really have great instincts about
that, that they really represented a more real God to you, whether Im safe, whether Im
secure, whether Im going to be judged as good or bad.



Margaret Lynch:



This may be second chakra, but the phrase is coming up: The Lord giveth, the Lord
taketh away.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, thats where thats right in the first chakra. Right sometimes merciful and
sometimes vengeful.


And you never know which one its going to be.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and so again at the first chakra, the question is: am I safe? And Eckhart Tolle
says, When you can be in a situation where theres uncertainty about your safety and
be calm, then that moment is when infinite possibility opens up to you. So when
theres uncertainty yet youre still calm you have absence of fear, thats when infinite
possibilities open. So when were in survival mode, infinite possibilities and miracles do
not exist for us in any real way. As much as we want to meditate on them and think
about it, when it comes down to the real first chakra where we actually manifest,
scarcity is more real. Life or death, survival mode is more real than being divinely
guided and held in our life purpose, so really important at the first chakra. Yes.


Im sorry, I was can you say that there is no there are not miracles because we
theres no room for miracles. We can barely survive. Were too busy surviving so
theres no room for something better.

Margaret Lynch:

So great reinforcement, and remember that every one of you that have expressed these
survival mode issues, it is programming. So when you feel it in your life right now and
youre replaying being in survival mode when you think about your money and you have
anxiety or you think about a scarcity in your life, it is programming. The life that youre

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

replaying now if thats whats present in your reality; it actually came from way back
there from the past. Its actually programming thats creating that. So really, really
important to do this tapping for the first chakra around survival mode. So were going
to do another round on that, and this time were going to go just right through the
tapping points. So just start any points you like to tap and were just going to tap.
Miracles are dangerous and that is the truth. Barely surviving, fear, anxiety, terror, that
is more real. That is absolutely real. That is the truth. Thats what I lived. Thats what
Im still living. There are no miracles. I wouldnt want them if there were. Theyre
dangerous. Theyre scary. Theres a huge downside. Whats real in my first chakra is
survival. Panic, fear, am I safe? I dont know. Thats whats real. All this old
programming stuck, conflicted, and rooted in my first chakra, in my nervous system
response. My very nervous system is wired for survival mode. I dont feel safe. Ive
never felt safe. Miracles arent even safe because the god of my understanding wasnt
really safe. My family wasnt really safe.
And from this first chakra programming, I see the whole world. I see miracles and I see
the Divine colored through this programming. I am open to healing this. It would
probably take a miracle. Im asking for help in healing this conflict this old
programming that I am not safe. I honor all of these old beliefs and Im open to healing
them. I do this for my highest good, and I call upon the light within me, the light of my
soul that is eternal, thats never been wounded, that has always been safe. I call upon
the light of my soul to help me heal this the part of me thats always been whole,
always been safe, and always eternal.
Okay and take a nice deep breath. In working with first chakra issues over the past year
and the fight or flight connected to it, one really great antidote to the fight or flight fear
is remembering your soul your soul thats eternal. Your souls never been wounded.
Its never been afraid. It doesnt care what you do for a living. Its eternal, and so I find
it like a wonderful antidote to the fear and the fight or flight response is we kind of have
to move up and touch our soul a little bit.
And so one of the crystal bowl meditations that I will have Liz make available to you is
called touching the soul. And this is a healing that Rhys has crafted using the crystal
bowls that brings you to the essential state of the feeling of the soul. And so it will be a
great exercise after this class to go to that recording and you just its a 12 or 13 minute
meditation. You listen to it, not on headphones. You want to listen to it so the sound
vibrations can hit your whole body all your chakras, and it will bring you to the
calmness of your soul. So quick comments on that round? I want to do a positive round
after that one because that was pretty intense.


Margaret Lynch:


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Ive been crying an awful lot from this, and what I got from the first round was that God
ignored us. My father was ignored and he was angry about it, and the reason I had no
feeling was when I realized that God was ignoring us. And so I was never safe and there
were no miracles because my parents were ignoring me and God was ignoring me. And
when you brought up the co-creating, when I think in terms of that, miracles doesnt
work for me, but I can co-create things. I can see that happening. So it gives me great

Margaret Lynch:

And so one of the other things that happens at the first chakra is its where we make
vows to be loyal to our family or to never be anything like our family, and usually we
make them simultaneously. And so what brings more power to the tapping and looking
at the chakras is what Rhys teaches about vows that we make because in addition to
some of the hurt and the programming and the trauma that we had, we also at some
point made a vow to say, That is it. I am not going to believe in this cause its painful.
And so at the first chakra, we make vows around our beliefs. We make vows to be loyal
to the teachings of our family or our religion or to always fight against it, and either way,
we will manifest around that vow. So thank you for



Margaret Lynch:

- bringing that up. Yes.


I got this just the thought that Im going to that Im being tested all the time like God is
going to test me and Im going to fail because Im too weak because when I was growing
up, my mother had chronic pain and I couldnt take it away from her. She was always in
pain and I was praying for it to go away, but of course it didnt. So then in the same way
as other people have said, God was had abandoned me, but at the same time was
always being tested and I always failed. That came up.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah and as you will be interesting when everyone listens to the profile class, you will
also see in your profile a similar theme. And so the emotional intelligence specialist will
often have issues around abandonment. So when we look at our the god of our
understanding, theres often a feeling of God abandoned me. The charismatic leader
profile type will often feel sort of like this battle of I dont need you, God. You wronged
me. Youve betrayed my family and Im going to refuse you.
So it will also be interesting when you listen to the profile and see how youre
processing your view of the Divine because your view of the Divine or the god of your
understanding is also your view of miracles. Miracles sound for some people lighter and
easier to say, but its all wrapped up in whether or not you believe that there is a
benevolent force that is personally going to support you or whether that is dangerous
and at this first chakra level, very, very connected. So thank you for it.
So were going to do another round, and then Im going to introduce Joan, and whats
wonderful about having sort of this energy healing and she kind of calls it a blessing at
each chakra is that when theres a lot of intensity like this, it can end the class in a much

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

calming place and bringing in a lot more calming and healing energy than we can
sometimes just do with the tapping. And so were going to do a positive round, and just
recognize you might not be ready for this positive round yet, and thats okay. Itll be
here on the recording for you, but well do the positive round to start opening up some
ways of feeling about miracles.
And so in the first chakra as we look at the positive side of miracles, we actually start to
see that everything in our life every physical thing in our life is already a miracle. Even
the pen sitting in front of you on a desk is a miracle of engineering and fascinating
inspired ideas that came to people to create that pen sitting in front of you. Never mind
the computer sitting on your desk or the fact that right now all over the world there are
people connected by the sound of my voice miracle. So as we open up to miracles in
the first chakra, its looking at the real material things in your life and seeing them as a
miracle, that were personally delivered to you just for your enjoyment.
As Abraham Hicks talks about Just because I love it and its beautiful as opposed to just
seeing miracles to have something to do with survival. When we start to see the
physical miracles around us, this is when your first chakra opens up its magnetic ability
to start to draw and manifest the stuff the physical stuff that miracles are made of.
And as we clear these vows at the first chakra, it affects every chakra up. So were going
to do another round of tapping and bring in some of these positives.
So karate chop point, even though miracles has brought up a lot of pain for me, I totally
love and accept myself and Im open to accepting the word miracles. Even though I
made a vow at some point and Ive held it energetically in my first chakra, a vow to
refuse the Divine, a vow to believe in fear in survival, a vow to refuse the existence of
miracles, I totally honor that vow and all the ways it involves loyalty to my family and all
the ways it involves rebelling against my family. Im open to healing this old vow,
clearing and releasing this vow programmed at my first chakra because its really been
limiting me.
Even though I have this vow at my first chakra and its vow against miracles, against the
Divine, against my religious beliefs, against my family or loyal to my beliefs, loyal to my
family, loyal to the god of my understanding, I now see all the fear in that vow and Im
open to healing it. And tapping through the points all this fear around the Divine and
miracles stuck in my first chakra, Im open to healing that and allowing a new opening
maybe just a baby step a new widening, an opening in the energy system of my first
chakra, allowing for room for miracles to be real, allowing for space that miracles can
fill, that the Divine can fill, allowing me to widen my view, looking around the room and
seeing miracles everywhere.
Im surrounded by miracles. Miracles manifest. The things I see around me and my very
body are actually miracles. Miracles manifest. As I open up my first chakra, I widen my
magnet. My first chakra magnet and draw to me the physical stuff that miracles are
made of. Im open to walking among miracles, touching and feeling miracles, seeing
everything around me as a miracle manifest. Im allowing my soul to whisper in my ear

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

that I am safe, I am unlimited, I am eternal, and I am divinely supported. I matter in this

universe. There is a divine net always supporting me. I thank my soul for reminding me.
I totally honor my first chakra, my body, my family, my money. Everything solid in my
life, I honor and bless now. I open my first chakra. Im super charging my magnet, and
Im allowing miracles. Im allowing miracles. That feels so much better.
And take a nice deep breath. Okay, wonderful, and so were going to move on to Joan. I
dont have a lot of time to take more feedback right now, but after Joan is done, about
10 or 12 minutes, we will stay on the line if you have any questions or comments. So
Im just going to introduce Joan here. Joan is a very special person to me. I was blessed
to meet Joan. I guess its been a couple of years now, and I adore her. She is one of the
most spiritual people I know. I feel it when Im in her presence, and Im sure that you
will feel it in the sound of her voice.
Joan is an energy healer, although she does and has studied Reiki and polarity therapy.
Shes best known for spirit guided energy healing, which is a term thats been inspired
to her as she developed her gift. So Joan works with the chakras. Shes also been
trained in the profiles and works with those as well, and although you cant really
describe what happens when someone does a healing, Joan really feels that her healings
involve her raising her vibrations up to open her connection with seventh chakra with
spirit as she holds a deep and powerful heart intention for the highest and best of all of
us on this class to channel out through her and out to us.
So for her, her feelings her healings feel like part prayer, part channel and part energy
transmission. So as shes going to come on the line, shes going to be speaking and
doing a meditation for us, and shell be speaking from her own personal faith. And so
again as I said in the beginning, in respect for all sorts of religious beliefs, please feel
free when depending on whatever words she uses, just choose and replace the words
that reflect your personal beliefs and the god of your understanding. So she says,
God, and you like to use the word Divine, really know that is our intention for you
and you can always substitute in those words.
And so just like the tapping, this healing that Joan is going to be doing next is intended
for everyone on this classes connected by the sound of my voice. So even if youre
listening to this recording at a later time, energy and prayer and blessings theres no
time and space barriers. And so as long as youre hearing the sound her voice, youre
connected to the healing that shes going to be giving, and I just like to tell people what
to expect a little bit. You might feel as she does this meditation a sense of great peace.
You might feel a lot of energy moving in your body. You might feel like youre going into
a light meditation or sometimes people think, I think I maybe went to sleep and some
of that. Im not sure. Or you might just feel nothing at all. Any experience that you
have is going to be the right and perfect experience for you.
Joan is going to be inviting you to travel with the energy and receive this blessing and
simply by holding an intention within you of really the words Yes. Yes, I want this.
And so as long as you choose to receive the blessing, you just need to hold that personal

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

intention of Yes, I want to receive this. Otherwise you can also just sit and listen.
Some people are just curious about the process of a meditation and blessing, and they
prefer to just kind of sit and listen and that is also fine.
And so Joan was born in County Kerry in Ireland. So she does have a brogue, and she
was born with an awareness of angels all around her and has continued to experience
that deep connection throughout her childhood and adult life. And as I said, shes an
amazing healer and I feel that spirituality in her presence, and it was one of the reasons
I wanted to bring her onto this class because this is such a special topic and does touch
into very spiritual areas. So Joan, welcome to the class. Make sure that youre

Thank you very much Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, good, and so you just going to you sound a little bit low. So you might need to
speak up a little bit more depending on your connection.


Okay, hello everybody.

Margaret Lynch:

Wonderful, and everyone is muted. So they if they cant really give you feedback
unless you want me to have them Star Seven and then we can do that as well. And so
you can take it away, Joan.


Thank you Margaret, and thank you for inviting me. Im so honored to be present here
today this call. This tapping class is wonderful for miracles. One of my greatest
blessings as a small child was my ability to connect with my spirit guide and angels, and
that connection that was a really special connection for me and it helped me to
survive through many years of trauma. So I bring my humble heart to you today to
share and with all the people in future time who will listen to this recording the
miraculous gift of healing from spirit that has always been a constant source of comfort
and strength for me throughout my life.
I invite you now to travel with me as we share this first chakra energy blessing and be
open to receiving miracles. So lets begin by taking three deep breaths. First breath
inhale as deeply as you can through your nose. Hold the breath, then exhale slowly
through your mouth. Second deep breath, inhale, hold it, and exhale through your
mouth. Third deep breath, inhale, hold it, exhale slowly through your mouth, and relax.
Now visualize a beautiful circle of light and step with me into the center of this circle of
As we pray, infinite spirit god of love and light, I ask that you bring your golden healing
light around us and close the circle and protection and love beneath our feet. I ask for
all our highest guides and angels to be present with us, our whole divine team and our
divine presences to draw close. And I ask all the ascended masters and the legions of
light to draw close to us. And I ask all the archangels, and especially Michael the
archangel to stand guard with us and protect us forever.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

And as we stand in the center of this beautiful golden energy of light, I invite you now to
bring this golden healing light very slowly and gently through your crown chakra and
allow it very gently to move through your body floating downwards, down through the
crown chakra, through the sixth chakra in the center of your forehead, down through
your body very gently and safely, down through your throat chakra into your heart,
through your heart chakra, down through your third chakra, the solar plexus, down to
the second chakra, the pelvis, until it reaches the base of your spine at the first chakra.
The color of this chakra is red, and so I invite you to just rest here for awhile. And just
feel the safety and the connection to your angels, guides, or whatever your
understanding may be. Just feel the peace with this beautiful golden healing light
supporting you, comforting you, helping you feel secure in your body, presence in this
moment. Nothing to do, nowhere to go.
And just imagine a tiny little thought being born within you connecting you to your
souls light very gently, very slowly. Just imagine a little flame beginning to burn. There
is darkness no more, and this beautiful little flame is being supported by the golden
healing light. It is warm, comforting and safe. You are home at last. You are home to
yourself. Welcome home. You are safe. You are secure.
Now just allow this golden healing light to travel with this little flame and travel upward
once again through your second chakra and touching into your third chakra, your solar
plexus, upward gently floating through your heart chakra and feeling the warmth of
your heart, up, up, up through your throat chakra, touching in with your third eye, sixth
chakra and on up to your crown. And allow this golden healing light to travel outside
your body, up above your body. Now see the golden light dispersing and becoming this
beautiful golden raindrops drifting slowly down your whole body in a blanket of
protection and love. And know as you go forward from this moment, you will always
walk in the light. Blessed be.
Margaret Lynch:

That was very beautiful Joan.


Youre very welcome.

Margaret Lynch:

Very emotional for me. I just want everyone to take a nice deep breath and or you
can just stay there and hang up the phone on us. We dont mind. Were out of time,
but just take a nice deep breath. If you have a few more minutes and kind of come back
to your body and back to the room that youre in. And if you want to give any feedback
or any questions for me or questions for Joan, well stay on the line for a few more
minutes and take your feedback. So again you can Star Seven to un-mute, although I
know its sometimes its hard to come back from a nice meditation like that. I didnt
want to come back. Its beautiful.


Hi Margaret?

Margaret Lynch:


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Hi, I just had a bit of feedback about the how you interpret God and miracles because I
was raised with no religious background like the other caller. This is really hard for me
to resonate with, and I didnt relate to any of the feedback. So its a little bit confusing
for me this and Ive done your miracle calls before. So I dont know why I had such
difficulty with this call.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so when we were doing some of the tapping, what you might want to look at is if
theres really a vow that says, Im not comfortable with this. I dont really want to go
there. Then what well do is well just sort of dissociate. So we wont really feel it
resonate. Well go up in our head, and thats okay. It just means that what when it
comes to the Divine and miracles and God and all of these first chakra issues, a lot of
people will just dissociate up. Theyll go from the first chakra, which is kind of what the
fight or flight will do is I got to get out of here. And we just kind of go up to our head.
Thats how weve learned to deal with it.
And so because if you Im guessing that you signed up for this class obviously you
had a very spiritual leaning that its something youre curious about and that you want
to grow into. And so its definitely worth it for you to just see if you want to do some
tapping around even though and I like to go overboard. So even though I want no part
of this, I dont like this material, I dont want to talk about God, I dont resonate, Im
different than everyone else, and I dont want to feel all this. I love and accept myself
anyway. And so try some tapping on really refusing to have a spiritual connection to
feel whatever is in there about your because youve got some belief about the Divine.
Theres like we say, theres a million ways to not feel something or to not believe
anything. And so theres something there, and just see how that feels for you because
when it sometimes things dont resonate because theyre just not in our experience.
But you want to come to what if there was a lack there, if there was no religious
upbringing, then whats in that gap? Theres actually a belief about that gap.


Well I know why and thats because of the overkill that my book my parents had as
children in Roman Catholic faith, and I know thats why they never taught religion to us.
But Im a very spiritual person. I would consider myself spiritual now. So when you
were going said thinking as a child, thats where I had the disconnect. It wasnt if you
had asked me now, I could tell you, but then, it was too fuzzy for me.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so the stuff with the child, well pick up on the refusal of the parents. Were
looking at the loyalty to my tribe. So in my upper chakras as an adult, Im totally down
with spirituality cause it might be more of an upper chakra thing for you right now. As
the first chakra, its really looking to where do you have a vow to be loyal to your family
around any type of recognizing God in any of these ways. And its great that you dont
have a lot of the negative programming to get rid of.


Well that was my teenage years. Thats when I went to Catholic school and thats a
whole different ball of wax.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, you might there might be some refusal there to because its like Im going to
be loyal to my parents and refuse all of that.


Okay, thats probably what it is then.

Margaret Lynch:

I dont want to see it. I dont want to feel it. Its not part of me. Its certainly not part of
my spirituality, but it is at the lower chakras. And so if we want to be able to
understand what spirituality means at every chakra, then the lower chakras have very,
very different issues around them. So for you, its going to be more of a little
exploratory mystery for you to see why you have a pretty you have a strong refusal to
go there. On this end of it, and again you might not have the programming, which is
great, but theres something in the fact that theres a gap there. Theres some
programming in the fact that theres no programming. So little journey of discovery.


Sounds good.


Hi Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:



Hi Margaret. Sorry, I just wanted to say that unlike the previous lady, I was being crying
all the way through terrible, terrible, shed loads of tears, not being able to stop. I
mean other than listening to the recording again, have you got any other suggestions on
what else to tap on cause obviously it was quite huge for me?

Margaret Lynch:

Right, well youre welcome. Im sorry.


Its like hit everything, yeah.

Margaret Lynch:

Im sorry and youre welcome.


Better out than in.

Margaret Lynch:

Right, people say, Wow, thanks Margaret. Yeah, definitely to use the class again, and
its because of the global nature of these issues that they can hit us so deeply. But what
I want you to think about is that the theres a little gift in this for you in that even
though its so painful that for me, the gift or the calling in this is that for you, your
spiritual connection is incredibly personal. And so if it hasnt been, youre looking at
your potential because its triggered so much emotion that the truth of you may not be
how youve been living, but the truth of you is that your connection to the Divine and to
miracles is actually incredibly personal and incredibly deep.
The fact that youve had so much emotion about it it shows you the pain or the
sadness of being separated from that, the pain or the sadness of carrying these beliefs;
which keep you in a state of separation from your personal connection. Its clear you
have the potential on the other side of all these tears is to have a deeply personal and
satisfying connection.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Right, I remember that when you brought up the vow thing, I think I remembered
vaguely as a child wanting having asked God for something or some help I think and
like that other lady where she felt ignored by her parents, I think its a similar thing, and
I felt again ignored by God. And I think when you said about the vow, I have a feeling I
didnt realize any of that, and I have a feeling that I did go right you betrayed me. You
I almost like I youre not there for me. Thats it. It is separation. Your God doesnt
care about me.

Margaret Lynch:

Right, yeah, youre Yeah, so the vow remember theres a trauma and a pain, which is
one part of it. It was painful. There was trauma, there was hurt, and then the vow has
even more energy because a vow is something that becomes the truth of us at a very
deep level and that we prove it true over and over. See? God doesnt care about me.
And that happens multiple times. So a vow is different because you actually use your
will around it and say, I will I refuse to have a personal connection because I dont
trust you. Right?



Margaret Lynch:

And so whether its with the Divine or with people, its like you could tap away the
trauma, but if you still have the vow, youre still going to create your life from that vow
because now what happens is you have to manifest evidence that replays that vow and
that betrayal again and again. Thats how we sort of manifest from our negative vows.
So this big one when you find a vow, a lot of tapping on is great because its got so
much energy connected to it.


Right, so I should just carry on sort of tapping on that and

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, I would do some do the class again, but do some specific tapping on not
disagreeing with the vow. You might want to do some tapping and for anyone who feels
like they have a vow is just tap about it. Even though I have this vow, and part of me
thinks it is right and I dont want to let this vow go. And I have this vow for a reason.
And it is not safe for me to let go of this vow, and screw anybody who tells me I should
let it go. And when you tap on it really vehemently that way, youll often get more
lightening of it and more insight around it. You made a vow to protect yourself.
So the vow was made for a reason, but its also been holding you back, re-teaches that
the vows always directly negate our truest nature. Theyre there to protect us. Theyre
there coping mechanism, but as we get older they become unconscious and accepted
as truths, and they always negate our nature. So theres a lot of upside in tapping about
the vow and letting it go. Its not something we just tap away like a phobia. Takes a
little more work because youve got neural nets built around this vow and this way of
being. But its huge to find a vow like that.


Yeah, that was pretty huge. Thank you.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, when you tap on it again, sometimes thats a good time to sit down and really
look at the other side of the evidence of what is carrying this vow cost me? And youll
see the other side of the story. Okay?


Okay, thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. Anyone else got some final comments?


I just wanted to thank Joan for the blessing because I just feel my tailbone is alive and
heart is alive and my third eye is just alive, and I just feel a lot of energy moving
everywhere. So thank you so much.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. Joan gives a great healing.


Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Wonderful, yeah I got a little when you had Joan, when you had the energy sort of
move up back up through the chakra then it hit the heart, all of a sudden I got I felt
like I was going to burst into tears. It was just like this feeling of emotion coming up. So
it was wonderful for me as well.


Thats great.

Margaret Lynch:

And so Joan will be joining us every week to go through each chakra with us at the end
of the class and so looking forward to next week. Thank you everyone wonderful
class. I appreciate all your participation and feedback.


Thank you so much Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome.


And thank you Joan.


Oh, very welcome. Thank you all. It was a pleasure.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, the feedback really makes the class much more powerful healing for everyone. So
I appreciate that. So I will see you all next week.


Thank you so much. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Bye everyone.


Bye, thank you. Bye.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Miracles Class 2
Margaret Lynch:

Welcome everyone. This is Margaret Lynch, from And welcome

to Tapping for Miracles. This is class two. Today were going to be talking about the
second chakra. And I am joined today as I will be through this whole series by Joan
Cremin, who is spirit guide, energy healer that I absolutely adore. And Im very happy to
have her spiritual presence on the call, because of the nature of the classes. The way
the class will work, is were going to do the tapping, and my part of the teaching for
about the first 70 minutes of the class. And then Joans going to come on, and by then
well all be ready, very ready for a break from all that tapping and Joan will come on
and do her energy healing, which for her feels rather like a blessing at each chakra. So,
today, focused on the second chakra, the healing will be a second chakra healing. And
that will last about 10 or 12 minutes. And then well have some time at the end where
Joan and I will stay on the line if you have questions or comments or feedback for either
of us. And I just want to say thank you to everyone for the amazing feedback people
have given on the first class. It was a very intense first class. And so Ive gotten a lot of
feedback, and wonderful feedback about Joans healing meditation at the end. So,
Joans contact information is on your class page, when you go to your class page for
Tapping for Miracles. There is access there, if you wanted to contact either email or
call Joan directly, either for healing or to say thank you, or give some feedback on her
part of it. Which people have reached out and done, which is wonderful. So, I will be
asking for feedback at different times in the class, because I really need your feedback in
order to tune into the energy of where we need to go, and where the tapping needs to
go. People often say that the words that I say when we do the tapping really resonates
really hits true to them. And thats because I get those words from you and your
feedback, and try to speak the truth for the people that are involved in the class. And so
remember that when you speak on a class like this, you really do speak the truth for
many, many people who are listening, either later on the recording, or that dont decide
to speak up. So, it creates a lot of healing. And I do hear from the majority of my
participants cannot be live on these classes, because theyre in different countries and
in different time zones. And I hear consistently in email from them, that a participant
like you who made a comment in this class touched them to their core, and spoke their
truth. So, I know what Im talking about. So, I really appreciate your comments. And it
really, really magnifies the healing for other people listening, and for people who will
listen later, to the recording. I also said last time that because the subject is miracles,
were going to be exploring areas that touch the divine, and conflicts around the divine
infinite possibility. And that hits into areas of religion, religious training, religious
background, religious wounding. And so there will be times when Joan and I use words
like the universe, or spirit, or God, or the divine. And we arent trying to run this
classroom any particular religion. Theres multiple religious backgrounds represented in
this class. So, what I recommend is that you choose the word that resonates most

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

personally for you. Its our intention that we honor your religious background any
understanding of God that you have. So, its best to substitute during the tapping, or
the meditation, the word that is of the God of your understanding, whether thats
divine, or spirit, or God; because thats our intention for you. And youll actually have
better results if you use the word that resonates more personally for you. I also just
quickly wanted to thank everybody. You may have noticed when I marketed this class
that I was donating a portion of everyones class entry fee to Deb Miller who works
specifically with tapping with children with cancer in hospitals. So youve all helped me
make a big donation to Deb Miller to further her mission, the important work that shes
doing with children who have cancer. Children who are in hospitals with cancer and
their families. And boy do those families, those nurses, those doctors, say that she is
working miracles. And so I thought it would be a great combination in this class about
miracles, to create more miracles for the least of those children who are suffering with
cancer. It is her mission to take what shes doing in these hospitals in Mexico, and bring
that to the U.S., because to bring her unbelievable work to the U.S. will put it on a
bigger spotlight and a bigger stage for both hospitals in the U.S. and the rest of the
world. So, its very important for her mission to get out there. So thank you everyone
for that. And Deb was very thrilled to have the donation for the children.
So, Im going to start by reviewing the second chakra, so that you can understand how
to see it, quote, unquote. How to see your second chakra and how to see how it works
in your body. And then were going to go into the issues of the second chakra,
specifically around miracles. Last week I also gave you access to a crystal bowl
meditation that was, I believe it was the Touching Your Soul meditation that Rhys
created. And I will, we will be adding more crystal bowl meditations as the class goes
on. For the second chakra, because were going to be talking about emotions, and
emotional balance, a great crystal bowl meditation to listen to after this class will be, its
called, Full Energetic Balance. And so Ill have Liz put up the crystal bowl meditation, if
its not already there, called Full Energetic Balance. And that is meant to help balance
your entire chakra system. And again, these are just 12 or 15 minute meditations. You
listen to the crystal bowl music. It is going to affect every one of the chakras in your
body, and put you into a calm state, a healing state, a meditative state. And actually let
you feel, start to feel the way energy moves in your body. So, particularly with the
second chakra, the crystal bowl meditations can help support this.
So, last week we talked about the first chakra, which is all about everything solid in your
life. Your body is solid and physical, as well as what grounds you in your belief systems.
The beliefs that came from your tribe, your family and these beliefs are about how the
world works, and even about your religion. The question at the second chakra, because
its about your physical body, is about survival. And we talked about the god of the
second chakra being the god of the fight or flight. So, as we move up into the second
chakra, we go from the solid nature of our body, to the fluid nature of our feelings. And
so Im going to read you some of the ways that Rhys describes the second chakra. Its
located in the pelvis, or the lumbar region of the body. And it represents everything
that flows and moves and attracts us, and gives us desire. So, in the second chakra, we

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

sensually feel the world we come into contact with. This is our feelings. Before we even
attached any meaning or emotions to them, just the actual feelings that we have in
our body about what we desire, what attracts us, what we dont like and just the
pleasure of coming into contact sensually with the world. And so its through this
pleasure of contact with the world that we stimulate our passion - our desire for what
we want in this life. What we want to do in each moment. Our sexuality, as well as our
power in one-on-one relationships. And so he says that the second chakra, when you
think of the flapping of a butterfly wings, you know, he mentions the story about
everything is so connected that the flapping of a butterflies wings can trigger a
hurricane on the other side of the planet, which is something that is said in the east.
And so in the second chakra, its as if you could feel both butterfly wings flapping, and
the hurricane, and know that they both are influencing you in your life. Kind of an
interesting way to look at it. So, your second chakra is your ability to let the world in
through your senses, by feeling how the world flows to you, and through you. So, how
aware are you of the people and the things in your life? How do they touch you? How
do they feel when you touch them? How aware of you are of vibration, light, and sound
of other people. How aware are you of your deepest desires and passions. The
secondary aspect of these sensations are the emotions that come with them, which he
says, The sensation is a raw unit of feeling. And emotions are when those feeling come
to consciousness from the sensations, and trigger you to either move out or move
inward. So, your sensations drive your emotional behavior in positive and negative
directions. So, in the second chakra, again, this is where we feel our deepest needs.
And based on those deepest needs, and wants, and desires, and dislikes, you actually
feel who you are. And thats why the second chakra is where the self-image lives. So,
when we feel our deepest desires and our deepest feelings, thats how we know what
we want in life. And desire creates energies. So, the second chakra the reason why
they call it also the Power Center is because energy is meant to run and flow through
the second chakra. Because when you really want something, it creates an energy of
going out and getting it. Or when you really dont want something, it creates an energy
of, No, I dont want that. And based on all of that, we develop our self-image. This is
kind of the image of who I am, because this is how I feel. So, Rhys describes that a
miracle in the second chakra is simply feeling a real feeling. Feeling what you really
want. Not based on survival mode. So again, last class we talked about survival mode,
first chakra, survival and defining a miracle as surviving. Defining the divine as, I hope
God lets me live, or doesnt send me to hell. And so, a miracle in the second chakra is
feeling what you want, not based on just survival. So, why is this so difficult? Why is it
so hard? It sounds so easy to just feel what we really want. And most people walking
around are not actually feeling what they really want, and asking for it. Theyre actually
thinking about what they can get, and how to get it. And this is why. When you were
young and this how were going to direct some of the tapping you felt what you
really wanted. When were children, we desire greatly to be seen. To be heard. To be
loved. To be safe. If those deepest needs in you were not met, its incredibly painful.
And because of that pain, you will do a couple of things. You will make vows, or
decisions to not want that anymore, because its not safe, or its too painful. Or, you

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

will make a vow to never let yourself be vulnerable to that want which is kind of the
same thing. Or, to always feel unworthy. Because when we feel unworthy, were not
going to ask for what we really want, because were unworthy. So, if that need was
unmet your deepest true needs the pain that that brings will cause you to make a
decision. Im not going to want that anymore. Im not going to feel that anymore.
Secondly, if you wanted that, and were told that it was bad to want that, made you feel
guilty in the eyes of your parents, or in the eyes of God, which often mix together, right?
You will similarly refuse that feeling because you become the judge. And say, It is
shameful and wrong to want that. I cant just ask for that. No. And you will refuse to
honor your deepest feelings and needs. So, what we do instead is we go up in our head,
and we figure out a way to get what we can get to survive. So we go after our basic
survival needs. You know, I dont like this job, but I got to be in it cause I need the
money. This guy doesnt treat me that well, but you know what? Hes helping with
the bills and hes kind of loving sometimes. Okay? This money isnt that great, but I
cannot take any risks, so its good enough. Deepak Chopra actually says that its more
difficult to get out of a relationship, or a bad job, or bad money situation, if its actually
meeting your basic survival needs in some way. Its harder to break away. Because
weve been conditioned we cant really get what we deeply, deeply want and so we
get what makes us survive. So, we go over and around, and up and beyond what were
really feeling to make sure that we survive. And we do it in a way that will be accepted.
We actually create a new self-image. Rhys calls it the virtual self based on all the
coping mechanisms around not being able to get our needs met. So what happens in
our life? You wont desire or feel the need or ask for what you really want. So when it
comes to miracles, the miracle that youre asking for has come from your mind, or come
from your survival. Now as Deepak Chopra teaches, the god of the second chakra so
second level spirituality second chakra the god of the second chakra, very different
from the god of the first chakra is about achievement and reward, or punishment. If
you work hard, God will reward you. So, achieve. Achieve. Work really hard. And a
reward will come or a punishment. And so what happens with a lot of us super-achiever
type people Work, work, work, work. Is when the reward isnt there, the
programming says, I mustnt deserve it. Because when you work hard and you
achieve, God will give you a reward. So, this becomes the focus, as opposed to honoring
your deepest needs. We go over and around, and use our mind to figure out ways to
somehow get close to what we want. But its more based on survival. And we build a
self-image on that. This is who I am. Im an engineer. And this is what I do. I dont
really love it. But its who I am. And its what I do. And, by the way, that was who I
was; an engineer, in a job that was okay. It met all my survival needs. But it wasnt
what I wanted. So, when we cant feel our deepest needs and as I said, which means
were not asking for. Because by feeling your needs, the universe hears an asking
quality from you. You cant ask for what you really want in the form of a miracle and
you cant receive it because you cant receive a miracle thats based on a want. On a
feeling or on a desire that you have judged, and dismissed. So, again, Rhys says, that is
why a miracle at the second chakra, is feeling a real feeling. Feeling what you really

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

want - to have, to do, to be. To experience in this world - whether youre thinking about
a relationship, or your business. What is it that you really want? How do you really
want to feel? How do you really want to be out there? Be seen? Be giving? Be doing?
Because when you feel that, you now will be able to feel the miracles that are
happening in your life all the time, and receive them.
So how are we going to get to all this with tapping? [Side comment]. [Laughter.] What
were going to do is were going to go back again, to the age of five, or six, or seven.
And I do want you to take some notes on this, because theres going to be some really
important ah-ha moments for you in here. The second chakra Carolyn Myss, who is a
best-selling author and visionary in the energy medicine world, and has been for years,
and years, and years she says that 90 percent 95 percent of the problems that we
have across all humanity are first and second chakra issues. So the second chakra is an
unbelievable center for you to work with far beyond this class. Thats why in this
process I want you to take some notes, because youre going to see some of the vows
that you made and some of the things that you did instead, because you couldnt get
your basic needs met. So that we can start to unwind that and bring you back into
contact with what you really want. So that you can look at yourself and go, This is who
I am. You know, Rhys says you cant find who you are. You cant think who you are.
You cant think your life purpose. You can only feel it. You have to feel who you are. So
the second chakra really has it going on in this.
So, heres the first exercise. I want everyone to take a nice deep breath, and were
going to do some visualizing. Most people like to close their eyes, or if you like to leave
them open, thats okay. But I want you to let your mind, your unconscious mind bring
up a picture of you, maybe around five or six, or maybe even younger. Sometimes
people bring up a picture that looks more like three years old. I just want you to let your
mind paint that picture for you. And its okay if it feels like your guessing, or youre
remembering a photograph. Thats okay. And I just want you to imagine that your mind
could even show you what youre wearing in that picture. Could even see what youre
wearing there. And just notice how old you are in this picture. So, I want you to really
tune into this little child. And just notice, how does this child look? This younger
version of you - how does he or she look? And now I want you to put the parents or the
caregivers in the picture. And I want you to step in and ask this little child, What do
you really want? What do you want from your parents? And I want you to notice if the
child just wants to be safe. Or if the child just wants to get away. Or even if your
childhood was warm and loving, if there was some aspect where the child wanted to be
seen more. Because at this age, what you really want is to be seen, loved, treasured,
valued and heard. And so, theres no set of parents that are perfect. Even the most
loving parents cant do everything right. And so, in some way, I want you to see for you,
what was that unmet need? And I want you to notice if the child has already coped and
is telling you, Nope. I dont want anything from them. Nope. I just cant wait to get
older. Or if theyve already coped by saying, I just want to make mommy and daddy
happy. I just want to be good. Because sometimes at this stage, the child wont even
admit to what they really, really wanted. And so I want you to notice, before we do

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

some tapping, if you were to say to that child, Well, why dont you ask for that? What
would happen if you asked for that? And I know youve got that information, so I want
you to note that down. What would the child tell you? Why dont you ask for that, little
one? What would the child say? Oh, no. I would never ask for that, because -- .
What would happen to them. And this can be a range from being beaten, to being
embarrassed. Being humiliated. To being ignored. To being just looked at funny. So
theres some pain not only with the unmet need, but also if they were to ask. And just
see if the child also has a sense of what would God say about that asking? Just see if
theres an aspect already at this age about the religious programming. About what God
would say in the mind of that younger child.
And now, again, before we do the tapping, I want you to capture one more piece of
information, which is, youre seeing what the child wanted, or maybe we havent
revealed it, yet. Youre seeing why they wont ask. And sometimes theyll reveal the
information there. The consequences. Now I want you to look as the adult, what did
the child do instead? What did the child do to cope, instead? Did they take care of
everyone else? Did they act invisible, and disassociate? Did they become very quiet, so
no one would see them? Did they become very angry and embattled? Did they become
extremely mind-focused? Learning, and learning, and achieving that way? Did they
become perfectionistic? Because the what the child did instead, you are still doing to
avoid your deepest needs. So, I want you to capture that down again. This is full of
insight and work for you to do in an unfolding way. We dont just get this done once.
This is very deep core issue, and we its not just something that we did from a trauma.
It becomes a vow, and a way of acting that becomes an unconscious undeniable truth
within you. And I want you to see here, that the child made a choice to do something
instead, that never really met the core need. It let the child survive, didnt it? So, Im
going to allow you to Star 7. If you want to give me some feedback on any aspect of this
picture. And I really want to focus were going to do some tapping first, on what did
the child the very first question, What does the child want? And whats the feeling
in that child about that want? Or about that lack of that want?

My names Kathy.

Margaret Lynch:

Hi Kathy.


What came up, was my little girl wanted to be a part of their life. And when asked what
would happen if the little one asked for that. The little one said that they would say that
I already am. But they wouldnt be telling the truth. And I would be made wrong. And
what did the child do instead? The child became a helper, and an achiever. And
decided to be part of tried to be part of their happiness, to get their attention. So, I
guess the overall thing is to belong.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Okay. So, if the child were to ask, they would be the child intrinsically sensed the
incongruity of their answer? She knew that they were going to say, Oh, of course,
youre included. And that wasnt going to ring true.



Margaret Lynch:

So, instead, she made a decision to become an achiever, and [crosstalk]. Yeah. And we
call that like a super like a perfectionistic helper. Im going to help. And Im going to
help in a world-class perfect way.


Yeah. I really see where my codependent things come up, because its a coping.

Margaret Lynch:

And so these vows that we make to be a perfect helper, and perfectly achieving, never
really meet the need. And they actually become this is how addictions get created.
They never satisfy the real need. And so, if you were to and so going forward
instead of asking for a miracle of feeling loved and belonging, and totally connected to
people, which is part of your calling at the second chakra for you. To feel really
connected and loved in belonging. The miracles that you would ask for would be
opportunities to be perfect and to support other people. And to be a helper. So, were
not asking for the real miracles that we want. So, thank you for that. And there was
someone else who started to talk?



Margaret Lynch:



When you said that you could go back younger. Ive been doing the five, six, and seven.
And I realize that this started at three. So, by five I was already coping. But I didnt
realize that before. But my thing was to be seen as good enough, because Im a girl.

Margaret Lynch:



And I wouldnt ask for that for the same reason that she just said. Because they would
disavow that. They would say, Oh, youre being seen. We know that youre a girl. We
know youre good enough. And what came from that was that I became invisible. I
had to become invisible.

Margaret Lynch:

So, each of us will deal with it a different way. But so for you became more invisible.
And so I would even say, she wanted to be seen as she really was. Because as a girl
was something she learned, Oh, Im different because Im a girl, and somehow not
good enough. So, to be seen as she really was. For who she really was. As a beautiful
miracle to be treasured. Right? We see how some people treat their kids, right? Look
at my gorgeous, beautiful children. Right? We know that thats out there. And that
thats not what we had. But that is the basic desire for a child in the one, two, three,
four, five age. So instead, became invisible. And so the miracle youre asking for at the
second chakra is miraculous opportunities to be invisible. And Im sure miraculous
coincidences have shown up for you, which allow you to play that out. Thats just a

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

strange way of using miracles. Now, and as I said earlier, if a miracle came and
appeared right next to you that was aligned with being totally seen? Or for the first
person, totally belonging and loved and connected? You would not notice that miracle.
You would not be able to see it, or let it in. Because its a miracle around something you
do not let yourself want anymore. There was one more person who wants to give

I will.

Margaret Lynch:

Sure. Go ahead.


Hi. This is Diane.

Margaret Lynch:



Can you hear me, Margaret?

Margaret Lynch:

I can hear you. Sure.


I grew up with parents that were from Germany, and fled the war. And I was very stifled
in my childhood. And let me back up. I dont remember a lot of my childhood. I just
dont remember. I see pictures, and Ive talked to my mom about it. I dont talk to my
dad much. And I know that early on at a very, very young age, the bond between my
mom and I was broken because I was the apple of my dads eye. And he actually raised
his hand once at my mom for some reason, telling her to back off of me. And that must
have been at a very, very young age. So, you know, I thought that I had gotten past this.
My mom and I have talked about it. But I think that what I didnt get was a lot of love.
And I think that I couldnt ask for that because my dad would get mad. And of course,
never feeling good enough, and of wanting to please your parents. And I think what
happened to me, is I became very mind-focused. I really went within. Became an
achiever. And then later on, I was very, very rebellious. Looking for love in all the wrong
places. And my life as such is, yeah, Ive dealt with addictions for many, many years.
And have jumped around from business to business, never being successful. And maybe
being on the edge of success, but never allowing myself to be.

Margaret Lynch:

So, when we go into achiever mode, which is, if you heard the profile, the teachings that
I provide with this class. The profile that is called the Knowledgeable Achiever; which is
very achievement oriented and has the most restricted second chakra. Second only
really to The Thinker, when theyve really got a lot of fear they are then out of theyre
body. Its a very restricted second chakra when we live up in our head. The downside of
that is the second chakra, which is where your real desires and wants and feelings are,
has a tremendous amount of energy which is supposed to run through it. The energy to
get you to go out and create. So, instead of, again, creating miracles, asking for
miracles, feeling all the miracles that you want and receiving them. We make
judgments about it and we achieve from the mind. So, we end up doing a lot of going
from different places. Looking for love in all the wrong places. When really, theres a

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

deep inner need that we have, that were still not willing to own. To honor. And to ask
for. And that is the key at the second chakra.
The other thing that we do at the second chakra is remember I said we might make a
vow to never be vulnerable. We also make vows to get even. So when theres a lot of
anger connected to being seen or loved, we will often make a vow to get even
somehow. Or battle all which means well battle somehow our worthiness and our
deserving. So sometimes at the second chakra, we see this battle over, Am I worthy?
Am I deserving? Okay. So, I actually muted you again, because I was getting some
noise on the line. But were going to do some tapping for this, and see where we can
take the child.
So, what Im going to do now is were going to tap for this child. And Im going to voice
what you guys gave me, and also for more things to hit the broader experience. And
then were going to look at the picture again, and see how our mind shows us what to
change there and what there is to learn. So when we do tapping for the child, in this
technique, I just go right to the tapping points. So, I usually start with the eyebrow
point, and tap all the way down, but you can tap through the points that you like to use
in really any random format that you like to use them. You really cant do it wrong with
tapping as long as youre tapping enough of the points, four or five, to stimulate your
energy system. Okay, so I just want you to tune back into that child again, and were
going to do some tapping for the child. So repeating after me There I am. All alone.
Even with my parents there. I so wanted to be seen. And it hurt that I wasnt. I so
wanted to be treasured. And it was so painful that I wasnt. I so wanted to be loved.
And it just felt like I wasnt. I so wanted all of these things. Deeply, deeply longed for
them. A deep, aching longing. But they never came through. I never got what I really
wanted. And I learned very young, it wasnt safe to ask. It absolutely was not safe to
ask. I would be told I was wrong. I would be ignored. I would be hurt. Or worse. It
wasnt safe to ask. I was just a small child. But I already knew it wasnt safe to ask. So I
didnt. But it hurt. And I felt it. And I knew what I wanted. I so wanted to be loved. I
so wanted to belong. I so wanted to be seen as a miracle. As a beautiful little energy.
Back then, I could feel who I was. I wanted to share it. I wanted it to be seen. I wanted
to see me reflected in their eyes. The real me. But it never happened. I wasnt seen. I
wasnt treasured. I wasnt safe. And I knew even then it was pointless to ask. I totally
honor this old story in all of this programming in my second chakra. In how I coped as a
child. I needed to survive. I honor how that little child in me coped. All alone. I totally
honor this old story. And I can still feel it.
And take a nice deep breath. And I want you to just look at the picture again. And see
how the child looks to you now. Sometimes well see more emotion in the face of the
child, because weve actually voiced and tuned into all of this emotion. Or sometimes
the child will suddenly make eye contact with us in the picture and really express that
the child feels seen and loved, but a round like that, youve probably never voiced
before. And so it can also bring up a lot of sadness and intensity, which is a good reason

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

to, in the recording, to tap through that round again. So, you can start seven if youd
like to give me some feedback, again, on that.

Id like to ask a question.

Margaret Lynch:



Whats happening is Im getting the first and the second chakra confused. At least Im
getting interesting insights and thank you for that. When we started doing the
relationship on the second chakra, I really felt there was I did allow my being, and
everything was really, really good. Except that the piece that was missing, I didnt have
a mother element over there. Which was still okay, because I still was like 90 percent in
where I wanted to be energetically, the way I see it right now. But what happened is
that at that age my father was really the center of my world. And then at the age of 13,
he passed away. And thats where I made a vow that I dont want this life at all. So, is
my father, being really like a god to me so that he is really the presentation of the god to
me in the first chakra? And so am I dealing with this abandonment issue as you were
referring to the profiles before in the first chakra, or the second? So, I just need some
help here.

Margaret Lynch:

Sure. Abandonment is going to be a second chakra issue, okay?


If the vow is like, I dont want to live. I dont want anything at all. So, its still a second
chakra, then?

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. Its that this pain is too great. That I am abandoned, still.


And I dont want this life. Its the second chakra. I just wanted to clarify.

Margaret Lynch:

Yep. And it does get a little confusing with the chakras, because everything is always
moving up. And so they can tend to overlap. And certainly we can hear the mind
coming in and analyzing it. And the mind does come and make a judgment about it.
And then says, Okay, I am kind of a victim forever. Because Ive got an abandonment
issue thats never going to go away.


Right. Right. Right. Okay. Very good. Thank you so much.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. And so just remember to Star 6 and mute your phone after you get
feedback. And so, anyone else? How does the child look now? And how is that round
for you?


Hi Margaret. Can you hear me?

Margaret Lynch:

Yes. I can hear you.


I had a really emotional round, here. And what I got coming up was like, because my
thing was that I wanted to be not judged and laughed at. And when I was, then I got the
feeling that I will always be second, like I can never be number one, because I have an
older brother. And I think that has something to do with it. So, it was like I am not

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

allowed to surpass him. I am not allowed to pass somebody who is higher up on the
rung than me. That is what my thing was.
Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And so what happens is, is that as a child even, we will feel that natural feeing.
Especially if youve got a lot of that Charismatic Leader energy in you, from the profile.
We will feel that, you know the second chakras are lower self. Theres no morality
there. So we will feel that desire. I want to be the best. I want all the attention. I
want to be on top. And what we are told is, that is bad. That is wrong. That is selfish.
That is breaking the family rules. And so somehow this deepest desire, which by the
way, yes it could call you into a life of being a terrible person who hurts other people,
and in its highest aspirations, it can call you to be a type of person who lives an
unbelievable life. So this is a feeling that can come up through your energy system, and
be used many different ways. But at the feeling level of, I want to be seen. I want to
be a star. No judgment there. Just this natural desire and feeling coming up. But
when were told, Thats not okay to have that feeling. Now, your mind has to decide,
How am I going to somehow not pretend that thats not what I really want? And go
around the system to somehow get a little bit of attention?


Right. Yeah. And thats going into manipulation. And then also, now that Im trying to
build a business, its like, No, you cant. No, you cant. So, Ive kind of locked that
whole package out of myself because if I go there, then I will maybe start compensating
in very powerful ways.

Margaret Lynch:

And so we learn that we should feel guilty about wanting to be a superstar. About
wanting to be better than everybody else. If I didnt have in me at my second chakra,
something that came from somewhere - because I came from a family of eight - that
drove me to not just be a practitioner working with five or six people a week, but to do
this, to put myself out there in a big way, I wouldnt be here right now. I wouldnt be
affecting thousands of people with what I feel is my life purpose to teach. So, instead of
judging that drive, we let that real desire and passion be there. It will bring up so much
energy running through your system, which will allow you to go for it. Now we have a
consciousness. So, you could decide, Im going to take that real desire. And I am going
to step on everybody on the way up. Or you can use your conscious and say, I feel
that real desire. And as a Charismatic Leader, I am going to go and create something
thats never been seen before, thats going to help everyone on the way up. Okay? I
want to take a lot of people with me. So, if we dont judge the basic desire, then it runs
the energy up through our system. But what you learned there and this is really big
for you, because this is part of your drive, to create in this world, and to be bigger than
life that its not okay to have that desire. So, whatever behaviors you did instead, are
probably the exact behaviors that are dogging you in your business.


Yeah. I went into my Emotional Intelligence Specialist/Poor Me and became really

weak. Thats what I did, so.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. Because thats what my family that was the role I could play, to somehow
maybe get power maybe a different way.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011



Margaret Lynch:

So, really important to see there, as I said, for more processing. That was great
feedback. Thank you. We have time for one more person before we do some more
tapping. We want to start opening up our feeling at the chakra and do some positive



Margaret Lynch:



My child started crying with me. I thought that was interesting. And at some point in
there, I realized my parents were actually doing the best that they could.

Margaret Lynch:

So, you released that stuck emotion around this. All that sadness that stuck because
remember, thats your inner child, right? So this is at your core. We do inner child
work. Youre looking at your inner child. The holding on to that sadness, which, of
course, has never been a way to release it before, kind of keeps it somewhere down in
our energy system theres a chakra, sort of a victim feeling because theres so much hurt
still there. So, to move through that sadness is very, very powerful. So, good for you in
starting to actually see that perspective. So remember that as we worked up and
around, and found ways to survive by being invisible, or playing it small or creating a
self-image around being the soft one, or the weak one, or the angry one. As we did
that, we lose the ability to sort of to feel and honor those deepest needs. To know our
self through those deepest needs. And to look at them without any judgment. So,
when it comes to miracles, we cant actually feel the miracles that are lining up around
us. And we certainly cant receive them, because theyre not actually the miracles we
think were asking for. Were in our coping mechanism, still as adults. So, great.
So were going to do a round of tapping that will be a more positive round. To open
some of this up. This is kind of a round that you could probably use every day.
Especially when youve got a really strong Knowledgeable Achiever in there, where you
really live from your mind, and think your feelings, or think your life, or think your selfimage. Okay? So, Karate Chop point. This time well start on Karate Chop point.
Even though Im seeing this whole picture. And its easy to judge what happened. Im
just going to honor this moment of consciousness. I deeply love and accept myself and
my feelings. Even though the truth is I didnt get my deepest needs met. I see it all
now. And I coped instead. I survived instead. I honor this old story and the power that
its had in my life. And Im open to healing this conflict thats been stuck at my second
chakra. Thats been closing down and squeezing my second chakra. Thats limited the
energy flow up from my second chakra. Thats limited my passion. My desire. I deeply
love and forgive and accept myself. And Im open to honoring my deepest feelings and
desires. And tapping through the points. I see it all now. I see my deeper, unmet
needs. Its kind of hard to admit that Im still that needy. And actually those basic

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

needs are pretty simple, but Ive learned not to feel them. I made a vow to refuse to
feel them. That is wasnt safe to feel them. That it wasnt smart to feel them. I figured
out what I could do and be, instead. I honor that now. But it was a coping mechanism.
The truth is, I am more than I pretend to be. I feel so much more than I admit to. I want
miracles at such a deep level. Miracles way beyond just surviving. I want miracles way
beyond money, success and career. I want deep, rich, fulfilling miracles. Miracles
aligning with my deepest desires. All of them, without judgment. I want all kinds of
miracles, because I have all kinds of needs. My most passionate needs. My selfish
needs, and my highest aspirations. The need that I feel to give in this world. Im open
to honoring them all without judgment. As I judge those needs, I disconnect from
miracles. So Im now open to feeling my second chakra feelings. The deepest wants Ive
hidden for so long. And by feeling them, asking, asking them to get met. Asking for
miracles to align for me. To align with those deepest feelings. Receive miracles.
Miracles that are happening around me. Feeling them, and receiving them. Letting
miracles flow through me like a beautiful wind, right through my second chakra.
Thrilling me. Energizing me. That is the miracle of my feelings. That is the miracle of
my second chakra. I totally honor my feelings. I totally honor my second chakra. And
Im not open to feeling miracles. My deepest desires are beautiful and divine. I so
deserve miracles.
Then take a nice, deep breath. And just see how your energy feels after that tapping.
Sometimes we actually feel the energy moving in our second chakra, because honoring
and opening ourselves up to feeling will actually create more space there. Remember
that each chakra, as Rhys teaches it, is a level of consciousness. So, your second chakra
is a level of consciousness. And when we refuse, or ignore, or dont honor our feelings,
we still have that level of consciousness. Were just saying, Im not going to be aware
of that. And that squeezes down the amount of energy that we allow to run through
our second chakra. The energy that we need to flow up through our system. To have
excitement, and passion, and enthusiasm. The energy that we need to be aware of
miracles that are standing right next to us. That are actually aligned with what we want.
You know, everyone knows someone who chooses the wrong partner, over and over
and over. We all know somebody like that. And then they meet somebody who is
wonderful, and sweet. And perfect for them. And they go, Im not that interested in
them. And we look at that and we go, Oh, my God. There is a miracle standing right
in front of you. And you cannot receive it. Because this person is in their pattern. So, I
want you to think of yourself that way, as you open up your second chakra. To feeling
that there are miracles unfolding all around you. That you havent been able to feel,
receive, honor, because theyre aligning with the wants and desires that you have
judged. That you have dismissed. Really important. So, Ill take a little bit of feedback
on that last round, if you want to Star 7. And then were going to move on to the lovely
Joan, and her chakra blessing. So, you can Star 7 to un-mute if you want to give me
some feedback on that. And certainly, if the first round was intense for you, you want
to do some more tapping, because you might see that theres in that old event, that

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

child that we saw, theres a lot more tapping to do. And then that last round that we
did will actually be even more effective for you if youve cleared more of the intensity.


Margaret Lynch:



That one was incredible. A couple of things came to me. One was I had a trauma
happen when I was five years old, in first grade, that reinforced what I got when I was
three. And I didnt realize until now that thats what had gone on. That the thing
happened at three. And then at five it reinforced it, which made me even more
important to be invisible. And by second grade I was so introverted, and I was so
unhappy in school, because of it. Because I didnt know how to be the way I really was.
So, just getting that connection, and seeing it. Because I worked on the trauma a lot,
but I couldnt figure out why it wasnt letting me get beyond it. And it was because of
the stuff that came before that.

Margaret Lynch:

And there are always two aspects in a trauma. Theres the actual trauma. And we can
do great tapping on that on the emotions and the pain, and make it so the trauma is
dimmer and feels further away. But theres also the decision that you made coming out
of that trauma, or the vow, Im never going to let myself be seen again. Im never
going to let myself be hurt again. Im never going to let myself feel my desire to connect
with other people. And that vow has your entire will behind it. So its not just an
event. Now its become the undeniable truth of the way the world is, and the way I am.
And you put your entire will behind it. Youre third chakra will. And so this is, where by
the law of attraction, we can re-create these patterns. And then we battle it though
again. And we say, See, I knew this was going to happen. So, your will is incredibly
powerful. And thats why sometimes we can tap on a trauma, but the effects of it are
still in our life, because weve actually made kind of a powerful vow to do things a
certain way. Does that make sense?


Yes, it does. It makes perfect sense. What Im wondering, is if its possible to release
enough of the vow to get beyond it. Because thats what I want.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And so again, what Rhys teaches about vows, is we dont just tap them away in
one session. Youve taken your entire life to build up evidence and convince yourself,
not hundreds of times, millions of times, that you were correct in making that vow. So,
it takes what he calls the positive use of your will to work with it. So, what we do, is we
make a positive goal. Instead of we dont make a positive vow, but we make a goal. It
is now my goal to allow myself to start, you know, to start reaching out. Or to take baby
steps towards being seen. A goal with the positive use of your will around, This is
whats happening now. Im putting my foot down with myself. Thats what will lighten
over time. The habit, which is the the vow becomes the undeniable truth within you.
The positive use of your will around a positive goal a life affirming goal This is who I
really am. That vow went against that. Thats what will lighten a vow.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Okay. What I do see is that in my 30s I started to step beyond this vow of being seen. I
was really shy up until my early 30s. And then I just went, No. I dont feel shy inside. I
need to let go of this. And I started to let go of that, at that point.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. If youve done a lot of self-development work, youll run the chakras run in 20
year cycles. And so usually, right around the 40s or the 50s is where people are hitting
the 7th chakra, and they have a mid-life crisis. And they go, Oh, my God. Im still living
my life according to my parents - or my trauma. And so, you probably had, you may
have gone through the chakras a little more quickly if you were introspective, or doing
some self-development, and suddenly in your 30s you may have had that 7th chakra
moment where you looked down with consciousness, and said, Wait a minute. Im not
going to do this anymore. And we take a big step. Or Im going to start doing things
differently, because Im letting go of this old event. So, we take really big steps and all
of those steps are part of your journey. So, you really want to honor what you did in
your 30s. Good for you.


Thank you for that. And the good thing is that Im in my 50s now, so Ive already gone
through the 20 year cycle again. Yes.

Margaret Lynch:

Yes. Pretty much, the people who sign up for my classes are typically at that 7th chakra
awakening. And lots of people are in the self-help movement, now. So when I say, lets
look at the programming, we go, Yeah. Im still, oh my God. My father is still
controlling me from the grave. And we say things like that. And so this is your chance,
right? Some people go through the midlife crisis, and they buy a Porsche, and theyre
done. So, they have to wait another 20 years to have a chance of a spiritual awakening
unless some major thing happens in their life. So wonderful. Thank you for you had
me going on a little roll there. So, anyone else with some quick feedback before we
move on to Joan? And just notice, that when youve had a shut down second chakra,
you might really feel some funky energetic and physical things happening around your
second chakra. So, if you suddenly have something physically happening in that part of
your body, yes, its probably connected. Because starting to let more energy move
through your second chakra, that will often process through your whole system, okay?
So, it doesnt mean you shouldnt seek out support, depending on what it is, from
different professionals. But its usually connected, okay?
So, were going to move on to Joan. Im going to introduce Joan a little bit. And then
Joan will do her healing for about ten or twelve minutes. And then there will be time to
ask more questions or comment at the end. Understanding that after a process like this,
sometimes its very difficult to come back and sit up and talk and give feedback. And
thats okay, too. So, we are going to be bringing on Joan, who is a spirit-guided energy
healer. And she is, you know, its funny. I talk often about Rhys, and the Rhys Thomas
Institute of Energy Medicine, his school, which is a three year program. And the head
teacher there is Lisa Campion, who is an unbelievable healer and psychic in her own
right. And her quote about Joan is that she said, I am in awe of her heart chakra. So

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

she did some work with Joan. Some healing with Joan at the school, and said, You
know. Im in awe of your heart chakra. And that rings very true for me as well. You
feel her heart and her spiritual presence. And Im sure youll feel it in her presence on
the call and the sound of her voice. And I mentioned you can read more about Joan on
my website. But you could also take a look at the book, another one of Carolyn Mysss
books called, Invisible Acts of Power. Invisible Acts of Power, which is about the healing
of service and generosity, all the way through the chakras. Youll actually hear about
Joan in there. And she doesnt mention Joan specifically, but you will hear the energy of
Joan in that book. Because in addition to running her healing practice, Joan gives of her
time every week by volunteering in nursing homes. And she didnt know I was going to
say this today, but to me, this is a profound part of the spiritual and healing presence
that she is. She brings her healing, and she brings her healing presence to the sick, the
lonely, the forgotten in nursing homes. And her reward is often a smile, or a squeeze of
the hand. And sometime she hears the words, thank you from somebody in the
nursing home. Who the nurses will say has not spoken a word in months, and months,
and months. And when Joan talks about this work that she does, again with people who
are very sick, who are very alone, who dont have family, who are just in nursing homes.
She loves it. This is what she loves to do. This is part of the joy of her life. And so I
wanted to share that today. And jeez, it makes me want to cry, because Joan is just an
exceptional heart. And so what we get with her on this call is her incredible healing
presence along with her words. So that being said, before I choke myself up about you,
Joan. Joan is going to be speaking, as I said, from her personal space faith, and but in
this class, we have many, many different religious backgrounds. So, please feel free to
focus on the words, or use the words in your own mind that reflect your personal faith.
The God of your understanding. And just like the tapping that we did in this class, her
healing, and this blessing is intended in going out to, by the power of intention,
everyone hearing the sound of Joans voice. Whether its in this moment, or in a later
moment where your listening on a recording, know that it is in Joans intention that this
prayer, this blessing, this energy that she is sending out, will touch you as well. And so,
during the blessing you might feel a great sense of peace. A lot of people did email me
that they did feel, that theyre not that they dont usually get this kind of an energy
healing, but they felt a lot of energy moving in their body. You might feel very light.
You might feel very sleepy. Or you might feel nothing at all. Every experience is
perfectly wonderful. Joan is going to be inviting you to travel with the energy, and
receive this blessing. And all you need to do is simply be open to that by holding an
intention of yes, in your body. In your energy system, Yes, I want to receive this.
And if youre not comfortable with that, if youre just curious about the process, you can
just sit and listen. So again, it will last about 10 or 12 minutes, right Joan? And then we
will have some times for questions. So Im just going to un-mute you Joan, there,
because I think I have you muted. Hang on. Everyone muted. Okay. And Joan, you can
take it away.
Joan Cremin:

Thank you Margaret. Thank you.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome.

Joan Cremin:

Welcome everybody. Welcome to this spirit-guided energy blessing meditation. And

also to the people in future time who will listen to the recording. Welcome. I invite you
now to travel with me as we share the second chakra energy blessing. I invite you to be
open to receiving miracles. So lets begin by taking three deep breaths. First deep
breath. Inhale as deeply as you can through your nose. Hold the breath. Exhale slowly
through the mouth. Second deep breath. Inhale through your nose. Hold it. Exhale
through your mouth. And the third deep breath. Inhale. Hold it. Exhale slowly through
your mouth. And relax. Now visualize a beautiful circle of light. And I invite you to step
with me to the center of this circle of light. And see the light all around us. Infinite spirit
God of love and light. I ask that you bring your golden healing light around us all. And
close the circle in protection and love beneath our feet. I ask all of our highest guides
and angels to be present with us. Our whole divine team. Our Divine presences to draw
close. I ask all the ascended masters and allegiance of light to be with us. And I ask all
the archangels and especially Michael, the archangel, to stand guard with us forever,
and allow me with a humble heart to be a channel for healing for you today.
As we stand in the center of the circle of golden healing light, I invite you to bring this
golden light through your crown chakra. The color at the crown chakra is violet. Just at
the top of your head. And as you allow this beautiful golden light to travel slowly and
gently down through your body, touching your forehead with your 3rd eye chakra, the
color indigo, at the center of your forehead. And onwards down through your throat
chakra, with the beautiful color, blue. And allow it to travel down through your heart,
where the color is green. And on down through your solar plexus chakra, where the
color is yellow. Gently, floating downward, through your sacral chakra, and on down to
the first chakra, which is red, at the base of your spine. This is your root chakra. Feel
the connection to the earth, and your body. The light of your soul, the miracle of who
you are within each and every one of us has been ignited. See that light grow brighter
and stronger.
And I invite now, Saint Germaine, to be present with us. And I invite you to gather up
any old worn out beliefs that you would wish to let go of, about not being safe. And
lets just hand them to Saint Germaine, who will transmute them to a safe place. And as
we let go, and see them float away with Saint Germaine, take a deep breath. And see
your first chakra open with a beautiful red light, and the golden healing light. Here we
have the courage to move forward, with hope and faith, where we nurture selfacceptance. Yes, we are worthy. We are safe, and secure, and supported by God of our
understanding. We express our individuality in a divine, miraculous way. Gently and
slowly now, let us draw this beautiful and miraculous flame upwards until it rests just
below your naval, at your second chakra. Sacral chakra. And once again, I invite you to
gather all the worn out beliefs of shame and guild that you may have about your needs
not being met. And hand them to Saint Germaine, who will transmute them to a safe
place. We are letting go of what we dont need any more, what doesnt work for us

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

anymore. So, just see those old beliefs float away with Saint Germaine, safely. And take
a breath. And with this golden healing light, we pray.
Infinite spirit God of love and light, we ask that we now have the courage to own and
step into our power of infinite possibility. Into the miracle of who we are, as we
acknowledge and communicate our needs in a way that honors and respects ourselves
and others. Just settle here for a little while and feel the warmth of the gentle flame.
And slowly allow this flame to travel back up through your third chakra in the solar
plexus on up through the 4th chakra. And feel the warmth of your heart connecting
with the green light of the heart. And on up to your throat, combining with the
beautiful blue light. And on up to your 6th chakra, where the color is indigo, with the
center of your forehead. And out through the crown chakra, where the color is violet.
See this golden light disperse once again, and become beautiful golden raindrops
drifting slowly down around your whole body in a blanket of protection and love. And
know as you go forward from this moment, you always walk in this light. We give
thanks for this wonderful healing. And for this time that we can spend together. Know
that you can return to this sacred place of light within you at any time you choose. This
flame within us is eternal. Our connection to the divine, from where all love and
miracles emanate. So take a deep breath. And bring your awareness back into the
room that you are in. Gently move your fingers and toes. And welcome back to present
time. Blessed be.
Margaret Lynch:

That was wonderful, Joan. Thank you, again.

Joan Cremin:

Youre very welcome.

Margaret Lynch:

I did not want to come back to the present time. I wanted to stay there, in the sound of
your voice. Nice. And so, Joan and I will stay on the line for a few more minutes, if you
want to Star 7, and un-mute, and ask any more questions, or give anymore feedback. I
know sometimes we dont want to come back from a moment like that, and thats okay
too. [Laughter].


Hi Margaret?

Margaret Lynch:



Can you hear me?

Margaret Lynch:

I can.


Yeah. Im a little up in the air, right now. That was can I say thank you to Joan?

Margaret Lynch:



That was wonderful. Ive never meditated like that before, so thats great. I had a
question about this kind of tapping, because this is really intense for me, whereas the
last chakra wasnt. Is it normal to feel completely wiped out? Like I feel like I need to go
have a nap.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Yes. And that probably what it probably means, so my question for you is how often
are you probably physically tired, but you energize yourself, and you keep going?


Since Ive been eating a really clean diet, Im usually okay. But I usually tap at night, just
before I go to sleep, when I listen to your calls. And I usually sleep really well. But I
have really weird dreams. And I dont know if thats a symptom of mind-venting. I dont
know if thats the right time to tap.

Margaret Lynch:

Well, definitely, it can trigger some strange dreams, absolutely because there are two
things. When we process a lot of emotion in tapping, and its intense for us, we will be
wiped out afterward. But the second thing is that when we do some tapping, and we
feel really tired, were talking about the second chakra. So, what were sometimes
feeling is, Thats what my bodys been trying to tell me. And sometimes they override
that with my mind. Especially if Im a big achiever, and I go, go, go, go, go. You know,
people will say, Well, I felt really tired, so I went running. And then I finished my whole
work day. So, theres the aspect of yes, an intense tapping, because its kind of like,
youre definitely reorganizing the unconscious mind around some old, old stuff. And
were processing some old stuff. So it can wipe us out. And the second part of it is,
tapping is going to show you and bring you more into contact with your feelings. And
sometimes its your body saying, Im exhausted. And you dont listen to me
sometimes. Or sometimes its your body saying, I have a lot of feelings. I feel a lot of
things that dont sometimes get honored. So, it definitely can be unsettling the
second chakra, because its your feelings, and its your sensuality. And its our passion.
And its our power, where we manipulate and feel our power in relationships and the
world. Theres a lot going on there. [Laughter].


So, you say its better to sort of keep tapping on this. Because I know theres something
Id like to the previous caller said, she said about a vow that youd like to get over?
And for me thats one of I attract a lot of people that are unkind and most recently,
just use me. And Id like to be able to get over that, and just sort of now attract people
who are loving, and kind, and gentle.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. So, in there there are two things. Theres the judgment. Have you heard of the
shadow work? Tapping for your shadow?



Margaret Lynch:

So Debbie Ford wrote a book called, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, which is all
about some of the shadow work. And so what youre seeing other people is youre
seeing a lot of shadow side. And of course, theres a lot of judgment about that. So,
one part of it is to do the tapping about other people in a way that really just voices in a
terribly mean, obnoxious and judgmental way, what you really feel about them. And so
you let it rip in the tapping. They call it tapping and ranting. Where you really picture
that person, and you voice, I hate what you did. How dare you. It is wrong. I judge
you. And when you do that kind of tapping, its going to take down the charge a lot
more. Because what youve got is a vow somewhere in there, to battle people like that.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

To attract them. To find them. Let them in and trust them. And then battle them. And
come to a place of, I cant believe that this person -- , where you judge them and you
say, I cant believe how theyve used me. Theyve wronged me. Ive trusted them.
Playing out that battle over, and over again is the vow. Is that, Im going to sort of
battle with this. Okay? And so theres this law of attraction now, is responding to this
unresolved battle in you. So the next person gets attracted, and you run through the
whole scenario again. So tapping, as I said, first for the other person, and your
judgment about them - thats really one part of it. Its going to take down the intensity
about that situation and that person. The other part of it for you is to say, Even though
I made a vow to battle the people who are cruel. To battle the things that I see in this
world, where people use each other. To battle people who use me. I love and accept
myself. And so tap about that vow. Because when youre in battle, you dont actually
get to be the real you. So, theres this feeling in you that its wrong what those people
are doing. But instead of embodying all that you are, youre integrity. The line that you
hold of kindness and goodness, and Im going to stand up and be the role model that I
want to see in the world. You get to do some of that. But youre also battling most of
the time. Youre attracting a battle. So, when were battling, we dont get to lead, as a
leader. When were attracting battle, and going through that whole wound again, it
takes all of our energy from what you probably really want to be doing, which is
empowering people. So, I would try because it would be interesting for you to do some
tapping around, I made a vow to battle, and to call out people who use other people.
Who use their power in a bad way.

That makes sense.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay. Because if thats what youre attracting, then thats your whenever that
something is sort of a pattern, its not random. Youre somehow attracting it, so that
you can work it through. On the other side of that is you just owning your power. And
you being powerful. And you saying, You know what? Im going to use my power to
stand up for what is right.


Yeah. I feel like thats kind of my life purpose. Thats why Im going into law.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And so, when you listen to the profile training with the Charismatic Leader, you
want to listen to that really carefully. Because the Charismatic Leader in you, your life is
about being this hero, okay? But in the dark side of you is going to be like, sort of
couching your power. Letting yourself be taken advantage of. And then battling the hell
out of that.


Actually, that was my next question. I have listened to that call. And I was stuck with
either Rule-Keeper, because that is the one that most resonated with me and then the

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And so, the Enforcer is sort of the dark side of that Charismatic Leader. And so it
just means that instead of being in your leader quality, your more in your battle quality.
So people who have the two primaries, which is Charismatic Leader, and Knowledgeable
Achiever, you know, its a big energy. Its a big life-calling. And they go into things like
law, and running big businesses. Its just that we have to watch that desire to battle.
When you come out of battle, you get to be a total leader. And it doesnt mean that you
wont choose to fight a battle that needs to be fought. But youre going to do it as a
leader, not as a disempowered person.


Thank you for answering that question, because I had such issues with trying to figure
out what my personality was.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. Charismatic Leaders never want to own up that were a Charismatic Leader.
[Laughter]. I dont know which one I am. I think Im all of them. That means youre a
Charismatic Leader.


Oh, okay. Well, the anger is what I resonated with probably the most with the
Charismatic Leader. And then the Enforcer, but it was that Rule-Keeper. Thats really
where I think I have so many rules that I cant even count them anymore.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And that still might come from your Enforcer. Its a way to kind of like control
your world, and stuff. But the profiles are really a fascinating way to look at our life,
because it shows us how we go into defense, so we know kind of the themes of what to
tap on. But it also shows us our potential. When I let go of this negative place, who do
I get to be? I get to be a leader. I get to be the hero of my life. And thats the life
purpose of the Charismatic Leader, versus the Knowledgeable Achiever, which is, I get
to embody brilliance and perfection in this world, because I can teach the world that
perfection is unfolding, and new in every moment. Thats the life-purpose of the
Knowledgeable Achiever. Its really about achievement, and mastery, and excellence,
and teaching the world that everyone is perfect in every moment. So profiles will show
you your life-purpose and your power a little more clearly, especially if weve never
played there, before. Im not a leader. Ive never been a leader. Which, believe me,
is what I said for six months. Im not a Charismatic Leader. Im probably a team
player. Im an engineer, so I must be a Knowledgeable Achiever. And it took Rhys six
months to convince me that my primary profile was Charismatic Leader. So, its a
process. Thank you for that. If anyones holding on, I want to give time for one more


Yeah. Thank you, very much.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome.


I have a question.

Margaret Lynch:


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Wants for me were something that were used to torture me with. So, I think I made a
vow not to want. Which is sort of strange. So, when I decide I want something, I almost
always shut it down. Is it just more tapping? Is that the way to get by all this?

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. So, you want to get really specific. Because for you, theres a little more trauma,
and a little more pain associated with having your wants. So, you want to do more
tapping, specifically around, even though its dangerous, I know it is, and its true
because it happened, okay, hear all the words in there, to me, to have my wants. So I
refuse to have them. I love and accept myself. Its like we want a voice without any
argument. We just want a voice. That part of you thats saying, no way. I have
evidence. I have reason. Its not safe. I got hurt. Okay, its that part of you that
remembers the hurt. And so to tap around that insisting that its true, will help break it
faster, you know? Even though I refuse to have wants, never, never, never, Im never
going to go there. Its not safe. And screw anyone who tells me its safe. If you tap like
that in a really loud way, its going to help you to break it faster. And to come to a place
of your own perspective about it. I always recommend kind of going big when you tap.


So, thats the only way to break it down?

Margaret Lynch:

Well, its a combination, you know. Tapping is a fantastic technique to break something.
To bring your consciousness, and go, Oh, my God. Look what Im doing. But it also
takes, as I said earlier, you to make a goal. And then to put the positive use of your will
around that. To say, I feel that coming up in me, again. And I can tap on it. Or if I dont
have time, I can feel that coming up in me again, and I can say, You know what? This is
the goal that Im working on. I am going there. This is happening. Im going to feel my
feelings, because I deserve it. So, theres some more work there that takes a little
more tenacity, because youve been practicing this for how many years, would you


Im 65. I would guess, well maybe 65 and a half.

Margaret Lynch:

For a long time. And youve proven to yourself a bazillion times that its the right way to
do things. So the tapping is a great way to break it. Youll certainly accelerate the
process. But this is a lifelong way of being for you. And its going to feel a little scary.
So give yourself you know, I say, baby steps. When I say baby steps, its almost like
or tap to take a baby step people have more courage, and theyll take a bigger step.
Just because I said its okay to take a baby step. So telling yourself, Its okay, I can just
take a baby step. Will actually relax the fear a little bit more.


Okay. Thank you so much.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. And dont forget that in that goal is going to have to be something
around baby step around reaching out and expressing that real need.


Oh, goodie. [Laughter].

Margaret Lynch:

Right. Youre going to have to tell somebody.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Oh, okay.

Margaret Lynch:

Because that real need -


Im not looking forward to that one. That might be my big baby step.

Margaret Lynch:

And thats what the chakras do. You feel that real need in the second chakra. And
when it can be there safely, without judgment, you come up to the third chakra, which
is your energy center, and your will center. And you say, Oh, my God. This is the kind
of person I am. I have this incredible need, and Ive never really honored it. And then
it comes up to the heart, where we come into relationship, and we say, I want to share
this need with somebody. And then it comes up to the 5th chakra, where we tell
someone. Okay, so the system works up. Clearing works up.


Okay. Im going to have to breathe on all that. Okay. Thank you so much.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. Youre welcome.



Margaret Lynch:

So, were going to wrap up everybody. Were a little bit over. But thank you again for
your fearless work, and going deep with me on these classes. Thats the only way I roll,
is to go deep. And thank you again to Joan for the beautiful way that you help us to end
these classes with a different healing modality. So, thank you again, Joan.

Joan Cremin:

My pleasure.

Margaret Lynch:

And well talk to all next week. Thanks everyone.

Joan Cremin:

Thank you.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Tapping for Miracles: Class 3

Margaret Lynch:

So welcome everyone. This is Margaret Lynch and this is the third class in Tapping for
Miracles. So welcome to the class and now a quick overview of the class. We are going
to delve into Tapping for Miracles at the third chakra today and we will do that for the
first 70 minutes of the class. And then we will be joined by Joan Cremin, a spirit-guided
energy healer who is ending the classes for us with a wonderful healing blessing at each
chakra which will take about 10 to 12 minutes. And then after that, John and I both stay
on the line for any further questions or comments. And we really have reshaped the
feedback that's been coming in both for Joan and for the class either through e-mail or
through your comments as well.
Also, that Joans contact information is on the class page. People have been asking for
that so if you go to your class page, you will see Joan's contact info, her phone and her
e-mail address if you wanted to work with or speak with her directly about the special
ones that she does.
During the class I will ask for feedback and we have had wonderful contributions from
people and again, this class like every class I have ever done, you guys on the line now
don't realize how the people listening later in different time zones are really impacted
by your comments. When you get emotional, when something hits home for you, when
you get to a core issue and you speak that on the class, it really affects the impact of this
class on everyone who listens to the recording as well. So I just want to honor you for
that. And there is no need to share any personal information, your name or anything or
where you are from when you give a comment.
Again, I've mentioned a couple times, the subject is miracles. We are going into areas
around religion, conflicts with the Divine, programmed rules about religion, our views
about the universe, the Divine. And so we have every different religion so far that I can
see represented in this class. So we are not intending to speak from any one religion
but to honor all. So when we use words like God or the Divine or the universe, you
absolutely should substitute in the tapping or in your understanding your own words
that work for you because it will have more meaning for you personally.
The whole focus of this class around manifesting miracles for me comes down to the
three key pieces that I, in my research and in getting ready for this class, I personally
find creativity vibrationally matched with miracles. And so to review those again, the
first one was your belief in the infinite amount of resources that the Divine has for you.
Secondly, your faith, that you are seen and loved and supported personally by a
benevolent God. And we have gone from tapping and hit that subject a lot in the first
two classes. The third one is your feeling of your wording this, of your unique nature
and how important and special and worthy that is. And so as we come up today to the
third chakra, this is the area that we are going to focus around the most.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

So to get started, I'm going to talk a little bit about the third chakra, the way that Reese
teaches it and I'm going to mix in some of Deepak Chopra's teaching, again I have been
using the book a lot, How to Know God by Deepak Chopra. As he talks about in that
book the seven levels of spirituality which match in many ways the seven chakras.
Everything is in the systems of seven. And of course, Carolyn Myss, which is M-Y-S-S
who is one of the most visionary and thought leaders that we have had in the last 20
years in the energy medicine field and she has written several books. She feels that
your energy, your anatomy around your energy, your energy system, and your human
energy field is as organized as your physical anatomy is. It's organized, it's specific and
anatomy is defined by the chakras in the systems of seven that we see in so many other
religions and spiritual teachings. So that's why I chose to use the chakras for this
program and to combine it with Deepak Chopra's seven levels of spirituality.
So when we look at the shocker itself, the third chakra is basically the solar plexus. So it
is right in our core in the solar plexus and this is a place a lot of people feel stuff. So
when we are not tapping or you are coaching and you are working with somebody and
you say something that triggers them, a lot of times people will feel that right in the
solar plexus and you know that somehow you are triggering their sense of self in this
issue or there is a conflict around their sense of self. So it represents our strength of
character, honor, our ego, our individuality and inner peace which you are going to hear
more about. It's the center of our personal power because when we have selfconfidence and self-esteem in this third chakra, true self-confidence, true self-esteem,
we have a non-dominating kind of personal power. This is where we recognize, in the
third chakra, we recognize that we are a one of a kind.
So if you look down, for instance, at your legs, at your body, you are seeing your first
chakra. And then if you take a second and notice what you are feeling right now, the
feelings in your body, your very nervous system; sometimes it's like you can think about
the feeling of your feet touching the floor and suddenly notice that you are aware of the
feeling of your feet flat touching the floor, we can kind of tune into our hands and how
it feels there and notice that sometimes we can almost feel energy moving in our hands.
And so the second chakra is how you feel the world, your feelings, your experience, the
sensual way you experience the world.
You look at those two things; you recognize there is nobody on the planet who looks like
you. There never has, all the way through history. And there never will all the way into
the future be anyone that looks like you. And there never has been anyone who has felt
the way you feel with your unique nervous system and emotional wiring and your
unique second chakra. The way you process the world and process your emotions.
Never, ever, ever has there been anyone who feels like you. They couldn't. And there
never will be all long into the infinite future.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

So in the third chakra, we go oh my God, I am a one-of-a-kind. Never to be seen

again on this planet. And that unique nature, bringing that out into the world and
sharing that quality of view that is never going to be seen again, that is your life's
purpose as Rhys teaches and that it's never a job but that unique quality of you out into
the world.
So in your third chakra, two things happen; when we recognize holy mackerel, I am a
one-of-a-kind, miraculous miracle, two things happen. First, inner peace. Deepak
Chopra says it's like when you are in a car and for a moment you can reverse the
perspective and look out at the world as if you are standing still and the world is rushing
by you. It's that detached wow, I'm here. He calls it the still point of awareness at my
center. I'm here. And everything is going on around me. But the thing that exists is this
point of awareness at my center. And the Buddha teaches that when you realize this
truth, you are truly free which brings me to the second thing that happens.
You instantly desire to share that quality with the world. So your third chakra is called
your power center. It's the power to take action on your deepest desires of things that
fill you with passion and joy. It's that desire to take action or to share that quality out
into the world. And when you share that quality of you, that beautiful, miraculous,
unique you, not only do you feel peace, you actually bring peace to the world. You
become an agent of peace. Where Gandhi said, be the change that you want to see in
the world. Be the piece that you want to see in the world. And so we will do some
processes today where I hope you will really get to see how that works energetically.
So Deepak Chopra teaches that spirituality at the third level or the third chakra level, to
look at it that way, is inner peace. And the God at the third level is the God of peace. Its
clarity, intercom, contact with yourself. And in that self reflection which of course we
think about meditation and contemplation that's in every tradition, many spiritual
traditions and religious traditions, when we go in, we find the divinity, the God inside of
us; the peace or as Deepak says, the still point of awareness inside of us.
So what does it mean when we talk about miracles of the third chakra? And so we are
going to be looking at today is the miracle that we are looking for at this third chakra is
to know peace, to be at peace with the fact that you are a miracle. So let's see. Sorry
that I am ruffling papers here. As I keep saying, I've got so many notes for these classes.
So we're going to find out how miraculous and one-of-a-kind you really think that you
are today because the third chakra which again is your power center to take action, to
be you, to take that uniqueness into the world. The dark side of it is how much you can
form to all of the things that we learned at the first and second chakra. How much you
can form or you have rules about who you can be.
So Reid teaches that the negative vows that we take of the third chakra sound like this.
They are vows to basically negate that you are a unique miracle to be shared with the
world. They sound like this. I will be who I am supposed to be. I am who I need to be,
who everyone wants me to be not who I am. I will be appropriate. A vow to be
invisible. Now this one hits people pretty much across the board, that somewhere they

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

have taken a vow to be invisible which is really to with hold who I am, to hide who I am
behind this appropriate or the person I am supposed to be. It can also be vows that we
called the people pleaser vows; a vow to be to use my third chakra which is my power
center to take action, to be perfectly giving and sacrificing and meek and humble.
Now, those can sound great in giving and sacrificing and meek and humble all sound like
wonderful things. But when it comes from a rule, from a vow that you have to always
be in every situation no matter what, you are not actually choosing it because there are
situations where it makes sense to be very giving. And there are situations where you
would choose not to be so sacrificing, to honor yourself. There are situations in
marketing our business and sales that dont actually serve us to be super humble
because nobody knows what our value is. And so vows that we take at the third chakra,
from the wounds of the first and second chakra. So if you saw a lot of fear at the first
chakra which the question is, am I safe? If the answer to that question was no, I'm not
really safe either I will be physically attacked or judged terribly which feels just as bad,
then you will have taken a vow to be invisible or withhold who you are to be safe.
If you had a vow at the second chakra to never be vulnerable because it wasn't safe,
then you will absolutely have vows to be invisible in a different way, to with hold who
you are, to control how vulnerable you are. So sometimes they come from fear,
sometimes they come from control. Sometimes these vows will come from shame, a
vow to be invisible or to be who I am supposed to be instead, not who I am, because
there is something wrong with me. So at the third chakra, the dark side is shame, is
looking at our first two chakras, our body and our deepest needs and desires and wants
and our lower self urges and saying shameful.
So we have to do a couple of things to have third chakra strength which Deepak Chopra
always says when you have that third chakra strength, you remain centered which
means you don't get thrown off balance by other people's good and bad opinions and
chaos. That's why it brings us peace, because we can just be who we are. So third
chakra is an incredible place of strengths. And as a martial artist, Rhys told me because I
didn't know much about the martial arts world that he lived in, that they trained for
years and years and years for third chakra strength. Physically, when you think of a
martial artist, that no matter what someone throws it down, they can't get knocked off
center. They don't get knocked down. They just keep dodging and moving and they are
still standing. That is energetically what we want in your third chakra.
So the first exercise we are going to do is around knocking out everything that you look
at yourself and say now, I am not a miracle. I am somehow not good enough or there is
shame there. The second part of what we want to do is we want to knock out some of
that outward focus so that the focus can be within. Some of the outward focus that
says a miracle comes from everyone outside of me approving of me. And then thirdly
what we are going to do is get to the core of it, to the I am a miracle. Because when you
bring your miracle to the world, you bring peace to the world and that is absolutely a
miracle of the third chakra.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

So here is the first exercise. First I want you to picture we are going to make it easy at
first. You are going to picture yourself, so take a nice deep breath and just center
yourself a little bit and we are going to use our beautiful sixth chakra to visualize and
picture yourself. And I want you to picture yourself doing what you do in the world.
Doing the thing that you do that is you. And for the purpose of this picture, I wanted to
be what is your vocation, what do you actually go out and do and share with people? So
if you are a Reiki practitioner or a chiropractor or a coach or a painter, picture yourself
there doing that and surrounded by the people who are important to you in your life.
So I just want you to see yourself doing that. And I want you to rate yourself on a scale
of 1 to 10, if you were to look at that picture and go I am miraculous. So if 10 is 100%, I
see myself as a miracle in this picture and zero or one is not a miracle at all. There is
nothing special about me. So just know that down for yourself and it's always good
when you allow your subconscious mind to paint you a picture like this if there is
something interesting that stands out, it's good to note down because it's your higher
self telling you there might be something else for you to look at in this picture.
Secondly, we are going to make it harder because sometimes we can see ourselves, if
we are a coach or a healer or in the healing professions or the helping professions, we
can see ourselves doing what we do for other people and say okay, that part is
miraculous or at least medium miraculous. But now I want you to change the picture
where your worst trait, the thing you never want anyone to see, is being revealed. And
everyone that is important is seeing this in you. So with that trait for you is failure or
not smart enough or not good enough; or if it's there I am, gossiping, being mean or
picturing somebody's revenge on somebody in my head while I smile smugly. I just want
you to see yourself at your worst. It's a hard picture to look at. And notice how hard it
is to look at that picture and say I am a miracle. I am miraculous.
I want you to star, if you want to give me feedback, you can *7 and give me some
feedback on this pretty yucky picture as far as, and you don't have to reveal what your
worst trait is if you are fantasizing about somebody elses bad luck or other such mean
things that we do in our head. But what are the feelings when you see yourself and
everyone else sees the thing that you are most afraid of being revealed? Does it trigger
shame? Does it trigger fear? Does it trigger a need to hide or feel unsafe? Okay, so
again, you can*seven if you want to give me some feedback.


Margaret Lynch:

Okay and what was the feeling that goes with you feeling vulnerable be?


Weak, not safe.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, and is weak a judgment? People are seeing me as weak?



Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:



Shame comes after that.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, okay, great feedback. What I want I want to take that apart a little bit. So part
of what you are seeing in this picture, because that third chakra becomes the judge,
right? Is that so vulnerable means its weak. What is it weak for you to be? What would
the judgment be? It's weak because we can see that she is vulnerable? Do you want
their approval or what is it? Or just not strong?


It doesn't feel strong and there definitely is showing up a pattern lately about I've been
aware of but now it's really getting deep about how I take other peoples opinions

Margaret Lynch:

That's what we are working on with the third chakra. Hello. So as you look at, so I just
want you to look at this. So you are seeing your second chakra vulnerability which is
that you probably have a lot of strength but there is another part of you with the second
chakra that is also vulnerable and that's the part of you that is open, that wants love,
that one's approval that wants connection. And somehow, the third chakra judge in you
says that is embarrassing and shameful. That desire that I have, whatever it is or that
softness that makes me look not strong or vulnerable, that is a flaw in me.


And there is also a judgment that somehow maybe these other people are right and
that if I do open up and am soft, they won't see it or won't understand it or will hurt me.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, yeah. So remember that the judgment that you see from other people is really a
reflection of your


Yeah, I know.

Margaret Lynch:

You know what I'm going to say. That's you. You're the judge.


I know.

Margaret Lynch:

But at the same time, the feeling in your body that gets triggered, the fuller ability, the
shame, the fear, the no, no, no, no; that's wired into your nervous system and that's
where that tapping can, at this level of getting at the issue and tapping about it can
really make a difference.


Great, thank you.


Am I good?

Margaret Lynch:



Hi. What comes up for me is arrogance. Like this fear to be arrogant.

Margaret Lynch:

So your flaw is arrogance that everyone is seeing?

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Yeah, I have a tear that people will see me as arrogant if I feel confident or I do I am
unique or I do what I think my way, it's like arrogance. And there is a big feeling on my
chest of terror of being arrogant. Maybe it's being disapproved of.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, yeah this is a huge one because what that means, when there is a real terror
connected to this, it's not safe, right? It's not safe for me to shine so brightly and own it.
What that means is that throughout your life, you have to constantly downplay your
power. You have to do some things, overdue some things and under do other things to
make sure that you never ever appear arrogance. It's got to be exhausting.


It is and what I see is that I have been trying all my life to fit in, to fit into the convention
and I don't fit in.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And that's about being who I am supposed to be, not who I am. And so a very,
very powerful you will, against these vows and how are you supposed to go out there
as a miracle if it's not safe? If there's going to be some kind of terrible, horrific unknown
probably we always feel so illogical but some horrific downside of shining like a
miracle that you are. So we go out and we look for miracles externally instead of being
the miracle and letting that shine out.
And Rhys says, I have to read what he says. He says when you gaze upon someone
who is enthusiastically being themselves, you see the sun shining through every pore of
their body and mind.And so you have got on like a sun block so you are on medium. I
like to say I can be medium but I can't be bright.
Okay, I will take one more bit of feedback before we do some tapping.



Margaret Lynch:



What came up for me immediately was anger and that I need to hide it, and after that
was not good enough, not fast enough and not have shame for that. But what she just
said also, everything that she said hit me, too. But the anger and hiding my anger is
what came first.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, yeah. So there is sort of a control. It's like it's not going to be safe so I am going
to make sure that never happens by being in battle and kind of controlling what people
see of me. I will let people see my anger or I will let them see just what I am going to
play today. But again, this takes effort and work and thought and hyper vigilance.


Oh, yeah.

Margaret Lynch:

And all that incredible energy from your third chakra that you could be using to create
unbelievable things in your life is funneling into keeping up these appearances and
safeties in place. And so when you listen to the foundation of the profile call, you want
to really key in on that charismatic leader because we are wired to have a level of

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

arrogance that has a gift for you which is the drive to stand up and be seen. Arrogance
has tremendous gifts even though it can be bad on the dark side, but on the light side,
the gifts of arrogance is standing up and saying hey, look at me. I rock. I am a miracle
over here in a way that as I said in the beginning, the third chakra strength is personal
power, its self-confidence and self-esteem and that's never dominating. It brings peace.
You standing up and saying look at me, I rock from third chakra strengths, doesn't
disempower anyone. It actually frees everybody in the room when we do it from that

Okay, so Margaret?

Margaret Lynch:




Margaret Lynch:

Yes? I can hear you.


All right, good. Something strange happened to me when I was going through my
separation/divorce. I had started seeing this big yellow light outside and it would move
and it was like oh my God; what is that? And eventually it did say it was me. And
eventually years later, I was told what I was doing was projecting my third chakra out. I
would be doing work, I do massages. I would be doing some work and I would see this
thing floating around. And always in doing massages, I love doing massages. It's not
what I feel I am going to be doing for life but I would see this thing. And as much as I do
I am one of those, too, that I feel I can do whatever as long as I have a little bit of
knowledge of it, I can complete it. And I have been like that with massages; I have even
applied for a humongous job working for a doctor knowing in a way that I could use
more training. But I could do this job. I'm that way.
But I somehow have not been able to actually bring if you will my solar back in so that I
felt my power. I used to be able to get any job I wanted whether or not I was qualified.
I would laugh about it. But now it's like since that time frame, my power is there
individual but it's not brought back in.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so especially when you are a real achiever, a real driver, your third chakra
becomes about the doing, all about the doing because it is your power center to take
action. But the other side of that is the inner peace, is the relief from the struggle and
the strife and all of the achieving; that we have that balance to be able to go within
which; is where the meditation and contemplation parts of traditions come in.
And so your third chakra is and this is very common for anyone who has got the
achiever is going to be I know who I am, it's what I do. So when your third chakra is
outside of you, it's through your actions you've got a big third chakra. You are saying
yellow which is third chakra but it doesn't feel like it's part of you, it feels like it's what
you do. Okay? Okay, so I am going to mute everybody and we will do some tapping on
this yucky little picture that I made us look at.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Okay, so just tapping. When I do tapping like this, we tap right through the points.
There I am, everybody sees it. Oh my God, everyone sees what I have been hiding.
They see my vulnerability. They see my dark side. My arrogance, my anger, my not
good enough. It's terrifying. They are judging me. And they should because I judge me
every day on this. And I think I am right about it. They are judging me just like I judge
me. My worst fear is being revealed. It is not safe. I feel the shame, embarrassment,
disapproval, disappointed in myself. It's humiliating. I feel the anger. I feel the sadness.
I feel the terror. All these reactions wired in my nervous system. I don't want to be
revealed like this. I am so not a miracle. I am so less than medium. I've got to hide.
This isn't safe. I won't have it. I am terrified. My worst fear being revealed. It's a
horror show. I am so not a miracle. I try to be perfect. I try to be a miracle. But
everyone is seeing it, my worst self being revealed. So deeply shameful. So many things
wrong with me. I am totally not a miracle.
Okay, and take a nice deep breath. And just a reminder that when we tap, we are using
a clearing technique so we say really the worst negative things that go around in our
head, we use our fifth chakra and we call them out loud. And as we tap, it's a clearing
and releasing technique. And I know that these words sound very negative but they are
coming from you and the goal is to clear them, we don't make anything stronger when
we tap on a negative because your energy system is always going to clear things that
aren't meant to be there. Okay?
I just want you to take another nice deep breath and I want you to look at the picture
again and see how it looks. How high is your judgment? And I want you to just know
how the other people are looking at you. So give me, if you want to give me a little bit
of quick feedback on how the picture looks now because the next round we are going to
tap on is to kind of bring down some of that out would focus on everyone, okay, and
their approval. So how does the picture look now? Have we made it worse or better?

Yeah, I had a lot of shame coming up. And then the people are looking at me like okay,
well you are just like us so you are nothing special which means that I have this being
perfect thing going on, right? I have to be perfect to be a miracle so that was really very
clear for me.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay. Yeah, and so we are going to hit the perfection stuff again in the next class. But
what I want you to do and you might do it now depending upon what people's feedback
is, is do some tapping around, and this is going to sound strange but you want to And
say, because this is a little bit more of his observing, Eckhart Tolle calls it observing the
pain body. When shame is really strong for you, and interesting way of tapping on it is
even though I am addicted to shame, I love it, love it, love it, shame myself all day long;
love the pain and suffering of shame. I love and accept myself. It's very strange but it's
a way of observing that there is this inner part of you that loves to torture you with the
shame. And then kind of call it out. This is my pain body. I'm just going to observe it.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

It's been operating for a long time. Because on the other side of that shame is a huge
amount of true and beautiful self esteem, self confidence, self knowing.

Margaret, this really sits for me. I am an emotional intelligence specialist. And I have
been examining some things that have been happening lately, asking what is the benefit
for me, well the benefit is I get to stay the victim. And I see the people there is a
mixture of the people. Some of them are sort of turning their noses up at me in disdain
and other people are just turning their backs.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so you are going to see the abandonment, right? Which is what you are seeing.


Yeah, yeah.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, the abandonment. And so really brave to say that because it's very difficult for
anyone to admit how much we go to victim. So that was very brave to say that I just
recognize that we all have an inner victim and it's something that we work on our whole
life is not coming from our victim.
So for you, it's always going to be an issue to tap around in any situation, you don't get
over abandonment from one tapping round. It's kind of like your core life issue. They
are abandoning me. And abandonment for you is an incredibly painful state of
separation because you are wired to be filled with love and relationships. You are
wired. That's how you came in. And so for you to clear, I just want you to keep tapping
and anyone else that is getting triggered, okay, for you to clear this battle you have with
the abandonment, this back and forth with it. The miracle, the emotional intelligence
specialists are the true healers on the planet, the true healers because the amount of
love that you can channel is beyond. That's how you came in. It's for you it's
recognizing that you, unlike the abandonment and feeling empty which is always the
exact opposite.

To know that you are the deepest well of love that anyone is ever going to meet. Okay?
And your life purpose is bringing that into the world because the rest of us can only feel
like a 10th of what you can feel. And all the Rule Keepers, and I know you have
attracted them

Yes, just last night as a matter of fact.

Margaret Lynch:

They can only your miracle to the rule keepers is letting them go deeper than they
ever have which is a huge step for them and like 5% of where you can go. It's also
recognizing for you as Reese also says is that when you, as an emotional intelligence
specialist recognize that nobody can go as deep as you, nobody, stop asking them to.


Oh, oh, oh.


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Then you let it be incredibly safe for them to go as deeply as they can into their feelings.
Otherwise you are sort of always telling the rule keeper you do feelings wrong. And so
really, it's important to recognize that that's your miracle, is that you feel every freaking


If we can get through this class and I understand that, that will be a miracle.

Margaret Lynch:

Well there is a part of you listening that is hearing the truth in what I am saying. And
there is a part of you that has learned to couch yourself and to down play it and to go
okay. And so that's okay.


Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

You're welcome.



Margaret Lynch:



What comes up for me is what if I shine and I am wrong? I am a fake and a crush me.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, yeah. We call that imposter syndrome. This deep belief that somehow I am an
imposter and I'm going to be called out, that I am going to shine and then be found out
as a fake. That followed me through college and for so many years. I would look around
my college or look around my company years later and go sooner or later these people
have to figure out that I am a complete phony. I don't know anything. Okay, so this is
because you have a very bright mind. You have a very bright mind, you like to learn and
so you are always going to have this insecurity around like somehow not knowing
enough or not the expert enough.
So what is the feeling in that? If they were to find out, if someone were to look at you
and go you are a fake. What would the feeling be?


The feeling is in my solar plexus but it is again terror.

Margaret Lynch:



Terror to be exposed.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And so not knowing enough or somehow, I need to have all the answers or


It is like a fear that I will be wrong.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, okay. Good, okay. So we're going to do another tapping round and we're going
to bring some of this in there. But I am also going to make you say some really crazy
words about the other people they are. And so this exercise is going to really turn down
some of your outward focus. So we are also going to tap on

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

(Background noise)
....all of our biggest fears. Okay. Okay, so tapping through the points again, there I am.

There I am.

Margaret Lynch:

I feel the shame.


I feel the shame.

Margaret Lynch:

I feel the terror. It's worse than ever. There I am, abandoned, seen in the very worst
light. Judged by all of these people and the truth is I am desperate for their approval
and horrified that they might know that. I desperately want their love. I desperately
want their attention. I am so desperate for their validation. I need them to see me then
I can seem good enough in their eyes. They decide if I am a miracle. I am addicted to
their approval. I hate to admit it. I still want their attention. I so need their love to be
me. I need them to validate me. I need them to see me as special, as good enough,
smart enough, loving enough, special enough. Then I can feel it. Only then I can feel it.
I need the validation from them. The miracle comes from their opinion. I so want to be
miraculous but I can't until they see me that way.
I hate to admit it. It's my dirty secret. I am desperate, needy for approval, horribly
vulnerable. This is embarrassing. I need them all to love me. Please, please approve of
me. Please, please say I'm great. Then I will finally believe it for about a minute. Then I
will need more. I honor this addiction, this desperate insecurity, this desire to be special
through everyone else's eyes. It's how I have been programmed my whole life. I'm just
going to honor it now. I guess I am human.
And take a nice, deep breath. Wasn't it kind of freeing just to admit that? That is one of
my favorite rounds of tapping to do. Okay. And so I just want you to look at the picture
again and you can start seven. And give me some feedback; just see how intensely now
you need their approval and attention.



Margaret Lynch:



Before this last round, I cried through that previous one really heavily. Everything that
you said hit perfectly. And when we got to I couldn't remember how you put it about
how I was seeing myself but how the people around me were seeing me, the first thing
that came to my head was paid all love me anyway. That was before we did this other
round. I was totally amazed.

Margaret Lynch:

Nice, nice.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


I just couldn't remember what the other part was that was inside myself because I think
that one I was like, whatever was in there was important, too, and I didn't even get to it.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. It's like we are seeing this picture through our wounds and our vows. So we see
everything that way and that's why Being over the top for these kinds of pictures, when
you now go out and are with people, we kind of have taken down this huge hedge off
both your fear of withholding who you really are because of all the things that you think
are wrong, and also that outward focus. Because if we can start taking down those, it
leaves the space for you to go I am actually frickin lovable. Okay, nice. Anybody else?
How does it look now? How did it feel to say all that?


I have a comment. The people around me are both fearful and angry. I have the belief
that my aliveness creates annihilation and that goes back to my twin dying in utero I
believe. So if I live, then the people around me die.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and so you have done some tapping around that?


I have, I have been working on that a lot. So this may be why it's so present.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And so the way that you can see now that there is that trauma and this is the way
that it actually works in your life is if I carry too much power, if I am really brilliant and
shining, it's going to hurt other people. And so they are going to react to me. And so
there is one aspect. They are going to react to me by being angry, by violence, by
maybe annihilating me.



Margaret Lynch:

Well, from the profiles, that's kind of the thinker.


Yeah, that's my second profile.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And so there is charismatically and thinker in there in both because the thinker
is always the fear, if I really step into my body, I'm going to be annihilated. People are
going to attack me when I see what I have. For some reason, I am going to be thrown in
prison. It's a strange like people always say to me, I don't even know where it comes
from. You actually know you've had this early trauma and then the charismatic
leader/enforcer will often see battle coming back. People are going to be angry at me
and attacking me.
So you want to do some of this this is a really good picture for you to capture and do
some more tapping around, that there is battle, life and death battle will ensue if I am
me. So I have to keep protecting.


It's not just that they will annihilate me but that somehow my aliveness annihilate them.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and so I have to pull it in. And that charismatic leader/enforcement quality will
often have that here. Like if I own my power, it's going to hurt other people, annihilate
other people. And so when you see that, it means that you have at some level of
awareness and I know there are people listening who are going to say oh my God, that's
me, too because I hear that over and over from clients who really do have a lot of
energetic power. So there is a part of you that's aware that you have a huge second
chakra power. And there is some sort of battle around whether or not that will it's
safe to bring that into the world. And what you are seeing here, it's actually going to
annihilate people. Like I am going to be the next I am going to turn into some kind of
tyrant which is the negative use of power.
So I really want you to work around that very specifically because it's a very specific fear.
It does come up with people who have a big sort of second chakra level of power and
control and so a lot of the people that have a strong charismatic leader will have that
fear. Okay? And I don't know what you think about past lives but this can be a past life
thing when it comes in the strong.


Okay. I will look into that.

Margaret Lynch:

You carry a lot of power in a past life and it went bad for a lot of people kind of the
thing. Okay?



Margaret Lynch:

And so sometimes it's a pattern that you have carried forward depending upon your
beliefs they are. Okay?


Okay, thanks.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, anyone else? All right, last round. Okay, so we are going to move on to the
positive round. Again, that last round is really designed to take down that natural
human, and believe me it's human, desperate desire for approval that we are all wired
with. Now that alone is often what people are most embarrassed and ashamed of is
their vulnerability, that the fact that there is a steep part of them that they shouldn't
have but that really wants other peoples approval. That somehow we should evolve
beyond that and I shouldn't care.
And the third chakra, this is kind of the dance because we do want to tap down the
outward focus that is so focused on the opinions and the love coming into us from other
people. We do want to tap that down. But underneath those words that we said, I am
desperate for approval and love and attention, underneath that is a real second chakra
calling or desire or feeling that I want you to honor. And if you still have too much
judgment about it, now I shouldn't care what people think, then I want you to do some
more tapping on it because in the light side of those words is honoring that you and
your true self really do want to be loved and seen and really do want to be special. You
want your unique quality to be out in the world which is unbelievably special.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

So the desire to be seen as amazing and special and brilliant which we often go oh, my
God, that's so bad. That's so bad that I want that. On the other side of that, is the part
of you, the deeper part that recognizes and is trying to bonk you over the head and say
you are unbelievably special and unique and your gift is supposed to come out into the
world. And yes, you are human. You do want people to love you because when people
love you, you can often do more with them and for them. If you are a coach or a
mentor to them, you will be able to do more with them. You will be able to guide
people, mentor people, lead people, and support people better. And so there is a
beautiful gift in that desperate needy desire for approval. Honor it.
Part of what we do with tapping is we call ourselves out on our deepest desires and our
deepest frailties. And when we do that, they'd lose power over us. So saying I'm kind of
desperate for approval, it kind of loses its power over us. Of course I am, I'm human.
We are all desperate for approval. It loses its power over us. And then we can look
deeper and say there is a calling in me to stand up taller and be brighter and put my gift
out in front of more people because you know what? I love sharing that and I'm pretty
sure a percentage of people are going to love that quality in me. Okay? So as bad as
that round could have sounded, I really want you to see the gift in that.
So we are going to the last round here on a positive round. Okay, so take a nice clearing
breath and get ready for the positive. Okay? So tapping through the points. Even
though I have had this addiction to shame and to fear, to hiding my miracle behind a
fake version of me, I now completely honor the truth. I am a one-of-a-kind. An absolute
miracle. I have been hiding my miracle but that doesn't change it. I am a miracle of
brilliance. I am a miracle of love. I am a miracle of passion, of drives, of energy. I am a
miracle of skill. My personality, my intelligence, my feelings, the way I do things is a
one-of-a-kind, totally unique, never to be seen again miracle. I am a supernova. I am a
piece of the Divine and so is everyone else whether they know it or not. So I am putting
my foot down. That is it. I'm not going to go another day not being me because not
being me in the world, being someone or something else, is like a slow death. It's like
being a ghost. It's like living the wrong life. I am not going to go another day not being
me. That's it. What I have will never be seen again on this planet and I commit to
sharing it now. It might shock some people but I am going to share my miracle. I am
going within. I am seeing me, feeling me, loving me. I love myself. I am so glad to be
me. I am a piece of the Divine and I am stepping into that. In my third chakra core is
the inner peace that lets me be me and as I do that, I give everyone else permission to
be who they are. I am open to being me. I don't even know who that is. But I am open
to discovering who I am every day, in every moment and as I share that with the world I
let others discover who they are. And I bring peace, the miracle of peace to everyone I
meet. I love being a miracle. I am in the same vibe as miracles. Of course I am. And I
love being a miracle.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Okay, take a nice deep breath. That's a fun one. And you can, if you want to give me a
little bit of quick feedback because we're going to have Jones starting in a minute, you
can *7. And just see how your picture looks there. Close your eyes, take a nice deep
breath. Look at your picture, look at you standing there surrounding by all those same
people and see how the picture looks now. And I want you to imagine, and you may
have to tap through that again on the recording but what I want you to see in this
picture is to look at it, let your minds eye paint you a picture of your energy now. Of
your energy in your body expanding out to everyone who is around you because I want
you to see how it happens that you're a miracle, how the energy of you being you with
all of your insecurities and imperfections and all of your brilliance and everything that
makes you divinely human which is your lower self and your higher self. I want you to
see physically how that energy moves out from you and affects other people and the
chain reaction that dad can have in the world.
Again, I'm going to read you what Reese says which is to gaze upon a person who is
enthusiastically being themselves is to see the sun shining through every pore of their
body and mind." So I want you to see that miraculous you like a sign, a beautiful yellow
sun shining through your body and mind out into other people. And see how you are a
And that is a great picture to lead into Joan. And so does anyone have a quick comment
because we are going to go right into Joan.

Yes, Margaret?

Margaret Lynch:



This last round was wonderful. I felt chilled when you said something like I will no
longer go without being myself. It was like just something came up from my solar
plexus to my chest.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, that's intense and that's what we do with the third chakra. We go zap it. That's it.
Put your foot down. We feel that second chakra desire to be us and we come up to the
third chakra and we go that's it, I am never going back to the old way. And it does, you
start to feel it right into your heart, right? Because the heart is where we start to feel
the sadness of not doing that my whole life.


Margaret, when you said about the slow death, that just nailed it so perfectly. That was
exactly how I felt.

Margaret Lynch:

The walking ghost syndrome.



Margaret Lynch:

All my diagnoses that I am not allowed to give. I'm going to diagnose you with walking
ghost syndrome. So thank you for that.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


You're welcome.

Margaret Lynch:

Thank you again to everyone who has given such wonderful feedback on the class today.
I appreciate that. This is the lower three chakras. This is intense stuff. That's why my
theory is that's one of the reasons why nobody is doing this except me. It takes a little
third chakra courage for me to do some of this work, let me tell you. But for me,
sometimes I am terrified when I get on these classes. I can't not do it. I can't not do it.
So I have that wall of fear or that wall of desperation for approval and what if nobody
likes this? And there is something in the that goes, I have to share this.
Okay, you could call that arrogance. Who the hell do I think I am thinking of myself as so
good? If I didn't have the gift or I wasn't willing to own, then I am pretty forgiving
arrogant when it comes to this work. I wouldn't push it out there so hard. Okay? And if
I pretended like I didn't need approval, like I don't care what people think, like I am so
beyond what people judge me. If I pretended that I was so far beyond being affected by
people's judgments, that would be congruent. Of course I want people to love me.
Okay? But does it rule why am? And that's the difference of the third chakra. Do I
change to I am to get that approval that's the difference. Deepak says that you don't
get pushed off center; you don't change yourself in order to get that approval because
the most important thing is for you to be you.
Now, when I really own how much I want to be loved by people, when I come to that in
my third chakra is that I need to be love, I need to be love. I need to let love pour out of
me and then who couldn't love me? Well, some people but still. Okay? So doing this
work is very intense and we can also it often will bring us to some kind of light places
where we can be light about this and have a sense of humor about our insecurities and
imperfections and desires to go into battle with everybody. To have a lighter sense of
humor about it so that we can choose. Okay? So as intense as it gets, the other side
and at the end of my classes, I like to remind everyone that we can when you do this
work enough and you tap through your stuff enough, you can get to a sense of humor
about yourself. And when you speak that way two people, like you know what?
Sometimes I'm a real bitch. But I am very forgiving, too. Suddenly it takes all the power
out of everyone judging me as a bitch. All the power is gone. I just admitted it. Okay?
Was anyone else waiting to comment quickly? And we will go on to Joan. I don't want
to cut anyone off if they were waiting because I am so giving.


And so loving.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay. So I am going to mute everybody and introduce Joan, so I am going to on you to

you, Joan. And so at the end of these classes, it's such a nice time to come into a nice
healing meditation because as we say, we are often a little bit tapped out from all the
tapping and especially when there is a lot of intensity and a lot of sadness being

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

And so I am happy once again to introduce Joan. Joan is an unbelievable healer and
healing presence. If you ever have the joy to meet Joan or to talk with her in person,
there is a sense of holiness about her presence that is just palpable and just beautiful.
At Reese's school, his head teacher and director, Lisa Campion worked with Joan and
her quote was, "I am in awe of Joans heart chakra." Which I thought was so beautiful.
And so in her healing blessing, she calls it a blessing and that's how it works for her. She
is just going to invite you to come along with the energy with her and receive this
blessing and this will be going out to everyone receiving this class whether you are live
on the phone or getting the recording. You might feel a great sense of peace or energy
moving. You might feel like you are really light or you are really heavy. Or you might
feel nothing. So every experience is perfectly wonderful and all you have to do to
receive the blessing is simply be holding an intention of yes, yes I want this blessing, I
want to receive that. Or some people like to just observe and listen with their mind
which is also fine, too.
So it will last just about 10 minutes or so and then we will come back. If you are still on
the line or you can come back; it's kind of hard to come back sometimes. If there are
any more questions or comments. And so you can take it away, Joan.
Joan Cremin:

Thank you, Margaret. Thank you. I love this class. It was absolutely amazing and I want
to thank you, especially all the people who shared because it was just so beautiful and I
feel like it just touched my heart so deeply to hear everybody. And your honesty,
Margaret, has been just since the moment that I met you and I was trying to figure out
today how I would describe you, the peace that you said about Reese? That's exactly
how I would describe you because every time I look at you when I meet you, when I see
you, when I speak to you. It's just always there. The sun seems to shine from
everything you say and every piece of you. So thank you. Thank you for the gifts that
you are in my life.

Margaret Lynch:

Thank you, John. Thanks for making me tap on my own class. You're making me cry
over here. Thank you. Oh, boy. Okay, Im muting myself now. Thank you.

Joan Cremin:

So hello and welcome to everybody. And this blessing will go out to all of us here and all
of us that will connect with this call and recording on the future time.
I invite you now to travel with me as we do this third chakra energy blessing and invite
you to be open to miracles. So we will begin by taking three deep breaths. So inhale as
deeply as you can through your nose, hold the breath, exhale slowly through your
mouth. Second deep breath, inhale through your nose, hold it and exhale slowly
through your mouth. And third deep breath, inhale, hold the breath, and exhale slowly
through your mouth. And relax.
Can I ask infinite spirit God of love and light to bring your golden healing light all around
us. Enclose the circle in protection and love beneath our feet. I ask all the ascended
Masters and the legions of light to be with us. Our guides and angels, Divine presence.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Our divine team to draw close and allow me to be a channel for healing for all. And I ask
Archangel Michael to stand guard with us forever.
So I invite you now into the center of this beautiful circle of light and just see this
beautiful lights swirling all around us, moving upward all around us, beneath us, above
us. And I invite you to draw this beautiful golden healing light through your crown
chakra and allow it to touch in with the violet light at your crown. Very slowly and
gently allow it to move downward, merging with the indigo light of your third eye
chakra. Slowly as you relax, allow the light to travel on downwards and blend with the
blue light at your throat chakra. Gently floating down and merging with the green light
of your heart. Feel the love and the warmth of your heart. Traveling on down to
touching with the yellow light at your solar plexus, third chakra and moving on down,
merging with the orange light at your second chakra. And downwards to the base of
your spine, merging with the red light. Now see this beautiful golden light as it merges
with the red light of your first chakra, through a lunar clockwise direction. Feel your
body and your connection to the earth. Now see your first chakra open just gradually
little by little, very gently, see it open. Feel the love of your heart. Hear your souls light
whisper to you that you are safe and secure. You are divinely supported.
Now this beautiful golden healing light is going to travel upwards to your second chakra.
See it emerge in a clockwise direction as your second chakra opens. Here we honor our
deepest feelings, needs and desires with our new self-image. Now see the energy from
your second chakra rise up through your system to create and be all that you were
meant to be. Feel yourself divinely supported with this golden healing light and feel all
that you feel at a very deep level. Just allow yourself the peace and safety to rest. Now,
slowly and gently allow the golden light to spread upwards, connecting with your third
chakra in your solar plexus and see this beautiful yellow light merge with the golden
healing light. Allow your third chakra to open to the miracle of who you are.
Now I invite St. Germaine to come and be with us. And let us gather all of our feelings
of shame and the vow we made to be invisible and all the ways that we have lived up
until now where we were not really being who we are and sharing with the world who
we really are. Let us very gently and slowly give them to St. Germaine and he will
transmute them to a safe place. So as we let go, see them float away.
And take a breath. And allow yourself now to go deeper within. See the beautiful
yellow lights of your third chakra connecting with the golden healing light. This is you,
this is who you are. You are a piece of the Divine. You are a real miracle. You are safe
here in this sacred space. And no matter what is going on around you, no matter what
anyone else is doing or seeing, this is your own special sacred space connected to the
Divine, connected to this beautiful, golden healing light. And choose to be who you
really are. Just rest here for a while and feel your confidence in yourself, feel the
courage that you have to show who you really are to the world and feel the peace of
what it is like to be an step into your power and be who you really are. Let yourself

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

shine with the help of this golden healing light. May you always remember who you
Now allow this golden healing light to travel upwards to your heart chakra and see it
swirl through your heart chakra and feel all the love in your heart for yourself. Give this
love to you. You deserve this love you are unique, you are a special human being. You
are a special soul. And allow this light to travel upwards through your throat chakra
with the beautiful blue light and then on upward to your third eye. See it swirling
upward and see your chakras opening just a little bit as it moves upward, touching in
with the violet light at your crown chakra. And as it moves out through your crown
chakra, see this beautiful golden healing light disperse into beautiful golden raindrops.
And see them float gently down all around you in a blanket of protection and safety and
love. And know as you go forward, you will always remember who you are as you walk
in the light. Blessed be. So take a deep breath and let your fingers move and your toes.
Bring your awareness back into the room that you are in.
Margaret Lynch:

That was beautiful, Joan. Beautiful once again. I like how you said remember who you
are and I know what we mean when we say that is to remember, at your souls level,
who you are because remembering your past isn't remembering who you are.
Remembering who you were or who you think you are going to be isn't the same as
really feeling you in the present moment. And in that present moment, there is this
feeling and I guess it could only be described as a feeling of oh yeah, this is who I am.
And I am shifting and changing all the time. But this is who I am. Sometimes they call
that touching the soul. So beautiful, beautiful. Thank you, Joan, very much.
So we are close to the time. I know a lot of people have to jump off but if you want to, if
you can physically come back and if you want to give after that beautiful blessing, if
you want to unmute and give any comments or ask a question of Joan or me, we will
stay on for a few more minutes.


Hi, Margaret.



Margaret Lynch:

I heard two people so someone start.


Okay, I will start.


Well actually, I have to go. Can I just be really quick?

Margaret Lynch:



Okay, yeah.


I was actually really annoyed, I was listening to that conference call and then I got a text
message right in the middle of the healing. So I am completely back. I am very
annoyed. But I actually had, I actually had to tap on failure last night because I am a
student and I got a bad grade on an assignment that I worked really hard on. And I

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

always revert back to I'm a failure, I can't do it. And I didn't find this chakra really
effective for me. I was just wondering. Do you have any advice on what else I could tap
Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so two things. What happened for you in this class, too, with the getting annoyed
is just kind of notice that that is part of a pattern too, that when I get really close to
touching who I am and to honoring myself, somehow I go into battle. Something will
trigger me from the universe into battle. So for you, you want to tap on not just that I'm
not good enough but the battle around not good enough. That I have made a vow to
always battle about my worthiness, to prove myself and then have myself dashed down
in my own judgment of someone else and then get angry and fight that and say no, I
deserve better. Im better than this. And then fight and prove it again because it's kind
of a pattern that goes around and around for you. You never arrive at inner peace
which is the third chakra. It's the very second chakra kind of battle about my
To come up to the third chakra piece that we talked about today is to let go of some of
that battle which is really hard to do. And so with a strong charismatic leader that you
definitely have, and interesting way of tapping on it is I am in battle about I made a
vow to battle about my worthiness and deserving and there is no way I am letting that



Margaret Lynch:

Okay? I am battling this and that's the way it is and I don't want peace. I want to be
right. And it will feel really good to tap on it that way. But it will bring you to a calmer
if you voice it really loud and over the top like that, let yourself voice all that battle, that
screw everybody battle, it will bring you to a calmer literally, it will bring you to a
meditative third chakra plays the fastest. And that is spirituality for you.



Margaret Lynch:



Another quick a really quick question. Does that have anything to do with I often
yeah, battling, too but I really and sometimes I will say oh, it's their fault. Oh, well it's
because of this reason or it's because of and I could come up with 1 million reasons or
excuses I like to call them. Is that sort of the same thing, too?

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. You justify your battles, that's all. I can't just be in the world as this amazing,
accomplish a warrior. I need to justify the battle.



Margaret Lynch:

Sorry, I have somebody knocking at the door. And so when we go into battle, we usually
like to have a really good justification that makes sense to ourselves. But on the other

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

side of that is you just getting to be this unbelievable warrior that you are out in the
world, working for the causes that you want. Fighting the battles of truth and justice
and having your energy go there versus it being sort of this other battle that goes on.


Margaret Lynch:

Okay? So good. It's always good to hear from my charismatic leaders who are in battle.


We like the battle.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, we love it. And part of it is admitting how much we like the battle. Way more
than we want inner peace a lot of the times.


Okay, that's good to know because I feel like especially this past semester, I have just
been annoyed at absolutely everything and everyone and now I'm kind of seeing a
pattern and I'm able to tap on it a little bit better and just kind of letting it go.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, when we go into battle, for anybody, when we go into battle, what we are
manifesting is more battles. So it feels good to be in battle and it's good to tap about it
because we come out of it the quickest. But when you are in battle, you are in your
defense. You are not in your creative place. This is the way you sometimes this is the
way we self sabotage. The way I self sabotage by going into battle with everyone and
then I get to a place where they are all stupid and I don't care. And that's myself
sabotage. Okay?


Well, there's my phone. Okay thanks thank you so much. Bye-bye.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, someone else was waiting.


Hi, Margaret and Joan. I just love the blessing, so thank you a lot Joan. I'm tired. I'm
visualizing and feeling my body and I have almost fallen asleep. Is that something you
find is usual?

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and we talked a little bit about that last class, to is that if you are processing a lot
emotionally in the class, tapping is very draining. So it can bring us to kind of a place
where we are like wow, I am exhausted. It's like you mountain biked for three hours.
But definitely, it's a healing meditation. You just want to see for you a couple things. Do
you overwork your body all the time? Is your body giving you signals, I need rest and
you don't really listen so in a meditative moment where you connect with yourself, your
body is saying loud and clear, I am exhausted. There is one scenario.
The other scenario which I find a lot of achievers do is that when they start to go to a
point of meditative connecting with their self, they fall asleep. It's a way of resisting. So
great meditation and then bearlike I lost it. I fell asleep. And so for some people, it's a
way of their mind comes in and shuts down the process that was happening. So you
can kind of think about either of those things and see if that means anything to you.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

It's the same thing when I hear people say oh my God, Margaret. When you got to this
on the class, I got distracted, I went and did this and then I started multitasking and I
realized I was resisting the work that was happening in the class. But often it's just that
tired feeling in your body is from all of the processing and then bringing in a very
meditative space.

Right, yeah.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, but good comment. I'm sure a lot of people have that. That's why I said;
sometimes it's hard to come back. Okay. So did anyone else want to give a quick
comment before Joan and I jump off the line?


Yeah, Margaret?

Margaret Lynch:



I want to thank Joan for that. I connected more in that little thing she just did than I
have in the last couple. It was just lovely. Thank you so much. I could see wonderful
colors. It was just lovely.

Joan Cremin:



And then the other thing was a quick question about one of your other classes you
mentioned a way to some programs that will let you take a section of the recording and
copy just that? I can't remember what it was.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. There is a free download, a software download called Audacity. I'm going to
write it so I spell it right. It's A-U-D-A-C-I-T-Y,
It's pretty much used by
everybody I know to manage recordings. You can download it for free and it will let you
import an audio and chop it up, literally cut and paste pieces out of it and then resave
that as a .WAV file, as an audio file that you can play in your computer. There is a way
to do MP3s but it takes, you have to read the manual, you have to download something
else and it gets a little complicated.
There is also one called Sound Forge which is just how it sounds, the word Sound and
then the word Forge, F-O-R-G-E that I know a lot of people use as well. But I know
Audacity is a free download so a lot of people use it. I actually use it for everything.


Thank you very much.

Margaret Lynch:

You're welcome. I thought I heard one more person? Was there one more person and
then we will jump off.


Actually, I have one other quick question. In my enforcer mode, instead of fighting
outward, a lot of times I turn it on myself. Instead of getting angry at somebody else, I
go into self-destruct mode. Is there, other than just tapping on it in the moment, is
there some better way to handle that?

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

And so what do you think the vow is that stops you from actually saying I anticipate you


Well actually, I think it goes back to what I brought up earlier is that when I feel
when I get really enlivened, I feel that I am very destructive. And so rather than just
destroying somebody else, I destroy myself. I think.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so it kind of brings you when you go hard on yourself and you sort of deal with
self-hatred and then you victimize yourself. So you tap on it specifically is one way
which is the terrible words that you say to yourself because that will often lighten it up a
lot. And you want to go over the top, like I am just horrible, monster, vicious, mean. If I
had my way, I would be flame throwing cities. I would be throwing over off a bridge and
stealing her show. So that's one way to tap on it really specifically where you kind of
voice what you would call the evil that you would do and why it's justified for you to be
hard on yourself about it. So there is one level.
The next level which again is what Eckhart Tolle teaches, observing the pain body, is you
tap about this almost like its addiction. Even though there is this part of me that is
addicted to torturing me, beating me up, telling me that I am horrible and that I am evil,
I'm just going to observe it an honor it. It's been there a long time. It's got a function; I
don't know what it is. It's trying to tell me something. It's got a gift for me. But I'm just
going to observe it, this part of me.
So you kind of start observing this way of acting that you are just like if you have read
any Eckhart Tolle, just like it's like a pain body in you, that thrives on it, that loves the
drama of the way that you beat yourself up. And observe that a little bit. That will help
break the cycle because suddenly you have consciousness about the pattern that I go in.
Even actually me, it's a thing I do, it's like a pain body that's like an aspect of my
personality and it thrives on this crazy cycle of you are going to kill people with your
power so you better cut yourself down. Just observe that whole process. Okay? So
that's kind of like the spiritual level almost up of tapping for it. A very different way of


Okay. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay? Try that out for size.


And Joan, by the way, it was magnificent. Both of you, Margaret and Joan, the class
today was really magnificent. So thank you so much.

Joan Cremin:

Oh, you're welcome.

Margaret Lynch:

We make a good team, right Joan?

Joan Cremin:


Margaret Lynch:

All right. Thanks everybody. Thanks so much and we will talk to you next week when
we hit the heart chakra. It's going to be good. See you all then, thanks.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Joan Cremin:

Thank you.

[End of Audio]

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Tapping for Miracles: Class 4

Margaret Lynch:

And I'm going to mute Joan and so welcome everyone. This is Margaret Lynch, and this
is the fourth class in the Tapping for Miracles program. Today's class is about the fourth
chakra. Fourth class, fourth chakra. And what I call this class is receiving miracles in the
fourth chakra. So joining me on the class, as always, is Joan, and she will be doing the
healing at the end of the class, the blessing healing at each chakra.
And so the way the class is going to roll out is I will spend some time teaching about the
fourth chakra, both from Rhys Thomas and also bringing in the teachings of Deepak
Chopra in his book How to know God which teaches the seven levels of spirituality and
the seven levels of understanding God. And which of course they match to the seven
chakras. Very cool connection there. So that'll go on and then we'll do some tapping
around some the fourth chakra issues and exercises that I have for you today until just
about 70 minutes or so into the class.
And then Joan will do the blessing for the fourth chakra today. And that'll take about
somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes. And then there will be time at the end of the
class to ask questions for Joan and me. If you have to jump off the class, that's fine. But
if you want us to stay and ask a question or give a comment to either Joan or me, we do
stay on the line for a few more minutes depending on how many people have questions.
So that's how the class is going to go.
Throughout this program, the research that I did getting ready for it really led me to
three key points around miracles. And so when I looked at how do we be in vibrational
alignment with miracles, I came up with three key pieces. The first one is the belief.
True and congruent belief that there are infinite resources that the universe, that the
Divine has for you. And so we all like to say we believe in infinite possibility and
abundance but to congruently believe that through our whole system.
Secondly, our fate that the God of our understanding is benevolent, first of all. And
secondly, personally sees us, loves us, supports us in a very real and personal way. And
thirdly, its feeling your worthiness and deserving, feeling the unique nature that you
have and how worthy and deserving you are. So we started out the first couple classes
really talking about the first chakra, which is fight or flight and survival mode. And so
the God of the first chakra is very fire and brimstone punishment.
And the second chakra we talked about striving, always striving to deserve and working
in struggle. And in the third class, we talked about what happens when we get beyond
striving and struggle. The third level in inner peace at the third chakra. So today, we
build on the third chakra. And so I'm going to start by talking a little bit about the fourth
chakra from the perspective of Deepak Chopra and how to know God where he talks
about the fourth level of spirituality.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

And so he says the God of the fourth chakra is the God of the redeemer. It is loving,
understanding, and forgiving is what we see in that version of the Divine. It's a God that
takes back all the judgments we heard in the God image of the lower chakras that weigh
down life. And it's the God of wisdom that looks beyond right or wrong, the God of
wisdom that looks to encourage you to reach your full potential.
So the third chakra which we found the inner peace that comes with just being who we
are, just being able to be me, my real feelings, my real desires, what I really want to say
in the world without so much worry about the judgment of others or the acceptance of
others brings me inner peace. And so at the fourth level, that inner peace transforms
Deepak says, "The silence of inner peace turns into wisdom."
And so this is where he said your inner world actually goes from common peace to
actually coming more alive because at stage 4 that calm and that peace turns into asking
questions and understanding. We start to have the wisdom and the broader
perspective, like a redeeming God has. The broader perspective beyond right and
wrong about the nature of reality and the nature of humans. And we start to see with
our intuitive wisdom the unfolding of the secrets of human nature and of the very fabric
of reality of abundance of manifestation.
And so he also calls the fourth level the intuitive response where we respond to the
world intuitively. You live your life through insight, empathy, tolerance, forgiveness.
And so as we reach the fourth level, what we talk about is flashes of insight, religious
awakening. He also talks about this is where at the fourth level, the heart level is where
we have opening to telepathy and ESP and reading people's auras and knowledge of
past life or of the future.
That's that intuition. So again, at the level of the fourth chakra because it's forgiveness
and insight and wisdom, it's truly beyond looking at things as black and white, right or
wrong. We look at mistakes that people have made and we encourage personal growth
from those mistakes. We encourage people to reach their full potential. Now I know
that a lot of people in this class do just that in their career, in their chosen life purpose
here on this planet.
You're about personal growth. You're about people reaching their potential. And so the
fourth chakra is what carries this. But the dark side of the fourth chakra is judgment and
criticism. So we're going to talk more about that and about the people that are listening
now that are about that are really focused on leading people to personal growth and
development as we get into the exercise. So Deepak Chopra also says that before you
reach stage 4 down in the lower stages, intuition is kind of wise, intuitive response that
comes from your heart, not from your mind.
It can actually be a pest. It can actually be annoying because your natural intuition can
go against or come up as that little voice that goes, "That doesn't sound right to me." I
mean that's kind of funny. Or intuition actually being a pest when you know you're in
the wrong place. Or you know you're at the wrong group of people and you're used to

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

going along with that crowd. So the God of the fourth chakra at the fourth level is the
God of the redeemer.
So understanding, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, and to respond to the world from
the fourth level is the wisdom, intuitive response. Seeing the bigger picture, seeing
beyond right or wrong, it's a personal growth and development because as we see
beyond right or wrong, there's no need for crime and punishment and forgiveness
within our self. So as we look at the actual fourth chakra, the fourth chakra is physically
located behind your sternum in the center of your chest. It's the heart chakra.
It represents your ability to hold love and compassion for yourself and in relationships.
So it's actually through the fourth chakra that we come into relationship with people.
He says it's the bridge between heaven and Earth. And what that means is the fourth
chakra is your core, it's your center. It integrates the lower three chakras and the upper
three chakras. So the lower self and the higher self all get integrated at the heart that
sees the broader perspective, the bigger picture beyond right and wrong to integrating
pieces of my lower self and pieces of my higher self make me whole.
And so he says it's the balance point of the system in the seven chakras. Robert Frost
says, "It sits in the center and it knows." So your heart loves you and everyone else just
as you are, unconditionally in the present moment. He also says the heart is the healer.
Every healing is, when it comes down to it, any healing that you get is actually of the
heart. It's the compassionate act of forgiveness of the self and then others is the core of
what all healing really is. So when you have an open heart chakra, you live in the
present moment, even if it means being vulnerable because the present moment is
where you're alive and feeling love.
When your heart is closed, it means you're living in the past. And you're only seeing
what you don't forgive in yourself or what you don't forgive in others. So again, we
come back to the at the fourth chakra which when you listen to the profiles, it's the
knowledgeable achiever at the fourth chakra, which is the fourth and sixth chakra
dominant profile type. And the gift of the knowledgeable achiever is to see the big
picture, the bigger perspective.
And so when we talk about the heart chakra, everyone knows we talk about the heart
we talk about forgiveness. And true forgiveness is when we look at something, an event
or a mistake or something someone did with wisdom, understanding, compassion in the
bigger picture, the bigger perspective. We realize that we've always done our best.
That this is the unfolding of our self development, our journey, our consciousness. Rhys
says it's seeing it's saying something like I forgot that the Divine doesn't make
So he says when you forgive yourself, you're really saying I forgive myself for forgetting
who I really am, that I've never really been bad. I've always done my best, that the
universe, the Divine does not make mistakes. And so on the other side of forgiveness is
always going to be the critical act of the sixth chakra. That's why it's fourth and sixth

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

chakra come together. So what blocks forgiveness? It's the sixth chakra narrow view
that says no, that's not how it should have gone. I should have known better. I should
have done better. It never should have happened.
Now Rhys says that the instant, the absolute instantaneous second that you criticize,
your heart chakra closes. Energetically it is the act of closing your heart. And if you've
ever been around someone, even a coach or a practitioner or a healer who is critical,
you will feel a closed heart around that person. You will not feel compassion. And
that's the side that we call the rule keeper. So how do we get to having a miracle at the
fourth chakra? The miracle at the fourth chakra is about loving yourself in every
moment, accepting yourself in every moment without fixing anything, without striving,
without doing better.
In the present moment being completely lovable, which means I allow myself to receive.
It's really the same thing. I deserve and I allow myself to receive because if you are
unforgivable in something that means I don't deserve. I refuse to receive love,
compassion, forgiveness, support. And one of the things that we're talking about in this
class is the true feeling that you are deserving. And secondly, the true faith that the
Divine, that the God of your understanding personally supports you.
And so if that's being blocked at the fourth chakra, we are absolutely blocking the
receiving of miracles of support, miracles of support I call it in our life. The manifesting
beyond our radar and we go, "Oh, my God, where did that come from?" So to get into
an exercise, what we're going to be working on today is your unforgivable story. Now,
I'm going to have everybody in a minute come up with a story or an event that they
have been holding onto that is unforgivable. That you look at that and you and
sometimes it's been in our blind spot.
Like we don't even look at it. It's not that one. No, Margaret, that one's in the back.
[Laughter] I'm not even looking at that one because that one I'm right about. I am so
far past forgivable on that one. That often it's in the blind spot in our self-development
because we wouldn't even think to bring it up for healing or tapping or clearing because
I'm right about it. That is the way it is for me. That one thing I need to hold onto.
So I want to come back to where I said there's people on this class whose entire life
focus, whether you're a coach or a chiropractor, or a naturopath, or a Web designer, I
don't care what you do, but in some way, shape, or form you truly feel committed in
your life around leading people to personal growth, to personal transformation, to
consciousness, if what you do in some way you feel is committed to the transformation
of mankind, the consciousness of mankind.
What I want you to recognize today is that no matter what you teach, no matter how
great your content is, no matter how unbelievable your technique is, if you have one
little pinky of unforgivable that you're holding out over yourself, you're never going to
be able to bring people any further than where you've gotten. If you got one pinky of
unforgivable where you can't forgive yourself, then you could say all day long to

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

everyone you teach and everyone you touch, you have to forgive yourself. You should
forgive yourself. It's forgiveness. Forgiveness will heal you.
Forgiveness will set you free. You could say that all day long. But in your voice, which is
your fifth chakra through which all your chakras and wounds and vows speak, there is
going to be a little vibration that says you should forgive yourself except if you got
something like what I got, then forget it, you're screwed. So I want you to make that
connection because I work with a lot of amazing healers who are doing unbelievable
And they don't seem to see the harm in holding onto their unforgivable story. Now I
know this is commonly said in the chiropractic world, that your patients cannot become
healthier than you are personally as the doctor. And so this is in your vibe. So through
your voice to everyone that you coach or help or heal or lead, all your chakras are
speaking. And if you've got an unforgivable story in there, you're giving them, through
your vibration, and they can feel at the fourth chakra, forgive yourself except because
you're holding out something that you're saying except this. If you've got one of these,
that is beyond the Divine.
So that is my pitch to the unbelievable healers that I know are in this class. Why I want
you to do this work and forgive yourself. So here's what I want everyone to do. I've
already been stirring the pot here a little bit knowing that you're going to come up with
this unforgivable story. So I want you to give this a title just like it was movie, a horrible
little movie. And I want you to picture this event, this story, this movie that you have.
Write down the title of it.
And I want you to say out loud, "It's unforgivable." And I want you to rate that on a
scale of 1 to 10. And I also want you to say, because I've done this so much with people,
I want you to look at that situation and say, "I was a monster, horrible." And see how
true that feels on a scale of 1 to 10. And I want you to just notice what's coming up,
what's the feeling as you look at this story, that's unforgivable because there's evidence
that you have in the story that's very specific of why you can't forgive yourself.
Why this is beyond forgiveness. So if you want to star 7, you can un-mute and give me
some feedback. If you want to say the title of your story, you can. You do not have to.
They're usually horrible, horrible little titles. Very bad words. And just tell me how true
it feels and what the feeling is when you say I'm unforgivable or I'm a monster.


Margaret Lynch:



Hi. The title of my story is How I Ruined My Father's Life.

Margaret Lynch:

That's a pretty bad title.

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It's a pretty what?

Margaret Lynch:

Pretty bad title.



Margaret Lynch:

Very absolute.


Because I was because my unforgivable score is 8.

Margaret Lynch:

So pretty high.


Yeah, and my terrible is 10.

Margaret Lynch:

And so what's the feeling as you say I'm unforgivable. And that feels true at an 8. I'm
terrible. Is it because sometimes it's not really a feeling. It's just a thought that says,
"Yeah, yeah. That's right. Yeah."


Well sadness is coming up.

Margaret Lynch:

Good. And sadness is good.


And also the feeling that I have is that I wouldn't have been punished so severely
because if it I wouldn't have done such a horrible thing.

Margaret Lynch:

So the punishment part of the punishment is the evidence that says it must've been
that bad because I had such severe punishment.


Exactly because my dad, up to that time, up to that date, he was my world and I was his
world. And then everything changed after that.

Margaret Lynch:

And so our mind what we see here in these stories is going to be the mind versus the
heart. The mind versus the intuitive response, the bigger picture, the compassion. It's
the mind here that's saying, well, I have this piece of evidence


And it's all my fault.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And so remember if you come up strong in the knowledgeable achiever as one of
your two primary profiles, that is going to be your life long work is it's all my fault. I
should have known better. I should have seen it coming. I should have done it
different. I should have, should have, should have which always means I do not deserve
help and support.



Margaret Lynch:

Very important connection. Thank you for that. Anybody else? Want to share? You
can star 7 if you want to share a little bit of this story. And I know it starts to trigger a
lot of intensity right away.



Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:



Hi Margaret.



Margaret Lynch:

I've got two people. So I heard someone first.


Hi. I've got for unforgivable, I've got a 10. And for "I was a monster", I've got a 10. And
it's beyond forgiveness because I'm really not sorry. And I have total shame about that.
That's the feeling that I have, shame.

Margaret Lynch:

So is it I'm still not sorry?


Well, I certainly was not sorry at the time. And I'm still not as sorry as I ought to be.

Margaret Lynch:

And so why does that make it worse?


'Cause what I did was not okay, and I should at least be sorry that I did it. It's kind of like
I have to earn forgiveness by being sorry, by regretting it, by and I would not do it
again. So I learned a lesson from it. But I don't really regret having done it. But I think I
ought to.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so again this is kind of an interesting twist, right. This is your mind saying I really
should regret this.


Right. [Laughter]

Margaret Lynch:

Or maybe if you're maybe it's like a third chakra that's saying I should be a little more
ashamed of this. And your higher self is going but I see the perspective already. It
helped me grow. It's just that you can't be fully congruent because we want you to be
at that perspective, fully, fully congruent. And we do hear a lot of people say I let that
go. And I get over that. And you can hear in their voice that they didn't. I let that go. I
had to forgive myself for that because I can't hold onto that. And you can hear in their
voice that there's still pain there around it.


And I have never forgiven myself for this.

Margaret Lynch:

So it's kind of interesting. You haven't forgiven yourself. And you haven't forgiven
yourself for not being sorry enough.


Right. That, too. So I haven't forgiven myself for the event. And I haven't forgiven
myself for not being sorry enough.

Margaret Lynch:

So you're really angry at your you're kind of your shadow in there?


Yeah, for sure.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Good. Anybody else before we do some tapping? I heard one other person.


Yes, Margaret? Hello Margaret?

Margaret Lynch:

Hello? Go ahead.


I didn't title mine either. And mine I've known for a long time that it was bad. But I did
it twice. And I'd say it was a span of maybe ten years in between. I was I scaled 10 on
both, how bad it was and how bad I was. And I've been ashamed of it. And there is a
fear in me that I could do it again, even though I know it was a horrible thing that I did. I
mean I shredded people. Two men, I just shredded them. [Laughter] And it's just I'm
laughing, but I'm not laughing out of joy. It's sort of like how horrible I was.
I mean it was I can shred people. I can. And I used to do it a lot in my youth. I mean
somebody pushes me too far, and it was a thought of if you're going to be that stupid,
I'll let you have it. And I did. And then I'd walk away feeling better, but they were like
devastated. And I broke that habit 'cause I knew it was terrible. But both times that I
did it, that I was really bad, it was affairs of the heart, if you will, oddly enough. And I
was really bad. And I do feel embarrassed by it. I do feel very horrible about it.
And I stated that to my closest friend. I said, "If I could undo any of that, I would." But
there is that fear in me. And I will go into a little something that you probably wouldn't
expect. But I understand that at one time in another life, I was a very, very powerful
healer. And I then, too, have caused harm. And I think that blocked me of a lot of
things that I could actually accomplish and that because of the fear of hurting somebody

Margaret Lynch:

So you're looking at a powerful piece of your lower self that could go there, that could
just take power and hurt people with it. And we're looking at that piece, powerful piece
of your lower self and saying, "That is unforgivable." There's no light in that. And so
when we push that further into the shadow, I cannot have that. That's when it pops up
and rears its ugly head on people because it's not integrated. We're no living through
our power in a positive way. We're pushing it way down saying that it's not even that
event for you.
It's like this piece of me; it could come back at any time. It is eternally unforgivable
because it lurks. So it's for you, it's beyond this event. It's this dark part of me. This is
like an evil monster in me that is unforgivable. And so when we think about wanting to
open up and ask the universe to give us miracles, ask God to send us miracles, to let us
see miracles, receive miracles, manifest miracles, there's going to be a big resistance in
your vibe that says not for me. So there's one other person. Thank you for that. I want
to give that one other person a chance.


I got a 9 on both. And the feeling that I feel is real sadness because what I did was
something that was so unlike me and that nobody else would ever believe that I did it
because it's something I always preach against and never dreamed that I was capable of

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

And so perfect example of the shadow again is when we've got parts of our self that we
say I will never do that. I will never be like that. We take parts of our power, of our
lower self and really push it into the shadow. And then, of course, we're going to have
to live through some piece of that story. And that becomes our "I am the monster. I am
unforgivable." So good. Thank you everyone for that very brave feedback. We're going
to do some tapping on the story. And what I want everyone to do first is to I want you
to picture yourself just like you're watching a movie of this story.
And you're right in the middle of it. And you're at the bad part where what you are
doing is horrible. You're doing the horrible thing right there. And that's what I want you
to focus on. And so if it's a younger version of you, I want you to see yourself at that
age. No matter what age, even if it was two weeks ago or two years ago or 40 years
ago, I want you to see yourself there. So we're going to tap right through the points.
There I am, a monster, horrible, unforgivable. There I am, how could I do it?
It's disgusting. I'm so ashamed. So horrified. So unforgivable. I would never ask for
forgiveness on this one because I know what's right. My judgment on this is correct. It's
unforgivable. I totally judge myself. This one's easy. It's black and white. Everything I
did there was wrong. Horrible. Humiliatingly wrong. Oh, I deserve to suffer for this.
And I have been. Actually, nobody knows how I torture myself. How I deserve that
torture. Unforgivable. Unforgivable. This is beyond even the Divine.
If God wanted to forgive me, God would be wrong. In my view of this, I should have
known better. I should've done better. I should have been stronger, smarter, just
better. I judge myself a monster. In all this unforgivable pain that I carry with me every
day, I guess that's what I deserve. Unforgivable. There I am, in those circumstances, I
totally judge myself. I refuse to forgive. And take a nice deep breath. And so a lot of
really harsh words in there. And what you heard was what we call the rule keeper.
The critical mind, no compassion. There was no compassion. There was no
circumstances. There was nothing in there about compassion was there? When we
criticize ourselves, we break our own heart. And so this process often triggers a lot of
sadness. When we break that mind game that we're in, the thought pattern over and
over, the first thing that comes up is often compassion. So I want everyone to look at
yourself again, the younger version of you that's making the mistake. And I want you to
re-rate unforgivable. And just see if it's come down a little bit.
And notice that your mind is keying on some part of it now. Like, yeah, I'm pretty I
mean maybe I could forgive myself. But there's one piece in there, something that you
feel the need to be offended about or shocked at yourself about or I would never let
anyone see me like that. Or maybe it's something about the people that you hurt. Or
how you've hurt yourself by doing what you did. And so there might be some piece of
evidence that's coming up as a yeah, but.
So if you want to un-mute and give me some feedback on that round. And we'll do
another round of tapping on it. And so again, when we're in the critical mind that looks

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

at a situation and says that's not how it should have gone, unforgivable, no compassion,
no understanding, the heart chakra is closed. We literally break our own heart.


Margaret Lynch:



Hi. This round of tapping was quite intense. And even though I feel that the number
has come down, it's like I don't feel anything towards no understanding or anything
towards that child, that younger me. It's like my there's nothing in my heart for that
child. And what I and even though what I did was not I mean as a child was I saw it
as horrible at it. And then in my grown up mind, in my adult mind, I see that this wasn't
terrible. It was not a big deal. Well, it was a big deal but meaning not a horrible thing.
Still there's nothing for me to give this child.

Margaret Lynch:

So what would you say about the child? Is that she should've known better or


Yes. She should have known better.

Margaret Lynch:

And so that's and so even for the younger version of you, often we see with the if
you have a strong knowledgeable achiever in there, the mind, you have such a strong
mind. And it is a beautiful, beautiful part of you. But when it gets stuck with a thought
like, "I know how smart I am, I should've known better. And I'm right about that." It's
like God could come in and say, "I forgive you."
And you go, "No, no. Not about this one. I should have known better, though, God. So
I'm going to hold onto this one." That's the strength of the mind of a knowledgeable
achiever when we really have a story that we say I'm right about this. And I've worked
with people who their story involves tremendous amount of trauma and pain. Yet they
still look at that younger child that they were. And they go, yeah, but at five she should
have known better.



Margaret Lynch:

And we know as an adult, oh, my God, that doesn't even make sense. But it's in there.
And just what you're saying right now and there's no compassion. So all that means
right now is right now you're still saying your heart chakra's still closed about it. It's like
I'm not going to go any further than this.


And if I just may say a little more about that. That it's kind of the feeling that I was
overconfident. That I was confident. I was free. I was there for careless, and I have
never allowed myself to feel that way again.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. So you also have a vow in there, right?



Margaret Lynch:

So that's where the strength comes in and says that's where I learned to never be
allow myself to be confident and care free. If I let this go

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


It will happen again.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. I have based my whole self image in the way I operate in the world around. I
never get to be care free. I am a total rule keeper. Everything has to be perfect. I've
got to make everything right. And I have to always be right and I have to always think
ahead and do it right. So it just means that event triggered such a shift in you from
being probably more like a charismatic leader child or an emotional intelligent specialist
child where you or maybe even creative idealist that you were really carefree and have
easy confidence that you shut all of that down. So this event is it's big for you if you
were to sort of suddenly see that you can forgive yourself for that, then that would
bring that energy back. It would be saying I can let this energy back in my life.


Yeah. I am willing. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

So we're going to do another round of tapping. And we're going to use some of these
words around "I should have known better" and that I made a vow about this event
because the vow have more strength behind it than just the trauma that was associated
with the event. And so if you're already feeling compassion, that's okay. You can tap
through this round with us. It's not going to hurt you. It's going to actually bring you
even closer. So tapping through the points again.
There I am, I feel a little better, but I still should have known better. I still should have
known better. And I made a vow to know better, to never do that again, to never let
myself make a mistake, to be perfect. And with that vow came a requirement to be
perfectly critical of myself. I have to be perfectly critical of myself. Otherwise, I'll do
something else wrong. I'll make a mistake. And that is unforgivable for me. I should
have known better. I really should have known better. Even with everything going on,
and the age I was, I am right about this. I somehow should've known better.
I am not letting this go because I made a vow to never forget this, never let myself
forget this. I hold myself to a very perfect standard. I cannot just let myself off the
hook. It wouldn't be safe. I've got to be perfect. I've got to do it better. I can't just let
this go. I've got to be perfectly critical. And this event reminds me why. It's still so
important. I refuse to let it go. Now take another nice deep breath. And I just want you
to look at that picture again.
Look at that younger version of you, whatever age you're at. And I want you to just
imagine that your heart chakra's opened a little bit. And if it's bringing compassion, if
you feel compassion now or certainly if a tremendous amount of tears are coming up,
that means you're feeling compassion. I want you to let that beautiful fourth chakra
that you were born with bring in the intuitive response to this circumstance. Seeing the
broader perspective, the bigger picture. All of the things you learned from that event.
All of the ways it led you to personal growth. Maybe even to an enlightened moment.
Are you unforgivable? Is there any way you could have done better, known better given
everything you know about yourself and your history to that point in time and this

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

pressure you were under, the circumstances happening? The issues that you had.
Sometimes in these pictures we see things that we judge where we try to meet our own
needs in a lower self way as we say matters of the heart sometimes.
And so I just want you to look at this with perspective. Or we try to meet our needs for
power or attention, our lower self need in a really bad way because we didn't know
how. And so I want you to look at part of this and just ask yourself how long was that an
unmet need for me? Was I unable to feel that need, ask for that need, act on that need
until it came out in this way. And does that part of the perspective matter? It does
because that's part of the self-development and the growth that can come from this old
And several people mentioned worrying that they might do it again or that they didn't
have enough remorse. And so it's recognizing when I don't ask for my needs to get met,
feel my real needs, act on my real needs, carry my own power, ask for attention when I
want it, enjoy carrying my own power. When I don't do all those things, it's going to
come out somewhere. So I want you to just look at that picture again. And I want you
to focus in very closely on this younger version of you.
Again, even if it's from two weeks ago because he or she is about to say something very,
very important to you. So I want you to listen. And just watch as he or she opens their
mouth and says, "Please forgive me. Please forgive me." And now I want you to see
yourself standing there with an even younger child, an even younger version of you as a
child. And in that broader perspective you see how that story unfolded because of the
wounds of the child, too. And the child is now saying to you, "Please forgive me."
And I just want you to see if you can forgive. Is it okay to forgive yourself and notice all
of the compassion and the understanding that you suddenly have access to? And so if
you're still stuck here, it's okay, you can listen to the recording and tap through some of
those really strong unforgiving words again. But if you can, I want you to say to this
younger version of you, "I forgive you. I forgot that I was doing my best that I didn't
know any better. It's okay. I forgive you." And I want you to tell this younger version of
you just like you would a client or a patient, "This is part of your personal growth story.
This is just part of your path. This is part of my personal growth story."
And I just want you to imagine that instead of just those words you could send light
right from your heart into that younger version of you. And if there are still two of you
there, just let them meld into one, that younger version. And just imagine that you
could just pour that love and that compassion and that understanding and that why, the
wisdom of that broader perspective that you have right into that little one, just like a
beam of pure heart, light energy is going from you into your younger self.

And recognize that as you do that, that love pours right into the core of you because this
younger version of you is in your core. This is your inner child that has been trapped at

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

different ages, stuck, unforgiven. And so I want you to now imagine because there's
over 100 people connected in this class. So I want you to now imagine that you're
looking at this younger version of you that you just poured this beautiful heart light into,
this love, forgiveness, compassion, energy. And now this younger version of you is
standing in a room filled with over 100 people.
And that represents your connection to everyone in this class right now and listening in
the future through time and space, which when we're talking about matters of the
heart, time and space does not exist in healing. And I just want you to see that room full
of people because if your heart chakra just opened, you have more access to your
psychic powers, your ability to read and feel the field, the emotions of other people.
And so your connection to other people grows. The fourth chakra is where we come
into relationship.
And so I want you to notice that all of those people are struggling to forgive themselves.
They're listening to the sound of my voice and there's doubt and there's fear and there's
resistance and there's vows. And there's also I really want to forgive myself. And so I
want you to right now to say to all of those people energetically just what you just said
to yourself. "It's okay. I forgive you. Please forgive yourself." And let that intention
come out from you to whoever needs it most and everyone's that connected to all of us
right now because forgiveness is an incredibly, incredibly high vibrational energy.
And I want you to see that all of those people, over 100 people standing there are
looking back at you and guess what they're saying? "Please forgive yourself. I forgive
you. It's okay." And just let love flow in that group energy connected by the heart. And
so lastly, I want you to bring in the Divine. I want you to bring in some image that
represents the God of your understanding. Comes and stands, looking at you and this
whole group of people and gives you just a little droplet of consciousness right into your
seventh chakra.
So you get to experience a tiny droplet of the perspective of the Divine. The Divine that
created the universe, infinite life on this planet that created your soul, galaxies, planets,
and you. How is the Divine looking at you? All of the things that you just judged
yourself for, criticized yourself for, said that you were unforgivable about came from
your need to survive. Your need to be safe. Your need to be loved. Your need for
pleasure, your lower self drive to have power and attention and sensual pleasure.
The Divine gave you that lower self when you became human on this planet, to work
through those lower self desires and energies and work with them so that you can be
whole at the fourth chakra wholeness, honoring all of our power and our desires with
consciousness from the lower self. All of those impulses, those energies that we could
live in a very dark way. With consciousness we integrate them and they give us the
energy and the power to live whole. The Divine also gave you that lower self, those
feelings of hatefulness and rage and anger and desire for revenge and all of the things
that we think of as so dark.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

The Divine gave you those feelings. So, for instance, when you actually forgive yourself
or someone else, it is real kick ass forgiveness. It's not, oh, yeah, I forgive you. It's I felt
everything. I hated you. I wanted to kill you. And so when I forgive you, that is
evolution and consciousness. So is the Divine judging and criticizing your lower self as
unforgivable? Is the Divine withholding miracles from you because of your lower self?
That as someone said, it's not going to go away. It's still there. It could rear its ugly
head again.
Or does the Divine love you infinitely, unconditionally, and desire for your well being. Is
the Divine rich with every resource and experience that you need and every bit of
support in an infinite number of forms to support you? So I want you to just take a nice
deep breath and come back. And we're going to do a round of tapping. Now if you
don't if you're really kind of in a meditative state and you want to stay there, you can
just listen. Or you can just tap one point, like karate chop point as we tap through this
round if you want to stay more in this kind of zone where you are.
So we're going to do one more round of tapping. Then we're going to go right into Joan.
And so tapping through the points or on any point, even though I haven't forgiven
myself, I totally love and accept myself. Even though I have this one spot that I've held
out judgment, ruthless criticism, and no compassion, I see now I was looking at it in such
a narrow way. As I open to the big picture, the larger, wiser perspective with a heart full
of understanding and compassion, I remember who I am. Who I've always been.
I've always been human. I've always been doing the best I knew how. I've always been
evolving. I'm open to seeing the Divine in everything, everything that's happened to me.
I'm open to seeing the Divine. I'm open to remembering. The universe doesn't make
mistakes. I am a piece of the Divine. Being called to evolve, to reach my potential. I
forgive myself for forgetting that I did my best there. I allow this beautiful energy of
forgiveness, of compassion, wise understanding to wash over me, opening my heart,
and letting me live in the present moment.
Even if it means being a little vulnerable sometimes. I now know I can forgive. If I make
a mistake or something doesn't go the way I want it to, I'll remember it's a piece of the
Divine. And in the bigger picture, everything is unfolding perfectly. I totally honor my
beautiful ability to forgive myself.
And the very next time I touch someone in my life or lead someone in their journey and
I speak of love and forgiveness, I will feel a new congruency rising up through my whole
system and bursting out of my heart because I have been to the depth of ruthlessness
and all the way back to forgiveness. I totally honor all of me. How deserving I am. How
miraculous I am. And how many resources the Divine has for me in perfect timing
because I deserve perfect support. And take a nice deep breath.
And we're going to move onto Joan, but I'm just going to give everyone a minute to
come back and give a quick comment 'cause that was long we went a long way there
with no one commenting. And so if you want to star 7 and just give me some feedback

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

on how your self-forgiveness went. [Laughter] And it's okay if you didn't get all the way
there. It's interesting how we knowledgeable achievers can say, "I don't think I forgave
myself, right?" I'm like, "Wow, we just went to criticism again." [Laughter]

Hi Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:



I actually had a funny story. When I was listening to one of your crystal bowl recordings

Margaret Lynch:

Yep, from Rhys, right.


I think it was the full energetic balance.

Margaret Lynch:

Yes, those are



My heart chakra felt intense pressure for a couple of seconds. And then stopped.

Margaret Lynch:

So he's crafted that healing to trigger all the chakras. So it'd be kind of interesting did
it happen early or in the end or


Right near the end.

Margaret Lynch:

So near the end. It'd be kind of hard to guess. But usually what he can do is he can give
someone a reading on which chakra bowl triggered that in your heart. So it's kind of
interesting. But you can kind of take it that your chakras are going to show you the
crystal bowl muses will trigger this. Your chakras are always speaking, and he says they
only speak your soul. And your soul only tells you two things: your potential or how
you're blocking it. And so there's something about it's your heart where there's some
pressure there.


Yeah, I think I definitely think this probably of any of the chakra, they're the most
response to. And definitely a lot of healing and I felt a lot of peace. So I think that with
the crystal bowl, I think that was maybe a trigger for me to maybe work on that. So this

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and those crystal bowl healings, they're called healings for a reason. It really is
energy medicine. It really is very powerful stuff that it's triggering in that because each
bowl is tuned to the chakra. So it is literally triggering your experience at each chakra.
So good. Thank you.


Excellent. Thank you.



Margaret Lynch:


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Yes. It has been quite an intense call, but I have been releasing a lot. And in this last
time, I had a quite a few insights. I got quite a few insights. And first when you mention
understanding and how I have been thinking understanding, especially for my family,
and then it clicked, of course, which I first understood but at a mental level. And it's like
of course I have failed that understanding from the world because I haven't I didn't
give myself that understanding. Or I haven't given myself that understanding. So a
greater door has opened for forgiveness and compassion. So I thank you for that.

Margaret Lynch:

You're welcome. You're welcome. Nice. And it enhances, again, especially for everyone
who's helping people on their path, this work gives you an it creates such an
unbelievable channel in you. And so you can be a great healer already. And when you
do this kind of work, it just takes your vibration to the next level. People will this one
they talk about you being in the presence of someone where you just start to feel
It's like almost like spontaneous healing. The tapping is like extra. You start to carry a
feel that creates healing in people. And so when you've really done a lot of selfforgiveness work, people will spontaneously start to forgive themselves more easily
when they're with you. And so that's beautiful.


Yes, thank you so much.

Margaret Lynch:

You're welcome. [Laughter] Instead of saying unless you got wonder what I got and
then you're screwed. [Laughter] Good. Anybody else? I see someone else un-muted


Margaret, I started noticing these thoughts were popping up in my head like you are
under a tremendous amount of stress when you did that and things like that that made
me realize why I snapped.

Margaret Lynch:

And so we start to suddenly there's the intuitive response. Like, well, wait a minute.
Geez, I had a lot going on. Or I had just had this horrific trauma. Or I had been shut
down for so many years. All the sudden, this is where this is why it's not just
forgiveness and compassion. It's understanding and empathy and forgiveness and
compassion at the fourth level. And seeing when we see ourselves that way, we see the
Divine that way, right.
And so that's why I said like do all those other factors, do they matter? Of course they
do. If anyone's got a teenager and they've just done something wrong, what's the first
thing they give you, [laughter] is all the ameliorating factors. Of course factors matter,
right. They matter in a court of law, but in our own mind we're often so ruthless on our
self that we just say, "No. Yeah, five years old. Should have known better." Right. You
know going through a trauma, still should have figured it out.
And I want you to look at the deeper part of it, too is, is there something for you to learn
more from this story in a pattern that you have of not owning your power, not voicing
your anger, not asking for what you really want, not setting a boundary that creates this

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

process for you? So it's seeing with this open fourth chakra the wise mind. See even
beyond this event and the forgiveness that you just gave yourself is what are the
patterns that I need to look at that I'm still doing today in my life where if I don't set a
boundary or ask or require people to treat me in a certain way, I'm heading for a blow
up. [Laughter] So nice.

Margaret, if I may just share one more thing?

Margaret Lynch:



Something that I found very powerful was that adult self look into the child self and
forgiven the child self. Like saying I forgive you. I had never seen it that way. Like it
seemed that my child had to forgive me or give me permission or something, my inner
child. But that was very powerful.

Margaret Lynch:

And that's blended from some of the inner child work that I do with people, and mainly
because we can be so ruthless that often when we bring up a child image it will soften
us a little bit more. We're more willing to forgive a child sometimes. And then you
heard for some of us some people you'll work with they won't. They'll be like nope. No
forgiveness for that kid.
But it does sort of help stimulate that the recognition of kind of energetically that's what
you're doing. If you think about where in these events we often acted from, it's kind of
like a younger child place, right. All in the lower self. You know selfish or angry or and
so it really is forgiving our inner child. And I do that process 'cause sometimes it really
triggers it and makes it easy to see what we're doing energetically and what it means to
forgive. So great.


Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

And some people do say the child is forgiving me for not forgiving. So beautiful. Thank



Margaret Lynch:



This was really incredible. I didn't have a specific thing, circumstance that I could think
of, but over the past weekend I've had severe judgment and criticism of myself because
I could not forgive myself for just being who [laughter] I am. And just I've been trying to
release this for a couple days. And I'm just beating myself up on it which I rarely do
anymore. And so this was just lovely to see that and let it go.

Margaret Lynch:



And when you just said to the other woman about going back to your childhood, that is
one of the triggers that helped me let it go 'cause this judgment and criticism goes back

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

to my childhood of myself and others. And so to see that as a child and go, ahh, I can
forgive her.
Margaret Lynch:

Beautiful. You know sometimes when I'm preparing for this classes and what I'm going
to do, I start to get emotional. [Laughter] So I know it's like, oh God, I hope I don't cry
in the class. And so when the heart chakra opens, it's just it's amazing. You know you
feel it. You feel that love. You feel the tears and sometimes it's sadness or it's just
emotion coming out. And it's a beautiful, beautiful state to be in.
The heart, as Rhys says, is all healing really comes from the heart. Beautiful. So we're
going to I'm going to un-mute Joan and we're going to because we're getting late here,
we're going to have Joan come on. I'm going to un-mute everybody else. Okay Joan,
you should be un-muted. And so I introduced Joan as she is a spirit guided energy
healer. And she does what she calls an energy blessing at each chakra. And so Joan is
going to be inviting you basically to kind of flow along and follow the energy in this
And as she does this healing and this meditation, you might experience a lot of energy
moving. I'm getting a lot of feedback from people who are feeling energy moving or just
a lot of emotion or a lot of peace. Or you might feel nothing. Every experience is
perfectly good. And all you have to do is just have an attitude of yes, I want to
experience this. I want this healing. Or you can just sit and listen is fine as well. But I
invited Joan to do this class because she's an incredibly beautiful spirit and an amazing,
amazing heart healer.
People have said they're in awe of her heart chakra. And so to have her backing me up
on this class just during the call she holds a beautiful heart energy feel the whole class
for everyone here. And then to do this healing I think it's so important because these
classes are so intense with so much processing. So I am going to mute myself because I
love Joan's healing, and I will be experiencing it. So you can take it away, Joan.

Joan Cremin:

Thank you, Margaret. Thank you. Hello everybody. We're going to begin with a deep
breath. Just take a deep breath in through your nose. Hold the breath and release the
breath through your mouth. Just relax. I invite you to remain in this energy of being
connected to everybody on the call as we share this energy blessing together. And also
to send it out to all the people who will listen to the recording in future time.
Infinite spirit God of love and light, we ask that you bring your golden healing light all
around us. And close the circle with protection and love beneath our feet. I call all the
angels and guides, ascended masters and the God of our understanding to draw close to
us. And allow me to be a channel for this energy blessing of the heart chakra. And I
invite you now to bring this beautiful golden light through your crown chakra and see it
merge with the violet light at your crown. Slowly and gently see it move downward
through your body.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Touching in with each chakra as it moves safely and gently, touching in with the indigo
light at your third eye chakra. And on down to touch in with the blue light at your
throat, gently floating downward to be in the green light of your heart. And see it
moving downward ever so slowly and gently to merge with the yellow light at your solar
plexus chakra. And downward to touch the orange light at your sacral chakra.
Downward, resting at the base of your spine, merging with the red light of your root
And feel the light of your soul, feel the love and the warmth grow brighter and stronger.
And feel your connection to the Earth and your body. And know that you're divinely
supported by the God of your understanding. See the miracle of who you are. See your
soul's light expand. Feel the faith at your first chakra, faith in yourself. And allow the
golden healing light to travel up and touch in with your sacral chakra where we honor
our feelings and deepest needs and desires.
Honoring and treasuring the miracle of why we are alive. Feel the miracle that you are.
Feel the miracle that are happening all around you. And allow your sacral chakra to
open to feel the miracle. And allow the golden light to travel upward and touch in with
your third chakra at the solar plexus. Here I invite you to know what at a very deep level
that you are a unique soul. There is only one of you. And just feel the peace at this
chakra, inner peace. Here you are truly free.
Now bring this inner peace upward to grow into the wisdom of the fourth chakra. As we
move into our hearts, allow this golden healing light to travel in a clockwise direction as
we allow our hearts to open. Here we have the capacity for love, compassion, and
forgiveness. See this golden light as a river of love flowing through your heart. Feel
compassion for yourself as it warms and comforts you. In this sacred space I invite you
to say these words to yourself.
I love you. I forgive you. I love you. I forgive you. I allow myself to receive love and
forgiveness. Now see this light of love grow brighter and fill your whole body. And I
invite you to send this healing light of love and compassion to anyone on this call who
may need healing. And see this beautiful river of love flow out from your heart and
touch everybody on this call in a very special healing way. See this brilliant, miraculous
light grow bigger and brighter as it expands out to fill your auric field.
And all out around you to fill the room, see it travel outward to fill the town or the city,
the state, the whole country, the continent, the Earth, the galaxies, the whole universe
and beyond. See yourself as part of that universe and as one with it. And therefore you
are one with the Divine. Let's us receive the miracle of being divinely supported. See
this forgiveness, love, and compassion from our hearts ripple outward all around us
touching our families, each and every one.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Our friends, coworkers, everyone who has crossed paths with us, every one we have
met or known. See it ripple out beyond them to all people who need forgiveness and
who may need to forgive. And see everybody's heart fill up with love and light and
compassion. And see this river just flowing from each person out, flowing out and
flowing back. See all people fill with the light. And know that when we forgive, we set
ourselves free. And that we are always doing our best at every moment.
Now see this light that has warmed and comforted our hearts move upward and out
through your crown chakra. And see this beautiful golden healing light become arms of
love. Just wrapping around you, holding you, and know that you are never alone. And
you will never be alone again. Surrounding you with love and protection, compassion.
And as you go forward, take this beautiful feeling in your open heart out into the world.
Blessed be. And I invite you to take another deep breath. And come back into the room
that you're in. Bring your awareness back.
Margaret Lynch:

That was beautiful, Joan. Very beautiful.

Joan Cremin:

You're welcome.

Margaret Lynch:

So as the fourth chakra being the way we come into relationship with people, the way
we feel that desire to share and be in relationship with people, we both thought it
would be perfect on this class to, as we brought up love and forgiveness in the fourth
chakra for ourselves, to share that out with this group of energetically connected
people. And further out across the planet because that's how these higher vibrations
can work. In the quantum field, there is no space, no time, no amount of resistance to
the vibration of love.
So beautiful. Thank you for bringing us all the way out to the universe, Joan. Thank you.
And so we're at just at the end of the class. If you need to jump off, you can. If you
wanted to stay on and ask a question of Joan or I or give some feedback on how this
class was for you, you can star 7 and un-mute. And we'll stay on for a few minutes. Do
you have a few more minutes, Joan?

Joan Cremin:


Margaret Lynch:

I'm not quite sure I'm all the way back in the room yet. You know it's interesting for
everyone to and for me over and over to make that connection between when we
love and accept ourselves and we recognized our own divinity, especially at the
moments that we were at our worst, when we can forgive ourselves in those moments
and recognize how unconditionally we deserve love and love ourselves unconditionally,
that vibration is a vibration of asking and receiving without you even voicing anything.
You are asking and receiving when you honor when you say I love you to yourself. You
are saying to the universe, "Yes, I received a miracle. I am open. I am receiving. I am
allowing miracles into my life." That's what you're saying when you truly love and
accept yourself at the fourth chakra. It's really, really beautiful. It's like the asking is

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

almost a is really just for preferences. Well I like green instead of blue. But I am
completely allowing [Laughter] Go ahead. I know someone un-muted.

Hi Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:



I think I'm finally getting what miracles are.

Margaret Lynch:

[Laughter] Good.


I didn't get it the beginning of this whole class, but I think I'm starting to get it. Thank

Margaret Lynch:

You're welcome. You're welcome. I think I am, too. I think I did this class to so that I
would learn the nature of miracles.



Margaret Lynch:



I'm also emotional. My heart feels so much different. Warmer and I want to say thank
you to you and to Joan. And also thanks to you, I can see miracles. I mean it's not only
how I'm feeling right now, but every class that we have, I say, "Oh, my God, this is the
perfect class at the perfect moment. Just what I was needing." And so I see and receive
a miracle. [Laughter]

Margaret Lynch:

I often wonder what happens first, the class or the triggering, because often the way
Rhys teaches in his program, when you're coming up to a fourth chakra class, that whole
week you're going to be your energy system's going to start to bring up fourth chakra
conflicts for you. When you're heading into a third chakra class, your third chakra stuff
is going to start coming up a week in advance. So I often wonder 'cause we often feel
like, wow, this was just what I needed.
Or was it my energy system getting ready to process this specific either way, it's a
miracle. [Laughter] But I think that's the miracle of our wise higher self. Beautiful.
Thank you. Thank you for that. And it is very emotional. And remember that the
knowledgeable achiever, which is the fourth and sixth chakra dominant, they have the
most tender, deep heart. Very, very tender. And so that's why they protect themselves
so much. They don't want to be vulnerable so much.
Why they use their mind to be critical so much because their heart is very, very tender.
But Rhys says that it's the knowledgeable achiever that can teach the whole world about
the heart. The emotional intelligent specialist profile that we talk about who love very
deeply and feel love very deeply, he says they have a lion's heart. You have a strong,
strong lion heart, [laughter] the emotional intelligent specialist. But the knowledgeable
achiever has the most tender, tender hearts.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


So how do you balance that to be able to teach that tenderness in and be vulnerable
and not be so deeply hurt?

Margaret Lynch:

Well, it's that the strength at the fourth chakra says, and the second chakra too which is
about being vulnerable, is that I'm going to reach out in relationship fearlessly. And I
might get hurt. And I'll get over it. I'll recover. I can do it. It's like I put myself out there
and I could say that wouldn't bother me. Or if someone gives me horrible feedback or if
I go at event and people hate me, I could say that wouldn't bother me. That wouldn't
exactly be true. [Laughter] So that could happen. And I would be I would cry my eyes
out and be crushed. And I would get over it. And I would recover. And I would get up
and go, "This is still what I have to do." [Laughter]


But still what fulfills me.

Margaret Lynch:

And so coming into relationship with our truth, you know, he says living in the present
moment with honesty and integrity which means being fully present with people that
you're in relationship with even though it means you might have to be vulnerable and
you might get hurt is trusting yourself that I have a very tender heart, but it heals. It
heals. And I'll get over it. And I'll get to the other side of perspective and balance. I
might have to cry my way through a river of tears to get to the other side, but I'll
recover. And I will love a-frickin-gain. [Laughter]


Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

You're welcome. Kind of like 'cause I can't not, right. I can't not share love. And I can
feel that come through with you. You can't not burst love out. [Laughter]


Thanks so much.

Margaret Lynch:

[Laughter] Rhys says that love is a feeling coming up and out. That you'll feel it rising
up, coming up. It's wonderful. Was there anyone else that wanted to give some
feedback before we sign off? Very intense class. And so I'm going to have Liz there
you go. I'm going to have Liz upload the crystal bowl healing called Universal Love. And
so it is about the heart chakra. But when you listen when you sit and listen to the
crystal bowl, you want to have it not on head phones.
Its better, you know, you want the vibration of the crystal bowl music to hit your whole
body because it travels through you and will trigger you at every chakra. And when you
listen to that, he calls it an essential state healing. It will put you in the essential state of
what it's like to experience universal love. And so whatever you experience when you're
listening to that meditation, whether it's feeling unbelievably beautiful and expanded
and in love with everybody in the world which is one way, which is you're feeling your
potential for love.
Or if you feel anxious or nervous or heavy or tight or constricted, it's showing how
you're blocking, feeling the universal love. So I'm going to put that one up there for you
guys to listen to after this class 'cause it's really intense one. And that's where Joan's

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

healing at the end will help to calm some of that energy. And certainly it's a good time if
you get healings or Reiki or massage that when it's a really intense class like this, it's a
good time to use another modality like that to help the process of clearing continue out
f your body and energy system.
So wonderful class. Everyone next week we jump up to the fifth chakra where things
shift a little bit. We're getting now into the upper three chakras. And so we're going to
be talking more about manifesting and creation. So wonderful. See you all next week.
Bye everybody.
Joan Cremin:

Bye, bye.

Margaret Lynch:

Bye. Bye Joan.

Joan Cremin:

Bye, bye. Bye everybody.

[End of Audio]

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Tapping for Miracles: Class 5

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, welcome everyone. This is Margaret Lynch, and this is the fifth class for the
Tapping for Miracles Class. This is, today's class is on the fifth chakra. And so, the way
the class is going to flow is I usually start by reviewing the fifth chakra and also pulling in
some of the information from Deepak Chopra's book, "How to Know God," which is
about spirituality.
And he talks about the seven levels of spirituality and of knowing God that also fit with
the seven chakras very, very nicely. So, we will review that, and we'll do a bunch of
tapping, of course. And then usually about 70 minutes or 80 minutes into the call, we'll
switch over to Joan Cremin, who will do the energy healing blessing for the fifth chakra
I just mentioned that we are having an ice storm here, and I'm hoping Joan she just
made it. Hoping you could make it. There you are, Joan.



Margaret Lynch:

Oh, and so, she is here. So, that's great. I can't believe I have Internet and everything's
working great. So, there's a little miracle for me. And then Joan will do the blessing at
the end which is usually about ten or 12 minutes, somewhere in there. And then the
class ends in about 90, minutes but if you want to stay on a little bit longer, or if you
have questions or comments for Joan or I, we do stay on the line.
So, I'm just going to jump in. Joan, I'm actually going to mute you for now and start
talking about the fifth chakra. So, I'm actually going to start with what Deepak Chopra
teaches about the fifth level of spirituality or what it means to understand God at the
fifth level. And he talks about this is where we cross the boundary line between getting
results in our life that we would think were imaginary.
So, we cross the line between imaginary and things actually happening. Things that we
once thought were imaginary manifesting in our life. So, very cool. When I look at this
class and I talk about having a vibrational match to miracles at all seven levels, in this
particular class we're talking more about the first two, which is the belief that there
really are infinite resources that the divine has for us.
And then secondly the faith that the divine is going to personally supply us with those
resources based on what we put out there as our intention. So, as we come to the fifth
chakra we really are talking about choice and intention. And so, Deepak Chopra says
this is where the quantum physics round sort of comes into play with things that
happened with levels of synchronicity that can't really be explained.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

And so, as we move up from the fourth chakra, the heart chakra, where we talked about
love and understanding and forgiveness. And we also talked about the intuitive
response of the fourth chakra where we become very wise and we see the big picture,
and we intuitively understand things, at the fifth chakra we kind of go beyond that
because this is about creating things in our life that truly look like love, attraction,
Where there is no possible way because a lot of the players involved in some kind of
crazy synchronicity that happens for you didn't even know that you were needing them.
So, it goes to the quantum level and he talks about the fifth levels where we have
unlimited creative potential where God is our co-creator. God is abundant and
generous. So, miracles are in the creative realm. We start to tap into the sources of
abundance and generosity of the divine and of the universe.
Now he says that you don't need to learn esoteric techniques. There's no magic tricks.
There's no secrets of miracle working. You intend a thing and it happens. So, truly the
fifth chakra, which is also the chakra for the charismatic leader as you learned from the
profile work is where we do several things, which is we everyone's heard, you know, we
speak our truth at the fifth chakra. Carolyn Myss talks about the fifth chakra is courage.
It's all about having courage to say to speak your truth or to say something thats going
to be hard. And it's about our intention. Wayne Dyer talks about the power of
intention and how that powerfully changes everything. Now Deepak Chopra does say in
the universe is always going to support what is best for you; not just your whims.
Because, you know, as humans, we can be a little fickle. We can say we want this one
day and, oh, maybe I want this the next day.
So, the universe is going to support what's best for you, not just your whim. And he says
it doesn't mean you're going -- everything that you wish is going to come true and there
is still going to be challenges that happen in life, but that you truly, by setting your
intentions, you're choosing what you want in a powerful way and that opens up the
manifestation channel.
He says that turning points in our life arrives at very small signals at first, but they
amplify as you choose to follow them. So, the fifth chakra is about your truth. It's about
choice and it's about intention in its most positive elements. So, we're also going to talk
about some of the negative side of the fifth chakra.
So, from the perspective of Rhys, and the way he teaches the fifth chakra, the fifth
chakra is our throat chakra. It's located in our throat. It does represent our ability to
communicate our truth and what he teaches is it's the way we create ourselves in the
minds of other people. So, when we use, when I use my voice and I teach this class I am
seen and heard and understood by everyone listening.
And I create myself in your minds. So, I have now manifested me in the minds of all of
you. You know how you think of me, and how you picture me, and how I operate and

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

work and sound and laugh and all the crazy things I do. And it's just the way that I
teach. And it's also where we choose what is good for us. So, we say yes, and mean it,
and we say no, and mean it to what is not good for us.
So, it's your willingness to speak the truth of your deepest feelings and your highest
aspirations to say yes, and mean it; to say no, and mean it. It's really how we manifest
our words, the vibration of our fifth chakra, which we think of as just our voice and our
words actually contains the entire energy field of you. So, when you open your mouth
and speak through that vibration of your voice, all of your chakras speak.
Everything comes through your voice and it creates the world out there. The way that
that happens is by first speaking our truth into ourselves. So, everyone's heard the
expression, "your inner world creates your outer world." Well, I have rewritten that
expression to say, "your inner talk creates your outer world." Your inner talk creates
your outer world. And that inner tock, the way we use our fifth chakra is a choice.
We use our fifth chakra to make choices. And he says it's where you really live the
spiritual truth, "ask and you shall receive." Now, I know everyone on this class has
heard of ask and you shall receive, both from the original sources and Abraham Hicks'
famous book, or "ask and it is given," close enough.
But if you don't ask, or you assume you don't deserve it, then that too, you shall receive.
So, he says if you were to watch your inner artist, paint the canvas of life, you will see
your fifth chakra. So, the fifth chakra, I think is much, much more powerful than people
realize in the power that has to manifest your life.
And the power that it has to garner all of your energy and the universe and the quantum
field behind your choices and your intentions. So, understanding that at the fifth level,
the fifth chakra, what does a miracle mean? The miracle is about creation. It's how you
truly are creating your life through your intention. And for me, it's the miracle of
watching how the universe actually supports in an unexpected, synchronistic, impossible
to explain way, supports my intentions.
And yes, sometimes it doesn't go the way I think it's going to go, or I realize that
intention was where I was at then, and now that has grown me to this intention. So,
doesn't always come out perfectly how I might have seen it, but it's this amazing, like
the truest picture that we have from the secret of how the law of attraction can work so
But it does start with how we speak into ourselves. We create that inner world first,
and then how we speak it out into the world literally is manifesting your life through
your fifth chakra. So, the fifth chakra is the manifestation channel. Its how all
manifestation happens, because we all know that we could visualize a lot of things and
have a lot of goals and picture a lot of them.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

But until we say, "This is what I want. This is what I'm going for. This is my goal"
whether we say it out loud or write it down or both, it's not until we do that, till we
choose, "this is the one for me; this is where I'm going," that all of our energy in the
universe lines up around that. So, incredibly powerful fifth chakra and the exercise
we're going to do today is going to really help you to identify how you're using your fifth
chakra now.
So, a lot of consciousness here. And recognize that the way we typically use our fifth
chakra. It doesn't have negative vows of its own like some of the lower chakras, but the
negative at the fifth chakra is vowing to speak all my other vows. So, at the first chakra
when we had survival and fear, and the rules and laws of my tribe of origin, first chakra
vows come up to the fifth chakra, and we basically vow to speak the truth about my
To speak the truth of scarcity. To speak the truth of being rejected. To speak the truth
of what everybody wants me to be. Or to totally withhold my whole truth, or to over
speak my truth. And so the negative vow at the fifth chakra is what we do
unconsciously, which is speak the truth of all of our other vows and wounds. So, if we
had a second chakra wound around being vulnerable or not honoring our feelings and
vowing to not feel our feelings and honor our deepest desires, then the kinds of things
we're going to say is, "No, I'm fine. I don't need any help. I don't need that."
It's to say no when we really mean yes, I need help. I need support. I need affection. If
we've made that third chakra vow to withhold who we are, to not be seen, to be
invisible, then we will speak the truth of that by either being silent or by downplaying
our brilliance. "I'm not a miracle; I'm just this." Downplaying and back pedaling from
complements and the limelight and honoring our accomplishments.
So, what I want us to do and this is hard. Some of these are harder than others.
We're start with the easy ones. I want everyone to get out a piece of paper and pen and
to really write down a couple of different ways that we use fifth chakra in the negative.
So, the first one is the way that you speak inside of you. Nobody hears it. So, it seems
kind of harmless, but what do you say about yourself to yourself?
And I want you to just capture at least one or if possible two of these. And does I sound
like it's coming from a vow to be perfect or perfectly critical? Does it sound like it's
coming from a vow to be invisible or to never be vulnerable? So, what do you say to
yourself about yourself? You know, for me it was always, "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.
Oh, my God; I'm an idiot."
Okay, what "I should have known better." Or, "Just don't speak do not say anything,
because you're going to look stupid like an idiot." And so, this is where I want to make
this really strong point about your inner world creates your outer world. Your inner talk
creates your outer world. What you're speaking to yourself with your fifth chakra goes
inside of you and creates the reality there first.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

So, if I'm always telling myself that I'm stupid and I'm an idiot, that's the reality that I'm
manifesting as my truth. So, I want you to write down some of those things that you say
to yourself about yourself and recognize how these are often in our blind spot. We
don't really challenge them especially the achievers, because we think, "Well, I'm right
about that."
So, it's been the undeniable truth, this thing that I say to myself. So, I don't challenge it.
Secondly, what kinds of things do you say and this could be both to yourself, but often
we say these out to other people about the world, about the nature of things, about
miracles. What are the kinds of things that you say? Is it, "Bad things happen to good
people?" Is it, "The other shoe is going to drop?" Is it, you know, "Good things always
come to an end." "Miracles happen to other people."
"I don't ask for much." So, what do you say about the world, the nature of things, about
miracles? And so, this third one is a little bit harder, because when we speak from some
of these vows, particularly about ourselves, we use our fifth chakra to lie even when you
are withholding your truth when you are being silent, when you're being quiet. When
you're saying, "Oh, that's okay. I don't mind. No, no, no, that's fine. No, nope. That's
fine. No, I don't mind. Sure, I'll do it."
When you're using your fifth chakra that way, you are using your fifth chakra to lie. So, I
want you to write down how you use your fifth chakra to lie about your truth. About
your true value, your true feelings, or desires, or goals. And I know lie's a really strong
word. That's why I use it to sort of wake us up. Because it doesn't seem hurtful to
anyone for me to withhold my truth, my brilliance, my value, but it's incredibly hurtful.
Because each of us has a unique, miraculous gift to us given by the divine. And it is your
life's purpose to share that gift with the world. And when you don't, you are hurting
people. When you withhold your gift your miracle that we discovered you are at the
third chakra, you are hurting people. Kind of strange way to look at it. Reese actually
says you're victimizing people.
I think, "How could I possibly be victimizing people?" But you're putting that out in the
field, that, "I'm not a miracle; neither are you." Okay, and so this is really tricky, because
often there's many of us who have a really high standard of integrity. And I meet a lot
of people when I do work like this that say, you know, "One of my highest values is that I
am truthful and I never lie. And this is blowing me away because I'm seeing my whole
life that I get triggered by people who aren't truthful. And oh, my God, I am not that
This is where Carolyn Myss, again, says the fifth chakra is about courage. The courage
sometimes that it takes to actually speak our truth. To say yes when we mean yes and
no when we mean no. And to speak the truth about how miraculous we are. That

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

we're not wounded. That we're empowered and we're choosing what we want in that
moment. Okay, and lastly I want you to write down or think about this one.
How do you withhold or under speak your actual intention about your calling. About
your business. About what you want to do with people? How do you downplay it,
under speak it or not speak it at all? And so, I mean if what you secretly have locked
away in your heart is, "I want to work with thousands of people," or, "I want to be
known as the greatest Reiki practitioner in the tri-state area," or, "I want to be helping
people in a bigger way than I am right now," or, "I want a best-selling book," or, "I want
the sales award."
How do you not speak the truth of that or under speak the truth of it or basically just
not share that with people? That intention that you have? That goal that you have?
Because by withholding that, we cannot create. And so think about that. Often we've
never really let ourselves even go there and have the courage, because it takes courage
to even like think about and write down, "This is my intention."
It was terrifying for me and it still is sometimes when I do it. "This is what I want to do.
Oh, my God; that is so scary. Why did I write that down?" And I want to erase it. But
when we do that, we first speak it into ourselves like a choice. A choice has power
behind it because it's like a commitment. "Okay, I'm saying it. This is what I want. I
want to double my practice; double my business. And I speak that into myself first.
And as we do that, it percolates in us, and it becomes more and more real, more and
more manifest. We actually start getting used to the idea more. And what you'll find
yourself doing is speaking it to other people suddenly. And that's when it starts
manifesting in the world, when you start speaking about it.
And the way we always want to speak about our intention this is this is perfect fifth
chakra, because it incorporates everything is when you think about your intention or
your goal maybe that you never really expressed some people burst into tears when
they finally express what their real intention is.
When you speak about it, the way you want to speak about it both within yourself and
even to other people if it's in the right setting is, "I have no idea how I'm going to make
this happen or get there. I don't know all the details, but it is my intention to create
this. This is what I want. I don't have all the answers. I don't even have the I don't see
the whole thing and how it going to happen. It'll probably take a miracle and that's
what I'm choosing. This is my intention."
Okay, so, if you want to give me some feedback, I'd love to hear some of these ways
that we are using our fifth chakra and not very positive ways. So, *7 and unmute and
share some of your I like to call them my fifth chakra live. Or the way we speak to
ourselves, or the way we speak about the world, or any of those.

Hi, Margaret? Hello?

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Yes, I can hear you.


Oh, good. Number one. How do I speak my [tape distortion] It is wrong for me to have
what I want?

Margaret Lynch:

And so, that is what you say to yourself?


Yes, and sort of I kind of utter it, with saying, "Maybe it's not the best for me."

Margaret Lynch:

Okay. So, it's kind of like doubting your desire? So, you feel what you really want and
then your mind comes in and says, "I shouldn't want that."



Margaret Lynch:

"Problem not best for me."


It is wrong for me to want it.

Margaret Lynch:



Go ahead.

Margaret Lynch:

How many times a day do you think that goes through you?


I am becoming aware of it, but I feel many times it's kind of automatic. I just feel that it
wasn't meant to be. [tape distortion] and no through the, "Oh, I'm thinking this."

Margaret Lynch:

Right, yeah, and this is why it's really important I make people write it down, because
it's very easy it to miss this inner talk, because it's just a record player on a loop. So,
what about anything about the world or what you speak out loud that sort of withholds
or undervalues your truth?


I ask for what I want.

Margaret Lynch:



Like it's kind of like a sin. It is wrong for me to have what I want. Then I always ask for
less of what I think I want.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. So, this is where I said if you think of this as we think of it as very, you know,
who's that going to harm except me when I ask for less than what I want? But it does.
It's an energy that victimizes you and other people because you're always going to walk
away feeling kind of resentful.



Margaret Lynch:



I'm victimized.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. And so, it creates like, "Those people screwed me." Right? And so, it never
when we don't speak our truth, it doesn't, it always create more chaos. When we speak
our truth and we choose with courage to say, "I'm going to live with the consequences,
but this is what I really want and if this isn't right for that person, they're going to move
Then it creates empowerment. Right? It creates a positive energy. And you walk away
from those people and they made a choice, but you weren't victimized.


Okay. It's kind of like another side of that coin, when I get what I want, then I feel that
I'm taking advantage of them. That they're not making a choice.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. So, you're, what's going on in your fifth chakra, again, the fifth chakra to speak
the truth of other wounds and vows. It's more of your second and third chakra stuff,
right, that I'm speaking the truth of this battle between victimization.



Margaret Lynch:

Right. Either they're going to victimize them or I'm going to victimized them. And so, I
kind of never win. And so your fifth chakra, instead of just being able to speak the truth
of what you want, it's got to speak the truth of this wound, of this vow that I'm always
going to be victimized. Someone's always going to be victimized, because victimization
is extremely real to me.


That's the way of the world, yes.

Margaret Lynch:

So, it's like we look out in the world and we see victimization. So, this is your second
chakra; kind of like your charismatic, your enforcer around your second chakra about
victimizing or being victimized. So, this is why it's a little different when we get to these
upper chakras, because the top three chakras are truly slaves to these wounds at the
lower chakras.
So, we can carry that up to your sixth chakra. You look out at the world, you see
victimization. You go up to the seventh chakra and even your view of infinite possibility,
you're like, "Well, there's an infinitely large number of ways that I can be victimized."


Yeah, because I feel that even my angels, you know, they want to give me what I want.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so, these upward chakras, which we really kind of in spiritual development today a
lot of good consciousness movement were very focused on the upper chakras. They
really are kind of the slaves to the lower chakras. So, this is how this second chakra
thing for you which, again, Carolyn Myss is like 95 percent of our stuff is like first and
second chakra.
That's really where you have to work. And as you clear baby steps there, as it comes up,
this is where the clearing channel goes up. All right? So, as we clear these issues, they
will show up so much at our fifth chakra and our sixth chakra and our seventh chakra.
Okay? That's why the lower chakra work is really critical. So, like, again, the fifth chakra

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

doesn't necessarily do things on its own. It's really just the vow to speak instead of my
hearts truth, the truth of these wounds.
Your heart's truth what Reese talks about is what we want to speak with our fifth
chakra. And so if you could go to your heart's truth is those situations, what your
heart's truth is more about empowerment. It's win-win. It's relationships and
everybody wins, right, which is the total polar opposite of everyone gets victimized.
Okay? I speak my truth and I empower everyone to do the same in perfect win-win
That would be the core soul quality on the other side of victimization. I've never been
victimized. That I've always had a choice and I'm making my choice right now.


Margaret Lynch:

Good. Thank you for that.


Thank you, Margaret.



Margaret Lynch:



I wanted to say that I think I have a deep belief that I'm going to fail no matter what.
And I say to myself that I can't do it and that I'm not capable. And then I manifest fear
and anxiety. And I also have rheumatoid arthritis. And so I sabotage myself and
reinforce that I can't do it with fear and just a real lack of strength in my health and

Margaret Lynch:



So, I stay stuck and I to even think about really putting out there what I really want, it
brings up so much fear that it's like a vicious cycle.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. So, rheumatoid arthritis is always going to be about anger. Okay? And for you,
because you're wired to live courageously, to live fearlessly, that for you to live in fear
goes so far polar opposite of your true core because you're wired to be like, more like a
warrior, right? Charismatic leaders sort of live in this way - that is fearless about your
truth about what you want to create.
And so having all of these wounds and vows that say I got to be fearful really goes so
opposite. So, you're feeling and your rheumatoid arthritis that you're literally the
body's manifesting the pain of the separation from



Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Not being the person who was literally born on this planet and wired to be fearlessly
fifth chakra person.


And I am

Margaret Lynch:



Far from that.

Margaret Lynch:

That to be a victim, to have all of this kind of wounding and this persona created around
a fearful person. You know, for the charismatic leader, what is unforgivable for us is to
be, is the judgment that we're weak and we should be stronger and we should be
fearless, but were not. Okay, so, just kind of take some of that in around that, that
when I've worked with people with rheumatoid arthritis, I'm always going right for
Because there's a part of you down in the second chakra that's incredibly angry that you
have to live with this fear.



Margaret Lynch:

Because it means you're stuck all the time.



Margaret Lynch:

Right. And so, the feeling of being stuck all the time because of fear is really feeling like
a people pleaser instead of a leader.



Margaret Lynch:

So, your fifth chakra is just speaking the truth of those vows, you know, that I'm going to
call my, I'm going to have this sort of addiction to this cycle of battling failure and
battling my worth. And so with my fifth chakra, I just keep the cycle going. You know,
"I'm going to fail. I'm too afraid. I'm a loser. I'm (fill in the blank)" right? And so, your
fifth chakra is just speaking the truth of that battle.
So, for you it's an aha moment of, "Wow, this is how huge this is for me, because I'm
speaking it all the time to myself." Right?



Margaret Lynch:

Your fifth chakra, instead of becoming the huge, creative force in your life, it's a record
player of the past.



Margaret Lynch:

When you can shift this, you know, working on some of your anger, but even working on
it at the same time at you're fifth chakra like, you know, there's lots of people who've
written books and built entire careers on just having you change your language. Right?
They don't even go into your real issues.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

They just say, "If you just start talking differently, stuff will change." And it's true. You
can do an amazing amount just by shifting the way you use your fifth chakra. So, what
we're going to kind of switch some of these to positives. I want everyone to switch
them to positives. I want you to come up with a way to shift this talk.


Margaret Lynch:

We're going to do some tapping around it, but to speak a new truth about yourself.



Margaret Lynch:

To speak a new truth. You know, something about we do have this addiction to the idea
about failure. What I used to do with it is I would play with it and be like, "Even though
I'm probably going to fail for some unknown reason I am going to fail and fail and fail,
and be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the charismatic leader of all failure."
Right? I am just going to plow ahead in embarrassing failure.
And because it is my intention that on the other side of that failure I will have learned
and grown by leaps and bounds. So, what other people call failure, I am now going to
call information and growth.



Margaret Lynch:

So, in addition to working on it at that level, I would also use my fifth chakra to start
speaking you know, and Abraham Hicks always says to start speaking a new truth
about it.



Margaret Lynch:

And so, again we see how the fifth chakra just replaying some of those conflicts of the
lower chakras.



Margaret Lynch:

But this is a real big one for you.



Margaret Lynch:

Because on the other side of fear the reason why you go to fear so much it is because
it's the exact opposite of what you really want to be doing, which is creating yourself out
there fearlessly.



Margaret Lynch:

So, you know, this is how stuff settles in the body. Conflict like this will settle right in
the body.



Margaret Lynch:


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011



Margaret Lynch:

And so, how do you, what do you say to other people that downplays your truth or your



Margaret Lynch:

So, if inside you're probably going to say


I actually kind of I mean, it's so complicated, because I actually spend a lot of energy
trying to not let people see how weak I am because I have so sensitive about that, and I
do, I hate that side of myself. And I, but I am very critical. People probably hear the
self-criticism, but I think a lot of people wouldn't actually put wouldn't really perceive
me as, you know, as weak and powerless as I perceive myself.
And, I don't know, it's hard to explain. I mean, I don't like people to know how anxious I
am. And I really, you know, that, it's something that's a lot better now, but, you know,
I've been struggling with this for 30 years. And the anxiety used to the debilitating. I
mean, like to just do social things would just about make me sick before I went.
And I would have to, you know, try to meditate and breathe just to do simple, normal

Margaret Lynch:



So, it's been going on for a long time, but I've tried very hard not to let people see that
side of me. I tried to, you know, show a persona of strength and competence

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. So, you can use your fifth chakra to sort of over speak time sometimes your
strength or, like a good charismatic leader, we can use our fifth chakra to sort of
manipulate the situation and the information and present ourselves in a very specific
way to not really be seen for that weakness.



Margaret Lynch:

And so, instead of just getting to be you, you have to use your fifth chakra to make sure
you always appear confident and all that kind of stuff, right?



Margaret Lynch:

So, it's kind of like over, sometimes we have to over speak it, or, you know, for me, I
would joke a lot or pretend like I didn't care or I would make fun of other people, like,
"Look at that guy." You know, because that took the attention off of me. I had
developed a lot of different social ways to so that people wouldn't see my social
insecurity. I'd point the intention somewhere else.


Right --

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Or, you know, when I was in college, I'd have a few drinks.


Yeah, but I do feel vulnerable and embarrassed, because I when people do see that,
you know, the lack of confidence and the I just, it's, you know, it goes, it just recycles
into more fear, because I don't

Margaret Lynch:



Like the feeling and it's embarrassing.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so, this is sort of you're here in the second chakra. I can't be vulnerable. I can't
really be seen, because if I'm seen, they're going to see my weaknesses. So, you speak
all of that into yourself first with your fifth chakra. You speak that into yourself, like,
"Don't even try; you're going to fail," to sort of avoid that whole thing. But you're kind
of seeing it more clearly, I think. As I said, try to feel how big this issue is for you. And
it's really a second chakra issue. Its first chakra built onto second chakra.



Margaret Lynch:



I guess I don't get that, but

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and so, second chakra is going to be more around the and not wanting to be
vulnerable and also battling our worse, right?



Margaret Lynch:

But we're do some, we're going to do some tapping now for the fifth chakra, because I
want to kind of get on the other side of it for the negative. And again, you know, when


Margaret? Can I put in one little bit?

Margaret Lynch:



This is Suzanne and my issue is that I come across very strong and like I'm very
knowledgeable. And I feel like I'm a Leo, okay? I mean, I don't care who knows and I
tell everybody. I'm a five time Leo. And I feel like the little kitten that's in the corner
going meow, meow scared. And yet I come across strong and knowledgeable and
confident and all of that. And I'm going, "Shit, that's not me." [Laughs]

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so


So, I don't know if I don't, I mean go ahead.

Margaret Lynch:

It's a little similar to what the last person was saying. You use your fifth chakra to over
speak your strength so that you're not, you don't get the vulnerability doesn't show.
Right? So, somehow you project and use your fifth chakra maybe even more stronger

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

than you have to make sure everyone sees your strength and your confidence and your
knowledge ability.
But it's really kind of protecting how vulnerable you are. It's not actually your whole
truth, because you're strong and you're vulnerable. You're strong and you have deep


Margaret Lynch:

So, the truth of your deep vulnerability and your deep sensitivity is not getting


I, I really I even tried downplaying it. And I seems that that doesn't even come across.
I mean, my closest friends even tell me that I still come across very strong and I'm going,
"Well, hell, what am I supposed to do?" You know, I don't know what to do than come
across so not that, you know, overpowering, because I don't like to overpower anybody.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and so, it's become such a habit of using our fifth chakra that way to be the
authority all the time in the room that we, it's hard to even see how we do it. It's hard
to even see how that's coming, how we're creating ourselves in the minds of all those
other people, because they're reflecting back to you things that you're like, "That
doesn't feel like me."
And so, again, you want to find, figure out where you took the fifth chakra is speaking
the truth of another wound or vow. You know, something around, you know, "I can
never look vulnerable," or, "I can never look stupid," which means I am vulnerable or I
am weak. So, I have to use my fifth chakra all of this energy of it to paint this picture
of myself as opposed to using it to totally manifest my intention.
Okay, it just diverts all of that energy. So, we'll do some, we're going to do some
tapping around and this is kind of what I call more consciousness round, because
we're not deep in any one particular issue, but we're going to tap around being
conscious of our fifth chakra. Okay?
So we're start on karate chop point. Even though I use my fifth chakra to speak the
truth of my wounds, to speak the truth of my vows, so that I never really seen, I totally
honor all of me. Even though I've been using my fifth chakra to create a perfect me out
there or to make sure I never try to speak the truth of my other wounds and vows, vow
to never be vulnerable, vow to be perfect, vow to withhold who I am, I totally honor my
fifth chakra.
Even know my fifth chakra is in incredibly powerful and will manifest my life based on
my intention that words I choose to speak, I have been using it like a record player, I
forgive myself for that. I totally honor my fifth chakra. Okay, and tapping to the points.
All this energy stuck in my fifth chakra I've been using it in so many ways, none of which
line up with my true heart's intention.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

All this energy stuck in my fifth chakra never really speaking my heart's truth. Speaking
words into myself that really hurt; that negate my gift. Speaking words into myself that
negate my miracle. Speaking words into myself that negate my true intention. My
incredibly powerful fifth chakra, which is my key to creation, which is where I choose
what I want to create and speak the truth of my intention.
My heart's truth. It is really scary to imagine that. My fifth chakra's been a record
player. I had no idea the power locked in my fifth chakra, but I'm open to seeing it now.
I'm open to becoming conscious of all the ways my fifth chakra is playing on a loop,
expressing the truth of my wounds. Expressing the truth of my fears.
I'm opening up my fifth chakra now, releasing some of these prerecorded tapes and
allowing myself to speak some new truths. My heart's truth. My true intention. My
true desires. The desires of my lower self and of my highest aspirations. I'm opening up
my fifth chakra and expressing my heart's truth. Okay, and take a nice deep breath.
And so, a really cool way to do this is to take each of those things that we talked about
and write a new truth. Actually write it down right now, because if I tell you to go and
do it after this class, sometimes it doesn't happen, right? Write it down right now.
What is a new truth? That if your wise mind could come in the eternal, loving, present
whole part of you could come in and sit with you, how would it rewrite that statement?
So, capture a new way to speak into yourself. And I also want you to capture your
intention, because what you write after it's my intention, you can use every time you
tap. "Even though I'm terrified of failure, it's my intention to" fill in the blank. "Even
though I'm terrified of being vulnerable it's my intention to" blank. And you can
always add, "And I have no idea how to get there, but it's my intention," because the
universe hears and responds to intention.
Again, Wayne Dyer wrote a whole book on power of intention. So, rewrite those
statements. And then we'll do another round of positive tapping for the fifth chakra.
And I, you know, everyone was getting a lot of aha moments, too about where they
might have more work to do, because we want to heal some of these things where
they're at, in addition to changing our words and our fifth chakra.
Okay, so, anyone want to someone had raised their hand. So, I am going to unmute
you, I think. If you, if the person who raised your hand on the screen, you can *7 and
unmute you if you'd like. You wanted to give me some feedback. And if anyone wanted
to give me quick feedback on their new statements.
And remember you don't have to know how to make these statements true. That's the
beauty of the fifth chakra manifestation channel. "I don't know how it's going to
happen, but this is my intention."

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011



Margaret Lynch:



I'm sorry, but someone else is just about to

Margaret Lynch:

You can go ahead.


I wrote down a few things with the intention I think I have sort of a question. If can I
write the intention so that I am no longer battling my worth? Is that what you mean by

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and I mean


Putting that in there?

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, to write the intention is just the positive. So, what do you, if you were done
battling your worth, what would you create? If you we done with that whole thing and
you could just it was not even an issue and you could just be totally free to create
what you want to create, what's your intention?


So, you're just saying exactly what I really want to create with that in mind?

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. Yep.


Even though I don't have

Margaret Lynch:

Whether it's in your


Even though I don't know how to get there. [Laughs]

Margaret Lynch:

All right, I used to tap on all the time, even though I have all these problems and all
these insecurities and I'm a total failure just to get them all out of the way. And I
judge myself blah, blah, blah it's my intention to and then I would add because my
mind would go, "But you don't know how to do that."
And I would say, "Okay, and I have no idea how to get there, but it's my intention and I
am putting it out there." And that's an incredibly powerful thing to do with your fifth
chakra. You know, when you think about tapping, we're calling ourselves out on both
our likes and our deepest addictions and issues with our fifth chakra. We voiced them in
tapping and we free ourselves from them, right?
Even though I'm insecure, I love and accept myself anyway, it loses its hold on you. And
so, the fifth chakra is an incredibly powerful healing tool. It is truly the manifestation
channel. So, for you to say, "This is what I'm choosing. This is what I'm saying. This is
my intention" incredibly powerful. Go ahead anybody else?


Yes, Margaret?

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:



I have like two intentions in the sense that one of a way of being a way that I speak to
myself, and the other one is what I want to create in my healing business.

Margaret Lynch:



So, may I share one of those, or

Margaret Lynch:



Or both, okay. It is my intention that I am right in my truth and that I am the only
authority in my life. It is my intention that, to feel that it is, to know that it is right for
me could have what I truly want. It is my intention to ask for what I truly want and get
it. And it is my intention to be, to fearlessly speak my heart's truth.
That is in the sense of being, right? And the other one is it my intention to be the
miracle maker of miracle makers. Everyone who comes to me receives spontaneous
and miraculous healing. It is my intention to receive perfect and ideal clients per month
who eagerly and joyously pay me $3,500 per miracle session.

Margaret Lynch:

Nice. So


Scary. [Laughs]

Margaret Lynch:

Good, yeah, it's scary; it's scary to say it. I mean, it's like goal setting, right? But when
you put it out there, two things happen. You get to see where you might need to do
some tapping around it. Like, "That feels scary." I already feel undeserving once I say it,
right? But when you put out there, now the universe can supply that infinite amount of
resources in the crazy synchronicities that you can't even imagine to make it happen.
It doesn't mean you won't take action. It doesn't mean that you won't have, you know,
conflicts and resistance come up that you'll have to work through and learn from, but
the universe you're co-creating with the universe when you declare your intention.


And I think that it's just a miracle that I had the courage to share this now.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, it's awesome. And when we share it and that's why Carolyn Myss says the fifth
chakra is courage. Courage, people, to share it out loud. A whole bunch of energy gets
garnered, because you had to make the choice to say it out loud and to go, "Oh, my
God, this is what I'm going to say, I'm about to say it." It's a choice. All right? And so, I
love that that quote that Deepak Chopra says.
That the signals can be really small in our lives, little signals, but as we choose to follow
those little intuitive signals, they get amplified. So, there's some little signals and you
probably for a long time, right, you know that this was your life's work. Start to declare
it and say, "I choose this path. I really do choose this."

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

And follow it. That's when the universe I always say when you start taking steps, the
universe really take steps to meet you and what I find is that when you're willing to say
it once, you start talking about it to everybody you meet. Everybody you're talking to,
"You know, my goal is this. You know, I really want this, and I'm wondering about this."
Suddenly, I find that I'm talking to like about six people about it and this is when it really
starts to manifest, because now I'm talking about all time. And the more I talk about it,
the more it feels like this reality's going to manifest.

Yeah, my greatest one thing what's coming up for me is like, "Are you kidding? This is
huge." It's, "Who are you to who are you?" I mean, "Who do you think you are?"

Margaret Lynch:



"Who do you think you are to do this, to say this, to do this?"

Margaret Lynch:

And so, that's what I'm saying that as soon as you say it, it's going to show you where
you have more work to do.



Margaret Lynch:

You couldn't get to the, "Who do you think you are," as intensely until you've said it out
loud. All right. So, yes, you have to go deal with that voice that's coming up and saying,
"Who do you think you are?"



Margaret Lynch:

Right? But you've still declared it.


Yeah, yeah, and so, I know where to go next.

Margaret Lynch:



Okay, thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Anyone else want to share their intention?


Hi, I Margaret. I'd like to share mine.

Margaret Lynch:



Even though I have no idea how it's going to happen and I've all these insecurities and
sabotaging behavior, I intend to become a best-selling author.

Margaret Lynch:

Awesome. That is awesome. So, yeah, so, we're going to take it now one step further
than the intention, okay, to add that even more power to it, okay?



Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

So, I want everyone to look at that intention and say out loud to themselves, "I really,
really want it. I really, really want this." Just notice how it feels to bring up some energy
and emotion about it. Okay, so, we're going to do some tapping around this. Okay, so,
just tap into the points. This is my intention, and I really want it. It sounds scary and
impossible, and I am riddled with self-doubt. Terrified of being vulnerable. Pretty sure
I'll probably fail.
I embarrass myself all the time. Totally insecure, huge inner critic, but I still want it.
Even with all that. This is my intention. I am using my fifth chakra right now to name
my highest aspirations. I've already used tapping to call myself out on my problems. I'm
always willing to call myself out on my shortcomings, and now I am declaring my
intention and choice as well.
This is what I want. It would take a miracle for this to manifest. Yes, yes, yes, it's my
intention that a miracle will support me. Hundreds of miracles if I need them. This
intention is incredibly powerful. I totally want it. I totally honor it. It is good for me and
good for the planet and I will enjoy the heck out of getting it.
I will enjoy the journey to it. I might fall down. I might make mistakes. I might screw
up. I might have challenges and I know how insecure I am. I don't care. I still going for
it. This is what I want. This is my intention and I'm not letting it go. I will fight for it. I
will cry for it. I will make mistakes for it. I will look stupid for it. I don't care anymore.
This is my intention.
I am choosing it and claiming it now. And as I do, the entire quantum field is being
powerfully organized around this intention. Things are happening through space and
time. Miracles that I couldn't even fathom right now, lining up to support me, to teach
me, to get me ready, to prepare me, to support me, to show me the way.
Miracles are being created because of the power of my intention. Yes, yes, this is
happening. This is what I want I'm and saying yes to the universe. Bring it on. I'm not
stopping. Okay, and take a nice, deep breath. And so, to take the intention to the next
level with that courage of our fifth chakra to declare that intention is ongoing courage
that says, "I will be broken down."
"I will trip and fall. I will be insecure. I will spend a day of laying in bed sobbing, and I
don't care. I'm still doing it. This is my intention." Okay, give me some feedback on
how that felt, and then we're going to be moving on to Joan.



Margaret Lynch:

Made me laugh, yes?


I just wanted to say thank you for that, because I have been feeling more that I work
through, the worse I am getting. And now I just decided I don't have to go through that.
I can just say, "Okay, it's okay." And so, yeah, because I've been feeling more and more
incompetent over the last few weeks.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Like the more stuff I work on the more forgiveness processes I've done, the more I tap,
the more each of the chakras I work on, I've been feeling much more incompetent. Like,
I used to could write really well, and now, I just freeze when I get to a computer and
start writing.
And, I mean, I know these are things that I should be doing, you know, and I think I've
been putting too much pressure on myself about this, about everything, and that sort of
stuff. But thank you very much for this last tapping session.
Margaret Lynch:

You're welcome. Sometimes when we make a lot of progress and we do a lot of process
work, these classes trigger a lot of intensity and a lot of processing through the chakras,
up. We'll sometimes experience some backlash. Right? I call it a backlash where you
literally wake up and spend the day in bed crying. Like, I don't even know why I'm
crying, or I'm really we'll have a dream that will trigger it.
And it's just, it's like a little bit of pushback from the energy system that goes, "Oh, my
God wait a minute. I've been living the I'm not good enough for really long time." And
so, you just want to be easy with yourself about it and know like, "Hey, I'm having a little
bit of backlash; that's all it is." Right? And I'm still going forward.


You mean I'm not really becoming completely incompetent? [Laughs]

Margaret Lynch:

Right. You know what, what you're probably feeling is what you're really feeling is how
your mind blocks you just being you, you just taking action, because your mind comes in
with the critical voice and says, "You're incompetent; look what you're doing. You're
not getting enough done," or whatever it's doing.
So, becoming conscious doesn't necessarily mean that we feel this unbelievable spiritual
enlightenment all the time. We become conscious of how our defense works first, you
know, and the way that you defend is your mind comes on and goes critical. If you're
doing a lot of forgiveness work and your mind's like, "Hey" you know, Eckhart Tolle
would call it the, "pain body." You've had this pain body for a long time and it doesnt
want to go anywhere.
Like, "Hey, she's getting rid of me, slowly." Right? So, it will get louder sometimes. And
because all of a sudden, you're conscious of it. It was always there. You just weren't
hearing it the way you're hearing it now.



Margaret Lynch:

Okay? And you so be gentle with yourself about it. Yeah, you're welcome.





Margaret Lynch:


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


I also want to thank you for these rounds which felt quite powerful in declaring my
intention. Yeah, and also in getting some insights and when you were going through the
things that may come up, but also having the willingness to let go and forgive. And as
you were mentioning the pain body, specifically that, a record of that and all that and
forgive and go for this.
I mean, not go for this, but declare it and just do it, whether I feel that I'm wrong or not
wrong or whatever. Just all the things around, but just go for it no matter what it no
matter what, no matter what happens.

Margaret Lynch:

Right. It's kind of like you want to get to the point where you ask yourself, you go, "I
really can't not go for it." I can't not. This is my calling and I have to keep going." You
know, it might get hard and like Deepak says, the universe is still going to deliver to you
what's best for you. [Laughs] Maybe not what you're exactly wanting in that moment
and those moments can be hard, but I get up and I go, "I can't not do this, though. I
have to keep going, because I can't not."
It becomes, this is the expression of me, and so absolutely, you know, you hear
inspirational stories from the people who built incredible businesses where they just
were like a bulldog. They just like, I just kept saying to people, "It's going to happen.
This is going to happen." It's going to you know, I told my family for years. You know,
we practically lost our house.
"It's going to happen. It's that level of courage and commitment and when you do that,
the resources, the energy that you garner is unbelievable. Great, thank you.



Margaret Lynch:

Anybody else, quick comment before we move on to Joan and sort of



Margaret Lynch:



I want to thank that previous woman for having the courage to state her intention
because I couldn't figure out how to word it, what I needed, wanted to say. And I
actually wrote an intention, and I want to say it out loud even though I'm scared to.

Margaret Lynch:



I just want to say that, even though I'm scared that people are going to judge

Margaret Lynch:



My intention. It is intention to design and create items that carry a healing power. And
it was only two days ago that I learned that that was what I wanted to do. I was working
with another woman and she helped me to see that. So, it's like that's such a big thing
for me.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Nice. And so, I want you to go beyond I want you to keep working on that intention.
Go beyond the action of it and go to the next step. Right? And so design that have a,
that have a spiritual, that have a healing element to them that does what for who.



Margaret Lynch:

That creates or that assists in the healing journey of thousands of people. You want to
have in these intentions why it's good for you and why it's good for everyone. Right?
You know, we know why it's good for you. You know, "Hey, I can earn a great living and
love the hell out of what I do." And it's also got this incredibly beautiful intention for
everyone who purchases one.


Okay. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Great. Good job. Very, very cool. I am happy to receive samples. [Laughs]


Thank you. [Laughs]

Margaret Lynch:

Sample me. I love samples.


Me, too.

Margaret Lynch:

I have no fear about samples. Okay, anyone else, quickly, before we move on to Joan?
Good. And so, I have you muted, Joan. So, I'm going to unmute you and, you know,
again, I want to impress upon everybody the power of your fifth chakra, it is a
manifestation channel. The way that you speak manifests your reality.
And so again, ask and you shall receive. If you don't ask or you don't, or what you speak
the truth of is that you don't deserve it for whatever reason, that is what you will
receive. And so, using our fifth chakra to express our heart's truth, what we really feel,
what we really think, and also the truth about our intention, our highest intention of
what we want to do and create and impart to other people is incredibly, incredibly
powerful. So, wonderful.
So, Joan is here to do our, the blessing for the fifth chakra. And Joan is spirit guided
energy healer and she will be inviting you to sort of travel along with the energy with
her to receive the blessings. And all you have to do if you want receive the blessing is
really just having an attitude or an openness of "Yes, I want this. I want to receive this."
Or you can just sit and listen if you like, and you might feel energy moving. You might
feel light, you might feel sleepy, you might feel nothing. And all experiences are
perfectly wonderful. And Joan's contact info is on my website,
people are definitely reaching out to her and we appreciate the feedback and that's
great. She also does private sessions with people as well for the way that she works.
And people are reaching out for her as well that this wonderful, especially when the
class has a particular chakra that been intense for you. So, and Joan, as I always

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

mention is one of my favorite people and I like keeping her around. She's kind of like a
boost in my energy and spirituality.
So, she's like my little talisman. [Laughs] So, I love having you in my life, Joan. It's all
about me, Joan; it's all about me. And so, you can take it away and I'm going to mute so
I can enjoy the experience. Okay? Thanks. And you are on.

Hi. Thank you, Margaret. The class was wonderful.

Margaret Lynch:

Thank you. [Laughs]


Okay, so, let's begin with some deep breaths. Take a deep breath in through your nose.
Hold the breath. And release it through your mouth. Taken another deep breath. Hold
it. And release it through your mouth. And one more. And through your nose. Hold it
and release.
As we come into this sacred space together. I invite you to be open to miracles as we
travel together with this energy blessing. I call upon the power of the great spirits,
master saints and prophets, personal guards, guardian angels and all kind and
benevolent sources of health in this universe to draw close and assist us as we share this
energy blessing, including all who will listen to this recording in a future time.
Infinite spirit God of love and light, we ask that you bring your golden pillar of white
light all around us. And once again, close the circle of protection and love beneath our
feet. And I invite you to see this golden pillar of white light enter your body through
your crown chakra bending with the violet light, twirling clockwise, activating, and
awakening and opening your crown chakra.
And as it travels downward, allow it to rest for a moment in the indigo light of your
third-eye chakra on downwards to blend with the blue light at your throat. Gently
floating down to be in the green light of your heart. Traveling on down to touching with
the yellow light of your solar plexus chakra. And on downward to merge with the
orange light at your sacral chakra.
Traveling downward to rest at the base of your spine, the red light of your first chakra.
Let us connect again with the light of our souls and know that you are supported always
by the divine source. You are safe. It is safe to be you. It is safe to let your true self
shine. Take a breath and allow this energy to move upward, connect with your second
chakra, where you allow yourself to feel all of your deepest feelings, desires and needs.
Knowing that it is a safe to be vulnerable, honoring how valuable you are. Let this truth
sink in and rest at your second chakra. Now allow the energy to move upward to
connect with the yellow light at your third chakra, and go inside and feel the miracle of
who you are. You are a miracle of love. Be at peace. Feel your inner peace, an
acceptance of who you really are; a piece of the divine.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Choosing now to share that beautiful quality of you with the world. Your shining light.
Take a breath. And move up with the energy into your heart, beautiful green light of
your heart. Let go and be in the warmth and comfort of your compassionate and
forgiving heart. See the river of love flow out to others and back to you. An endless
flow, a miracle of healing.
Let us fully recognize now that we are divinely connected when we say, "I love you."
Now, allow this beautiful golden white light to move upward, connecting in with your
throat chakra. The beautiful blue light. Here, we can choose to be free. Here, we have
the courage to honor the power of our intention as we use our voices and we bring
forth our song to the word, never to be held back again.
When we align with the miraculous force of the divine and let go of all that doesn't
serve us anymore, we free ourselves. We speak our truth out to the world with
confidence in each moment and we become an unstoppable force for good. And I want
you to just visualize for just a moment your first, second, third, fourth and fifth chakra
together and feel the energy move upward from the first chakra up to your fifth chakra,
honoring your true self.
Feeling how valuable you are, bringing the red light, the orange light, the yellow light,
your shining light. That wonderful quality of you. Now, see your heart opening, the
beautiful green light of the heart and bring that energy together, upward to your throat
And let us go on a little journey together. Let us climb to the very top of Mount Everest.
Let us find a special place where we can gather together and almost touch the sky. Take
a breath. Stand tall with your spine straight, totally connected to yourself and the
divine. Feeling the miracle of who you are, your shining light, and speak your heart's
Now, in any way that is comfortable for you, sing your own special song and send that
energy out over the mountain, the valleys, the stream, rivers and oceans, to reach the
far corners of the earth, Touching all beings as you feel the power of who you are in this
moment. Safe, loved, divinely supported. Feel joy and excitement course through your
Take a breath. And look out now from this place we stand and see the vibration of the
earth raise up as the ripples of sound travel out around us and become a blessing to our
world. We are truly free. Let us give thanks for the divine support and for our courage
to speak our truth.
And let us travel back down the mountain knowing that we can return there at any time
we choose. And as we go forward, walking in the light, we are divinely uplifted, blessed
be. As you take another deep breath, feel your awareness, your fingers and toes and
bring yourself back into the room, and thank you.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Joan that was a wonderful way to finish after doing that crazy tapping round, to stand
on Mount Everest. That was wonderful. Thank you.


You're welcome.

Margaret Lynch:

Declaring who we are from Mount Everest, beautiful. Wonderful. And so, I know there
still a lot of people on the line. We're wrapping up. You can jump off if you need to, if
you wanted to give some feedback, you can do that or if you have any more questions
for Joan and I, you can do that now. Come back from that little meditation.


Hi, Margaret?

Margaret Lynch:



I just had a question going back to when you were talking about declaring your
intention. And I know speaking it or writing it down and I suppose I've heard that before
through various different teachers who say, you know, goal setting and

Margaret Lynch:

Oh, yeah.


Yes. So, what would you recommend is the best I could just sit here and say I want to,
you know, get married or I want to whatever, but what really puts the power behind
that? What do you recommend when you're declaring your intention, what's the best
way to do it?

Margaret Lynch:

Well, first of all you want to make it part of your internal talk. And this takes a little
discipline, because we're so on a record player. You know, you wake up in the morning
and you try to make a mental note that when you make up in the morning, I try to speak
some truth into myself because we're very digestible in the morning. We're like in a
hypnotic state.



Margaret Lynch:

You know, and so, say it's about meeting somebody or getting married, you know, if you
wake up in the morning and you say something to yourself about that, like, you know, "I
am so in love with the man who is on his way to me. I am so in love with this man on his
way to me."
So, you start speaking the truth, because it's your intention to be madly, deeply in love
with this guy, someone that you're going to marry, I would imagine. So, I like to bring it
a little bit more fun and interesting than just the one or two sentences.



Margaret Lynch:

So, what's in that intention is that to be an unbelievable partner. To love somebody like
they've never been loved, you know, to have this really fun, giggly, synchronistic
relationship whatever it is for you is to bring in more. What is it there are more
intentions in there. There are probably a million intentions in there. All right.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

So, I like to speak it into myself with, in a way that sounds like, even to me, "Wow, I
totally believe this is going to happen." [Laughs] I can't believe how I just sounded
right? So, you want to speak, use your fifth chakra to speak it into yourself in a sense of
total belief and faith that it is on its way.
And what often happens is you can't help it. You start talking about it to other people.
It just starts coming out of you, because when you speak it into yourself in a way that's
light and fun and got excitement to it, you can't help not speaking it out into the world.
Like, "Oh, my God, I'm going to make the most wonderful wife."
"Some man is, some woman, someone is going to be unbelievably lucky to get me,
because I totally rock," you know? Or you just, you can't help it, because you're excited
about all aspects of it. So, it naturally starts to happen. It sort of starts speaking out
into the world and it will show up in all different parts and it's often more natural than
just stating and intention.

Okay. And which tapping, is tapping, would tapping amplify this in the morning, or

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, I mean, when I first I try to think of, I like to, my little habit lately has been like to
wake up and to be like, "Ooh, let me think of something good." You know, like
something miraculous is happening to me today. Something like that. So, I don't
necessarily tap when I first wake up. You know, I tend to tap when I feel sort of a
When I feel myself going into defense, you know feel the critic come up or the thoughts,
"This is never going to happen," come up, or I will tap when I really want to sit there and
bring my vibe up. You know, just a positive tapping. So, I will tap on kind of like we just
did, you know, this is happening, this is on its way to me. This is already in already in
I'm already connected to this person. They're already on their way to me. This is
happening. It is real. It is coming. I can feel it. So, I only use tapping to sort of enhance
that vibe. Getting noise, not quite sure whose phone that is. I'm going to mute


Yeah, I don't know.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, yeah, it might have been Joan's. I muted you Joan, just in case, so, you don't, if
you try to talk, Joan, you are muted. So, I kind of do a mix of that, but since I really
learned and started teaching the fifth chakra more in classes like this, it's like it was an
awakening to me how important my own fifth chakra is.
And I started to have even more consciousness about the way it works, about how I use
it and how I start creating with it and what I say to people about myself and about my

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

mission, because it really is how we manifest our world. And it's just, I've never made
that connection before. Your entire vibration comes through your voice.

That's interesting, I started getting a sore throat last night and I'm hyperthyroid. So, I've
always had issues with that chakra

Margaret Lynch:



And my throat's starting to feel a little bit better. I'm hoping, hopefully, I'll get rid of it.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, it's interesting, the throat chakra. Good.


Great, thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

You're welcome.


Margaret, I have a quick question.

Margaret Lynch:



Over the last two or three weeks when we do this chakra work, when I'm tapping, I go
into this, my body starts shaking and I get really, really cold. And I've never experienced
that in any other tapping. Is it just because it's related to such deep stuff?

Margaret Lynch:

Well, what is, what do you, how do you see your profile if you listen to the profile
information? What profile do you resonate with?


Charismatic leader would be my primary. My secondary would be the idealist.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, that's what I figured. Yeah, you probably have some creative ideas in there. So,
for you, that can be the feeling of coming down into your body and your feelings more.
So, there's some resistance there. You know, there's like literally like a shaking or
resistance. And so, it's for you, it's, that's it feels when you come really down into your
first chakra.
And so, what's the feeling? Is it scary for you? Is it, does it feel out of control? What
would you say about that shaking feeling? I can't hear you if you're speaking, because
the feeling is the other important side of it, right? There's probably going to be people
listening who resonate with what you said, but I lost it with you, if you can still hear me
that what there's the physical experience of it and then there's also like what's your
feeling about it.
Does it feel scary? Does it feel like I'm out of control? My body's shaking; I don't want to
be in here? And so, you want to tap always n what feeling that, or emotion that triggers
in you. Okay, so, if you, if I lost you and you want to comment again, you can come back
on. But anybody else?


Hi, Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Can you hear me?

Margaret Lynch:



Hi. Two things. One, was I find when I say I intend to do something it makes me feel
really heavy and resistant. Actually, kind of using that word and thinking about it,
because I don't know what the failure is or having to make it work or something. So, I
suppose what you're saying with the other girl about, you know, I'm falling madly in love
and Im thinking in those terms with it?

Margaret Lynch:

So, you're saying when you think about your intention I, my phone beeped a couple
times. When you think about your intention you feel heavy?


Yeah, when I use the word that I intend to do something, I end up feeling either heavy
or scared about that, you know, actually committing.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so, the intention, an intention is different than I intend, because intend sort of
mean, this is the next action I'm going to take.



Margaret Lynch:

So, when I want you to think about intention as a very different word. It's, "I'm going to
take action and the universe is going to co-create and support me." So, this is



Margaret Lynch:

The fifth, when we make an intention and a choice of our fifth chakra it's recognizing
that I'm going to do a part and the universe is going to do a part. I'm asking and I'm
going to receive. So, when we're real achievers, you know, we're used to saying, "I'm
going to take this on. I'm going to do it myself and it's all going to be on me." And it can
feel really heavy.
So, what you're feeling is that you typically have to do is use your willpower.



Margaret Lynch:

So, we're using the willpower of our third chakra like, "Okay, now that I've committed to
this, now I have to make this happen by hook or by crook. Now, it's all on me." And if I
don't make it happen, I'm going to feel really crappy." So, you're feeling the heaviness
of your will as it comes in and then that feels like, "Oh, God, that's going to be



Margaret Lynch:

All right, so, this is a little bit more faith that says



Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

That says, you know, you want to tap on even though I feel, this feels really heavy. I
don't want to choose this because then I have to make it happen.



Margaret Lynch:

It's all on me and it's exhausting. It's the other side of that. It's the opening up to, "I
can't do this by myself. It would take a miracle for this to happen." And so, I'm going I
want it and I'll take steps toward it and I'm also going to allow the universe to co-create
this with me.


Right, ________ thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

It's a faith, yeah, that when we set out an intention, we intend to take steps toward it,
but we're putting the intention out there. As Deepak says, "The universe is going to
support what's best for you."


Right, yeah.

Margaret Lynch:

And it's going to amplify its support as you choose to follow your impulses. So, I
personally, I like to ask for lots of support from the universe. I don't like things to be
very hard for me. And I don't like to work a lot of hours. And so, I'm


Neither, neither do I. [Laughs]

Margaret Lynch:



Neither do I, but I'm just being lazy.

Margaret Lynch:

Right. Never feel guilty for being lazy.



Margaret Lynch:

The lazy, when people feel lazy, it's your charismatic leader that's calling you to say, "I'd
like to get the biggest payoff for the least amount of effort." It's built into the
charismatic leader.


Yes. I've felt that a lot when I was young. So [Laughs]

Margaret Lynch:



That feeling comes in and goes out, you know

Margaret Lynch:

Right, you're supposed to work harder, right, right.



Margaret Lynch:

You know, when I feel myself coming up like it's going to be really hard, I'll go, "Well," I
try to catch myself and go, "Well, if I believe that's how it's going to be it certainly can
be hard. People absolutely do things the hard way all the time. But and so I go right

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

into my, you know, I am open for this to be ridiculously and unexpectedly and
impossibly easy.
So, I'm just going to keep putting my intention out there and letting the universe
support me that somehow it's going to be easy. And it somehow happens. It's like if I
say I don't know how many times I've said to people, "If I tap on something it actually
happens. I think I control the world." And that's the power of our fifth chakra. You
know, you call yourself out on your insecurities and your, the things we judge and we
also ask for what we want.
And we also, you know, call ourselves out on our higher aspirations, what I really want
is. Yes, I want to earn millions of dollars and I also want to help millions of people.
There's both sides to that. And I want it to be easy, because I want to love my life.
Right? It doesn't mean I'm not willing to work hard, but it, that hard work is always my
choice. It's like I wouldn't do anything else. It's what I want to do. Doesn't feel like hard
work to me. So, yeah, I ask for lots of support from the universe.


Margaret Lynch:



I see I need to, yeah, so, it's probably when I should be getting support from the

Margaret Lynch:



The other thing I wanted to say was when Joan was in the middle of that, her blessing,
when she's saying open the heart chakra and bring up to the throat one. I could just feel
my heart go nope, nope, nope, I'm not opening up. No way.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay. (Muffled)


Dont want to be vulnerable, you know, not to be vulnerable, so.

Margaret Lynch:

Right. And so, you experience, you actually, because the heart chakra is that was
actually your mind, cause the natural state of your heart chakra is to be open. So, it's
the way your mind comes in and says no, no, no, no, put a box around that. Right, so,
you're just feeling your, that's your real keeper, you know, that part of your mind that
makes a judgment about that.
And makes decisions on whether or not I should, you know, I can be vulnerable in that
way or I can open my heart and feel that. And it's really powerful. That's how quickly it
can work. This how our mind comes in and says, "Not going to feel that." For a lot, you
know, for all the mind's reasons, I've learned in the past, right. So, that decision is not
based on the present moment; it's based on the past.



Margaret Lynch:

Right, good. So some consciousness there.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011





Margaret Lynch:



One question. For me, I do know that I am afraid of being seen as lazy. So, what you
recommend and I want it easy. I want the greatest payoff for the least work.

Margaret Lynch:

Yes, yes.


But how do we sense that that is wrong?

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and so, a couple things. Right? As you're saying that, there's a part of you that
knows that you, when you do what I just know, when you do what you do, 125
percent of you pours out of you. When you are working with somebody one-on-one in
whatever you do, you do not shortchange the person. You pour everything out in that
moment for them. And so, you don't, you're not actually really asking for it to be easy.
You're asking to do something that you get to fully express you. Now, there are a lot of
details in my life that aren't the fun part; like me being on this class right now. I pour
myself out. I don't want, I don't want you know, take it the easy route when I'm doing
this class. But there's other details in my life that I want to be easier.
So, the lazy is really a shadow. If you look at the shadow work and you say, "Okay, I
have a shadow in me. That's my lazy side that I judge and I don't like." And it's probably
wrong for me to want it to be so easy and to not work that hard and all and lay on the
beach and then do my work for an hour and then lay on the beach again. So, you want
to befriend that inner we call it the inner slacker.
Okay, and so, what if you could just own that there's a piece of me, a part of me that is
my inner slacker that is calling me that in its power, in its gift, even though I judge it a lot
that the gift of the inner slacker, the inner lazy person is that it calls me to honor my gift.
To honor this particular kind of gift that I have to give and not wind myself down or run
myself down trying to accomplish everything perfectly or everything myself or have no
life balance.
Right? The inner slacker the part of us that reminds us to self-care. To relax. Relax
without guilt. Okay, so, I have a huge inner slacker and I've learned to love my inner
slacker, because I'm always, I know I'm always going to get up and do my job, but my
inner slacker reminds me to stop feeling guilty when I'm relaxing. To stop thinking,
shouldn't I be getting something done right now?
No. Right? And so, you really want to look at that judgment around, "I feel like I'm
lazy," because we've often hear that our whole life, you know? I'm like rule keepers by
the way who raised us and teachers who are of a different wiring. They're all around
self disciplined and working hard, working hard, working hard. That's not how the

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

charismatic leader or the emotional intelligence specialist is wired. We don't care about
nose to the grindstone.
We care about what we want to create. And for me, that's creating myself out into the
world in a way that brings healing and empowerment to other people. And a lot of
people in these classes that are coaches and healers. And so, you want to do your part
as much as you can, which is you doing your healing gift. And yes, tell the universe, "I
am completely frickin' lazy about the rest."

Okay. [Laughs]

Margaret Lynch:

"And I love it that about myself."


Think about loving that part of myself, okay.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and so, what's funny exercise to do around this, around the fifth chakra and the
truth is to go say that to somebody. Is to say to somebody for everybody who had the
things that they're afraid of say to somebody, "You know, I'm totally frickin' insecure
and I'm working through it."
And it actually amazes me that I do this, because it's hard for me, because I'm so
insecure." Or, you know, "I'm actually really lazy person in very particular ways. And I
think that's my gift." And just see how the other person looks at you.


I actually had that. I had that with a client that I said it was okay to slack. [Laughs]

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, to be a slacker.


And I said, okay, ________ because of the look that my client gave me.

Margaret Lynch:

It's the gift of the inner slacker. Right. There's this always gift even to the shadow sides
about ourselves that we judge, right. Do not apologize for being lazy.


Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

The most hardest working people I've ever met go, "God, I have this feeling that I'm
actually lazy." I'm like, "Oh, my God, that's the part of you that's calling you to have
more life balance. To do things the easy way; to let the universe support you and cocreate with you." That's what you inner slacker wants. We got to jump off, but if
there's anyone that's been sort of waiting to talk, you can type up and then we'll be
finishing the class for today.
And I want everybody, if you're still listening there, to make a commitment. To say
some of those positive things. And this will, your brain is wired around the old record
player. So, it will take the positive youth of your will, your willpower at first to rewire
and get in the habit of some of the new expressions, these new positives that you set,
your intentions and the positive things.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

The, "Even though I'm totally secure, I still totally rock," kind of thing that you're going
to say to yourself. So, I want you guys to practice saying them to yourself and at least to
one other person, okay? Thanks everybody. Thanks for listening to my fifth chakra
today. And we will see you all next week for the sixth chakra. Two classes left. Talk to
you all next week.
[End of Audio]

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Tapping for Miracles: Class 6

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, welcome, everyone. This is Margaret Lynch and this is the sixth class for Tapping
for Miracles. And as you know, in every one of these classes, we start out by talking
about the chakra. This week is the sixth chakra. And Ive been talking about Deepak
Chopra and his book How to Know God, but most of our focus around the chakra comes
from the work of Rhys Thomas, who is my partner and the founder and director of the
Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine.
So I just dragged him into my office so he could say hello to everybody. So Im going to
unmute, and so if anyone wants to shout out a hello to Rhys, they can.



Margaret Lynch:

A little too loud.

Rhys Thomas:

Hello, everybody.

Margaret Lynch:

And what are you up to today, Rhys? What are you creating? What miracles are you

Rhys Thomas:

Im getting ready for fourth chakra weekend. We we go a little slower than you go. So
were only on to the fourth chakra. So school school, working on transitioning from
the individual self and the third chakra, up to sharing that amazing individual self with
people on the fourth chakra.

Margaret Lynch:

Very nice. And so Rhys is referring to his school, which is the Rhys Thomas Institute of
Energy Medicine, which is here in Massachusetts, that you have to attend live and in
person six weekends a year for each each of the three year programs. So thank you,
Rhys, because we are really enjoying all of your chakra comments, and Im going to
mute unmute everybody for a second, if anyone wants to just shout out hello to Rhys.
Okay, everyone is unmuted.



Margaret Lynch:

Thank you, everybody.


Hello from France.




Hello from Bulgaria.


Hello from New York.

Margaret Lynch:

Wow. Yep, theres about over 100 people in this class, not all on the phone at once,
but we have a lot of countries represented. So its wonderful to have all of you here,

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

and I just wanted Rhys to come in person for a minute, since so much of what were
doing is triggered from his material. So thank you.
Rhys Thomas:

Good luck today. Being able to see miracles is one of the most fantastic parts of
miracles and the sixth chakra you actually get to see them happening. Enjoy.

Margaret Lynch:

Bye, Rhys.


(Muffled recording)

Margaret Lynch:

Sorry, I muted you. Someone started to speak.


Yes, I said how was that concert that he did a few weeks ago?

Margaret Lynch:

It was fantastic.



Margaret Lynch:

Its always fantastic.


Thats great.

Margaret Lynch:

Thats the benefits of him his office being down the hall from my office, so a little
little guest star appearance. So Im going to mute everybody again and were going to
start off the class talking about the sixth chakra. Okay, so you guys are all muted again.
And what it means for miracles and Rhys already said it, you know, its really seeing
miracles. And so weve talked a lot about Deepak Chopras book How to Know God,
which is the seven levels of spirituality, and when you get to the sixth level, which is the
sixth chakra level, he says this is the level of the God of Miracles, and its where we
become miracle workers. Its also where Marianne Williams says in her book Return to
Love, which is reflections on the principles of the course in miracles, she says and to
me this sounds very much like talking about the sixth chakra, sometimes a miracle is a
change in material conditions like physical healing, but at other times its psychological
or emotional change. Its a shift not so much in an objective situation, although that
often occurs, but a shift in how we see and perceive a situation. She says a miracle is
not the rearrangement of the figures in our life, which is I know sometimes Ive asked
for a miracle of certain people to disappear. A miracle is our awakening from the dream
of our life.
And so she says that in a course in miracles, thats why they say the greatest tool for
changing the world is our capacity to change our mind about how we see the world.
She says its a human decision to choose love instead of fear, but the radical shift that
happens when we do that produces in every dimension of our life gifts from God, actual
miracles, intercessions on our behalf. She also says that miracles themselves occur like
an invisible force that emanates from us when our conscious intention is to give and
receive and be deserving of love. I like that idea, that its an invisible miracles happen

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

because of an effect of an invisible force that emanates from us. So were going to take
a look at some of that today.
As I look at the sixth chakra, and this is really the way Rhys teaches the sixth chakra,
because weve often people whove been learning the chakras know that its the third
eye, so its the center of the forehead. Its called psychic sight. But what Rhys says is
that the point of that psychic sight is really to see how we fit in the world.
And so its seeing in the third chakra, were revealed that we are a miracle. We are
revealed to be an incredible, one of a kind, unique person. And so in the sixth chakra,
you see how that unique nature, your uniqueness, impacts the world around you. The
sixth chakra you see from a higher perspective how important your uniqueness, your
contribution to the world truly is.
Caroline Myss says that the sixth chakra is where we carry and hold the belief Im in
effect my reality. And she says do you really believe Im in effect my reality? And I think
this is so interesting because its where we hold our belief and its where we see, and
seeing and believing are always very connected, right? People always say, you know,
Ill believe it when I see it, or seeing something is believing it. When we see a miracle,
we will believe in a miracle.
But what if before seeing and believing is actually believing? So when we see it, we
believe it, but before we see, before we look at the world, before we open our eyes and
were about to have an image come through, before that, believing is actually driving
our seeing. And so what we see, weve actually made a vow to see the world that way
and then that reinforces what we believe. So theres this really interesting connection
on seeing and believing miracles happen. Im in effect my reality, supported by
miraculous support, intercession, people, circumstances, everything the divine is giving
to me.
And so when we talk about the goal of this class being the three things, affecting your
vibrational match to miracle, the first one that I laid out was belief, that there are
infinite resources that the divine has for you. Secondly, faith that you are personally
seen and supported with those resources by a benevolent God. And three, feeling and
believing in our unique nature and the worthiness of that.
So in the sixth chakra, we actually see how all of that unfolds in a picture. Rhys says that
to gaze upon an open sixth chakra is to see the flash of intuition, like a twinkling star in
the night sky that brings clarity and meaning to your life and your place in the world.
When you see yourself from that 20,000 foot view, the eagles eye view, youre seeing
from the sixth chakra. And so were going to do an exercise where were going to go to
that eagles eye view, because what we want to see there, he says notice your unique
talents and skills, support and radiate out in every direction. And this is where we see
how the unique nature that we have impacts the world and is important to the entire

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

But, as we always have a but in these classes, the vows, the negative vows at the sixth
chakra become the vows to see the world, which means thats my belief, my belief and
my see are related, see the world through a filter of my lower chakra vows, through my
fears, through my belief system, which came from my tribe. So when we look out at the
world and we look out at whether or not theres miracles happening or infinite
possibility is real, when we see that, were not actually seeing whats there. Were
seeing only what we vow to see based on the lower chakras.
And so I mentioned in the last class with the fifth chakra that as we get up here to the
fifth, sixth and seventh chakra, were basically filtering through all the wounds and the
vows of the lower chakra, which is why its so important to continue to do lower chakra
clearing, because thats where all of our stuff is. And so Im going to walk through some
of these while I want were going to do a little process to sort of to sort of visualize
that, okay? So heres what I want everyone to do to start this exercise.
I want you take a nice deep breath and close your eyes, because were going to be
visualizing here. Okay, were going to use your sixth chakra to paint a picture for you,
okay, because I also believe that the miracle of the sixth chakra is seeing miracles, but I
also believe that the miracle of the sixth chakra is the miracle of consciousness, the
miracle of enlightenment. Because when we when I walk through this exercise with
you and you see and have these moments of consciousness remember, sixth chakra is
when we have that flash of insight when you see that, thats where we actually see I
am manifesting my life, but Im manifesting it partly from my negative vows.
Okay, so I want you to picture yourself just like youre an eagle flying overhead. Youre
looking down and youre seeing yourself standing there, and I want you to surround
yourself with the conditions of life and the world as you see it. And so fill in some
people, maybe its people in your family or people that you work with, and then a little
further out from you and those relationships, I want you to let your mind paint a picture
of the world, so that we can draw on this picture.
And so at the first chakra, we learned that for many of us what we saw, what we
experienced, what was built into our belief system was a world of limitation; that you
can only get so far, that money is scarce, that poverty is more real than abundance, that
working really hard brings very little money. All sorts of things that we were
programmed in at the first chakra. So as those programs bubble up to the sixth chakra,
there is a vow in the sixth chakra to see the world through that paradigm.
So I want you to look at yourself in this picture and now surround yourself with the
things that you see in the world that reflect that picture. When you see the world, do
you see more scarcity than evidence of abundance? Do you see how youve worked
really hard but havent earned enough? Do you see opportunities everywhere that just
tend to limit you, to keep you stuck? There you are working hard and the money is
coming in like a trickle. Or do you see that the world is not a safe place, and so
everywhere you look you see miraculous numbers of opportunities that will not be safe
for you? And beyond that is an entire world that you cannot see.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

So I want you to imagine that youre looking at this picture and youre seeing yourself
surrounded by these conditions that came from the first chakra, the family paradigm,
and all around you are these little grayed out areas, almost like on a on television
where they where they pixilated something so you cant actually see whats there.
Someones face or a logo or someones nudity, they pixilated it, so theres, like, a blind
spot in the page, in the picture. So I want you to imagine that youre seeing the world
this way, but all around you are blind spots, these pixilated areas, which contain
something, that you actually cant see because you made a vow, an unconscious vow, to
see the world filtered through this paradigm. Just notice how many of those pixilated
areas are there. Those represent opportunities, gifts, miracles, hunks of money that
were there, but you could not see them.
And now I know all of you have been exposed to law of attraction, so I want you all to
see yourself in a moment where you were learning about law of attraction. For some of
us, it was the first time we really started to process it and think about it. And in that
moment, you had a shift. There was a moment in learning law of attraction where you
felt like you opened up and you saw, oh, my God, this is really real. There is infinite
possibility. I can visualize and imagine and be positive and things are going to be
attracted to me.
And then something happened, didnt it? Something showed up, because out of one of
those blocked, pixilated areas, pop, something appeared, something that you did not
see before, did not expect, cant even imagine how it showed up. Money appeared, a
gift appeared, support appeared, a person appeared and said, Can I help you with
that? Something happened when you went through that shift of law of attraction.
Now, it doesnt mean you know, were not often able to hang on to that level of belief,
but in that moment of openness, when you said what if theres more beyond what Ive
been seeing and believing, something popped in, didnt it? I think its really, really neat
to see.
And so were going to move to the second chakra, and so second chakra, if you made a
vow, a second chakra vow to not feel and express and have your deepest, truest needs
and desires, then you made a vow to see and believe that the world, the universe, the
divine does not meet your needs, will not meet your deepest needs. And so what you
vow to see is all the ways and means the universe is sending you the people, the
circumstances that negate your needs, that dont support you, that will not treat you in
the way you want to be treated, that will not nurture you, that will not love you, that
will not just show up and help you with something.
So I want you to see that with your sixth chakra. There you are in this picture again, and
now youre looking out at the world with your sixth chakra from this vow. And all
around you are these blind spot areas, grayed out areas, gifts from the universe,
support from the universe, nurturing through other people from the universe, from the
divine. Moments of peace, rest, all around you, but you cant see them, because thats
how the world was. Thats what got programmed into your second chakra, and you

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

made a vow. The world is not going to meet my needs, my deepest needs, my feeling
needs, my nurture needs, so Im not going to have those needs.
So at the sixth chakra, the vow is to see the world as uncaring and unsupportive. So I
just want you to see with your sixth chakra in the way it can give you a moment of
consciousness on this, how that works. How the way youre seeing the world based on
these vows is graying out all sorts of areas that you just dont get to see and embrace.
And now I want you to go to a time, cause I know there had to be one, when you finally
something happened where you had to finally say, Oh, my God, I really need
support. You got the flu or circumstances in your life, or you got some kind of illness or
something happened where you finally had to be vulnerable for a second and say, I
need help. I need support. I really want love. I need some compassion, and something
happened, didnt it?
One of those blind spots popped into reality and someone was there, because you
asked. And in that moment of asking and opening to receive, you were able to see and
perceive the support thats there. This is how powerful our sixth chakra is, because we
are a people that lives in the mind field, and we only believe what we see. But behind
what we see is a belief.
Okay, third chakra. There you are in this picture, and I want you to tune into the third
chakra negative vows, based on I am not a miracle. So the vow to stay small, to stay
invisible, to only serve, to never quite carry my power, to keep it withheld and to be
someone who is appropriate, someone whos more perfect, and see from that 20,000
view how you up at your sixth chakra, this became the vow to only see evidence coming
back to me that I am small, that I am not a miracle, that I am here to serve other people
and take scraps, that what you could see were a miraculous number of opportunities to
stand quietly in the background.
Those were the opportunities that you saw clearly, but all around you are these blind
spots, areas that you vowed not to see, and in those blind spots was people and the
universe shouting at you, You are a miracle. You are awesome. You are unbelievable.
The world needs what you have, I need what you have.
And I want you to see again that theres been a moment in your life where you had
some kind of an opening, some kind of a step up, and sometimes it came from the
support of somebody else, or you tapping and breaking through this little wall of fear
and you stood up and did something that was bigger and more miraculous. And that
there was a time, I know theres been at least one, where somebody validated you and
said, You are a freaking miracle. And so in that moment of suspending belief about
yourself and pushing through that wall of fear and saying, Maybe I can do it. Oh, my
God, the universe, pop, had all of this resource there and you were finally able to see
one pop into reality and receive it.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

And so the fourth chakra vows that you may have made to be perfect, which means I
dont deserve yet, I have to prove and earn and strive and be perfectly something. Then
Im lovable, then Im forgivable, then I deserve. And so from that vow, you look out
through your sixth chakra, how does the world look? Miraculous numbers of
opportunities for someone to criticize you, to be criticized, to be fear of being to be
afraid of being criticized, to be told I dont think you did it good enough.
And so in using the sixth chakra this way, the miracle of consciousness is taking this
moment of consciousness and saying, I really have manifested my reality, but Ive been
doing it partly unconscious. And so this vow comes up to the sixth chakra and we see
criticism and imperfection and judgment everywhere. And we fear it and we battle it
and we experience it and we tap about it, but thats what we see.
And again, all around you in this picture are blank spots, grayed out areas that you
vowed not to see, of deep, loving acceptance, honoring. All of these people and
opportunities and moments and divine interventions, to remind you and shout at you
and tell you that you are absolutely perfectly loving and acceptable and a brilliant star
the way you are right now. You are forgivable, you are lovable.
And I want you to see again that theres probably been a time in your life where
something really kicked your ass, where you had a dark night of the soul, and in that
from that place, something in your heart opened and you turned up to the divine and
said, Please forgive me or love me or help me, or something. Or you tapped on your
self judgment, your inner critic, or how you thought other people were criticizing you,
and in that moment, your heart opened and you felt compassion rush in and you looked
back at your life and said, Oh, my God, I feel so much more compassionate towards
And in that moment, the miracles that the world has been sending, that the divine has
had for you, the infinite abundance of people and opportunities to project love at you,
you actually saw one and let it be real and it popped into reality the moment you were
open to it. And sometimes people have said to me, And it was there all along. It was
there all along, and I could never let it in.
And now finally I just want you to look at this picture and see your voice coming out of
your body, just the pure vibration of your voice. And we learned last week that in our
voice, all of our chakras speak and all of our vows speak. We speak the truth of our
programming, of our wounds, our fears, our vows.
And so I just want you to see how that voice with your sixth chakra, how that voice
comes out of you and has spoken the truth of some of your fears, limitations, your
programmed belief systems, your paradigms. And in that voice, youve created yourself
in the minds of other people with those limits and vows and fears. And I want you to
see how all of that playing in your voice, which is actually the fifth chakra, the
manifestation channel, triggers manifestation, both in yourself and other people and in
the world.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

And so we see how we were manifesting again consciously see how we truly have
manifested our reality in all of the miraculous in our life by the very way we use our fifth
chakra. Whether we speak the truth of our absolute brilliance, our true needs, our
deepest desires, or whether we are speaking the truth of our fears, of playing it small, of
limitation in the world. And see how that voice goes out and affects other people and
affects the world, and remember a time that you have maybe heard someone speak,
someone very inspirational, or taken a class or read a book and for awhile you started to
change the way you spoke.
Maybe after last class, where we chose some new ways of speaking about the world,
and that really started to create different things. It started to create new things and you
could actually see them and see, wow, that happened as a chain reaction because of the
things that I have been saying. I inspired someone or I healed someone or I got an
opportunity to do something because of what came through my voice, my enthusiasm,
my joy, my brilliance, my incredible depth of feeling.
And so I just want you to see that picture with your sixth chakra and Im going to let you
unmute and give me some feedback on any of them that were particularly strong for
you, and then were going to do some kind of consciousness level tapping about what
weve been vowing to see with our sixth chakra, so that we can start to open that up.
You know, Caroline Myss says we start to see how random seemingly random events
and meetings and circumstances, both positive and negative in our lives, are actually
part of a life script that gives us countless opportunities to transform, countless
opportunities for spiritual transformation. Thats a pretty cool sixth chakra.
And that is truly the definition of looking back at your life with consciousness. And so to
me, this class is both two parts. Its about opening up our sixth chakra to see the world
as it is, which is unfolding with miraculous things in every moment, instead of as Rhys
says, instead of seeing the world as I think I am, right?
Seeing the world as it is, not as I am, and also the miracle of consciousness, of using our
sixth chakra to see, so that we can believe I really do manifest my reality and this is how
Ive been doing it. It hasnt been a pretty picture, theres things I want to change, but I
actually have manifested my reality. And even though theres a lot of things in this
picture we dont like, seeing is believing. So if I see how Ive manifested my reality with
this process I just walked you through, then I start to really believe I really do manifest
my reality.
So what do I want to see in the world? How do I want to filter my view? Do I really
want to filter the world through what my parents truth was? Do I really want to filter
the world through trauma and pain and wounds that I got when I was under the age of
10, under the age of 20? And so that is truly the miracle of consciousness.
Okay, so well take some Im going to take some feedback, so you can *7 if you want
to give some feedback on that, on any of these the pictures and the different chakras

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

that really hit you or really gave you, you know, a sixth chakra moment of
consciousness, like a sparkling moment of clarity.


Margaret Lynch:



All of those helped all kinds of parts that were recognizable, but the really big one was
the fourth chakra, the criticism and judgment. I had for years been listening to people
tell me that I am amazing and what I do is really good and, you know, all these things,
but I couldnt hear it at all, and what I realized, it was very obvious from what you said is
that it was pretty much coming from within me, but I was also setting up opportunities
where I would take a job and I could not be good enough at it.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, it


The person would tell me you know, their judgment is not quite you didnt do good

Margaret Lynch:

Right, and its like, I want you to look at that and go, Oh, my God, am I powerful. I
manifested an unbelievable stream of people and jobs and opportunities for me to live
out that truth. Its unbelievable how powerful we are. But, yes, while thats your issue,
you will its like all the people who are saying, You are awesome, youre, like, uh
huh, uh huh, uh huh. And then the one person who says, You could have done better,
all your attention, energy, focus, sight, focuses on that one person. And we take them
home with us and were thinking about it because theyre on our mind.


Mm hmm.

Margaret Lynch:

Right? And so all that energy and so we will filter the world for the negative. I sort for
the negative. Thats what you do, okay? And so what about all those wonderful people
whose heartfelt you are unbelievable, who basically got brushed aside, right?



Margaret Lynch:

They those wonderful people who told you with sincerity from their belief and their
life experience, you have to understand, you are really good. Youre really, really good
at this. You have something special. Youre, like, yeah, yeah, whatever. Its really its
really quite shocking.


It is.

Margaret Lynch:

That is very inconsiderate of you, maam. Okay, good. Yeah, the fourth the fourth one
is a its a big one, especially if you are if youre a knowledgeable achiever, a super
achiever, thats the fourth chakra vow is going to be a big one. Good, thank you.
Anybody else, a-ha moments from that process? And Im curious if people saw the way
they impact the whole world, because of the sixth chakra, we see ourselves and we see
how necessary our contribution is in the world.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Hi, Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:



I related to I think the fourth chakra also, in the sense of how I made a vow to be

Margaret Lynch:

Mm hmm.


So I see how I set up myself for failure, meaning if I did not feel perfect enough for my
as a performing artist, for my healing practice, then I wouldnt allow myself to feed and
to thrive in the way that I wanted.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. You know, and so, you know, part of that vow another way you can look at it is
and this is a process Ive done in other classes, where if you were to imagine a
beautiful, beautiful glass lens and in that glass lens you can see everything, you see
this glass lens would show you the truth, okay? You practically touch the mind of the
divine with this glass lens, if you could see all the way through it. But when weve made
a vow to be perfect, that means Im actually not perfect and I should be.
So I want you to imagine you take this beautiful lens and through it you could see a
picture of yourself and your energy, your entire energy system there, and what youve
done with that vow is youve taken a big black magic marker and you have blocked out
whole sections of that lens. Not going to see that. Theres my perfection. Im not going
to see it.
And then youve taken other sections of that lens and youve just taken the black and
just rubbed it in so its distorted. So Ill see this in myself, but Im going to see a
distorted view of it. So with our sixth chakra, weve decided Im not going to see these
parts of me. Im not going to see them. Im not going to see my miraculous nature, and
Im going to distort these other parts.
So Ill go, Thats pretty good, but its not up to this standard. So Im going to see it in a
distorted way. Okay, so clearing away and thats why the sixth chakra is where we
have these big moments of insight and consciousness. What if I could clear that away,
even just for, like, a second? What if I could clear that away and see myself as absolute
a piece of the divine perfection, just for a second.


I wish I could. But my question also was you know how you said we have these filters
for the negative or what we see as negative, its, like, what if I had that filter, which is
the same thing as what youre talking about the lens, that filter for the positive?

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Exactly. Yeah. And thats where you know, thats what it means in this class seeing
miracles. And as Caroline Myss says, even the things that seem positive and negative is
seeing it as this is part of a miraculous script unfolding.


Because part of the perfection.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, I cant see it now. It looks in my Im feeling it running through my belief system
and it feels crappy, okay? And so Im just going to honor that, but my sixth chakra can
say just like we say to other people, like, Oh, you can look at the bright side. My
sixth chakra, even just for a few seconds, is going to go to this place where it says Im so
curious about how this is a miracle unfolding, and Im going to look for the miracle
unfolding in this. Im going to put on my spectacles and I am going to search high and
low for the miracle thats unfolding in this, cause theres got to be one, right? The
belief comes before the seeing, and then the seeing leads to the belief again.


Got it. Thank you, Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:

Perfect. Now, you know, remember that this isnt its hard to live we cant live every
moment of every day at this level of vision, of belief. I have moments where I really feel
and believe that I manifest my reality. And then I have other moments where I cant
hold on to that, right, where it doesnt feel as true.
And so its okay to know that if I just get a moment of this, its so powerful up at these
upper chakras, that that can transform my life, right? And a miracle is something that is
that that is transformative. So if I can hold this vibration even just for a few minutes
every day, I get to see miracles. Okay, so its okay that we dont get that we dont live
there all the time, right?


100 percent of the time, 100 percent

Margaret Lynch:

It would be



Margaret Lynch:

You know, right, thats the Buddha, that is the Buddha. So I will I am very happy to
love mostly down here at my second chakra, cause Im human, and have moments of
an open sixth chakra.


Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, good. So was there anyone else waiting to comment, cause were going to do
some tapping. Okay, I dont see anybody else. Okay, so were going to do some tapping
for the sixth chakra. Okay, Im actually going to mute you too, Joan, so in case theres
any noise in the background.
Okay, and so karate chop point, even though I made the sixth chakra vow to see the
world in a limited way, to see evidence everywhere that fits my vows, evidence
everywhere that fits my wounds, to see evidence everywhere that fits my fears, I totally

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

honor my sixth chakra. I totally honor this moment of consciousness, because I see it all
unfolding. I see from above my life how I have manifested my reality. Even though I
have these filters over my sixth chakra, filters that do not let me see miracles of love,
miracles of support, miracles of compassion, miracles of money, I forgive myself for
I honor this moment of consciousness and I can never go back to the old way because I
see I truly manifest my reality. I manifest what I see. I forgive myself for having all of
these filters because I see Ive been doing my best, and Im open to clearing and healing
my beautiful sixth chakra, which is a beautiful lens through which I see the infinite.
Tapping through the points.
There I stood in my first chakra vows to see scarcity, limitation, a dangerous world, a
world of lack. Im open to clearing that first chakra vow so I can see a world of
opportunities, miracles of money, miracles in my relationships, miracles in my health. I
see myself in my second chakra vows to never honor and ask for my real needs, my
deep desires, my secret wants, to believe that the universe and other people will never
meet them. So I vow to see the world, even the divine, as unsupportive, not nurturing
and all about striving and struggle.
Im open to healing the second chakra vows, clearing them from my sixth chakra so I can
see all the miraculous pieces of support, validation, love and affection that the universe
is always sending me. When I cant see them, I block them.
There I am, in my third chakra vows, believing that Im not a miracle, vowing to stay
hidden, small, serving, taking scraps and seeing the world full of millions of
opportunities to stay invisible, play it small and only give and be handed scraps. Im
open to clearing this third chakra conflict, clearing it from my sixth chakra so that I can
see the miracle that I have to give the world and how much the entire world needs,
absolutely needs my miracle, my unique gift. Im open to seeing how truly important
they are for the transformation of the entire world.
There I am, in my fourth chakra vows, to not really be deserving until Im perfect, a vow
to always prove and earn my deserving by being perfect, better, smarter, stronger. So I
vow to see a critic on every corner, unforgiving, judgment, judgmental people. I vow to
judge myself and see with sparkling clarity everything in me thats not fixed yet. I would
love to clear this away from my sixth chakra and instead see myself as eternally perfect
and deserving, eternally loving, instead see myself as already there; lovable, deserving
and perfect.
There I am, using my fifth chakra, manifesting reality inside of me and out in the world
based on my vows. I can see now with my beautiful sixth chakra how that vibration has
come out into the world and manifested the limitation, the paradigm, the people that
match my old vows. I totally honor all of this muck blocking my sixth chakra, distorting
and limiting my sixth chakra. I honor it, I bless it, I forgive it, and for a few moments, Im
clearing it away and letting myself see the world as it is, full of infinite miracles, full of

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

infinite support, personally intended for me. See that at my doorstep is being delivered
miracles in every moment, to see with consciousness how I manifest my reality based on
my beliefs, which are based on what Ive seen, which is based on my beliefs.
I totally honor my beautiful sixth chakra and Im open to seeing the world as it is, alive
and fresh and new, in every moment, loving, supportive and abundant in every
moment. To see the divine as loving, forgiving, miraculous, compassionate in every
And take a nice, deep breath. That was a long tapping round. Okay, and I want you to
go back to this picture and I want you to see yourself again, and now I want you to just
put around you your people; the people that you work with, the people in your life, your
friends, your family.
And now I want you to allow your sixth chakra just for a minute to show you how
miraculous you really are, the one of a kind, unique nature that is you. And then let
your sixth chakra scan the entire planet, because it can do that in an instant and
recognize there is nobody on this planet like me. And with your sixth chakra, you could
even scan the planet all the way back to the beginning of time and you would discover
there has been no one on this planet like me. And your sixth chakra, with your
imagination, could scan forward in time, and again, show you with sparkling clarity there
will never be anyone who feels like me, thinks like me, acts like me, wants like me,
thinks like me, has my gifts. Just notice how if youre open to it, your sixth chakra will
reveal it.
And now I want you to see the connections, the connections between you and all of the
people that you touch, whether its just in your personal relationships, but also in your
work, in your career, in what you do. And see how the world needs your contribution,
how what you have, your unique, one of a kind nature impacts the world around you. I
want you to see how you expand out and that touches other people. Youve decided to
put a filter on how big youll see that impact, how important youll see yourself, but let
your sixth chakra just show you for a second how do you impact the world around you,
how important is your contribution.
And so this is a place to revisit with your sixth chakra; seeing yourself in the world, how
you fit and how important you and your contribution truly are in the bigger picture. And
sometimes your sixth chakra will paint you a picture of where youre going. I know
some people are probably already seeing, like, oh, my God, Im doing something Ive
never done before. It will show you where youre going, and as Rhys says, it will also
show you if youre in a place and surrounded by people that you do not belong. And if
you see with your sixth chakra I dont belong here and you dont pick up your stuff and
leave, your sixth chakra will kick your butt. It is not going to feel good, because that is
what it shows us; how you fit in the world, and it will also show you if youre somewhere
you dont belong. Thats a psychic hit that says Ive got to pick up my stuff and go.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Okay, so any feedback on seeing that positive picture? And just notice if theres any
color to it. Sometimes theres a color to our energy, and then were going to be moving
on to the blessing with Joan for the sixth chakra.
And so you can *7 to unmute. Oh.


Margaret Lynch:



It took all the way until you said you got to I think it was in the fifth chakra and you
said that I have to fix myself. As soon as you said that, I got it. I got the whole thing and
what Ive been trying to do to fix myself and not see who I was.

Margaret Lynch:



It just Ive been bawling through the whole thing. Wonderful.

Margaret Lynch:



You really got me hard. What my contribution, I just want its magnificent. Thats the
first word that came to me. And then I saw myself in my job and I went its too small.
This job is too small for me and who I am.

Margaret Lynch:



Which Ive been kind of seeing because of something that came to me, just a mention of
how to explain this. I read something from a person who was doing tapping and they
said they realized that they were too big the place that they were working in, they
were bumping their head and they couldnt move around, and they realized they were
too big for that space and I cannot even stand up straight in the place where I work.

Margaret Lynch:

Oh, my God. Talk about metaphor.


And Ive seen that for a long time but I couldnt I couldnt let go of it.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. Its like your energy is, like, you know, I like my information to be really first
chakra. I dont even need a metaphor. You know, its like you physically cant stand up



Margaret Lynch:

Right, which standing up straight with our backs straight is the stance of courage, right?


It is. Oh.

Margaret Lynch:

It puts our body literally in the energetic state of courage.


Oh, I didnt know that.

Margaret Lynch:


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Courage is a big thing for me. Instead of seeing fear, Ive been putting courage. I have
courage in all of my tapping, all of my stuff lately. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome, youre welcome. Yeah, you know, it is kind of its eye opening when
we realize I actually made a vow to see all the things about myself that still need to be
fixed. Wow. Again, its just like when the people saying, you know, youre great at what
you do, youre awesome, this is wonderful and youre, like, uh huh, yeah. You know,
whatever, because were too busy focused on the things that weve decided, right,
based on our family and our first chakra and our second chakra stuff is not is not right
yet, right?



Margaret Lynch:



One of the decisions I made was that I was wrong, and Ive seen how that explained in
my life, in the sense of the fear that I had of what if Im wrong and Im making a mistake
in the way that I want to help people or in the way that I want to live my life. And so
this morning I was tapping about that in the sense of what if I was not wrong and what if
I was never wrong and some other things came up, but I am amazed of Im amazed
and excited to see how in tune I am and how I have seen that Im on the right path
because this is what were tapping right now about.

Margaret Lynch:



So Im, like, wow, wow. Wow, I am on the right track, on my right path.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. I mean, its you know, sometimes we can look at it when we and say, well,
what if Im wrong, like, 10 percent of the time? What if? What if thats okay? You
know, what if I have an off hit or an off moment or something. You know, what if its
like 5 percent of the time and Im spending a massive amount of energy worrying about


Uh huh.

Margaret Lynch:

Right. What if any time that I used to say I was wrong or I made a mistake, that is how I
evolve? You know, like Caroline Myss says, the things that have happened in my life
that are positive and negative that are from a 20,000 foot view, mistakes or errors that I
made or things that I was off on, from a 20 foot view, that was part of the script of my
life. That was bringing me to consciousness.
And sometimes theres a higher calling. You know, Abraham Hicks says the eternal part
of you has been calling you for longer. That calling is so strong that we kick our own
asses when we do something thats you know, a crazy thing. And so we really have to
learn a big lesson, right, but its all part of our journey to consciousness, right? And the
sixth chakra is something that lets you have that moment of consciousness and go, Oh,
thats how I do it. Thats how I literally manifest my reality. Right.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Yeah. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. Beautiful. Is there someone else? I see someone else unmuted.


I actually wanted to share just one more thing.

Margaret Lynch:



Because I was tapping also this morning in regards to what if in regards to what if I
knew God is supporting me in everything I do, in all my thoughts, and I got the
realization, the insight, oh, my goodness, if God is supporting me in all of my thoughts, it
is supporting me as we learn in this class, it is supporting on the thoughts that I consider
positive and on the thoughts that I consider negative, in the sense that I am supported
and I have been supported, but I had all these mumbo jumbo going on.

Margaret Lynch:

Right. Yeah, you know, as we get you know, as Deepak Chopra teaches, we get to
these upper levels, we have moments of access to these upper levels, we sort of we
get beyond the duality of right or wrong and its all this life you know, script of our life
thats bringing us to consciousness. We get beyond saying my lower self is evil and my
higher self is spiritual, and that impulse is wrong and this thought is bad. And just
looking at it with in a more neutral stance


So you find perfection.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and it doesnt mean that theres not going to be times when youre really
wrestling with a moral decision down in your second chakra and making a choice that
has consequences and you learn from it, but as we come up from the sixth chakra, thats
the gift that makes us its really what makes us human, is being able to see with
consciousness, oh, even my bad choices had a divinity to them.


Uh huh. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Nice. Okay, so were going to Im going to mute everybody again and were going to
move on and Joan is going to do our beautiful blessing. Im going to unmute you there,
Joan, for the sixth chakra today and appreciate everyones had wonderful,
overwhelming feedback about Joan and the blessings and how its really supported kind
of the deeper work that weve done in this class and the consciousness moments of
consciousness that weve experienced in this class that have also triggered a lot of
And Joan is a spirit guided energy healer and she is going to do an energy healing, which
for her feels like a blessing of the sixth chakra. And so all you have to do is follow along
the energy with her, as she says, and she invites you to enjoy this blessing and receive
the blessing, and you can do that just by having an attitude or a feeling in you of yes, of
yes, this is I want to receive this blessing, or you can just kind of listen along out of
curiosity. Its whatever you feel comfortable. Theres no right or wrong way to receive

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

a healing or a blessing. So with that being said, I will let you start right up there, Joan,
and Im going to mute because I love your blessings. And my sixth chakra is ready.

Thank you, Margaret. Thank you very much. Hello, everybody. Im absolutely
delighted. Its a huge honor for me to be here and do this blessing. It just makes my
heart sing, so beautiful for me, and I thank you all for your feedback and Im so happy
that its touching your lives and helping you along your journey.
So lets begin and sit in a comfortable position and take some deep breaths. So inhale
through your nose, hold the breath and then release through your mouth. Take another
deep breath in through your nose, holding the breath, and release through your mouth.
And one more, inhale and release. And relax.
Infinite spirit God of love and light, I ask that you bring your golden healing light all
around us and close the circle in protection and love beneath our feet. And we call
upon the God of our understanding, all of our guardian angels, master saints and
prophets, all kind and benevolent sources of help in this universe to draw close to us
now, as we share this energy blessing to include all those who will listen to this
recording in future time.
I invite you now to see this beautiful golden healing white light surround you, see it swirl
all around you and form a brilliant ball of light above your head. Now, see this ball of
light enter your body through your crown chakra and see it flow gently downwards
through your body, safely and gently, to rest at the base of your spine, blending with the
beautiful red light of your first chakra. Now, bring your awareness into your body,
grounding. Know that no matter what has happened in your life up until this present
moment, it is over now and you are truly safe.
Let go of all your fears and anxiety and rest in the loving arms of your soul. You are
welcome here. You are divinely supported. Allow your trust to be restored once again.
You are okay in this moment just the way you are.
And say these words with me. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. Allow
this truth to permeate your whole body. See the miracle of who you are, feel your
aliveness, of trust and faith in yourself raise up and move with this golden ball of white
light. Upwards, moving upwards, coming to rest at your second chakra, blending with
the orange light.
Now allow yourself to deeply feel your feelings, your needs, your desires, and know that
you matter, you make a difference here in this world. Step into the miracle of who you
are. Now, see this energy of honoring you rise up through you to create and be all that
you are in the world and all you are meant to be. You are a treasure. And say with me
these words. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.
And once again allow this beautiful golden healing light to move upwards and merge
with the yellow light at your third chakra, and rest here for awhile, going within, and
find that special place within you that is peaceful and free. You are a miracle of love.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Let your light shine. You are a piece of the divine. There is only one of you in the whole
In this quiet sanctuary of peace, connect with yourself and make a choice today to be
who you are in the world, from this moment on. Feel your inner peace and say these
words with me. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.
As we bring this powerful energy upward, with the golden healing white light, allow it to
move upwards and rest in your heart chakra. See your heart chakra open and bathe in
the arms of your soul of love, making a space for forgiveness and compassion, allowing
that forgiveness to flow out and flow back into our hearts. See love flow out and flow
back and say these words with me. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.
Now, bringing this energy upwards with the golden healing light, allow it to move
upwards and rest at your throat chakra, blending with the blue light. Let us say yes, it is
okay for you to speak the truth of who you are to the world. Feel the power of your
voice. Let this energy move up and out, honoring yourself, recognizing your own
divinity. Feel your confidence grow as you straighten your spine and say these words
with me. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.
Bringing this energy upwards with the ball of golden healing light and blending with the
indigo light at the third eye chakra in the center of your forehead. Now see this ball of
golden healing white light release a tiny droplet of light into your third eye chakra,
awakening your consciousness, opening up your chakra, allowing yourself the space to
see yourself and the miracle of who you are aligned with the divine, seeing clearly
where you belong in the world, and seeing from this higher perspective how important
the gift of who you are and what you bring to the world really is. You have a unique
contribution and the world can benefit from you. The world needs you now. Let us say
these words together. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.
Now allow this droplet of awareness that has awakened your consciousness and
refreshed and enlivened you to ripple out around you, through your aura field, touching
the collective consciousness of all people on our planet, out beyond the galaxies to all
beings everywhere. We are all one. We are all connected. Let us join together in this
moment and send out a silent blessing.
Now bring your awareness back again. Return again to your sixth chakra, knowing that
you are a unique miracle. And as you look out from this special place, see how you
touch others and the impact you have in the world, where you truly belong, knowing
that this droplet of consciousness will forever be with you, this droplet from the divine,
and allow the ball of energy of white light to move up and out through your crown
chakra, enfolding you in arms of love, protecting you and guiding you, inspiring you and
helping you every step of your journey forevermore. Blessed be.
And take a deep breath and bring your awareness slowly and gently back into the room
youre in. We give thanks.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Margaret Lynch:

Thank you, Joan.


Youre welcome.

Margaret Lynch:

Very beautiful, as usual. I never want to come back all the way. And so Joan and I will
stay on. Im not sure how much longer Joan can stay on, but I will stay on for another
few minutes if anyone wants to unmute and ask any specific questions or or give any
further comments about the class or the blessing that Joan did. You can *7 to unmute.


Hi, Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:



Hi. I really struggled with this one. I had a lot of resistance, I think, to actually sort of
to actually sort of believe that the world wasnt how I think it is, and, I mean, I know
obviously on one hand that what manifests your own reality, but then theres I was kind
of was really resistant to I suppose manifest a different reality. I dont know.
And when the when you did the karate chop set up things from the last round that we
did, I found I felt really felt resistance then and found that quite upsetting. And the
vow where I release this from the vow, you know, those are kind of I dont want to let
it go, so Im having a lot of resistance with this. So any ideas?

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. So you know, so first of all, its bravo for you because one of the hardest things
for us to see and admit to is when we have consciousness about our resistance, right?
And so there we all experience I dont want to let this go. I dont want life to be that
different. I dont want to let go of this wound or this way of looking at the world,
because its comfortable and I have a lot built around it. And so its very difficult and it
takes a lot of courage to even feel what youre feeling, which is I have resistance to
letting this go, right? I know that some part of me knows its a conflict, but I can
youre actually feeling how that resistance works in you, which is which is a really big
You know, a lot of people you know, we call it the spiritual mask when people are very
very much in denial that they have resistance, that they have a lower self, that they
have sort of a battle with the world or a pushback on some of this work, where they
want to, you know, project that were were all spiritual and Im all enlightened and
Im and Im open to change, when we all have the resistance that youre talking about,
right? Ive come up against, you know, tapping for things and I could feel everything in
my body going, Screw that. No way. I am not letting my this picture that I have of
the way things should be go, and it was a surprise to me.
So, you know, what I want you to honor in this is this incredible strength that you have.
So this is one of your gifts, which is when you dig your heels in, when you put your foot
down about something, you have a tremendous amount of strength, of tenacity, of
perseverance around it, right? And so when you when you get behind something,
whether its a view of the world that might be limited or whether its a vision of what

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

you want to create, youre able to hold that vision in a very tenacious and strong way,
okay? So this your gift, but at this particular moment youre sort of feeling the strength
of it and how its kind of fighting against a shift, right?

Yeah, yeah.

Margaret Lynch:

So I want you to think, wow, I have this unbelievable gift of vision, that when I see
something I can I can you know, because if we shift that vision even one or two
degrees to something that you might choose you know, I want to see the world this
way, when you shift it, it will become that powerful for you, right?



Margaret Lynch:

Someone can come up and say to you, The world is not like that, and youd be, like,
slam. Yes, it is.



Margaret Lynch:

Okay. So its a strength, and so what you want to do with a strength that you have is
not to battle it, but to voice it, okay, because behind the strength of that sort of refusal,
you want to kind of get specific what specifically am I refusing, what am I saying no. No,
this doesnt feel right to me.
If you were to voice it and tap, just like you were letting that voice speak, like no way, I
dont want this, this is not right for me, this is stupid, whatever it is, right? If I go there, I
might be vulnerable. I might be seen, I might not be safe. Whatever it is, you want to
voice it really loud, not fight it.


Right, okay.

Margaret Lynch:

Because when you voice it, thats often where the next round of a-ha moments comes
up and sometimes some emotion and youll say, I see where this is connected.



Margaret Lynch:

Okay. So you know, so its a strength and its a battle. It means you have a
tremendous amount of strength. But when it comes up like that, you know, dont judge
it, dont fight it. Tap on it like its the truest of true and let it be voiced like that. And if
you do that, youll get more insight about what its connected to and why its so scary or
it feels like almost like a death sometimes. Like, Im going to part of me is going to die.
Itll feel that life or death if I let go of what is being asked of me to let go right now.


Yeah, thats kind of what yeah, it felt like if I its almost like I dont want to believe
that theres a positive sort of I can create a positive manifestation of things out there,
because what if thats not true, its sort of like that. Well, what if I believe its right or
wrong at the moment?

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. You know, what if I what if I get my hopes up. And so its often around sort of
that vulnerability or that Ill be disappointed and thats going to be way too painful. You

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

know, we talked in earlier classes if something feels very impossible to you, then you
wont let yourself want it, because that would be stupid, if its impossible and wanting it
is just going to bring me pain.


Margaret Lynch:

Right? So youre youre saying, you know, if you probably have a very a very
active, a very strong sixth chakra dominance in your life, and its, like, if I start to shift
the way I see the world and really believe, I manifest my reality, thats really going to
make me vulnerable.



Margaret Lynch:

Right, or thats really that really might bring some pain. So theres you know, theres
some theres a wounding story in there of an earlier time when you believed and you
hoped and you got beaten down, something bad happened.



Margaret Lynch:

Okay. You know, sometimes that can be the most traumatic things, is when we really
believed and then we were at the time it felt like disappointed or we failed somehow,
that when we really cause we so believed, its like an extra level on to a pain painful


Right, right. That makes sense. Yeah, yeah.

Margaret Lynch:

So you can you can search around in there.


Okay. Thank you so much. Thats brilliant. Its really helpful. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. But dont go dont go changing the strength of dont go changing
your strength. You know, the sixth chakra, this idea of I manifest my reality, we all want
to believe it and its sometimes its scary and sometimes we think we believe it, but
theres a part of us that doesnt. You know, you just want to honor that. If you if you
look around in your life, most of us dont know many people who really, truly do believe
I manifest my reality. Theres a lot of people who want to believe it, but its we often
dont have in our life someone very strong and solid that says, I believe I manifest my
reality and I have proven that to myself over and over and over in my life.
Now, thats where I use inspirational people for me; John Assaraf and Bob Proctor and
people like that, who have lived it and truly, congruently hold that sixth chakra belief I
manifest my reality. And when Im around people like that, I can borrow some of their
belief, you know? So when I listen to them speak, when I study them, when I read
them, it reinforces in that moment I have a moment of reconnect with, I really think I do
manifest my reality. But until we have each of us amassed enough evidence of that,
cause you have a lot of evidence that you dont manifest your reality, its hard, its

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

And so give yourself some credit for that, that its not like youre surrounded by people
in your life who congruently carry that energy. So you have to go you have to go
seeking it and thats where you know, thats why I love to use some of the tools of
people like Bob Proctor and John Assaraf and the Mind Movies, type of tools where it
really reminds me and it puts me back in that state of yes, this is possible. Again, I like
to have as many moments of it as I can every day.
Can I stay there 24 hours a day? You know, no. I am too human for that. I am not an
ascended master, nor do I plan to become one in the very near or far future. I like I
like being human and my human friends way too much. Okay, any other questions or
feedback before we before we sign off? Good. Thank you, everyone. Next week is
our last class, on the seventh chakra. Wonderful. Thank you, everyone. Thank you,
again, Joan. Its beautiful.

Yes, absolutely. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

And well talk to you next week.


Bye bye everyone.

Margaret Lynch:


[End of Audio]

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

Tapping for Miracles: Class 7

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, welcome everyone. This is Margaret Lynch and this is the last class, the seventh
class for the Tapping for Miracles program. And today we arrive at the seventh chakra.
So Im going to start by talking a little bit about the seventh chakra, then well do some
tapping today, and then at the end of the class, in the last 10 minutes or so, I will switch
over to Joan, who will be doing the healing blessing for the seventh chakra. And as you
notice, each week it gets a little bit longer because were really moving up through all
the chakras, and so it just makes the blessing I think that she does and the energy
healing at the end even more full and rich, as we have more chakras that weve cleared
So to start the class, the seventh chakra is at the crown of our head, the top of our head.
For the tapping world, its where all the acupuncture points come together, so its
considered a powerful point for acupuncture, acupressure, and it is also the crown
chakra. It represents our connection to the divine, to infinite possibility, to infinite
So Rhys says that when it is open, the seventh chakra, it brings conscious awareness of
the infinite system of abundance that we are all embedded in. We can use our
imagination in the mystery of infinite abundance, to be to bring meaning so that we
can understand the meaning of what infinite means, which is hard to completely grasp
as humans. So it allows us to bring meaning to infinite possibility, to the divine, to this
huge expanse of resources that are literally the fabric that we are embedded in. And so
this understanding and our imagination and inspiration is the gift of the seventh chakra.
So when we have a closed seventh chakra, theres going to be belief in limitation,
pessimism, seeing and speaking and living the truth of limitation.
So he says that in seventh chakra, imagination, consciousness and genius live hand in
hand in the brilliance of that aspect of our minds, which opens us to infinite possibility
of resources and infinite possibility in our thoughts. He says imagine your brilliance as
the sunlight dancing on the oceans endless horizon and you will see your seventh
chakra. So its the way our brilliance interacts with the infinite as he says, like an
infinite, endless horizon. So very cool.
So in our seventh chakra, we have these both aspects, which sound different and they
have I think different aspects in the way we process them, emotionally and in our
thoughts, but we have the connection to the divine and the connection to infinite
possibility. Now, some people separate those two, and so we could be a very nonreligious or non-spiritual person but really believe in law of attraction, that the universe
has this infinite possibility, and in reality, they sort of become each other because there
is a divinity to that infinite possibility, whether or not you think of that as the God of
your understanding or any spiritual way.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

And so the seventh chakra, when we talk about miracles, which always involve a cocreation with the divine, a connection with the divine, its certainly where we want to
look at and see how our relationship is with the divine and our belief in infinite
possibility. So in this class, when we talked about having a vibrational match to miracles
and I gave three key points, again, today were working with that belief, that infinite
resources are there for us, that the divine has infinite resources for us, as well as that
faith that we are personally seen and supported and part of a benevolent God or
benevolent sense of the divine.
So Deepak Chopra says at the seventh level, the seventh level of spirituality in his book
How to Know God, he says the God at the seventh level is holistic. It encompasses
everything, and we fulfill life through unity with the divine, through wholeness, where
everything becomes one. Again, I think of this idea that there is this infinite system of
abundance, as Rhys says, that we are embedded in, we are part of everything.
So the negative vows at the seventh chakra are going to be around limitation, that my
connection to God, to the divine, to spirit and to infinite possibility is actually limited.
And so its like saying, okay, yes, the divine or the God of my understanding has an
infinite amount of resources, but that support is actually limited in my life personally.
So I only get a small piece of those resources.
It can also sound like that the divine or God is just not part of me. Its not part of my
life. And so we start to hear back from the very first class about our programming, our
first chakra beliefs about about whether God is a punishing God, a loving God, a
compassionate God, as weve moved up through all the different chakras.
So the other important thing about the seventh chakra is its where the manifestation
channel starts. And so because its our connection to the divine and to infinite
possibility, its our connection to moments of unbelievable insight, of brilliant, creative
ideas, of flashes of brilliance and flashes of consciousness. And this is where the
manifestation channel starts, because when we do tapping, we are using the healing or
the clearing channel, which comes up.
It comes from our lower self, especially when you think of tapping, when we say even
though I have this pain and anger and struggle, I love and accept myself. Its a clearing
up from the lower self, the first and second chakra and third chakra up to the heart. I
love and accept myself and Im open to a new way and it clears up and out. The
manifestation channel, the actual energetic manifestation channel comes down the
other way. Its when a tiny drop of infinite possibility, of divine, miraculous inspiration,
insight, consciousness drops down from the infinite divine into our seventh chakra, that
the manifestation channel starts.
And so Im just going to walk through the manifestation channel so that you can
understand it, cause this is how it works energetically. If theres something in our life
that we are wanting some type of you know, you could think of a miracle that you
want to happen, whether its a miracle in your money or a miracle in your relationships

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

or a miracle in your health, when we have when we have this open channel of
manifestation, the divine will supply to us from the infinite consciousness a drop, a
single drop of this inspiration, and that comes down and through the open seventh
Now, if weve got a belief that there is limitation and theres only one or two ways I can
create this miracle, the seventh chakra is not open to receive that drop. It comes down
into our sixth from our seventh chakra into our sixth chakra, where we actually choose
it, where we actually say, you know what? I can actually see how that would work, and
our brilliant mind starts to play with that idea or that inspiration and say I think I can
actually see how this would work, how I would work this, how it would create me in my
life and affect other people.
And then it comes down to fifth chakra, where we really choose it with our fifth chakra
and we start the manifestation by speaking about it first inside of ourselves and then
out into the world, which affects everyone, mobilizes resources, creates people to add
ideas, all sorts of things become manifest when we use our fifth chakra.
And then it continues down to the fourth chakra, because weve all heard the
expression he didnt have his heart in it. He had a great idea, but his heart wasnt in it.
He created an amazing business, but his heart wasnt in it. So in the fourth chakra, it
comes down and we really put our heart into it. We really feel how good and wonderful
and loving, we want to reach this idea out in relationship with other people and share it.
I want to share this amazing idea Ive had with the world.
Now it comes down, as were an open channel, into the third chakra, where in our
power center we recognize, oh, my God, I am totally the type of person that can go out
there and actually take action and do this and be this, and we be it. We become it, we
embody it in all of our actions. Everything we do out in the world meets with that
And then we come down into our second chakra, which is now open to receiving, to
asking and receiving for the delicious, the wonderful, the absolute pleasurable reward of
taking that action. Wow, I really deserve and cant wait to enjoy the fruits of my
benefits and the feeling of power that I get to have, of wonderful power that I get to
have from this idea that Ive taken all this action on with my brilliance.
And then we come down to first chakra, where it becomes actually manifest. And so
from all of the processing in the upper chakras, speaking about it, the seeing it, the
taking action on it, the really having our heart into it, to passionately desiring both it and
the reward, it becomes manifest in the first chakra, and the first chakra opens up like a
magnet and draws that matter in.
So it all starts at the seventh chakra; otherwise, whats coming into us to line up with
the miracles we may want or just the basic goals we may want to create, are only
coming from our limited view, which is always going to be based on the past, on what

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

weve seen so far. So recognizing that the seventh chakra is the gateway into the
manifestation channel really for me underscores the importance of seeing what is my
connection to the divine, to infinite possibility? What is my belief in the infinite
resources that are available to me personally in my life purpose?
Now, anyone whos listened to the profile class and recognized that they are a creative
idealist or they have a lot of great ideas, this is where you can see someone that has a
really open seventh chakra, that gets amazing ideas all the time, but it doesnt come all
the way down into their energy system or they never actually can choose one. They can
never actually get their heart in one. They can never actually take real action on one of
those ideas or inspirations, and thats where the manifestation channel can often get
blocked, even when you have a very open seventh chakra.
So in this class, what I want to do is to start out with an exercise where we kind of start
with an assessment that we can check back in at the end of the class and see what your
mind will paint a picture, cause the unconscious mind is so willing to paint us these
amazing pictures and let us sort of measure how were doing around allowing divinity,
because at the seventh chakra, when it comes to miracles, the theme of this class is
really allowing miracles in the seventh chakra, allowing divinity to flow down into me, as
Rhys says, to allow divinity to work through me, my qualities, my chakras, my
manifestations. Allowing divinity to come down and through me. And its really just
about the openness to allowing, which for me reminds me often of the Abraham Hicks
work, which is often about allowing allowing the law of attraction, the universe, the
divine, to co-create, to deliver to us everything we need to make our dreams, our
desires, our goals come true.
So heres the exercise. I want you to take a nice deep breath and close your eyes, and
just allow your unconscious mind, your imagination, visualizing, to paint a picture of you
there as you are today as an adult. So youre just looking at a mirror image of you, and I
want you to tune into something in your life that you really want, something that you
would say I would love a miracle in my what. Whether its in my career, and that means
its also connected to money, or whether its just in my money, or whether its in my
health, my family, my relationships.
And so I want you to see yourself there, and youre tuning into this thing that you may
want to unfold in your life. And so I just want you to see what it would be like if you just
allow or ask your unconscious mind, your subconscious, which always engages the
second we close our eyes and imagine, to show you surrounded by infinite possibility as
if it was just flecks of light, of unmanifest intention, that you are there and that youre
actually seeing the matrix for the first time. Youre seeing that youre standing in this
fabric of infinite possibility, of unmanifest flecks of light.
And just see if you can visualize that, and its going to be different for everyone. And
now I want you to let your mind show you how much do you have access to. What is
wired into you, your belief system, your unconscious mind, your emotions, your
experiences? What does that add up to, that you allow yourself or believe that you

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

have access to in that infinite, divine field, as far as resources that could line up and
create this miracle in your life?
And just see if thats a small swath. Is it 30 percent? Is it 40 percent? Is it about half?
And just trust that your mind is going to show you whats important for you and see if
you can really get a feeling or about what that is. What how much do you have
access to? Its a really interesting little process to look at, because we cant were not
going through logic. Were not going through our analytical mind. It just gets painted
for us.
So I want you to note that down, cause were going to revisit that at the end, but since
were talking about the divine and our connection to the divine and how supported
what kind of access we truly have to that fabric of unmanifest divine infinite possibility.
I want to start back in time, back towards the first chakra at a young child. So keeping
your eyes closed, I want you to imagine now that you grow younger and younger and
younger, just like the pages of the calendar are flipping backward year after year.
Your hands and feet are growing smaller and smaller in the picture and youre now
seeing yourself as a very young child. For some people, theyll see two. For some
people, theyll see three or four. For some people, they may see a child that is as young
as a newborn.
And so I just want you to see that child, just imagine you could even see the detail there,
see what the child, that younger version of you, is wearing, and I want you to notice
does the child feel safe. Does the child feel lovable? Does the younger version of you,
that little child, know that he or she is lovable? Do they feel their connection with the
And now I want you as the adult looking to see is that child surrounded by divine light,
or is there nothing that you can see there. So I want to hear some feedback on how
your child looks, and this can be very, very emotional for some people and were going
to do some tapping for the child. If anyone studied the matrix reimprinting type of
tapping, it will be similar to that. I call it the inner child tapping. But you can *7 and
unmute if you want to give me some feedback on how that child looks. Do they look
safe? Do they know that theyre lovable?


Margaret Lynch:



I didnt feel unlovable. I actually felt that God abandoned me here on Earth.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay. And so how old is the child that youre seeing?


Shes about 16 or 18 months.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay. And is your profile emotional intelligence specialist?

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


No. Actually Im charismatic leader is my primary and idealist is my secondary.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay. So through your charismatic leader, which always has a big built in emotional
intelligence specialist, youre feeling theres going to be that deep, deep emotional
connection that will often with when theres pain there, it will often feel like
abandonment, okay? So thats kind of a recurring issue in the emotional intelligence
specialist, but thats pretty intense, right? And so whats the whats the feeling of God
abandoned me on this Earth?


The feeling is, like, profound sadness. Its, like, hopeless almost.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, okay. So when we come in with really wired to be incredibly connected to the
divine, so very seventh chakra and feeling it not just at a high sort of theoretical place,
like sometimes a thinker will feel that connection, but in a very cerebral place, but to
feel it at a very deep, palpable feeling in our emotions, when we come in wired, as you
are, to feel that level of connection, believing, having a belief there that says Im not
connected is going to be incredibly painful and thats what youre feeling. The sadness
is the pain of the gap of being wired to feel your connection with the divine very deeply
and what its like to believe that connection is not there is going to be very, very painful.
So as much sadness is there for you is the the message in that for you is this is how
painful it is for you to be separate, to carry this limiting belief that says I was
abandoned, Im alone, okay?
And its unique. You know, Im sure theres going to be people listening who will totally
relate to what youre saying, but its a small percentage of people, okay? So its a very
big calling for you in your connection with the divine and to heal this, okay? So thank
you for speaking that for all the people who relate.


Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Anybody else? And Im curious if anyones seeing, you know, their child doesnt look


Hi, Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:



Yeah, I was really surprised, because whenever I do this I always go to the not safe,
abandoned. You know, I can absolutely relate to the previous caller, but I didnt go
there. I went to about the same age and it was probably before the proverbial you
know what hit the fan. But I was talking to God, God was talking to me, God was all
around me. I was a happy, happy, happy child, totally connected, and I have never
experienced that.

Margaret Lynch:

Nice. So sometimes it when weve cleared some stuff, we suddenly have access to
remembering our true our true self, because at this age, whatever age youre looking
at there, thats that quality is your connection to the divine.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


It was about 16 to 18 months.

Margaret Lynch:



And I did cry, and I think that in this is the oh, but shes so nave because pretty soon the
boom is going to fall and the its not going to get good and shes going to go to that
place of being of feeling abandoned.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, so thats the protective mind coming in and saying, Whoa, whoa, whoa. Thats
nave. A whole bunch of pain is going to come. I cant feel this connection anymore,
right? So at least youre seeing it, right, and youre feeling the resistance of it come up,
which is your mind saying that this isnt safe to its not safe for me to go there, cause
it brings disappointment.



Margaret Lynch:

But its great that you can you can have access and see it. So when we do the tapping,
then I want you to kind of move the child older to when the shit hit the fan, okay?



Margaret Lynch:

Were going to do some well do some tapping around sort of the negative there.



Margaret Lynch:

Thank you for that.


Thank you.



Margaret Lynch:



I saw myself as a very like, a few days old, and and feeling unsafe, and I did see light
and beams of light surrounded me, but I didnt feel protected by them or soothed in any

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, okay. So its there and this is again a way of seeing that the divine is there and
theres resources there, but theyre limited to actually get to me, to support me
personally. Okay.


Yeah, like, theyre not doing anything. Theyre just watching.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, right, and again, its that you know, in the infinite support that the divine has,
the divine is limiting it in my life.


Mm hmm, mm hmm.

Margaret Lynch:

Okay, good. So were going to do some tapping for you know, for a lot of these
different words that people might be feeling around this inner child and see if we can

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

lighten up. So of course as tapping is a clearing technique, were going to do tapping on

some negative words and were going to be tapping specifically for the child. Well
switch back and forth, tapping for the child and also for us seeing the child, okay? So
when we do this kind of tapping, we just go right through the tapping points.
There I am, so young and vulnerable, not feeling safe, not feeling totally loved, not
feeling the divine. There wasnt enough light. I can see it around me, but it was limited.
The divine wasnt protecting me. God wasnt keeping me safe.
I started out feeling that connection and then I lost it somehow. It was pulled away.
The divine abandoned me in a very personal way. I see it all in this little child. The child
is feeling scared, unlovable, confused, abandoned. Why have I been abandoned? This
isnt how its supposed to be.
Im supposed to be surrounded in love and safety and feeling the divine, but its pulled
away, limited, outside of me, not supporting me. All the sadness. I was so young, but
somehow in my core some piece of my consciousness was learning sadness, loss,
abandonment, limitation, all the way back then.
The divine was supposed to be all around me. God was supposed to take care of me.
Resources were supposed to be infinitely abundant, but they werent. Its not how it
was supposed to happen. Its not how I wanted it.
Clearly, things are limited. Resources are limited or God chooses to limit the resources
in my life, limit the connection, limit the love, limit the miracles. I was so little, but I was
already feeling limitation. Even before I had the words, I felt it.
Theres not enough divine light around me. Theres not enough love around me.
Theres not enough resources. It does not appear I am being personally seen and loved.
It does not appear that Im being supported, and that little child felt it. Unsafe,
unlovable, disconnected from the divine.
Take a nice deep breath. And so were sort of blending some of the first chakra again
with the seventh chakra, because this is where the foundation started. So I want you to
look at the picture again and just see how its shifted.
Now, weve just done one round of very negative statements. Some of them will be
more negative than really felt right for you. For others, it may you may need to go
deeper into the sadness and the unsafety, depending on how traumatic your childhood
But what were looking for is a lightening of this picture, where the child feels calmer,
more lovable. The child will shift very, very quickly just by us voicing and clearing up and
out the negatives that were stuck in this picture. And the picture, remember, is painted
by your subconscious mind and its showing you all the things its been carrying as
incredibly important. So as we tap these away, the picture will change, and that shows
that something deep in you your inner child has shifted.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

So Im going to take feedback in another second, but I want everyone to be there now
with that child, and again, if its still very intense, you can with the recording so more
tapping, okay, to bring that down more. But I want you to be there like an adult
stepping into that room with the child and saying to the child, You are safe. I am here
now. You are absolutely lovable. You are an absolute piece of the divine. I see you and
its the truth.
And I want you to notice the child is believing you or not, and you can share with the
child that you are telling the child the truth, that theyre this little, innocent child. Of
course they are lovable, of course theyre a piece of the divine. Just see if the child is
believing you and receiving these words.
And now what I want you to do as youve now seen and heard and understood this child
so much more fully and with so much more compassion and often so much more
emotion, I want you to tell the child again that they are so lovable and that you love
them. And I want you to imagine what it would be like if a pure stream of love could
just flow out of your open fourth chakra, love and understanding and compassion and
could just flow right into the heart of that child, so that they could feel that
unconditional love that we as adults so easily pour into little babies, little children, and
just see if the child will receive that love from you. Sometimes people do find the child
wont receive, and thats okay. You can do this process again and it will get better each
time. Sometimes the child has something specific that a trauma that the child wants
you to clear first, or a belief thats very strong that the child needs to clear first, and
thats okay. I want you to just see how the child looks now, after receiving that light
from you, and notice how they glow and they sparkle, cause I hear glow and sparkle all
the time.
And so now I want you to just see if there is divine light around that child, that is
wanting to come to the child. And it can be light from relatives whove passed on, it can
be light from angels, it can be light from ascended masters or guides, it can be light from
the divine or the God of your understanding. And just see if there is light surrounding
that child. And if there is, let that light come into the child and notice what happens
And some people now notice that the childs light is bigger than their own, and if thats
the case, the child is often very generous and willing to share that light back with you,
because remember, this is your inner child, so all the love that youve poured into that
child is going into the core of you. And all the divine light that youve allowed to come
to this child is pouring into the core of you, because thats where this child has lived.
And so a very young baby is often at first chakra development, which is all about safety
and survival. So if youve got a toddler, I just want you to let them shrink back to a baby,
and if youve already got a baby, youre right there, and just notice that at first chakra,
before the age of, like, zero to six months is often the first chakra development, where
its all about survival and the baby feeling the need to survive. And then let the baby
grow up a little bit older, maybe to a year, year and a half, where their second chakra is

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

developing, all the needs and nurturing, the breastfeeding age, the true need to be
loved and nurtured. And then up to about two, which is the third chakra development,
the me, me, me, my, my, my development, recognizing that theyre separate from their
And now let that child grow up to about six or seven years old, where the fourth chakra
opens and the child recognizes that love and compassion is in relationships and
sometimes is a give and take. And then let the child version of you grow up to 11 or 12
or 13 where the fifth chakra starts to open and the child really learns how to express
with the fifth chakra that they can speak like an adult, they can speak to adults, they can
loudly demand what they want and sometimes be told, You better watch your mouth.
And now let the child grow up to teenager, maybe 14 to 16, where the sixth chakra
opens up in the child, where they see how they fit in the world and in society. They
start to think about and see what they might be some day.
And then all the way up to the young adult version of you, when the seventh chakra
opens, which often is not until you leave your parents house, where you suddenly have
this opening. Theres a whole world out there besides my family and the way they did
things. And just let that divine light continue to be there and be very strong there at
that young adult version of you, which was the first time your seventh chakra really
opened. And let that divine light now be like a funnel coming into the top of your head.
Now, the chakras go in 20 year cycles, so as you were about 20 years old, 18, 19, 20, you
would have come back into a first chakra mode, where you probably moved and set up
an apartment or a house or lived somewhere where you actually started rebuilding the
structure of your life. And then into a second chakra mode, where you got a job and
started working and striving and seeing what it was like to have desire for something
and power to get it. And then it moves on. When we have children, thats often when
our fourth chakra opens up in the adults, as an adult, where our heart really opens
because of our the love that we experience for our children, and on and on and on.
And recognize that everyone on this class I would make a guess is in a seventh chakra
mode again, somewhere between the 40s to the 60s of age, we come back to a seventh
chakra mode, where you suddenly question your whole life again and your paradigm.
Thats why people sign up for self development. Its why you signed up for this class.
So I want you to see yourself again back as an adult and recognize you are in a seventh
chakra mode right now in your life. Your calling to be in this class, your calling for
consciousness, your calling to create something amazing in your life, to go beyond your
paradigm is a seventh chakra opening. And from the seventh chakra opening, youre
coming into the phase of your life where youre going to come back into a first chakra
mode and start to rebuild your life based on this new level of consciousness and
understanding and healing. Very, very cool.
So I want you to see yourself there as that adult and see again the first picture we
looked at, which is you embedded in that infinite possibility of the divine, and see your

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

seventh chakra like a big funnel, sparkly, beautiful, swirling funnel, because you truly are
in an open seventh chakra mode right now. Im telling you, you are. You wouldnt be in
this class. And I want you to see now how much do you have access to. How much of
that infinite possibility do you have access to?
And notice how its swirling through your consciousness, the connection between this
inner child and the conditions that you were born into and the limitations that you
believed in, how they were never true. They were painful, emotional, traumatic back
then, but they actually werent true. There never was limitation.
When the seventh chakra is open, you look at the story of you as a child and you
recognize there is divinity in every single thing that happened to me. I chose every bit of
it before I came in and every bit of it triggered my life purpose, even the most painful
parts. Even the most painful parts triggered your life purpose, triggered some part of
growth or strength or learning for you.
And so how much do you have access to? What is your new belief about the nature of
the infinite divine that you were embedded in, the unmanifest miracles swirling around
you and how connected you are through the divine to that.
Okay, so a long process there. So want to take a little feedback and then were going to
do a little bit of tapping, specifically just voicing the seventh chakra vows in the positive
so that we can kind of clear the rest of this the way out in a way that is very conscious.
So anyone want to *7 and unmute, you can give me some feedback on that process, on
any part of it, really. I just made it up for this class, so Ive never heard feedback on it


Margaret Lynch:



The beginning of the process, when I held my baby self, yeah, its when I start to feel
connection, like, by my baby self knowing that I am with her, she and I start feeling
more at peace.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. Beautiful.



Margaret Lynch:

And this is why I have us go back into the child work because its transformational work
because we take such a leap. We dont fix everything in our life, but we take such a
major leap when we heal that child.


Before that I felt kind of I heard, you know, even the beams of light saying, Youre on
your own, kid. But then when this process happened, then its like that will not that
did not ring true anymore.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, yeah.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Yeah. Thank you for that.

Margaret Lynch:

Wonderful. So how much do you have access to? How much infinite possibility of the
divine do you have access to?


I could see my funnel now and, like, all these lights expanding and coming. Well, I have
access to everything, to yeah.

Margaret Lynch:

You know, if we really were able to receive even one drop a month or every six months,
it would be enough, because when we take one drop of that inspiration of divine, of
consciousness, of idea, it can that one drop can change our entire life for 50 years,
right? So its an amazing channel for asking for inspiration. So sometimes I say I need
an inspiration, sometimes I say I need a resource to appear out of nowhere, and Im just
going to allow it to come through my energy field, through my seventh chakra, okay?
And so its an unbelievable channel and when youre one of the people whos wired I
dont operate through my seventh chakra all the time, but theres people who are wired
very seventh chakra and its a really big part of their healing in their channel. And so if
thats a really big if its incredibly important to you, like we heard someone say it
triggered so much sadness, then this is really a wonderful place for you to heal and to
work. Wonderful.


Mm hmm. Yes, thank you.


Margaret, I have I wanted to share. Whenever I was sending love to my child, and you
had said that sometimes the child wouldnt accept it, I felt like it was hard also for me to
give too, as an adult, to give back to the child.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. So its really great because youre just seeing your resistance there. And so its
either from your maybe youve got some Knowledgeable Achiever/Rule Keeper. There
might be some judgment there, but its more likely if youve got that charismatic leader,
enforcer quality that you have a very strong ability to you know, to use your will, to
say no, not going there, not going to be vulnerable, not going to do this. And so youre
just kind of feeling in that in that little moment, right, its like this is a metaphor for
how we do everything in life. So in that moment, that inability to open up too wide and
pour love out is going to be the exact metaphor of the way that you resist giving your
heart and yourself in life.


Ive been experiencing that a lot lately.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and its okay and its just that but this is just, you know, a good a-ha moment for
you. The other part about using a child is when its a little baby like that, it really lets us
see, wow, its hard for me like, thats a shocker to send love into this innocent little
baby. I feel the resistance there, right? So you just kind of want to go in there really
you know, in a very you know, I say its kind of a brutal way, because I say to other
people, okay, whats the judgment, and I get you know, Ive heard a thousand times
from people Im looking at that little baby and Im saying, She should have known

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

better, or, She wasnt strong enough, or, No, Im not forgiving God for doing this to
me. And so you want to just kind of see whats in there and so that you can focus
and tap on it really specifically.

Okay. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Thank you for sharing that. Its great.



Margaret Lynch:



When you were going through the ages, as soon as you said the ages and the chakra
related, it occurred to me that I need to go back through each one of those, cause
almost every single one a little negative thing popped up that came up at that age. But
then at the very end when you were saying, you know, go back in, I feel like its infinite,
the everything is infinite. But what I saw was, going back to the first one, that I could
nurture that first child with what she the youngest child with what she didnt get. And
going back in through each one of those ages and tapping away the whatever the
negative was, but also giving that child what was what the positives are, I guess is the
way Im seeing it. And I still see this child as that the glitter, sparkly thing is just
touching her skin but not going inside through all those ages.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. Its amazing that our minds will paint such a specific picture to give you
information. Another, you know, great way to do it which I have done many times is,
you know, its easy to one way is to kind of go through and picture ourselves at all
different ages, just like we do the inner child work, and then picture that younger
version of you and just go, Oh, my God, I love you. You are beautiful, you are perfect.
And the trickier way to do it which I came upon once and started working with was I
think I was out walking and I had this inspiration to go to the worst not the worst
traumas that happened to you, but you, the younger version of you, when you were at
your absolutely worst, doing the worst possible things, the stupidest things, the weakest
things that you did, the most embarrassing things that you did, and go to those
moments and go, Even now I totally love you and everything every stupid, dumb
thing that you are choosing right now is part of the divine.


I love that. That is that is just great. Thank you, I get it.

Margaret Lynch:

And thats not something we would ever think of from our rule keeper side, that says,
Well, I mean, Ill love me when I was doing well. Its really the even when you were in
the midst of choosing this ridiculously stupid relationship to somebody or being weak or
being stupid, I totally love you. And this is the unfolding of your you know, the
seventh chakra opens, we see the divinity in everything.
And so this right now, what youre doing is the unfolding of your growth, of your
strength, of your life purpose, because this moment changed you. And so you can go
back through that process and do that at each, because thats really when we talk

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

about even though I blank, I love and accept myself. Thats what were really talking
about. This is eating nails level of I love and accept myself. Youve got Caroline Myss
says youve got to get up in the morning and eat nails for breakfast if you want to do this
kind of self development.

Thank you. That has been a hard part for me, but I think if I start from very early age it
would help tremendously.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. It opens up a little more compassion.


Yes, I can see that. That little child.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah. Great. Anybody else?



Margaret Lynch:



I just wanted to tell you that when I did that process, I went from being the 18 months
back to the birth before you actually said that. And what I realized is that I was the one
who abandoned God, not the other way around. Its that I was really I died my birth,
I was cord around the neck, and when I came back to life, a nurse sort of you know,
anyway, I felt that I really wanted to go home and that God had wanted me to stay, and
there was a divine being standing there and I as an infant turned my back and said, No,
Im really mad at you. And so anyway, it was quite a shift for me, so thank you for that.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome, youre welcome. And, you know, when someone when you speak
your story, you know, theres over 100 people in this class, and so it really does trigger
the truth for someone else. You know, and so I want you to you know, when you have
less emotion about it, cause its going to release as it is a lot of emotion, I want you to
see the gift in that. That was you, you literally just came through, and you were already
stamping your foot and saying, I have a really strong will.
And so and so, you know, its an a-ha moment for you and its a lot of emotion, and its
also I want you to see the gift and the will that you have, the strength of your will to
say no, even to the divine. No, I want it my way and I am going to do it my way, right?
And so as we as we honor that and are able to step back into our life purpose without
resistance, right, it takes strength and courage to live without resistance, without battle,
that within that lack of resistance, you keep that gift. Thats an amazing will, that when
youre lined up and your life purpose becomes, you know, an unbelievable strength,
right? Nobody can knock you down. I battled the divine.
And that is the nature of free choice. You know, you just spoke. That is the nature of
the first gift for humans, which is choice. We can choose to say, I dont want to I
dont want your gift. And we do it all the time. Thus, the class in miracles and allowing
miracles. Okay, so God gave you that gift of saying, I dont want your gift, God, and
being your choice.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

And so now as youre in a seventh chakra opening about this whole thing, you get to
wake up in the next day and weeks and months and go, Im coming into a first chakra
mode in my life. How am I going to rebuild my beliefs and my life and my spirituality
and my wealth from the ground up, from first chakra up, because now Im choosing the
structures. And that willpower is going to come in handy.

Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. Anybody else, a comment before we do a little tapping, just to voice
all this, like, crazy with our fifth chakra? Okay, Im going to mute here.
Okay, so karate chop point. Even though in my seventh chakra I carry all the wounds
and limitations of my lower six chakras, and Ive seen now that some of these limitations
started when I was just a baby, I totally honor and bring healing into my seventh chakra.
Even though in my seventh chakra I have lived through my belief that my connection to
the divine, to infinite possibility, is limited, I love and forgive myself for that. Of course I
believed that. Its been in my programming and it has carried through all my chakras.
Im open to healing and releasing this vow and recognizing the divinity in everything.
I now open my seventh chakra and allow the divine to work through me through my
qualities, through my chakras, through my life purpose, through everything I manifest. I
open my seventh chakra to allow divinity, to allow the miracles of the unmanifest and
tapping through the points. I saw the truth in my child today, that younger version of
me had so much pain, so many young beliefs, believing that she was unlovable, feeling
abandoned and disconnected, feeling unsafe in this world. I saw that. I honor that.
But I have healed that little one today. My inner child now knows the bigger picture.
She was always lovable. She was always surrounded by the light of the divine. She was
always embedded in the fabric that connects everything and everyone in unity and in
wholeness. Ive healed that little one today, transformed that little one with all of this
love and knowledge and understanding, with this beautiful drop of consciousness from
the divine, and that transforms me from the inside out.
The transformation of that child transforms me. Theres no place where she ends and I
begin. We are one. I can never go back to the old way, because I have seen the truth. I
honor all the old vows I took because of this and how they worked up through my
chakras, all the way to my seventh chakra, vowing to limit access to the divine, vowing
to believe in limitation. Im healing that, forgiving it and letting it go.
I now open my seventh chakra and allow divine miracles, drops of inspiration and
infinite possibility to come through my seventh chakra and manifest all the way through
me. There has never been a limitation. There has never been anything that happened
to me that wasnt chosen as part of my divine plan.
Im open to now seeing the divinity in everything. I allow the divine to work miracles
through me, to work through my qualities, my chakras, my manifestations. I allow the
divine, I allow divinity, I allow miracles to flow into my life. I honor my beautiful seventh

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

chakra in all the ways. It reminds me with optimism that infinite possibility is available
to me in every moment, in everything.
I am embedded in a fabric of miracles, unmanifest miracles, all waiting for me, and all I
have to do is allow, ask, choose, receive and touch. I love having a seventh chakra.
Okay, and take a nice deep breath.
Okay, and so that round again, as I often say, sometimes when we tap like that, its
voicing consciousness. Its voicing with our fifth chakra, which really seals it into our
mind-body connection cognitively as well as emotionally the changes and the choices
that were making. So its very powerful, the fact that tapping requires people to repeat
along instead of just hearing me speak. When we tap, the repeating allows you to also
declare it with your fifth chakra. Its wonderful.
So Im going to take a little bit more feedback, if anyone wants to comment on that or
anything else, and then were going to move on to Joan doing the blessing. Oh, that was
a good one. I am dying to go back and listen to this class and do the process on myself.
This is a new process I created, put myself through it. I want to see how much I have
access to.


Margaret Lynch:



That was beautiful. Thank you so much.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. Thank you, thank you. Kind of interesting now to look back at that
picture of yourself and see what does your mind paint for you now. What do you have
access to?


Mm hmm.

Margaret Lynch:

And I also like that when were in this moment where we go, I have access to
unbelievable infinite possibilities, everything that youre feeling inspired about now, its
great to write that down and put that in your fifth chakra commitment to say, to be one
of the things that you say with your fifth chakra, replacing some of the things you might
have used to have said about limitation and lack and theres only two ways this can go.
And so anything youre feeling really inspired about in these pictures and that your
connection to source, to divine, to infinite possibility, write it down and make it one of
those little things that you say. Its a great way of reminding ourselves. Wonderful.
Anybody else have any feedback?


I just wanted to say one more thing. What you said what came up for me was about
being optimistic. You brought that up and about thats what I feel inspired right now
about, being optimistic about my future and about my life. But the other thing that
came up was that I have wanted all my life to be supported by an adult, and then I
realized, oh, my goodness, I am supported by an adult. I mean, I am an adult. So now I

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

see how I can go back to my child and let her know that shes that Im supporting her.
So thank you.
Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, and thats a beautiful point that you just made, because while that child, that
inner child in you has that pain that has not been healed and solved by the adult version
of you, in some way, its always going to play out some victim in your life. Theres
always going to be a little bit of a victim energy that you can go to because its there.
There is a young child and the inner child in you can strongly and have plenty of
evidence about why it can go to feeling like a victim.


Mm hmm.

Margaret Lynch:

And so healing that child and coming in as the adult, it takes a big leap forward out of
the ability to sort of move into that you know, that victim energy. We all carry the
victim archetype, so its never going to go away forever. It has gift for us, but its
certainly you know, the victim can really get in our way when theres just stuff that
hasnt been healed. So wonderful, yeah.


Thank you, Margaret.

Margaret Lynch:

Thanks. Okay, so we are going to move on, let me unmute Joan here, to the blessing,
and its usually about between 10 and 15 minutes to do the blessing with Joan, and
you can join us and sort of as Joan will ask you to follow along with the energy of the
blessing, if you want to receive the healing and the blessing for the seventh chakra, or
you can just listen along. Theres really no wrong way to do it. It all works. And the
blessing and the healing is intended to everyone in who is receiving this teleclass.
So whether youre live on the class or in the future, the energy is intelligent. Divine
energy and healing energy is intelligent and it knows that this healing is coming to you
personally. So Joan is spirit guided energy healer and she is one of my favorite people in
the world, and so welcome, Joan, and you can take it away for the seventh chakra. And
Im going to mute so I can just receive.


Thank you, Margaret. Thank you. Oh. Hello, everybody. Im once again delighted to be
present here to do this energy blessing with you all. So I invite you to sit or recline in
comfortable position and feel your feet on the Earth connecting to the Earth. Just be
aware of your body. And as thoughts come and go in your mind, just let them go and
return back to this meditation.
Breathe deeply and evenly and allow yourself to become more and more relaxed.
Remember being restless or peaceful, it is all part of the process of letting go. Infinite
spirit God of love and light, we ask that you bring your golden healing light all around us,
encircling us with a blanket of energy, as we share this energy blessing to include all
who will listen to this recording in future time. We call on all benevolent sources of help
in our universe to be present; master saints, guardian angels, to draw close.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

I invite you to allow this beautiful golden light of the divine to enter your body through
the soles of your feet and feel the warmth and comfort of this divine light flow upwards
and join with the brilliant red light of your base chakra. See it spinning clockwise,
opening and know that you are a perfect child of God, the divine, and you dont need
anything to add to feel complete and comfortable within yourself.
I invite you to ask for the divine to fill you with love, to infuse divine love into your
being. The divine will respond. This is our birthright. And feel that loving infusion
throughout your whole being. Let it fill you, warm you to your core.
Open the door to hearing the voice of your inner spirit. Once you have found yourself,
you will have found your home. You will have found your love. You will have found that
the whole of existence is ready for you to dance, rejoice and sing.
Feel this divine light move upwards now, coming to rest at your sacral chakra, swirling
clockwise, connecting with the brilliant orange light. The divine is always ready to listen
when we share openly and honestly with the divine within us, feeling our fears, longings
and aspirations, that is the greater our loving support and guidance will be.
Now allow this beautiful divine light to travel upwards within you, coming to rest at your
solar plexus chakra, opening and joining with the brilliant yellow light. Take a moment
to let yourself go deeper and feel the peace within you. Welcome home to yourself. In
this sacred space, you see how unique you are in the world and feel your courage and
faith as you truly begin to bring your unique gifts to the world, knowing you are divinely,
miraculously supported in every step of the way.
See this divine light move upward, coming to rest in your heart, opening and traveling
clockwise, blending with the brilliant green light of your heart, allowing love to travel
throughout every cell in your body, reaching the deepest and darkest places, the
forgotten places of grief and sadness. And see your whole being come alive with the
wisdom of divine love, healing, releasing, purifying and cleansing your whole body,
awakening your self love and joy and peace.
And now allow this divine light to continue traveling upward, to come to rest at your
throat chakra, swirling clockwise and opening, blending with the brilliant light of blue.
Here is our center of choice between our hearts and our minds. Let us make a choice
now in this precious moment to align with our highest potential and true calling, our
lifes purpose, and let us step into a new reality of acceptance. Breathe into your throat
chakra and trust that Gods will be done.
Feel this divine support within you and honor yourself now as you speak your truth to
the world and see this divine light travel upward once again, coming to rest at your third
eye chakra, moving clockwise with the brilliant indigo light in the center of your
forehead. Within your mind is your spirit presence. This is your divine source.
The God within you is the most loving friend you will ever know. All your inner spirit
wants to do is love and guide you. Our creator loves us tenderly. Acknowledge the

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

reality of divine presence within you. Looking out from this sacred place into the world,
see how your special gifts are manifesting, supported in ways you could never have
imagined. The light of you shines out to the world and the light of the world shines in to
Now, allow this divine light to travel upward, coming to rest at your crown chakra,
moving clockwise with brilliant purple light just inside the top of your head. Allow this
light to cleanse and radiate your crown chakra. And I invite you now to step up and
stand in this beautiful divinely supported space at your crown.
Hold your spine straight and relax. Look out beyond your body and see infinite
possibility. See your vision expand greater than you have ever seen before. Feel your
support from the divine love as you allow your perception to expand, allowing infinite
possibility, knowing you are securely enfolded in divine light.
Allow yourself to go beyond anything you have ever experienced, as you reach with
outstretched hands, with trust and confidence unlimited, and allow yourself to see the
vast expansion of the divine encompassing the whole and beyond. Yes, I am a miracle.
Take a moment to silence in this stillness within you, to allow any images, pictures,
feelings, intentions, inspiration to come through, whatever may be present for you, to
experience in this sacred space of possibility, knowing that you are in the arms of the
divine. As thoughts of judgment come up, see them be enveloped in the light and hear
these words, Be still and know that I am God.
And as we go forward, I would like to share some words by Lori McCray. I am here, so I
have chosen this existence. I have come here to plant peace, to order chaos, to
harmonize dissention, to show the world the countenance of the creator. I have come
here to love, to open myself completely, even when it hurts, even when Im most bereft.
I have come here to shine a light on loveliness, to stand before the tree, the bird, the
setting sun and see my soul reflected. I have come to bow to beauty, to see the light in
everything, to remember who I am.
We are all united when we open to consciousness of the whole. There was never
anything that wasnt infinitely possible. See how the divine works through you, open to
allowing divinity, open to allowing miracles.
And slowly now come back into your heart. Feel yourself sink down and connect with all
your chakras again. And feel your body, your home of your spirit soul, honoring all of
who you are at each of your chakras. And as we conclude our blessing, gently shift your
awareness back to the present. The divine is always with you. This awareness is a cloak
encircling you with warmth and security.
As you shift into present time, your spirit will continue to speak to you, even though you
may move away from this awareness. Remember each moment you spend in stillness,
you accumulate the experience of being with the divine and love and peace and joy and
faith will grow within you. In time you will become consciously aware of this most

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

loving presence within you and feelings of isolation, depression, fear, anxiety and anger
will begin to recede into the past.
If you were to practice this stillness more and more, you will never be separated from
Gods love and live in this state of peace and joy forever. Remember these words, Be
still and know that I am God. I bow to the spirit within you all. Blessed be.
Margaret Lynch:

Wow, that was amazing, Joan. Is everyone seeing why I love Joan so much? That was
powerful. Very, very amazing. Thank you so much for that.


Youre welcome. Its all coming from the divine.

Margaret Lynch:

Right through your seventh chakra, right down to your fifth chakra, huh?


Mm hmm.

Margaret Lynch:

Well, it must be coming through your heart too, cause I so hear your heart in there.


Oh, yes, very much.

Margaret Lynch:

And so each people may have noticed on the class pages that Ive had my support
person separate out Joans meditations at the end so that if you wanted to just have
go right to her meditation, you could, and have them all together, because some people
are really liking doing one after another and having all seven of them in one you
know, in a row on their mp3 player, because they are so beautiful.
So, wonderful. Its been an amazing series. I cant believe were already at the seventh
class. I get very melancholy when these programs end. Joan and I have had so much
fun doing this class. And so well stay on the line for a few minutes longer if anyone
wants to give us any final questions or comments. But what I do recommend is again
remembering that you are in a seventh chakra mode right now. That is why you have
such a big desire and calling to clear out your blocks, to manifest your life in a new way.
And so as you come into the first chakra again, which will be coming up in your life and
maybe you are already seeing it, people sometimes at this phase have your parents
passing away or theyre selling houses or theyre moving or theyre empty nesters. This
all creates a new first chakra mode where you have an unbelievable opportunity to
create the new beliefs and structures that your life is going to be built on consciously,
instead of just from your programming.
And so each of us I love how you said I bow to the divinity in all of you. That was very
touching, because each of us has an incredible amount of power right now in this
consciousness to remember and create our life this way. Does it take repetition and
habit? Yes, because our brains have been wired a million times over in our lives with
the old way of doing things.
And so this is a great opportunity to use the positive use of your will to remember what
youve learned in this class, remember your a-ha moments and start to speak a different

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

truth, and which I think creates an upward and a downward flow of the new way of
being. Its incredibly powerful what you speak with your with your fifth chakra. So
anyone who wants to unmute, you can give us some feedback.


Margaret Lynch:



Suzanne down here in Florida, and

Margaret Lynch:

Getting a lot of noise on your line.


Yeah, I dont know what that is.

Margaret Lynch:

Can you try muting and then try unmuting again?



Margaret Lynch:

Thats better.


All right.

Margaret Lynch:

That was all your divine light interfering with the signal.


I want to thank you both, you and Joan, for all of this. As you know, I also teach what
you are teaching and I found this to be phenomenal. I dont know if you actually taught
chakras before. It sounded like you were saying that you dont. I think you did great.

Margaret Lynch:

Thank you.


And Im very grateful for all the information and the meditations. Its assisted me a lot.
Ive been replaying all of it the last couple of days, so Ive already done what you said
you were going to do, and I really enjoy it. I really do. Thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Wonderful. Its always my honor to teach people who are teachers, or to share
something that Im doing with people who are coaches and who are teachers, because I
know that youre going to process what what resonates with your truth and its going
to start to come out of you, through you, through your divinity in a way thats going to
continue to impact the world. So I think of it the way, you know, I read years ago
Wayne Dyers book Power of Intention, and that came to me through space and through
time and has impacted my life a million fold over the past five or six years, and I
wouldnt be talking to all of you if it wasnt for what he inspired in me. And so its really
cool the way we the way we support each other.


Thats right. I agree 100 percent. And I wanted to add that actually in taking this course
I had even dared to go further, and now Ive been even someones asking me and
were trying to find out whether its going to be possible for me to teach at a university,
teach this at a university for alternative medicine.

Margaret Lynch:


Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


And a couple other places. I know, Im going, like, okay, can I change my name now and
leave town? Im scared and excited. You know, its that its that turning point. So its
great. Thank you very much.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. Keep me posted on that via e-mail.


Yes, I will.



Margaret Lynch:



Margaret, Joan, you are fantastic. Im calling from Bulgaria. This was a truly amazing

Margaret Lynch:

Thank you.


Thank you so much.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome, youre welcome.


Both of you are fantastic. Thank you so much.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome. From the bottom of my heart, you are welcome.




You made a difference in our lives.

Margaret Lynch:

Thank you for that.


Thats wonderful.

Margaret Lynch:

That makes my day. It really does. You know, for Joan and I of course and for many of
you guys listening who are also coaches, this is why we do it. You know, its I cant not
do it and it pours out of me, and when I get that feedback, thats the divine through you
giving me that yes back from the universe. Yes, this is what youre supposed to be
doing, Margaret. So thank you.



Margaret Lynch:

Thank you.


Thank you so much.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome.


Bless you.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Thank you, Margaret. I will repeat everything she just said. Both of you are lovely

Margaret Lynch:

Im so sorry I make you cry so much.


Like I said, I dont have a problem with tears. I cry a lot. Wonderful. I cant relate
today I was sighing more, which is really nice, instead of quite so many tears.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, good.


Release. Its all release. Thank you so much.

Margaret Lynch:

Yeah, I think you know, the chakras kind of go in cycles. It is interesting to wait a
couple of weeks or a month and then start again at the first chakra and see how
different it is to take the course again, even if youre blowing through it a little bit more
quickly. You know, coming just to the tapping pieces. It might be its always
interesting to take the class again and go through all the chakras again. I recommend
that for you. You might need less tissues next time.


Yeah, probably. I think it was last week when we did it and I was crying so heavily
through the whole thing, and then when I redid it, like, a day later, I wasnt crying at all.
Okay, I learned so much of that. It was wonderful.

Margaret Lynch:

Right, right. Its nice. Its when the positives feel more real for us, we dont feel like
weve lost so much anymore, because its, like, I honor the past and then I come to the
present moment and I go, hey, this is kind of cool. Cause in the present moment, thats
when infinite possibility is available to us, not when were re-experiencing the past. So
thats fantastic. Great feedback. Thank you.


And the optimism now is wonderful. Just feel so optimistic. Wonderful, thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome.


Yes, thank you, Margaret and Joan. I actually was going to say about that, I
completing this class with the optimism of my inner child. That was a very important
piece that I was missing, and now I feel so much love in my heart. So I thank you,
because this has been a very inspiring class.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome, youre welcome. I appreciate also everyone who has made comments
throughout the classes, and youve helped make the class be better and better for the
people who are listening to the recording afterwards, because they cant comment and
youre often speaking what they hoped someone would have said on the class, and
thats wonderful. And I again, I definitely encourage you in the moments of optimism
to write some words down for those future moments when you dont have access to
this seventh chakra optimism and you have to be patient through those moments. You
can read what you wrote and remember the other truths about your optimism and how
profound it is and how it will always be there for you, even when you feel like you dont
have access to it for a couple hours or a day. Wonderful.

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011


Yes, thank you.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome.


Margaret and Joan, I want to say what a blessing both of you are in my life and what a
miracle this class was for me. So thank you.


Youre welcome.

Margaret Lynch:

Youre welcome, youre welcome. Thank you for that. Joan, how do you feel about


Oh, Im so happy. I feel its so lovely to know that my lifes purpose you know, doing
my lifes purpose is really I mean, it just makes me cry with joy. Im so happy, so

Margaret Lynch:

Thats why I asked, cause I knew you were over there crying. Everyone wants to hear
your voice cracking, Joan. All right, thank you everyone so much. Its been a wonderful
series. Again, if you I wont be offering a class for probably until the summer. The
next class will likely be a chakra class, the wild summer spirit type of a class, which is
going through the chakras in a way thats about passion and energy and sexiness and all
of those wonderful things. But I wont have a live program probably until then, so I wish
you all blessings and miracles and the best, and I will see you in the Internet world of email. Bye, everybody.


Goodbye, and thank you, everybody.

Margaret Lynch:

Bye. Bye, Joan.


Bye bye.

[End of Audio]

Transcript of Tapping for Miracles Teleclass 2011

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