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How to build a strong body when you have mastered
the activation and control of your core!

By Brad Sheppard B.Ed (Phys.Ed)

Functional Strength Training Exercises

Copyright 2008 by Brad Sheppard & Peak Physique Training Systems Pty. Ltd.
Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism, or
review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this book may be
reproduced by any process without written permission from the publisher.
This book is general in nature and is not intended as specific advice on any
particular matter. Brad Sheppard & Peak Physique Training Systems Pty. Ltd,
employees of said company and brand derivations disclaim all and any liability to
any persons whatsoever in respect of anything done by any person in reliance,
whether in whole or part, of this e-book
Feel free to pass this information on to those that it may benefit.

Exercises in Action

Swiss Ball Dumbell Press


Great exercise to teach co-contraction of the core/hip/shoulder girdle musculature, to

push while stabilizing in the transverse plane of motion.
Integrated movement for functional and practical pushing strength.


Core stabilization.
Functional flexibility and strength of the shoulder girdle.

Mid Range Position (2 Arm)

Start Position (single Arm)

Narrow Stance Variation

Alternating Arm Press


Traditional 2 Arm Press

Single Arm Press
Alternating Arm Press (2 Arm)
Narrow Stance
Power (speed) added
Single Leg


Single Arm Inverted Pull (with dumbell Press)


Integrated total body training with an emphasis on back and core for strength and
improved function in the pulling motion.
Great exercise to teach the co-contraction of the core/hip/posterior shoulder girdle
musculature to pull while stabilizing in the sagittal plane.


If an UPPER CROSSED type of posture in noted (i.e. rounded shoulders with a forward
head lean), a proper stretching protocol (i.e. pec major/minor, lats, upper traps, levator
scapulae), must precede loading this exercise to ensure ideal scapular retraction and

Start Position (Single Arm / Press)

Finish Position (Single Arm / Press)


Body Row ( also called 2 Arm Inverted Pull)

Single Arm Inverted Pull
Single Arm Inverted Pull with Power (Speed)
Single Arm Inverted Pull (with dumbell Press)


Single Arm Pull In Fencers Stance


Integrated total body training with an emphasis on mid to upper back and core
conditioning for strength and improved function with secondary shoulder and biceps


Adjust cable arm as shown.

Stand in a stable bent hip, knee & ankle stance position.
Assume slight lunge position, maintaining good posture with arm outstretched.

Start Position

Finish Position with Fencers Stance


Single Arm Pull with Fixed (Lunge) Stance

Add Power (speed)


Single Arm Dumbell Clean


This classic movement is a must for ANY athlete that needs to generate POWER in an
upright position - Football, hockey, basketball, track and field, baseball, rugby, cricket
etc. etc.


The client must exhibit good CORE strength, and good Inner / Outer unit integration
(especially the posterior oblique sub-system)
If a Lower Crossed type of posture is noted (i.e. excessive lordosis), a proper
stretching protocol (i.e. Psoas, Rectus Femoris, Superficial Erector Spinae) must precede
loading this exercise to ensure ideal lumbar spine lordosis, and ideal stability through
the Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex.
Ensure that the client is proficient at a deadlift and barbell snatch before prescribing
this exercise


Maintain good posture with shoulder blades retracted and depressed and good stability
through the abdominal complex
Initiate a thorough dynamic warm up prior to starting this exercise, this engages the
nervous system.

Start Position of Clean

Mid-way Position of Clean

Dumbell Cleaned & ready to press

Dumbell Press


Break into 2 Movements initially (Dumbell Clean & Dumbell Press)

Progression into Full Snatch


Dumbell Press / Lunge Combo

Benefits :

This exercise is an excellent progression to develop dynamic, full body strength and
stability. Any individual who needs upper body strength in a dynamic environment will
want to progress to this movement pattern.


Perform Trendelenburg test to ensure proper frontal plane stability at the pelvis
Client must have dynamic joint stabilization, a fair amount of eccentric neuromuscular
control without compensation throughout the kinetic chain.
Ensure that the client is proficient at multi-planar lunges and a standing DB shoulder
press before prescribing this exercise.
TRAINERS: A fair amount of dynamic stability must be present to properly ensure safety
in this movement pattern. If you notice a continual loss of balance, excessive arching of
the lumbar spine, or excessive elevation and protraction of the scapula THE WEIGHT
IS TOO HEAVY and needs to be lowered.

Start Position

Finish Position

45 degree press to front

45 degree press to side


Break into 2 movements: Dumbell Lunge / Dumbell Press

Use 2 arms (2 dumbells) bi-lateral movement
Alternating Leg Lunge each rep with Alternating arms uni-lateral movement
Dumbell Lunge / Press combo (as pictured)
Dumbell Lunge & Hold at bottom, whilst pressing (isometric stance)
Dumbell multi-planar press (to the 45 degree front & side) (as pictured)


Prone Jacknife


Great exercise to teach co-contraction of the core / hip / shoulder girdle musculature, to
push while stabilizing the body in multi planes.
Integrated movement for functional and practical pushing strength.


Clients must demonstrate adequate functional flexibility throughout the ANTERIOR

shoulder girdle musculature.
To ensure neutrality at the Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex (LPHC) and proper stabilization
of core/glute musculature during movement, the client must first demonstrate adequate
passive hip extension (0 20).

Start position

Finish Position

Single Leg Progression

About the Author

Brad Sheppard B.Ed (Phys.Ed)

Brad Sheppard runs Peak Physique Personal Training and Peak Corporate Health.
Brad walks his talk! With years experience in fitness, Brad is considered one of the
most respected identities in health, fitness & wellness in Australia.
Combining a passion for performance, its pretty hard not to be inspired by what
Brad has to say.
To Contact Brad

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