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Teacher Feedback


Shray Khanna
22nd January 2016
Unit 311 Criteria 1.2
Miss Bowater

You have created a major chord progression which includes:
At least 1 7th chord
1 extended chord
At least one chord not built from stacked thirds (you have 9 of these)
Your piece sound musically engaging and has the potential to be harmonically
coherent however this cannot be graded as there are a lot of mistakes and the
criteria has not all been met yet!

You only have 1 extended chord, your chords with the 11 are add which
makes them non stack chords not extended chords. Your only extended
chord is in bar 14.
You dont have a secondary dominant chord!
You need to re-record your chord progression as currently you only have 9 bars
when you perform it. You have written it out on Sibelius over 16bars but that is
not how you play it.
You need to check your chords in Bar 2, 3, 6, 10, 11. What you have written on
Sibelius is not what your roman numerals say.
Bar 2 V add11 you should have DFAG You have DFGDE you need to
change the E to an A
Bar 3/4 ii7sus2 You should have ABEG You have AEGCG You need to
change the C to a B for it to be a sus otherwise it is just a 7 chord.
Bar 6 Vb7add11 You should have DFAG You have FADADG you either need
to remove the 7 from your roman numeral or add a C in.
Bar 10 Vadd11 You should have DFAG You have DFGDE You are missing
the A from the chord and also are playing an E which is the 13th
Bar 11 Same issue as bar 3






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