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Introductory Summative Project Checklist

Day 1 - Thursday January 21st

1. Define your problem. What is the topic that you will be addressing?
2. Explain in detail what exactly you will be seeking to learn about.
3. Find studies on your research topic. Read these sources and write down what
you learn as well as proper MLA citations for your sources.
4. Select a research design (i.e. observational study, survey, experiment) and
create your data collecting method (i.e. questions, information to look for).
You will submit an updated Checklist to Schoology by the end of class.
Day 2 - Friday January 22nd
1. Implement your study. Carry it out by getting participants to take part in
your study. Our class will use social media/Google Drive to encourage greater
2. You may complete the worksheet for Unit 1s summative project while
collecting data.
You will submit an updated Checklist to Schoology by the end of class.
Over the Weekend - January 23-24th
1. Continue to collect data.
2. Analyze your results. Was your hypothesis proven to be correct or not?
3. Reflect on your research design. What made it successful? What were the
areas that could have been improved?
4. Combine the research you gathered prior to implementing your research
design, the research design itself, the project question worksheet, and a visible way
to observe your results. Submit this combined project to Schoology before the
start of class on Monday January 25th. Your submission should include your
research worksheet, your research design (i.e. questions you asked, photos
from observational study), and your data in a presentable/observable format.
Day 5 - January 25th
1. Come to class prepared to present your findings with the class.

a. You will stand at your desk and briefly explain your hypothesis
and research design.
b. Discuss your findings and what you noticed after analyzing the
c. Explain problems you faced with carrying out your research
Name: __Lanea__________________________ Period: ___07_____ Date: _____________
Research Project Completion Form
1. What is your hypothesis?
We make first impressions because we want to base their given character on professionalism, and
whether we want to continue a friendship with that person
2. What is the research design you have chosen to use? Why did you choose it over others (i.e. why
is it more beneficial to use this design)?
Case Study. Because you are testing for a specific theory. using this case study design you're
testing the majorities thoughts to test to see if your hypothesis is right or wrong
3. How did you clarify aspects of your research project that could be confusing to others?
give further explanation in the description boxes, or talk in person
4. What variables do you expect to impact your project? How will you limit external forces
impacting your project?
getting a certain amount of people to take the survey. Share it out on an ample amount of social
media sites, and have others share it to others.
5. How will you address these variables?
have people who took the survey share it with others
Data Collection
6. What method did you use to collect your data?
7. Who participated in your experiment? Was your experiment geared towards a specific audience?
students, adults, etc. No
8. What statistics were you looking for? (i.e. mean, median, mode, frequency, etc.)
9. What were your results? Did they prove or disprove your hypothesis?
majority voted we judge to get to know their character better and whether wanting to continue a
friendship. Yes

10. What was the most difficult aspect of completing this project?
getting people to take the survey
11. If you could ask a different question or improve an aspect of your research design, what would it
be? Why? have a larger number of voters take the survey. so you can get an accurate percentage
and number of people voted
12. Do you have a different outlook on your research topic now? Why or why not?
no. I knew why people judged people the way the do
Please attach a copy of all project related materials. This should include:

A copy of your research design (i.e. survey, questionnaire, etc.)

The visual you have developed to communicate your findings
Your research findings complete with proper MLA citations

Day 1 Thursday, January 21, 2016

1. The psychology of first impressions.
2. The first thing we judge others by and why we judge them by that. Does the
attracted get treated different? Does it pay off to look more presentable?
3. Our first impressions on others determine everything we think about in a person.
Whether we like them, their character, class, how they carry themselves. Whether or
we will like the person and want to be associated with them any further. (First
Impressions Count) says, The first impressions you make can have a real impact on
your academic and professional access. Rowh, Mark, First Impressions Count
American Psychological Association, 2016, APA, 21 Jan. 2016. Starr, Karla. The

Science of First Impressions. Psychology Today. N.p., 2016. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
<>. Our split second reactions to other people are assessments of their value to
our own social world. Our impression factor come from what we have heard about them
to the first time meeting them, and how they may speak.
4. The Science of First Impressions. Psychology Today. N.p., 2016. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. <>. Our split second reactions to other people are assessments of their
value to our own social world. Our impression factor come from what we have heard
about them to the first time meeting them, and how they may speak.
5. Wargo, Eric. How Many Seconds to a First Impressions? Association of
Psychological Science. N.p., 2016. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
<>. The number of seconds it takes to
make a first impression on someone, determines how we view their character. Once we

make this first impression, it is hard to break that impression. And get to know their
real character.
6. Possible observational study. Survey
January 23-24, 2016
1. Yes. My hypothesis was correct. Because majority voted for what my predicted
hypothesis was.
2. The number of votes & what voted for. room for improvement- ample amount of
people to vote
Survey Questions
1.Do you judge people, when you first meet them? *
2.if so, What do you judge? *
Click as many that apply..... be honest!!
demeanor (the way the carry themselves)
race/skin color
3.Why do you judge them by this factor? *
Check as many that apply
If I want to be their friend or not
Hygienic reasons
Get a Basis On Their Character
The results showed that majority judge people when they first meet them. When
they are judging they are looking for their demeanor, attractiveness, and clothing. The
reason for judging them by this factor is because theyre looking for a basis on their
character, and whether they want to continue a friendship with them or not.

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