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Cuprinde piese lucrate dup metode tradiionale dulghereti, cu mijloace simple, i

piese de mobilier lucrat dup metode tmplreti oreneti. n funcie de decor, distingem
mobilier nepictat i mobilier pictat.
Privit n context european, mobilierul tradiional romnesc i gsete multe
corespondene, att n rile vecine, ct i n cele mai ndeprtate, ncadrndu-se ntr-o arie
mai larg de rspndire a anumitor procedee tehnologice i forme artistice; el reprezint n
acelai timp o ndeletnicire autohton, cu trsturi deosebite, cu o anumit unitate stilistic
caracteristic, care s-a pstrat pn n zilele noastre.
Mobilierul tradiional romnesc. Specific este folosirea aproape exclusiv a lemnului
n culoarea lui natural, prelucrat cu mijloace simple (barda i securea, ornamentat cu
mezdreaua i horjul), astfel nct s i se pstreze ntreaga for expresiv. Poart adesea
amprenta meterului, care, aidoma unui sculptor, realizeaz aproape totdeauna unicate, rareori
putnd fi ntlnite exemplare identice.
Mobilierul de influen oreneasc. Piesele din aceast categorie sunt n majoritate
lucrate tot de meteri steti, dar sistemul de mbinare i modul de ornamentare presupun
contactul cu oraul. A rezultat o mbinare de procedee tehnice i artistice, adaptarea
elementelor mprumutate fcndu-se cu un deosebit sim al proporiilor i al formei.
Mobilierul pictat. Aprut n Europa central nc din secolele XV-XVI, ca o imitare
a decorului de intarsie, pictura pe mobilier ptrunde i n ara noastr pe diferite ci, cea mai
important fiind marea circulaie a meterilor din secolele XVI-XVII, cnd s-au aezat, mai
ales n Transilvania, tmplari i pictori din foarte multe pri ale Europei centrale, pe cnd
meterii de aici luau calea invers, ajungnd pn la Nrnberg.
Colecia de mobilier a Muzeului Agriculturii conine piese diverse, ca tehnic de
realizare i ca destinaie funcional: lzi de zestre (lad tradiional, ornamentat prin crestare
i incizie; lad pictat, lad braovean cu aplice de litografii i metalice), cuiere (de haine i
de buctrie), dulapuri (dulap transilvnean, pictat; dulap de col, vopsit simplu, n dou
culori), mese (mas cu trei piciaore, mas cu lad), paturi cu tblii (form de mobilier
intermediar ntre patul rnesc i cel orenesc) .a.
(Not. Pentru documentare, am folosit, ca surs principal, lucrarea: Capesius, Roswit,
Mobilierul rnesc romnesc, ed. Dacia, Cluj, 1974.)


This collection includes pieces of furniture which are crafted by traditional carpentry
methods, using simple means, and other pieces that are produced with the help of carpentry
methods used in urban areas. Depending on the setting, there are unpainted pieces of furniture
and painted pieces of furniture.
Placed in the European context, Romanian traditional furniture finds itself lots of
correspondences, both in the neighbouring countries, but also in the distant ones, fitting into a
wide range of spread certain technological processes and art forms; it is also a native crafting
occupation, with distinctive features, and a special specific stylistic unity, which has been
preserved until today.
Romanian traditional furniture. As a specific feature, it is the almost exclusive usage
of wood in its natural colour, processed by simple means (axe and hatchet, ornamented with
mezdreaua- a wood carving tool having two handles at both ends, used as a carving knife
or a wood scraping tool, also called wood carver or wood hewer and horjul- a kind of wood
carving tool, a kind of chisel or a point tool used for the incision of household wooden items),
in such a way as to retain all its expressive power. It often wears the mark of the artisan, who,
just like a sculptor, makes almost always unique pieces, rarely being to find identical copies.
Furniture with urban influences. The pieces in this category are mostly manufactured
by country side artisans, craftsmen, but their connection and joining system and the
ornamentation method, involve the contact with the city. The result is a combination of
technical and artistic procedures; the adaptation of borrowed items was made with a great
sense of proportions and forms (shapes).
Painted furniture. Created and developed in Central Europe ever since the fifteenth
and sixteenth centuries, as an imitation of Marquentry decoration, painting on furniture has
penetrated our country on different paths, the most important being the great movement and
travels of the artisans and craftsmen from the sixteenth and seventeenth century, when they
settled, especially in Transylvania, carpenters and painters from many parts of Central
Europe, whereas the local masters were doing the reversed way, reaching up to Nuremberg.
The Furniture Collection of the Museum of Agriculture contains various items, as
technical achievement or as functional destination: dowry chests (traditional chests decorated
by notching and incision; painted chest, chest from Braov with applied lithographs and metal
parts), hangers (for clothes and kitchen items), wardrobes (Transylvanian cabinet, painted;
corner cabinet, simple painted, in two colours), tables (three-legged table, table with box,
chest), beds with headboards (this type of furniture is a transition between rustic bed types
and city beds) etc.
(Note. For documentation reasons, we have used as main source, the work: Capesius,
Roswit, Romanian Rustic Furniture, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj, 1974.)

LAD DE ZESTRE - Destinat pstrrii unor bunuri (aternuturi, mbrcminte, covoare), care se
druiau, mpreun cu lada, drept zestre, fetelor, cnd se mritau. Confecionat din lemn de fag, prin mbinri
n sistemul pan i uluc (nuth i feder) i fixare n cuie de lemn; ornamente geometrice - rozete,
semicercuri, hauri, brdui - realizate cu horjul. Cromatica: brun nchis, culoare natural a lemnului patinat.
Provenien: Crioara, jud. Sibiu. Datare:1/4 sec. XX. Dimensiuni: L - 116 cm, l - 62 cm, H - 84 cm.
DOWRY CHEST - Designed for keeping goods (bedding sheets, clothing, carpets), which were given,
together with the chest, as dowry, to the girls when they got married. Made of beech wood, using joints of the
nuth and groove system and fixed with wooden nails; geometrical ornaments - rosettes, crescents, hatches,
fir trees shapes - made with horj tool. Chromatics: dark brown, natural colour patinated wood. Origin:
Crioara, Sibiu county. Dated: first quarter of twentieth century. Dimensions: length - 116 cm, width - 62
cm, height - 84 cm.

DULAP. Confecionat din lemn de brad; pictat cu elemente florale; culorile dominante: rou-brun, albastru,
vermilion. Provenien: Braov, jud. Braov. Datat 1876. Dimensiuni: L - 122 cm, l - 37 cm, H - 230 cm.
(Imagine din expoziia Din buctria de odinioar, 2011 - 2012, Muzeul Agriculturii)
CABINET. Made of fir tree wood; painted with floral motifs; dominant colours: red-brown, blue, cinnabar.
Origin: Braov, Braov county. Dated 1876. Dimensions: length - 122 cm, width - 37 cm, height - 230 cm.
(Image from exhibition Kitchen of yesteryear, 2011 - 2012, Museum of Agriculture)

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