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DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab


1. Starting a new problem

2. Set unit system

3. Import geometry

4. Generate mesh

5. Material definition

6. Initial temperature

7. Temperature Measurement Points

8. Thermal history

9. Heat transfer zones

10. Heat transfer coefficient function definition

11. Simulation control

12. Optimization control

13. Optimization

14. Optimization results


DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

Problem Summary:
This lab will demonstrate how to use the Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard to
determine heat transfer coefficients of between workpiece and a medium during a heat
transfer process. Temperature measurement data are needed. Heat transfer coefficients
can be functions of temperature or time. Multiple zones of heat-transfer coefficients are
assigned to the workpiece.

1. Starting a new problem

Start a new Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard problem with problem ID
BAR_INVHEAT. You can do so by clicking the New problem button and choose
Inverse Heat. Alternatively, you can right click on the directory tree to create an empty
directory and then click Inverse Heat on the right side of the main window.

2. Set unit system

You should see a window as below, choose "English" for Unit System. Click

DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

3. Import geometry
In page Geometry, choose import from a geometry, KEY, or DB file and click
Next. Import geometry file BAR_INVHEAT.STL from labs/ directory.

4. Generate mesh
In page Mesh Generation, use 2000 for unstructured mesh. Click Next.

DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

5. Material definition
In page Material, choose Load from material library and click Next. Choose
material "AISI-1015[70-2000F(20-1100C)]" from the "Steel" category.

DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

6. Initial temperature
In page Initial temperature", for workpiece choose "Uniform" and set 1575 F. For
Environment, choose constant 150F.

DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

7. Temperature Measurement Points

In Temperature Measurement Points page, click Add button three times.
Specify the measurement point coordinates by first selecting the corresponding rows on
the table and then clicking on the object. Pick the points approximately as indicated in the
graph: for the first point, pick a point near (1.249, 4.5, 4.5). For the second point, pick a
point near (1.249, 0, 0.5). The third point is near (1.249, -4.9, 2.5). (Of course, you can
also input this coordinates directly into the table.) Click Next.

DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

8. Thermal history
In Thermal History page, click the "Load thermal history from a file" button and
load the file BAR_INVHEAT_Thermal_History.DAT in directory /labs. Click Apply
to see the graphs. Input 506 seconds for Process End Time. Click Next.

DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

9. Heat transfer zones

In page Heat transfer zones, click Add twice. To define each heat transfer
zone, first select the appropriate row in the table and then pick surfaces on the object.
(You may need to use in the picking dialog at the lower-left corner in order to achieve
ideal picking results.) As indicated in the graph below, pick the top (long narrow face)
and end face surfaces for Zone #1, the bottom (the other long narrow face) surface for
Zone #2.
Note that the symmetric planes should not be included in any heat transfer zone.
In this set up, there are two symmetric planes, one of which is where the three
temperature-measurement points are located. The other symmetric plane is the
"minimum-Y" plane, which is near point #3. Click "Next".

DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

10. Heat transfer coefficient function definition

In page Heat transfer coefficient function definition (I), set heat transfer
coefficient as a function of temperature. This function will be defined by HTC values at
six different temperatures: 100, 400, 700, 1000, 1300 and 1600F. Therefore, toggle on
Initialize functions and input "6" for Number of control points. In table Control
points, input the temperatures accordingly. The default initial guess, lower and upper
bounds are fine. Click Next.

In page Heat transfer coefficient function definition (II), all defaults are fine.
Click Next.

DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

11. Simulation control

In Simulation Control page, use step definition Auto, and set Temperature
change per step to 1.0. Click Next.

12. Optimization control

In Optimization Control page, all default settings are fine, so click Next.

13. Optimization
In Optimization page, click Check Data to check whether all data are valid. If
so, click Start. The optimization may take a few hours depending on the speed of your

DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

computer. (5 hours on a Pentium IV 2.0Ghz CPU.) You may activate the background
command prompt to see program output.
After the first iteration is completed, you can see the history of the objective
function on the left. During optimization, you can also view current optimization results
by going to the next page.

14. Optimization results

In Optimization Result page, you can view the currently best heat transfer
coefficients and compare the simulated thermal history with the measured thermal history.
You can save the optimization results if necessary. Please note that the convergence of
optimization procedures greatly depends upon the nature of the data used. For example
when the temperature measurement points are on the surface, indicating at least one heat
transfer zone per measurement point aids solution convergence. Similarly when the
measured thermal data is a function of time, defining time dependent convection heat


DEFORM-Inverse Heat Transfer Wizard Lab

transfer coefficient can lead to faster convergence. Other factors that can influence the
convergence include, spacing of the temperature data points to accurately represent the
gradient information in the measured data and good initial guess if any that can be
indicated to the system.


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