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The following sentences are either S-V or S-V-O sentences. Read

them and follow the instructions.
Eliminate the prep phrases
underline the subject
double underline the verb
Mark an O over the Object, if there is one.
1. Mark ate a hamburger for lunch.
2. He ignored the rat's tail.
3. Sheila sailed home and left her friends on an island.
4. After she went to sleep, Jen dreamt of tigers and crocodiles.
5. Donna wanted him to go to the beach, but he wanted to play
Sega Baseball.
6. Until it was bought, the book rested on its shelf.
7. After I thought about it, I gave the money to my dog, Fluffy.

8. "Dilbert" was created by a genius.

9. I have been destroying your artwork with a chainsaw.
10. On Tuesdays, she will be writing a novel about boats, ballads
and bars.

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