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MAP notes

Chapter 1: Basics of Microprocessor

Q1. List features of 8085 microprocessor.
It is a 8 bit microprocessor.
It is manufactured with N-MOS technology.
It has 16-bit address bus and hence can address up to 2^16 = 65536 bytes (64KB) memory
locations through A0 -A15
The first 8 lines of address bus and 8 lines of data bus are multiplexed AD0 AD7
Data bus is a group of 8 lines D0 D7
It supports external interrupt request.
A 16 bit program counter (PC)
A 16 bit stack pointer (SP)
Six 8-bit general purpose register arranged in pairs: BC, DE, HL.
It requires a signal +5V power supply and operates at 3.2 MHZ single phase clock.
It is enclosed with 40 pins DIP (Dual in line package).
Q2. Draw the Architecture of 8085 Microprocessor.

Q3. Explain the register organization of 8085.

These are six general purpose registers namely B, C, D, E, H, L all 8 bit in size. They are used in
general to store 8 bit data temporarily. Sometimes during calculations to store the intermediate

value, sometimes to store the result of any calculations etc. These six registers can also be used to
store 16 bit data by using them in pairs as BC, DE, HL. When used in pairs they are also used to
store addresses of memory locations which are 16 bits.

Accumulator is also an 8 bit register which is used to store temporary data. But it has also
other tasks. It is the most important register of a microprocessor and every microprocessor
consists of an accumulator. It is used by the ALU (arithmetic logic unit), during addition or
subtraction operation the result is stored in the accumulator. After which we store it anywhere we
want. Eg. ADD B instruction will add the content of register B (where temporary data is stored)
and accumulator and store the result in the accumulator itself.

This is an 8 bit temporary register which is not used by the user but only used by the
microprocessor itself to store temporary data.

Flag register is normally used to reflect the result of some operations or to control some
operations. Out of the 8 bits only 5 bits are used. Each bit is called as a flag which reflects the
result of some operation or controls some operations.

There are two registers which actually act as pointers. Program counter points to the next
memory address while current instruction is in execution stage.
Eg. 2000H: MOV A,B
2001H: MVI B,32H
When the instruction at the address 2000H is being executed the program counter points to
the next memory address i.e. 2001H. Stack pointer is also a 16 bit pointer which points to the
stack memory.

Q4. State two uses of Accumulator in 8085.

1. Accumulator is also an 8 bit register which is used to store temporary data

2. It is used by the ALU (arithmetic logic unit), during addition or subtraction operation the
result is stored in the accumulator.

Q5. List the Limitation Of 8085 Microprocessor.

i. The 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor hence it can perform operation only on two 8-bit

ii. The 8085 has 16 bit address lines and 8-bit data lines.

iii. The 8085 can address maximum memory of 64 Kb (2^16).

iv. The 8085 cannot perform any operation on ASCII number.

v. The 8085 cannot perform multiplication and division of numbers.

vi. The 8085 cannot perform subtraction, multiplication and division of BCD number.

vii. The 8085 cannot transfer the data directly from one memory to another memory.

viii. The 8085 cannot perform the pipelining of instruction.

Q6. Explain the Evolution of Microprocessors.

Intel developed and delivered the first commercially viable microprocessor way back in the early
1970s: the 4004 and 4040 devices. The 4004 was not very powerful and all it could do was add
and subtract with 4-bit data only at a time. Intel rapidly followed their 4-bit offerings with their
8008 and 8080 eight-bit CPUs. This was not the worlds first personal computer. Intel started
facing competition from Motorola, MOS Technology, and an upstart company formed by
disgruntled Intel employees, Zilog. To compete, Intel produced the 8085 microprocessor. To the
software engineer, the 8085 was essentially the same as the 8080. However, the 8085 had lots of
hardware improvements that made it easier to design into a circuit. The first microprocessor to
make a real splash in the market was the Intel 8088, introduced in 1979 and incorporated into the
IBM PC (which appeared around 1982 for the first time) and then came the phenomenon 8086
and then they moved to the 80286 to the 80386 to the 80486 to the Pentium to the Pentium II to
the Pentium III to the Pentium 4. The Pentium 4 can execute any piece of code that ran on the
original 8086, but it does it about 5,000 times faster!.
Q7. Draw the flag register format of 8085 microprocessor and explain all the flags.

Carry Flag:

During an addition operation if a carry is generated from the MSB or during a subtraction
operation a borrow is generated carry flag sets indicating a carry or borrow respectively.
Therefore when
CF = 1; carry is generated
CF = 0; carry not generated
Auxiliary carry flag:
During an addition operation if a carry is generated from the lower nibble to the higher nibble,
then AC flag sets.

Parity flag:

When an addition, subtraction, multiplication, division or any logical operation takes place
then depending on the result the parity flag gets affected.

p checks the 8 LSBs of the result:

If the number of ones in the 8 LSBs are 0/2/4/6/8 then the parity flag sets i.e. PF = 1
indicating even parity

If the number of ones in the 8 LSBs are 1/3/5/7 then the parity flag resets i.e. PF = 0
indicating odd parity

Zero flag:

Whenever any arithmetic or logical operation takes place and the result is 0 then zero flag sets
to indicate that the result is 0 i.e. ZF = 1.

Eg: Let A = 80H

B = 80H

SUB B instruction is executed. The result obtained is 00H in A register. When p checks this
it has to reflect it somewhere that the result is zero, so it reflects in bit 7 which is reserved for
zero flag by setting its value to 1 i.e. ZF = 1

Sign flag:

Whenever the result of any arithmetic operation is negative the sign flag sets i.e. SF = 1

Q8. Differentiate between 8085 and 8086. (Any 4 points)

8 bit Microprocessor
Accumulator size is 8 bits
Size of ALU is 8bits
Size of data bus is 8 bits
Size of address bus is 16 bits
Memory accessible is 64 Kb
Architecture is a single unit
There is no pipelining
There is no queue register
No memory segmentation

16 bit Microprocessor
Accumulator size is 16 bits
Size of ALU is 16 bits
Size of data bus is 16 bits
Size of address bus is 20 bits
Memory accessible is 1 Mb
Architecture is divided into 2 units
Pipelining concept introduced
6 byte queue register available in the BIU
Memory is divided into segments as: CS, DS,

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