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Ha Doan

Zumba 1035
1- 30- 2016
Food Journal 1
This is food journal 1; Monday, I go to school at 8: pm when I finish
class 9:00 I went to the restaurant eat breakfast by beef noodle soup and
drink with water. After that I come back school study for done my classes and
I go home to take dinner rice with fish, I drink coke, and papaya fruits.
Tuesday: I have classes start at 10: 00am. I eat early with rice soup
and drink water at my house from 8:00 am, after I finish my breakfast and I
come to school. For lunch, I just drink smoothie. At dinner, I eat dry noodle
with fry beef and vegetables.
Wednesday: I come to class at 8:00 and I finish class I go to a
restaurant, eat breakfast is pork noodle soup and drink water. I am done my
classes 3:00pm, I go home to take dinner I just eat rice with fried eggs and I
drink coke.
Thursday: I have long day of classes I eat at my home of fried pork meat
with bread and drink water. When I finished classes too late, I return my
home and take the dinner noodle cup and I drink coke.

Friday: its short day in my classes, I dont eat breakfast; when I finish the
classes I take my lunch eat rice with fried fish and drink water. For dinner, I
have eaten rice soup and drink coke.
Saturday: I wake up late, my family and I come to Burger King we buy a
hamburger to eat. From dinner at home I cook beef noodle soup and eat it.
Sunday: I eat breakfast by beef noodle soup left over. For dinner, my
husband goes to buy pizza at Dominos to eat.

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