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Respiratory System

By Donovan, Zo, Nick, and Christian

What is the respiratory system/what does it do?

-The human respiratory system is a series of organs responsible for
taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.
-The respiratory passageways allow air to pass directly into some of
the most delicate tissues in the body. The respiratory system also
helps the body maintain homeostasis, or balance among the many
elements of the bodys internal environment. Breathing is one of the
main jobs of this system. Breathing occurs when there is movement
of air into and out of the lungs.

How is it organized?
-Different organs, cells, and hairs
-Nose & mouth are passageways
for air
-Pharynx (throat)
-Trachea & Epiglottis
-Vocal chords*
-Bronchi & Bronchioles
*Enabled through respiration and

What types of cells and tissues are part of this system?

- Red blood cells play an important part of the respiratory system
because they collect and carry oxygen to the places in the body that
need it. Without oxygen, brain cells will start dying and it can lead
to death eventually.
-Hemoglobin is a big part because it is so oxygen

How does it function?

- The respiratory functions by your lungs expanding and
contracting, supplying life-sustaining oxygen to your body and
removing from it, a waste product called carbon dioxide. The
muscles of respiration, including the diaphragm and intercostal
muscles, work together to act as a pump, pushing air into and out of
the lungs during breathing.

How does this work with other cells?

-Circulatory system transports O2 and CO2 from
muscles to airways.
-Red blood cells transport the O2 and CO2.
-When you breathe in, your respiratory system
receives fresh oxygen. The oxygen first goes
into your lungs and then into the left side of
your heart. It is then pumped by the heart into
your blood stream

How does it work with other systems?

- Without oxygen, cells cannot produce ATP, which helps them synthesize new
molecules, pump ions, and carry nerve impulses. The whole body relies on the
transportation and disposal of O2 and CO2. The respiratory system gets rid of the oxygen
and carbon dioxide, but it needs the circulatory system to transport the oxygen and CO2 to
the lungs and the other parts of the body.

Diseases that affect the respiratory system

-Respiratory diseases affect the systems ability to bring in oxygen and expel carbon
-Common tracheal diseases include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( a
progressive disease often caused by smoking that causes difficulty in breathing), chronic
bronchitis, emphysema (lung diseases that block airflow, impeding respiration), acute
bronchitis, and cystic fibrosis (a genetic disorder in which the lungs and digestive system
become covered by thick mucus). -Other diseases include pulmonary embolism (blockage
of arteries in the lungs by blood clots) , pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure
affecting lungs, heart, and arteries in those areas), mesothelioma (a form of lung cancer),
pneumonia, tuberculosis, forms of lung cancer, and pneumoconiosis (restrictive breathing
disease caused by inhaling dust). One respiratory disease that hits closer to home is the flu.

Diseases that Affect the Respiratory System

-Many of these diseases rupture the alveoli, bronchi, or other organs
in the system. Some of theses diseases are bacterial or genetic. Diseases can develop through smoking, inhaling unclean air,
contracting infections, or inflammation of the airways. They are
often accompanied by high or low blood pressure and other
cardiovascular complications.

Thanks for

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