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English 103

Essay 1: Identifying Occasions for Argument

Purpose: The main focus for this essay will be analyzing three different kinds of arguments a forensic, deliberative and
ceremonial or epideictic argument. To review these types, refer back to Chapter 1 (see pages 14-16).
Prompt: See RESPOND on page 17 of Everything's an Argument.
In a recent magazine, newspaper, or blog, find three editorialsone that makes a forensic argument, one a deliberative
argument, and one a ceremonial argument. Analyze the arguments by asking these questions: Who is arguing? What
purposes are the writers trying to achieve? To whom are they directing their arguments? Then decide whether the
arguments' purposes have been achieved and how you know.
Important Details:
Length: 4 to 5 pages
Points: 50
Pay close attention to the rubric I'll be using to grade this paper
Demonstrate correct MLA formatting.
When you quote from any of the texts you find, you must include in-text citation.
Please include a Works Cited page that show the three editorials you are analyzing
Use 1 margins and Times or Times New Roman 12 font; insert a header on each page; and provide a creative
title that is centered
Analyze/discuss each of the three articles sequentially or one at a time.
When discussing an editorial begin by stating the title, source and author
Strategies for Success:
o Read and refer back to Chapter 1
o Carefully read the assignment on page 17 (shown above)
o Go through each step of the writing process and allow yourself enough time
o Review the grading rubric for this paper
o Ask questions
o For extra help, make arrangements to meet with a tutor at the writing center, or share your draft with me.
o Remember to submit your final draft to and to print out the rubric and attach it to your hard copy
(back page).

Due Dates:
Peer Response Workshop:
Final Draft:

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