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Ogunsola Emmanuel


Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Adam 1

King David 2

King Solomon 2

King Jehoshaphat 3

Effects of Partnering with the Devil 3-4

Information 4

Satan’s Business Partner

So many Christians these days are so careless with their
lives that they go into business agreement or contract with any
one they come across, even the devil! I know this will surprise
you and you may wonder how possible this is, but I will
definitely let you know that so many people have gone into
contract with the devil. Fasten your seatbelts!
Going into a business agreement with the Devil may also be
termed going into joint venture or partnership with the Devil.
A partnership subsist where two or more people carry on a
business in common for profit motive while a joint venture
exist within at least two persons also. The only difference is
that the joint venture is for a shorter period of time.
In considering this topic, we will consider the lives of Adam,
King David, King Solomon and King Jehoshaphat.

In considering Adam’s contract with the Devil, we cannot
underestimate the role that Eve played. God placed Adam in
the garden of Eden and made Eve his helpmate. The woman
went into contract with Satan by having a tete-a-tete with
Satan, the result of which was eating the forbidden fruit.
Already, God had commanded them not to eat of the fruit of
the tree in the midst of the garden and that had been kept as a
statute until the day the woman decided to stand with the
enemy to chat with him. She ate the fruit and also gave her
husband of it to eat. The man never took heed to himself and
just took the fruit from her and ate it. Despite the fact that he
knew it was wrong to eat the fruit, he never thought of

1 Satan’s Business Partner

reporting to God. Pastor E. S. Ariyo once said “Adam should
have shouted repeatedly until God would come down to ask
him what the matter was with him and probably God would
have savaged the situation”. So, it can be said that Adam
entered a contract with the Devil - his wife being the Agent.
This account is found in Genesis 3:1-6.

King David was a man after God’s heart, for so God called
him. He ruled in righteousness and was well favoured with
God. But one evening, when he was supposed to be at the war
front, he stayed back in his house and went up the roof. There
and then he saw a woman bathing from afar off. The result
was the eruption of a sensual desire in him which led to
fornication and murder of the husband - Uriah. This account is
found in 2 Sam. 11:1-17.

Solomon, the son of David begotten to him by Bathsheba
became the king in David’s stead. He started out well but
loved women like his father. The result was having 700 wives
and 300 concubines. From the wives and concubines he had,
the Bible gave a record of how Solomon’s heart was turned
away from the Lord his God. This is because he married
women from the nations which God commanded Israel not to
intermarry with. These wives made him to serve the
abomination of many nations including Astarte of Sidon,
Molech of Ammon, Chemosh of Moab, etc. These wives made
Solomon to break God’s covenant and commands. Read it in 1
Kg. 11:1-11.
Satan’s Business Partner 2

The Holy Bible gave an account of the Kingship of
Jehoshaphat in 2 Chro. 17, being the successor of King Asa.
Jehoshaphat, like Asa, was a God-fearing man who forbid the
worship of Baal in Israel. He turned to the Lord his God with
his whole heart and became exceedingly great. The problem
started when he became King Ahab’s in-law. King Ahab was
the King of Israel when Jehoshaphat was King in Judah. His in-
law beckoned him to go with him to war against Ramothgilead,
to which he consented. Although on acceding, Jehoshaphat
requested that God should be consulted, but he did not
persuade Ahab in hearkening to the true prophet - Micaiah.
Instead, he followed Ahab in believing the false prophets
(noise-makers) that all prophesied falsely. The result was
almost the loss of life of King Jehoshaphat, if not for God. The
Bible made us to understand that the Children of darkness are
wiser in their generation than the children of light. Ahab
knew that King of Ramothgilead would want to attack him, so
he asked Jehoshaphat to put on his robe while he wore mufti.
A powerful subtlety. As if that was not enough, in the later
years of Jehoshaphat’s reign, he liaised with another King of
Israel - Ahaziah without reckoning with God. What he did with
the man was to build ships which they did. But because he left
God out of the matter, there was a punishment - “And the
ships were wrecked and never sailed” - what a waste.

Effects of Partnering with the Devil

1. Loss of integrity, excellent state and stoppage of access to
God. This could be seen in the case of Adam and Eve.

Satan’s Business Partner 3

2. Scolding from the Lord for someone He loves.
3. Losing God’s mercy and grace and living in
unlimited disgrace.
4. Death! Wanton destruction and waste.

So, make up your mind to put the devil at an arm’s length.

He need not be partnered with as you will blame yourself for
doing so.

This book is written by Ogunsola Emmanuel and is distributed electronically. To
order a copy, e-mail me and put the topic “Satan’s Business Partner” in the subject
line. Better still, you can log on to my website for more information.

God bless you as you read.

4 Satan’s Business Partner


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