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Bhati 1/22

Think about meaning all semester interpretive strategies

and explicating (more interested in meaning)
Literary criticism as going beyond simple explication
Baisel Bunting reading poetry
A work of art is also an experience, an event in our psychological
narrative? Our experience existing and identity. An event we ascribe
meaning to!
The domestic can still be revelatory.
Theory is grounded in language, it has roots in whats actually going on
in the damn poem. Take a scalpel to the sentences to try and
understand the prose grammar meaning to explicate then analyze
Personal analysis of each poem to break each piece into manageable
Create meaning out of analysis and a kind of translation of the
language to better understand the meaning of the work. The
interpretation of the poems means getting at the connotative, the
abstract of it
Looking for correspondences between sign and signifier, is it fixed
changed subjective changeable? Is there, and what is it, the
correspondence between the reality of the poem and reality
surrounding the poet.
Simile comparison using like or as establish a correspondence
through like or as
Metaphor establishes a correspondence between two things with
an idea.
If correspondence establishes meaning then how do we break out of
the initial socialized boundaries of our knowledge and create new
means of correspondence?
Correspondence does have to happen, but through metaphor and
not through literal comparisons to the

Suggestion vs statement

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