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Short adjectives

Examples :
fat = gras
thin = slab
big = mare
small = mic

slim = subire,zvelt
tall = nalt
short = scund ,scurt
long = lung

fast = repede
slow = ncet,lent
dry = uscat
wet = ud

ugly =urt
young = tnr
old = btrn / vechi
new = nou

Comparativul adjectivelor scurte se formeaz prin adugarea terminaiei er :

Ex. tall = nalt
old = btrn / vechi

taller = mai nalt

older = mai btrn / mai vechi

Superlativul adjectivelor scurte se formeaz prun adugarea terminaiei est i a

articolului the :
Ex. small = mic

the smallest = cel mai mic

new = nou

the newest = cel mai nou

Excepii :
good = bun
bad = ru

better = mai bun

the best = cel mai bun

worse = mai ru

he worst = cel mai ru

much= mult/mult

more = mai mult()

many = muli/multe

more = mai muli/multe

little = puin

less = mai puin

the most = cel/cea mai mult()

the most = cei(cele) mai muli/multe

the least = cel mai puin

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