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YEAR: 2011

WHO: Zuzana Veselska et al

(, Andrea Madarasova Geckova, Sijmen A. Reijneveld, Jitse P. van Dijk)
WHERE: 501 elementary-school students (mean
age 14.70.9 years, 48.5% males) from the Slovak and Czech Republic
completed the Self-competence/Self-liking scale,

Zuzana Veselska et. al . (2011), the differences were much more pronounced for girls than for
boys. Self-liking and social self-efcacy were higher among adolescentboys with higher
frequency of physical activity. At the same time, positiveself-esteem, self-liking, self-competence
and general and social self efcacy were higher, and negative self-esteem was lower among
adolescent girls with a higher frequency of physical activity. Results hold for young
adolescents from Slovakia and Czech Republic in a similar way. The study used the Self-liking
and Competence Scale (SLCS) in Slovak and Czech Republic.

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