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Collaborative assignment

Assignment 3 is a group assignment.

The (text file of the) assignment should be prefaced by a small introductory
paragraph acknowledging the respective contributions of each group member. Not
contributing will lead to exclusion from the group. If possible do most of your way in
a way that what you do is recorded or documented so that dispute about individual
contribution is minimized.
The task is as follows:
1. Design a scenario of a distance education / e-learning or lifelong learning
project, and
2. Undertake a costing exercise for this scenario.
The outcome will consist of three documents:
(i) a full description of the project (text file: 2000 words); (This may include a
justification of your media choice.)
(ii) a cost analysis in spreadsheet format
(iii) a recorded voice over power point presentation (along the line of the text).
There is the temptation to work very close to assignment 2. If well done this earns you
B. For excellence you need to take the risk of devising a slightly more complex

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