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April 2001 ORD 546) ‘Sub. Code : 4067 SECOND MBBS, DEGREE EXAMINATION. (on-Semester) (Revised Regulations) Paper VII — FORENSIC MEDICINE (INCLUDING MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE AND TOXICOLOGY) ‘Maximum : 100 marks ‘Theory: 70 marks Time : Taree hours ‘Two and a halfhoure ‘or Theory ‘MQ: 80 minutes (McQ: 0 marks M.C.Q. must be answered separately on the answer sheet proved. ‘Asawer ALL questions Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary. 1, Differentiate between still birth and live birth. Describe features of ive birth a5) 2. Define drunkenness, Describe linia) features, treatment and port-mortem appearance of methanol olsoning. as) ‘Write short notes on (@x5=40) (2) Post-mortem ealoriety (©) Hyoid bone (©) Abrasion cllar (@ Sexual perversions (@) Polygraph (Dying decaration (@ Consent (4) Phytotorn, November 2001 IKE 546) ‘Sub. Code : 4067 a ‘SECOND MBBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (on-Semester) (Revised Regulations) Paper VII — FORENSIC MEDICINE (INCLUDING MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE AND TOXICOLOGY) ‘Time: Taree hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks ‘Two and a half hours "Theory: 70 marks for Theory MCQ : 80 minutos MQ: 0 marks ‘M.C.Q must be anzwered separately on the answer sheet provided. Answer ALL questions Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessry. 1. Enumerate the changes that oscur in the body after death, briefly describe the Rigor mortis. (15) 2, Describe the signs and symptoms, dingnosis, treatinent end post-mortem appearances’ in cate of ‘barbiturate poisoning a5) Write short nates on (8x5=40) (a) Dying declaration () Tofamous conduct (©) Delusion (@) Section 375 of Indian Penal Code (@) Run amok (0 Gustafeon's method (@ Cafe coronary () Past mortum Appearance of Drowning. 2 UKE 546) March 2002 (kG 546} Sub. Code: 4067 ‘SECOND M.B.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Noo-Semester) (Revised Regulations) Paper VII — FORENSIC MEDICINE (eluding Medical Jurisprudence and Toxieslogy) ‘Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 masks ‘Twoand «half hours ‘Theory : 70 marks for Theory and 20 minutes NCQ : 80 marks for MOQ 1MCQ must be answered separately on the enswer sheet provided. Section A and B tobe answered in the same answer book, ‘Answer ALL questions. Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessry. SECTION A Classify Asphyrinl forms of death. Describe the post mortem fndings in ese of death due to hanging. a5) 2. Write short notes on (a) Bxpert witness, (©) Suportoctation. (©) Acute lead poisoning. (@) Vienrious liability SECTIONB 3. How will you diagnose a case of poisoning? ‘Mention the duties of a doctor attending on s caso of poisoning. a5) 4 Write short notes on 4x5 =20) (@) Stopafying agents () Changes in the eye ater deeth, (©) Hallucination. @ Dowry deaths October-2008 (KS 546] Sub. Code : 4067 TL, Write short notes on (20x5=50) (2) Superimposition oS ea () Collection of evidence in rape cases (c) Signs of recent delivery in the deed (2) Tatoo mares ierae epee (©) Consumer protection act (© Criminal responsibility of mentally il persor (@) Method of examination of heart in autopsy (Non-Semester) Paper VII — FORENSIC MEDICINE. (lneluding Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology) (2) Conecpt of rain death ‘Time: Taree hours Maximum : 100 marks @) Medicologal aspects of artificial insemination ‘Theory : Two hours and ‘Theory : 60 marke @)Locards principle of exchange. forty minutes McQ: Twenty minutes McQ : 20 marks ‘Answer ALL questions Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary. 1 Write Bssay (2x15 =30) (1) Classify mechanical injuries. Mention the diference between lacerations and incised wounds, (2) Classify poisons. Outtine the goneral lines of management of «case of acute poisoning. 2 (6s 546) August 2004 (KL 546] ‘Sub. Code : 4067 “SECOND M.BBS, DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Non-Semester) (Revised Regulations) Paper Vil — FORENSIC MEDICINE (eluding Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology) ‘Time "Three hours "Theory :Two hours and Maximum : 100 marks ‘Theory: 80 marks forty minutes M.CQ : Twenty minutes M.CQ.: 20marks Answer ALL questions, rave suitable diagrams wherever necessary 1 Write Basay x18 =30) (2) Classify the Postmortem changes. Describe the muscular changes ina dead body. (2) What are the functions of State Medical Councils? Outline the examples of serious professional ‘misconduct contained in the warning note Write short notes on (0x5 =50) (4) Modicologal importance of age. ©) Objectives of Modicolegal Autopsy. (©) Duties of Medical practitioner in the cases of poisoning. (2) Section 920 LP. (©) Testamentary capacity in insanity. (0. Signs of virginity. (@ Salient Postmortem findings in Drowning. () Magistrate's Inquest (@)_Rales of Medical Termination of Pregnancy © Phombism, 2 UKL 546) (KM 646) Sub. Code : 4067 ‘SECOND MBBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (oa Semester) (Revised Regulations) Paper VII— FORENSIC MEDICINE, (eluding Medial Jurisprodence and Texiology) ‘Time: Three hours ‘Maximum 100 marke ‘Theory : Two hours and ‘Theory: 80 marks forty minutes McQ: Twenty minutes Moq : 20 marks ‘Anewer ALL questions Draw suitable disgrams wherever necessary. Lo Write Besay: @x15=3) (1) What is a fire arm? Classify Gre arma. Describe the fotures of « wound of entry by a zevalver at close range. Adda note on ricochet bullet (2) Describe the logal and medical duties of « Aoctar ina ease of suspected poisoning. Explain the ‘methods of decontamination in an ingested poison. August-2008 IL Write Short Notes 02 (dox5= 60) © » © ® © Cy) © o @ o Dactstography Mummfiation, Explain bloodless dissection of neck Fale of ninee in burns ‘Cut throat injury Precipitate delivery ‘Battered baby syndrome Features of datura poisoning Management of carbamate poisoning Privileged communication. ‘August-2005 IKN 546] Sub. Code: 4067 TL Write short notes on: 0x5 =80) (a) Taformed consent SECOND M.B.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION. () Hallucinations (Non-Semester) (©) Precipitin tost, (Revised Regulations) (@) Features of maceration Paper VII— FORENSIC MEDICINE (@) Features of «stab wound (neluding Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology) (© Contrecoup injury ‘Tyme: Three hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks 12 ietnaiece WEL boon, bo che ‘Theory = Two hours and ‘Theory: 90 marks forty minutes 6 M.CQ.: Twenty minutes MCQ: 20marks Answer ALL questions eee eee ‘Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary. oe Write Bssay (2x15=30) (1) What is medical negligence? Decerbe the ingredients ef negligence. Explain any four defences against negligence. (2) Describe the signs, symptoms and treatment of Plumbiam. 2 (KN 546), February-2006 (KO 546) ‘Sub. Code : 4067 TL Write short notes on : (0x (a) Hostile witnoas. (&) Profesional secrecy. (0 Recaption order on Petition. ‘SECOND MBBS, DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semesta) Regulations Paper VIt — FORENSIC MEDICINE (2) Indecent aueault acing Medical Jurisprudence and Tesicalogy) Gi belocicd wecnds. ‘Time: Thrve hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks ie Rabaul! ‘ ‘Theoey Two hours and ‘Thoory: 80 marks forty minutes (@) MeNaughten Rulon, MOQ : Twenty minutos MOQ: 20 marks ) Toxalbumion, Answer ALL questions. (@ Giiewsa kant, raw suitable diagrams wherever necessary. © Gastric lavage. Write Benay: x16 =30) (1). Deserbe the differnt causes of denth and ‘the Post mortem changes ia a cate of death due to Hanging. Baumerata tho differences betwoon hanging and ligature strangulation. (2) Describe the signs and symptoms and the ‘treatment of poisoning by Methyl Alsbol, August-2006 OKP 546) ‘Sub. Code : 4067 ‘SECOND M.B.BS, DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Paper VII— FORENSIC MEDICINE (cluding Medical Jurispradence and Toxicology) ‘Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 marks ‘Theory :Two hours and ‘Theory: 80 marks forty minutes M.CQ.: Twenty minutos CQ :20 marks Answer ALL questions. Draw suitable diagrams wherever necostary. LWrite Eesay ont 1, What is somatic death? Classify the signs of death? Discuss with examples how you will estimate the time since death? Add a nsto on suspended animation? a) 2 Define Insanity? Discuss the procedures of restraining of an Insane person and criterias for sscharging tho mentally il person from the hospital. a5) 3. What are the features of an Ideal suicidal poison? Discuss the factors which modify the action of tho poison in the body? Addu note on'Para suicide? (5) TL. Write short notes o (6x5 =30) (a) Doctor in the witness box, (0) Treatment of cyanide poisoning (@ Traumatic asphyxia. (@) See 320, Indian Penal Code LP.C.). (e) Viearious liability © Complications of criminal abortion. February-2007 1KQ 546) Sub. Code : 4067 TL Weta Short notson (xs230) (2) Testamentary capacity. SECOND M.B.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, Hie (2) Artefacta (Non Semester) (2) Fitgree burns Revised Regulations (4) Dowry deaths Paper VII — FORENSIC MEDICINE (cluding Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology) (8) Cardise poisons ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 100 marke (6) Forensie science laboratory ‘Theery : Two hours and ‘Theory: 80:marks forty minutes M.CQ Twenty minutos M.CQ.: 20marks Answer ALL questions Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary. 1 Write Baaay : (2) Classify Mechanical injuries, Describe the various typos of fractures of the skull. What is Contre-coup injury. 2) (2) Define the term professional misconduct Discuss bow diseiplinary control over medical profession exercised. as) (®) Define Rape. Describe the procedure of ‘examination ofa victim of rape. Add a note on materials {we prosorved during examination, as) August-2007 ORR 546) ‘Sub. Code : 4067 3. Classify poisons? Describe the signs, symptoms ‘and treatment in acute barbiturate poisoning? (15) ‘SECOND M.B.B.S, DEGREE EXAMINATION, 4. Write short notes on (6x6 =90) (a) Rewipea loquitor, (on-Semester) : () Inquest. Revised Regulations (©) Feigned insanity. Paper VII — FORENSIC MEDICINE @) MTP Act—1971. (o) Delirium tremens. (eluding Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology) ne (Artificial insemination ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks ‘Theory : Two hours and ‘Theory : 80 marks forty minutes M.CQ.: Twenty minutos M.CQ:20 marke Answer ALL questions. raw suitable diagrams wherever necessary Write Basays : 1, What is identification? What are the difforent data tied for identieation of a person? 0) 2, Discuss the Patho-Physiclogy of drowning and ‘add a note on Post mortem findings and ewuros of doxth in drowning? a8) FEBRUARY 2008 Oks 546] ‘Sub. Code : 4067 SECOND M.B.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, (Non-Semester) Revised Regulations Paper Vil — FORENSIC MEDICINE QP. Code : 624067 ncluding Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology) ‘Time: Three hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks ‘Theory :Two hours and ‘Theory : 80 marks forty minutes M.c.Q.: Twenty minutes M.C.Q.:20 marks ‘Draw suitable diagram wherever necessary. ‘Anewor ALL questions 1 Write Besay: 1. Whatis postmortem interval? Discuss in detail the various factors that are helpful in determining the postinertem interval? 5) 2, _ Define drunkeneas. What are the various stages of ficobolic intake? Write in detail about the clinical Gxaminetion of @ person who has consumed othyl ‘alcohol. is) Write short notes on: (10x 5 = 50) @) co) © @ © © © ow ® o Subpoena Corpus delitt Atavism Laceration Penal erasure Contributory negligence Section 84 IPe ‘Tea for live birth Brain stem death Judicial hanging. 2 UKs 640)

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