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Leading to a Bright Future

Year 3 Unit of Inquiry 4 Overview

HOW WE EXPRESS OURSELVES: An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature,
culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the
Central Idea
Authors use different techniques for specific purposes.
Form, Causation, Connection
Related concepts
storytelling, influences, audience, interpretation, the writing process, perspective
Lines of Inquiry
Exploration of techniques
Authors write for different purposes and audiences
Personal experiences that enable audiences to connect with texts


Phonics, Spelling and Vocabulary

Use and spell compound words.

Learn rules for adding -ing, -ed, -s to verbs.
Consider how choice of words can heighten meaning.
Infer the meaning of unknown words from the context.
Explore vocabulary for introducing and concluding dialogue, e.g. said, asked.

Grammar and Punctuation


Maintain accurate use of capital letters and full stops in showing sentences.
Learn the basic conventions of speech punctuation and begin to use speech marks.
Use question marks, exclamation marks, and commas in lists.
Continue to improve consistency in the use of tenses.
Ensure grammatical agreement of pronouns and verbs in using standard English.
Begin to vary sentence openings, e.g. with simple adverbs.

Fiction and Poetry

Identify different types of stories and typical story themes.

Consider words that make an impact, e.g. adjectives and powerful verbs.
Read and comment on different books by the same author.
Read play-scripts and dialogue, with awareness of different voices.
Practise learning and reciting poems.
Begin to infer meanings beyond the literal, e.g. about motives and character.


Develop descriptions of settings in stories.

Write portraits of characters.
Plan main points as a structure for story writing.
Write simple play-scripts based on reading.
Begin to organise writing in sections or paragraphs in extended stories.
Use reading as a model for writing dialogue.
Write and perform poems, attending to the sound of words.

Speaking and Listening

Practise to improve performance when reading aloud.

Begin to adapt movement to create a character in drama.


Mental strategies
Know multiplication/division facts for 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables
Begin to know 4x table
Recognise two- and three-digit multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Work out quickly the doubles of numbers 1 to 20 and derive the related halves
Work out quickly the doubles of multiples of 5 (< 100) and derive the related halves
Work out quickly the doubles of multiples of 50 to 500
Multiplication and division
Understand the effect of multiplying two-digit numbers by 10
Multiply single-digit numbers and divide two-digit numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10
Multiply teens numbers by 3 and 5
Understand and apply the idea that multiplication is commutative
Length, mass and capacity
Choose and use appropriate units and equipment to estimate, measure and record measurements
Know the relationship between kilometres and metres, metres and centimetres, kilograms and grams, litres and
Read to the nearest division or half division, use scales that are numbered or partially numbered
Solve word problems involving measures
Problem Solving
Using techniques and skills in solving mathematical problems
Check multiplication by reversing the order, e.g. checking that 6 x 4 = 24 by doing 4 x 6

Week 1-5 Learn about:
some daily fruit and vegetable in Chinese
express what fruit/vegetable one likes/dislikes
learn to talk about the favourite fruit/vegetable of
the family
Learn radicals: and write characters

Drawing, colouring and labelling

Match up words with pictures of fruit/vegetable and
presentation about fruits and vegetable.
Colour and Value
Central Idea: Colours influences how we feel about
Colour mixing
Batik (oil resist)
Colours reflect mood
Intermediate colours are created by mixing primary and
secondary colours.
Students will continue their study of basic notation and
use the pentatonic scale to compose a short melody for
Xylophone. They will also compose a short sound-scape
using non-traditional notation. Children will learn and
perform the Little Red Riding Hood rap.

2. Aware of Art Elements

Vietnamese National Curriculum (VNC)

In unit 4, year 3 VNC will start with the 3 new topics: The
four seasons (Bn Ma)/ Birds (Chim Chc)/ Animals
(Mung Th). Through these students will have chances
to learn new vocabulary, new grammatical points, how to
write a paragraph as well as review the phonic.
Stories/ educational games/ activities.will be added.

Physical Education
During the fourth unit of inquiry, students in Physical
Education will participate in football and related activities.
They will focus on working together in a team
environment and the importance of communication and
cooperation. Students will work to improve their football
skills and understanding of attacking and defensive
Vietnamese Language and Culture (VLC)
*Language focus: FEELINGS AND USEFUL
Year 3 will continue their next VLC topics with Feelings
and Useful Expressions. During VLC lessons, the
students will learn how to say different feelings through a
variety of language games. They will also learn some
useful phrases and a new sentence structure to express
their feelings in Vietnamese.
*Culture focus: Focus on Tet decorations and wishes

Miss Naomi Stewart

Miss Kellie Packer

Ms Ben Mansell
Ms Alex Andrews

Year 3 Teachers
Thu Thiem Campus

Year 3 Teachers
Thao Dien Campus

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