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CUVANT iNAINTE FOREWORD Eurocodurile structurale 1, Seurt istoric” Idea de a initia elaborarea unor norme internationale pentru proiectarea structurilor s-2 niscut in 1974, si are la baza cooperarea dintre cAteva organizatii profesional-stiintifice, cu activitate bine cunoscut, in domeniul constructiilor. organizatii, in domeniul principiilor, agrementirii tehnice si prestandardizirii a fost si este de o importanti deosebiti pentru standardizarea intemationala. Experti din multe fari, ce fac parte din aceste organizatii, schimb& opinii in legdituré cu munca stiingificd si experienta practic’. Fri obligatia de a formula reguli, acestea elaboreazi rapoarte si, pe cit posibil, recomandiii de calcul si proiectare. Standardizarea internationala nu este posibil firi o pregitire prealabilé si fir conventii mutuale intre asemenea organizati. In sectoral constructiilor, urmitoarele organizatii sunt implicate in elaborarea normelor de calcul si de proiectare: TABSE-Asociatia International pentru Poduri si Structuri Ingineresti CIB-Consiliul Intemational penta Cercetare, Studiu si Documentare in domeniul Constr RILEM-Asociatia International pentru Testarea si Cercetarea in Laborator a Materialelor si Constructiilor CEB-Comitetu! Euro-International pentru Beton FIP-Federatia Internationala pentru Beton Precomprimat ECCS-Conventia European’ pentru Constructii Metalice JCSS-Comitetul pentru Siguranta Structurilor ISSMFE-Societatea Intemational pentru Mecanica Piménturilor si Ingineria Fundatiilor. Regulile de baz pentru calculul structurilor au fost realizate printr-o strdns& cooperare in cadrul JCSS. S-au formulat conditiile de siguranfi si exploatare pe baza conceptului de rise, in funcfie de criteriile de fiabilitate ale structurilor. Aceste conditii au asigurat baza conmund a normelor de calcul. The Structural Eurocodes 1. Short History” The idea to develop models for an international set of Codes for structural design was bor in 1974 based on an agreement between several technical-scientific organisations. The activities of these organisations in the field of co-ordination of principles, agreement on technical matters and prestandardisation were and are outstanding importance for international standardisation. They comprise experts from many countries serving the exchange of scientific findings and practical experiences. Without the obligation for formulating mandatory rules, state-of-the-art reports are elaborated, and also-as far as possible and necessary-recommendations for corresponding ‘future rales (e.g. Model Codes). There would be not international standardisation without the preparatory work and without the smutual agreement in these organisations. In the construction sector, the following associations involved in this preparatory work in particular: JABSE-International Association for Bridge and ‘Structural Engineering CiB-International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation RILEM-Intemational Association of the Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Constructions CEB-Euro-International Committee for Concrete FiP-Intemational Federation for Prestressed Concrete ECCS-European Convention for Constructional Steeiworks JCSS-Joint Committee on Structural Safety ISSMFE-Intemational Society fer Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. In close co-operation the common basic rales for structural design were developed in the JCSS. Requirements for safety and serviceability of structures based on the principle of risk in terms of reliability conditions were formulated. It was the aim to use these rules as a common basis for the material-related design codes. (1) G. Breitschaft, L. Oestlund, M. Kersken-Bradly, The Structural” Eurocodes-Conceptual Approach, IABSE Conference on Structural Eurocodes, Davos 1992. Pe aceasti baza, unele dintre organizatiile implicate, respectiv CEB, CIB, ECSS si o parte din ISSMFE, au realizat modele sau recomandéi pentru normele de calcul. in acest mod, s-au creat premizele necesare intocmirii si elaboririi- “Eurocodurilor Structurale“, urmirindu-se 0 armonizare a principiilor cadru pe doud directii, respectiv: -de-a lungul granitelor statelor participante la actiuni si -intre diferite materiale de constructii, metode de constructic, tipuri de clidiri si constructii ingineresti. Aceste criterii de armonizare au favorizat compatibilizarea normelor intre ele si obtinerea unor nivele de fiabilitate comparabile. La sffrgitul deceniului sapte, Comisia Comunitijii Europene a luat initiativa elaboriii Eurocodurilor, folosind activitatea de pregitire mentionati anterior. Sub conducerea Comitetului Conductor. din cadral Comisiei CE (CEC), primul proiect individual de tip Eurocode (pentru structuri metalice) a fost pregitit de un grup tehnic de Tucru in concordangi cu principiile de baz ale standardizirii, adicd cu 0 _participarea cuprinzitoare si reprezentativi a organizatiilor expert si a specialistilor. 2. Baza legala” principiile de functionare a Comunitiii Economice Europene a fost stabiliti prin Tratatul de la Roma, in 1957. Incepand din 1985, acest tratat a fost modificat si completat, printr-o serie de decizii in vederea creirii Pietei Europene Unice pind in 1992. Prin Actul European Unic din 1987, s-au pus bazele initierii procesului de armonizare la nivel comunitar a regulilor si normelor tehnice ca premiz a climinirii barierelor existente, din acest punct de vedere, in cadrul liberei circulatii a mirfurilor si a schimbului de servicii. Pentru a realiza si impune asemenea misuri, Comunitatea European acfioneaz4 in plan juridic printr-o Directiva a Consiliului. Prin Directiva Consiliului se definesc cerinfele esenfiale Ia nivelul produselor sau a instalatiilor, urmind ca, ulterior si fie elaborate specificati tehnice si. standarde de c&tre Organizatia Europeanii de: Standardizare (CEN/CENELEC). Dup& adoptarea acestor norme, in urma votului u Some of the organisations, such as‘CEB, CIB, ECSS and parts of ISSMFE, developed then models or recommendations for the material- related design codes based on the agreed common rules as mentioned above. Thus the technical basis was prepared for a formal establishment of the “Structural Eurocodes” with the aim of a two-dimensional harmonisation: -across the borders of states, -between different construction _ materials, construction methods, types of building and civil engineering works, 10 achieve full consistency and compatibility of the various codes with each other and to obtain comparable safety levels. Already at the ead of the seventies the Commission of the European Communities took the initiative for elaborating the Eurocodes by using the above preparatory work. Directed by a Steering Committee chaired by the EC Commission (CEC) the first drafts of the individual Eurocodes were prepared by technical working groups in accordance with the basic principles of standardisation, ie. with comprehensive participation of expert organisations and professions. 2. Legal Background” The Roman Treaties of 1957 establishing the European Economic Community have beea modified and amended since 1985 by essential decision taken in order to create the conditions for completing the Internal Market until 1992. On the basis of the European Single Act of 1987 it was intended to initiate a comprehensive harmonisation of technical rules and regulations in order to remove-among other things-technical barriers to the free movement of goods and to the exchange of services. For realising measures of this kind, the European Community disposes of the legal instrument of the Council Directive. A Council Directive defines the essential requirements for the range of products or plants to be regulated and refers, for the rest, to European technical specifications consisting, in general, of European standards established by the European Standard Organisation CEN/CENELEC. After adoption exprimat in cadrul Consiliul de Ministrii, printr-o Directiva a Consiliul acestea se transpun in legi nationale ale statelor membre. in sectorul constructiilor, armonizarea Ja nivel european se realizeazi prin urmitoarele documente: -Directiva Lucririlor Publice 89/440/EEC si -Directiva referitoare la Servicii (Proiect) Acestea stabilesc att principiile de functionare ale pietei in “domeniul constructiilor, cat si criteriile de elaborare a normelor tehnice. la si referitoare Iegilor, _normelor Directiva Consiliul interpretarea/corelarea decretelor din fZrile membre ale uniunii, in legitura cu industria de constructii este de prima ‘importanga. Ea se aplica intregului “sectorul de constructii” si, defineste de la inceput principalele cerint urmitoarele domenii - rezistenfa i stabilitate i - siguranta la foc - igien’, sinState si mediu inconjuritor -siguranfi in exploatare - protectia impotriva zgomotului -economia energiei si retinerea cildurii. Directiva Consiliului cu privire la industria de i oblig’ statele membre si ia masuri pentru_ca specificafiile tehnice europene, si devin’ valabile in aceste tari, urmind ca standardele si normativele _nationale corespunzittoare si fie retrase din folosinta dup’ © perioada stabilita. Mandatele date de CEC. citre CEN pentru armonizarea standardelor se bazeazi pe aga numitele Documente Interpretative. Directiva. Consiliului defineste prin aceste documente interpretative specificatiile tehnice ~ guropene in felul urmitor: _ Ga’ standarde armonizate, elaborate de CEN sau CENELEC, pe baza unor mandate date de cltre _ Comisia Comunitiii Europene (CEC) sau; ‘Sa aprobari tehnice europene, rezultate in urma ‘Wviaului statelor membre, in cazul in. care ipapisdcle armonizate nu exist. Tnfcorelare ‘cu “Nowa metodologie pentru armonizare tehni¢a si standardizare“ adoptata ® Britt Rezolutia Consiliului in mai 1985, actiunea within the Council of Ministers by weighted voting, a Council Directive has to be transposed into national law of the Member States. Jn the construction sector, -the Public Works Directive 89/440/EEC and -the Service Directive (Draft) are thus important for the harmonisation of technical rules, as in the request for tenders and placing of orders on public construction works and engineering services the harmonised European technical specifications have to be used as a technical basis. The Council Directive on the approximation of Jaws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to constructions products (CPD 89/106/EEC) is of central importance. It applies to the whole “construction sector” and defines right at the beginning the essential requirements in the following fields: -mechanical resistance and stability ~safety in case of fire -Aygiene, health and the environment -safety in use -protection against noise “energy economy and heat retention. The Council Directive oa Building Products obliges the Member States to take care that these European technical specifications become valid in their relevant countries and to withdraw their corresponding national standards or rules after a certain period of transition. The mandates given by the CEC to CEN for the establishment of a harmonised standard are based on the relevant “Interpretative Documents”. The Council Directive on Building Products defines in these interpretative documents the European technical specifications -as harmonised standards established by CEN or CENELEC, respectively, on behalf of a mandate given by the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) or; -as European technical approvals issued by the relevant approval bodies nominated by the Member States in cases where harmonised standards do not or not yet exist. With reference to the so-called “New Approach to. technical harmonisation and standards” adopted by a Council Resolution of May 1985 mo

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