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La experiencia turstica ms emocionante que he tenido fue

cuando fui a Piura. Exactamente a Paita para visitar a mis tos
y primos, el viaje lo realice en vacaciones de fin de ao, as
que fui a la empresa de transporte Chiclayo para comprar mi
boleto que me cost S/.20.00. Para las 8:00 am. Estbamos
esperando el autobs cuando escuch que anunciaban a los pasajeros la salida a Piura,
que se acercaran a la zona de embarque. A las 8:30 am estbamos saliendo de Chiclayo.
En Piura llegamos a las 11:15 am, y luego un taxi me llev al terminal para comprar mi
boleto, para poder viajar a Paita el costo fue de s/. 5,00. Un da decidimos ir a la playa y
cuando nos estbamos acercando a la playa observamos una gran multitud de personas
cerca al muelle, as que decidimos acercarnos para saber el
motivo de tanta gente en ese lugar. Cuando llegamos le
preguntamos a un seor por qu tanta gente, l nos respondi
que una orca estaba atrapada en el muelle, nos acercamos un
poco ms y en realidad all estaba luchando por liberarse,
despus de mucho tiempo por fin logr liberarse y cuando lo hizo,
dio un aletazo que al final nos moj a todos los presentes. Todo el tiempo que estuve en
Paita hice muchos amigos y hasta ahora siempre nos mantenemos en contacto a travs
de Facebook.
Finalmente, les estbamos contando nuestra experiencia a mis tos que estaban sentados
en la mesa conmigo disfrutando de un delicioso con arroz chaufa con ceviche mixto y
chicha de jora.

The most exciting tourist experience I ever had was when I went to Piura. Exactly Paita to
visit my uncles and cousins, the trip will take place in year-end holidays, so I went to the
shipping company Chiclayo to buy my ticket cost me S / .20.00. To 8:00 am. We were
waiting for the bus when I heard announcing to passengers output to Piura, from
approaching the boarding area. At 8:30 am we were out of Chiclayo. In Piura we arrived at
11:15 am, and then a taxi took me to the station to buy my ticket, to travel at Paita the
cost was s /. 5.00. One day we decided to go to the beach and when we were approaching
the beach to see a large crowd of people near the pier, so we decided to get closer to
understand why so many people there. When we arrived we asked a man why so many
people, he answered us that a killer was caught in the spring, we went a little further and
actually there was fighting for freedom, after a long time finally managed to free himself

and when he did He gave a aletazo dipped in the end we all present. All the time I was in
Paita made many friends and so far we always keep in touch through Facebook.
Finally, we were telling them our experience my uncles who were sitting at the table with
me enjoying a delicious with fried rice with mixed ceviche and chicha.

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