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The Balanced

Scorecard: StrategicBased Control


2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

Activity-Based versus StrategicBased Responsibility Accounting

The Responsibility Accounting Model has four

essential elements:

Assigning responsibility
Establishing performance measures or benchmarks
Evaluating performance
Assigning rewards

Financial based responsibility accounting model

emphasizes financial performance of organizational
units and evaluates and rewards performance using
static financial-oriented standards

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Activity-Based versus StrategicBased Responsibility Accounting

The Balanced Scorecard is a

strategic-based performance
management system that
typically identifies objectives
and measures for four
different perspectives.
The Financial Perspective
The Customer Perspective
The Process Perspective
The Learning and Growth
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Activity-Based versus StrategicBased Responsibility


Responsibility Assignments Compared

2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

Basic Concepts of the

Balanced Scorecard

The Balanced Scorecard permits an

organization to create a strategic focus by
translating an organizations strategy into
operational objectives and performances
measures for four different perspectives:
1. The financial perspective
2. The customer perspective
3. The internal business process perspective
4. The learning and growth perspective


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Basic Concepts of the

Balanced Scorecard

Strategy is choosing the market and customer

segments the business unit intends to serve,
identifying the critical internal and business
processes that the unit must excel at to deliver
the value propositions to customers in the
targeted market segments , and selecting the
individual and organizational capabilities required
for the internal, customer, and financial

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Basic Concepts of the Balanced

Strategy Translation Process

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Tahap dalam merancang BSC

1. Merumuskan

misi, nilai, visi, tujuan dan strategi

perusahaan. Tahap ini menjadi landasan utama dalam

penentuan perspektif.
2. Menentukan perspektif
3. Merumuskan sasaran strategis (objectives).
4. Menentukan ukuran strategis (measures). (1) ukuran hasil

(outcome measures atau lag indicator) dan (2) ukuran

pemacu (performance driver measure atau lead indicator).
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5. Menentukan target (kuantitatif).

6. Merumuskan inisiatif strategis pernyataan kualitatif

berupa langkah besar yang akan dilaksanakan di masa

depan dan yang akan membantu pencapaian target.
7. Implementasi Balanced Scorecard.
8. Review Berkala

Sebagai bagian dari perencanaan strategis, penentuan

sasaran dan alokasi sumber daya.
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Strategic Themes

Service/Operational Excellence


Innovation in Service Delivery

Product Development Leadership

Build a Safety Culture

Focus on Continues Improvement and Knowledge Generation,


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Basic Concepts of the Balanced

Summary of Objectives and Measures: Financial Perspective

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Basic Concepts of the Balanced

Summary of Objectives and Measures: Customer Perspective

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Basic Concepts of the Balanced

Customer Value: the difference between realization

and sacrifice, where realization is what the customer

receives and sacrifice is what is given up
Responsiveness is the time it takes a company to
respond to a customer order
Cycle time is the length of time it takes to produce a
unit of output from the time materials are received
until the good is delivered to finished goods inventory
Velocity is number of units of output that can be
produced in a given period of time

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Basic Concepts of the Balanced

Manufacturing Cycle Efficiency
MCE = Processing time / (Processing time + Move time +
Inspection time + Waiting time + Other non-value-added time)

In this equation, processing time is the efficient or

ideal time it takes to convert materials into a finished
The other activities and their times are viewed as
wasteful and the goal is to reduce those times to zero.

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Basic Concepts of the Balanced

Summary of Objectives and Measures: Process Perspective
Increase the number of new products
Increase proprietary products
Decrease product development cycle time
Increase process quality
Increase process efficiency
Decrease process time
Post Sales Service:
Increase service quality
Increase service efficiency
Decrease service time

Number of new product/total product; R&D
Percentage of revenue from proprietary products
Number of patens pending
Time to market (from start to finish)

Quality costs
Output yields
Percentage of defective units
Unit costs trends
Output/ input
Cycle time and velocity
First-pass yields
Cost trends
Output/ input
Cycle time

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Basic Concepts of the Balanced

Summary of Objectives and Measures: Learning and Growth Perspective

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Linking Measures to Strategy

Strategy Map for Cornerstone 13-3

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Strategic Alignment

Targets and Weighting Scheme Illustrated

2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

Keunggulan dan Kelemahan BSC

1.Membuka peluang untuk memanfaatkan secara optimum alat manajemen

dalam mendongkrak kemampuan perusahaan dalam menghasilkan kinerja

2.Dalam sistem perencanaan strategis Balanced Scorecard mampu

menghasilkan rencana strategik yang memiliki karakteristik: strategik,

komprehensif, koheren, seimbang, dan terukur.
3.Ada keseimbangan antara lag indicator dan lead indicator.
4.Ada keseimbangan antara tujuan jangka panjang dan jangka pendek.
5.Ada keseimbangan antara hard objectives measures and softer more

subjective measures.


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Keunggulan dan Kelemahan BSC

-BSC belum dapat menetapkan secara tepat sistem kompensasi
-Diperlukan suatu wadah struktur yang dapat memberikan

umpan balik kepada 4 perspektif

-Belum adanya standar ukuran yang baku.
-Lebih secara efektif mengukur implementasi strategi dari pada

mengukur penentuan strategi.

-Tidak mengindikasikan bagaimana pelanggan baru dan pasar

baru dapat diidentifikasi.

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