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Mesajul Preedintelui Romniei, domnul Klaus Iohannis, adresat Parlamentului

16:00 | 22 februarie 2016

Domnule Preedinte al Senatului,

Domnule Preedinte al Camerei Deputailor,
Domnule Prim-ministru,
Doamnelor i domnilor minitri,
Doamnelor i domnilor senatori i deputai,
Excelenele Voastre doamnelor i domnilor ambasadori i reprezentani ai Corpului
Stimai invitai,
Doamnelor i domnilor,

Ne aflm la debutul ultimului an de mandat pentru actualul Parlament, un an

electoral. n afara competiiei politice democratice, n afara emoiei inerente
perioadei alegerilor, anii electorali au avut n Romnia, din pcate, i alte
caracteristici i au adus un anumit tip de practici.
Apropierea campaniilor a atras adesea msuri care s avantajeze o formaiune sau
alta, politici adoptate n urma unor calcule electorale, alocri de fonduri dup
culoarea politic, promisiuni populiste sau nesustenabile i chiar legi niciodat
Mrirea cu 50% a salariilor profesorilor, decis n 2008 i niciodat aplicat, sau
Ordonana de urgen a Guvernului nr. 55/2014, care a legalizat migraia aleilor
locali, din pcate aplicat, vor rmne probabil ntr-o nefericit istorie a msurilor
legislative cu iz electoral.
n 2016 avem i, mai ales, avei marea ans de a face lucrurile altfel. Nimeni nu
contest dorina legitim a partidelor de a ctiga voturi i folosirea mijloacelor
politice i instituionale de care dispun pentru a rspunde la ateptri. Ceea ce v
propun ns este un altfel de an electoral, care s nu fie nici populist, nici un an
pierdut pentru marile teme de interes public, dar nici unul al msurilor hazardate.

V propun un an 2016 n care competiia pentru voturi s nu exclud preocuparea

pentru construcia pe termen lung, n care febra campaniilor s nu opreasc
dezbaterea aezat, iar subiectele spectaculoase de zi cu zi s nu elimine de pe
agenda public teme majore de interes pentru ceteni i viaa lor.
Ne aflm ntr-un context n care, spre deosebire de trecut, apropierea finalului de
mandat poate s nsemne mai mult atenie, mai mult responsabilitate i mai
mult preocupare de a asculta n mod autentic ce-i doresc concetenii notri.

Doamnelor i domnilor,
Pornind de la aceste premise, v invit s asumm mpreun cteva mize majore
pentru anul 2016:
prima vizeaz nceputul rectigrii ncrederii n politic;
a doua ine de funcionarea instituiilor ntr-un stat democratic;
a treia privete continuarea eforturilor n domenii n care Romnia a fcut
progrese i a ctigat respectul partenerilor externi;
i, n fine, dar nu n ultimul rnd, n zona marilor sisteme publice, v propun s
punem cteva pietre de temelie pe care s se poat construi n 2017, indiferent cine
va fi la putere.
Toate acestea nu in de voina unui singur om, ci de aciunea comun. Att timp ct
nu punem agenda Romniei mai presus de agenda proprie, nimeni nu va avea de
ctigat pe termen lung.
Am spus la finele anului trecut c mi doresc ca anul 2016 s fie anul n care clasa
politic d un semnal clar c a neles aspiraiile i ateptrile societii i face un
pas ctre nnoire n materie de atitudini, idei i oameni.
Alegerile sunt, fr ndoial, prima oportunitate. Iar partidele - cele cu tradiie i
experien pe scena politic, sau cele nou aprute - sunt actorii principali la acest
capitol. Atunci cnd vorbim de refacerea ncrederii n politic, probabil cei mai muli
se gndesc, pe bun dreptate, la liste i la selecia candidailor, la nite cerine
minimale de integritate i profesionalism, la un anumit tip de atitudine ateptat din
partea celor care doresc votul alegtorilor. Schimbarea despre care vorbesc vizeaz
mai cu seam practici i mentaliti, criterii de integritate, un mod mai inteligent i
mai creativ de elaborare a politicilor publice, un anumit tip de onestitate n raport cu
electoratul i renunarea la construcii legislative ad hoc, doar pentru interese
politice de moment.

Instabilitatea legislativ n general afecteaz nu doar funcionarea economiei, a

societii, a marilor sisteme publice precum educaia i sntatea, ci ajunge s fie o
vulnerabilitate a sistemului democratic. Cred c nimeni nu-i dorete aa ceva.

Doamnelor i domnilor,
Sunt preocupat de modul n care funcioneaz ansamblul acestui stat, instituiile lui,
cu atenta separare a puterilor. Dar vreau n acelai timp s transmit un mesaj foarte
limpede: acest stat nu poate da impresia unei funcionri haotice, dezordonate, cu
alte cuvinte a unui stat n care fiecare face ce vrea i fiecare instituie are agenda
Exist o agend naional, legat de parteneriatele strategice ale Romniei, n
special cel cu Statele Unite, de apartenena la NATO i la Uniunea European, dar i
de o politic de dezvoltare, de modernizare i afirmare naional n domenii de
interes pentru cetenii notri.
Cred c este nevoie de comunicare, coordonare i colaborare la nivel instituional
pentru a urmri obiectivele naionale. Spun aceste lucruri n virtutea rolului
constituional al Preedintelui de mediator ntre puterile statului, precum i ntre stat
i societate.
Puterile statului nu sunt n competiie una cu alta, iar o funcionare eficient a
statului n serviciul cetenilor presupune funcionarea fiecreia dintre ele i
ncrederea cetenilor n toate.
O guvernare nu poate fi cu adevrat performant fr un Parlament puternic, iar
justiia nu poate fi cu adevrat eficient fr o putere legislativ pe msur. A gndi
puterile separat i a le evalua izolat este o greeal. Romnia trebuie s se mite
nainte n ansamblul ei.

Doamnelor i domnilor,
n acest context trebuie s spun c suntem n ntrziere n a da rspunsuri eseniale
cu privire la preocupri majore de pe agenda cetenilor, inclusiv n perspectiva
anului 2018, cnd vom srbtori Centenarul Marii Uniri.
Ce facem cu marile sisteme publice educaie, sntate, pensii? Ce soluii gsim
pentru sutele de mii de tineri fr diplom de Bacalaureat care se integreaz greu
sau deloc pe piaa muncii? Ce se ntmpl dac vom constata ntr-un viitor nu foarte
ndeprtat c sistemul de pensii nu mai este sustenabil? Ce facem cu salarizarea
bugetarilor? Cum gestionm problema demografic i cum evitm un viitor probabil

n care Romnia ar deveni lipsit de atractivitate i ca for de munc, i ca pia de

desfacere i va fi slbit n cadrul Uniunii Europene din cauza scderii demografice?
Anul acesta se ncheie un mandat parlamentar, ns parcursul politic continu, iar
marile teme ale societii romneti rmn aceleai. n lumina preocuprii pentru
astfel de teme, am lansat zilele trecute o ampl dezbatere naional n domeniul
educaiei i cercetrii n cadrul proiectului pe care l-am numit Romnia educat.
mi doresc ca n 2016 s definim clar obiectivele naionale i direcia n care ne
dorim s mearg sistemul nostru de educaie.
Chiar dac sunt poate mai puin spectaculoase ntr-un an electoral, asemenea
dezbateri sunt eseniale i ateptate de oameni.
Dincolo de faptul c vei alege primari, c vei ctiga sau nu Consilii Judeene, c
vei alctui liste pentru alegerile parlamentare, cred c aceste subiecte trebuie s
fie pe agenda noastr, a tuturor.
V spun nc o dat, la fel cum am fcut mereu cnd m-am aflat la tribuna
Parlamentului: avei n mine un partener de dialog. Pe aceste subiecte avem datoria
s construim pentru Romnia i s generm acord, dincolo de stnga sau dreapta,
de expertiza tehnocrat sau partide.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I firmly believe that a consensual and courageous approach is necessary, more so that we find
ourselves in a complicated geopolitical situation. For some very important points, 2016 must be a
natural continuation for everything that we build or consolidated last year. But, in the same time,
we have to manage serious challenges.
The migration crisis, the rising terrorist threat, the security risks from the East and even putting
under question the European project make 2016 a crucial year for the stability of the region and
for the future of Europe.
For Romania, in foreign affairs and security, both priorities and objectives remain the same. 2016
has all the premises in order to increase the quality of the Strategic Partnership with U.S.,
especially in the economic domain, at the same time strengthening the military and political
components of the partnership. In this matter, we highly appreciated U.S. in rising significantly,
for four times, the budget for the European Reassurance Initiative Budget Request, for 2017.
In the current complicated context, Romania is and will be an anchor of democracy,
predictability and stability, of strategic importance at the Eastern frontier of both NATO and EU.
In this regard, we have the responsibility to defend our national defence, but to also contribute to
ensuring collective defence inside NATO. Ensuring the 2% GDP growth for military expenditure
remains therefore essential.

After the steps made in 2015 and 2016, I have the belief that this commitment will reflect itself
in the preparation of the 2017 budget.
The fact that the six new commandments of NATO in Eastern Union - NATO Force Integration
Units- are about to begin to be fully operational in the first part of this year represents an obvious
signal of the relevance of this region. One of Romanias objectives inside the Warsaw NATO
Summit, which will take place in the summer of this year, is that, at the end of the Reunion,
NATO will confirm its powerful interest for Central and Eastern Europe, especially for the Black
Sea region, as areas of critical importance in the Euro-Atlantic security area.
In the same time, Romania is firm to actively participate not only in identifying solutions for the
crisis which affect EU at the moment but to also strengthen the commitment and faith in the
European project. Romania remains loyal to this project and is fully committed to preserve the
European unity. I underlined this issue also at the European Council, where there has been
reached an agreement between Great Britain and the European Union.

It is our strategic interest that Romania is a member of a strong European Union, integrated,
based on the respect of its founding values and principles. From this perspective, I supported the
maintenance of the concept of an ever closer Union.
During the negotiations, I had a firm position in what regards respecting the rights of Romanian
citizens in the European Union and I did not accepted their discrimination in comparison with
other citizens of EU. Therefore, Romanians which are currently employed in Great Britain will
not be affected by the salvgardation mechanism.
This mechanism will be applied only for a small category of social non-contributory working
performances, specific only to Great Britain and only for a limited period of time- 7 years.
In relation to the indexation of the stipends for children who remained at home, of workers from
other EU member states, the decision has, as well, a non-discriminatory character. For the
Romanians which are currently working in Great Britain and who receive stipends for the
children who remained at home, the indexation will apply beginning with2020.
I would like that this reached agreement will lead to a positive result during the referendum,
allowing Great Britain to preserve its EU membership status.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In the domain of domestic affairs, in what regards the consolidation of the rule of
law, the independence of the judiciary and the anticorruption fight, my commitment
as President remains unchanged and firm.
My firmness in strengthening the rule of law stems from the belief that a
consolidation of progresses in these domains are in the benefit of our citizens. I am
deeply disappointed by the fact that, in certain cases, there is still unclearness that
parliamentary immunity cannot be used in order to block judicial requests. This is
why, when referring to formal requests from the Judicial branch, after a few positive
improvements, acclaimed by everyone and waited by the citizens, there is always a
one step back, which puts under questioning the credibility of the Parliament and
the will of having a correct relationship with Justice.
Romania is on an irreversible road. Consolidating the rule of law and the
independence of the judicial system are firm commitments for the society and must
be reflected in the relationship between the Parliament, and a representative
supreme forum, and justice.

This year is not only one for political competition but also an important moment of
inflexion for the judicial system. There needs to be named a new General
Prosecutor, the mandates for the board of the National Anti-Corruption Department
(DNA) expires, as well as for the High Court of Cassation and Justice, and there will
also be elections for the Higher Council of Magistrature.
In this aspect, I wish to underline certain aspects.
I wish that we will also have in this area a serious competition and a decent debate,
where value, performance and honesty strive. I believe it is important for the
consolidation of the Romanian democracy and of the rule of law that elections for
the Higher Council of Magistratrure to be far from the political side and kept strictly
in the professional sphere of magistrates, in their own environment.
As for me, as President, I will not be a simple observer of this process and I will not
limit at having a formal role. I will act, accordingly to my constitutional attributions,
in order to ensure that the path which Romania took, in what regards strengthening
the rule of law, the independence of the judicial system and the fight against
corruption is firmly followed and that the requests for integrity and professionalism
are thoroughly followed.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Depinde de fiecare dintre noi, cei care ne manifestm n spaiul public, indiferent de
rol, felul n care arat climatul nostru politic i social, cum nelegem s ne raportm
unii la alii i la ce nivel de conduit, limbaj i atitudine ducem dezbaterea politic.
It depends on each of us, those that are part of the public space, no matter the role,
the way which are political and social climate is, how we understand and report to
one another and at what level of conduit, language and attitude we conduct political
mi doresc un an electoral n care comunicarea s i pstreze decena indiferent de
ct de acerb sau strns ar fi competiia politic. Nu vorbesc aici de o opiune
personal, ci sunt convins c n acest fel avem cu toii mai mult de ctigat.
I wish for an electoral year in which communication will keep its decency, no matter
the tightness and competitive character of the political process. I do not refer here
to a personal option, but I am certain that in this way, we will also have something
to gain.
Atunci cnd m-am adresat pentru prima dat acestui for n calitate de Preedinte
am spus c mi doresc s regsim dou lucruri ncrederea i rbdarea. Nu
ntmpltor vreau s le reiterez astzi. Avem ansa ca n 2016 s le redescoperim:
ncrederea ntre ceteni i instituiile democratice, ncrederea n capacitatea
politicii de a servi interesul public, ncrederea n noi nine ca naiune i rbdarea de
a nu distruge nainte de a ncepe i de a construi temeinic.
When I first held a speech to the reunited plenum of the Parliament, as President, I
said that I wish to retrieve two things-trust and patience. In
V mulumesc!

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