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im g : © Teacher's Name Brendan Date__ 214+ be SS Observer's Name Wren anne Site “Blale x 3 2 = L 2 S © \ x ¥ iBhoneyAlpp) Wwww.iseannerapp.not 7 q PHED 239 MODULE 4: HIGH SCHOOL // INSTRUCTIONAL OBSERVATION INSTRUMENT Lesson # 2 _ Grade Level Pee C _ Lesson Focus Ble aw 1 =Rarely Demonstrates 2 = Sometimes Demonstrates 3= Often Demonstrates X = Not Observed T. Appropriate voice projection, tone, and enthusiasm — Cyreak \- ety Tne fetus ase detent 3 f 2. Informing is clear, concise includes purpose ~ C\rew per vey pon of end a epg ArT 25 3. Presentation/Activities are developmentally appropriate ~ (hat alommk du: divect tepe H Knrcle out ? Cred ally cbate, Ueqrens tp ‘demonstrated - Cxeellet dene — ERR em Maeag_e be 4. SkillS/Activities @ Ss Ta ae 5, Skills/Activities are challenging, motivating and creative Cee ee why 7? Eau 7 Vanius stil levels wughout lesson CPU ~ Se oo LESSON PRESENTATION: BORE ~ [6 Guided questions and checks for understandii @ [fre Ble neatewe yellny nd_trvssove Any Qs? toe base. Fetness, MANAGEMENT OF THE LESSON: ¢. [1 Manages time efficiently with good tansitionsflow ~ (> << \= Rib qusheady S| agrek Llrw, YX Wah Yoon (cht Vlan Lor sao adhvires 5° [2 Efficiently distributed and collested equipment "Sx qe =~ ees G4 3 | revue caves: Relnek 2a sp Ame 1e use and projection of whistle = CaveA a ynt—A ml Mt {| Maximizes u8é of space and equipment to provide OTR ~ Crod vse Bi Space SF | agurynt c m4 foi {issues are identified, repeated and enforced Baad sal | yee shide rm {oor Ve 6. Progress assess formally and/or informally — % < OF axes — aed feviee at Clint © [TEACHER BEHAVIOI L., Gives positive, corrective, specific Feedback to individual/classthroughost lesson a ee et caceckiee FA) EB west ind ve Lecckihe gi 2, Establishes, reinforces and enforces behavioral expectations throughout the Jesson a a, tubing rns emia Aca s tekehwaleel 3. Rotates around facilities while scanning and Keeps back to the wall — A(t S5 Movek arora wel infert of J Actively monitors lesson/with-it-ness; reacts to misbehavior appropriately J Review of learning outcomes, performance and behavior = Qk reuew— 5 Oe roc re Inches / Steateqtet a COMMENTS conte Syre gens / tals Swot Hoe SET crate muse =aqek TOTAL SCORE (Ue ee A; ot veut Boyt 8 DE weed Sareea

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