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Amy Anderson
EDU- 225
February 13, 2016
Professor Clutter

Communication Plan

Teachers can use technology in a classroom to effectively communicate with students,

parents, and the global community. Communication is a key factor in students overall success. I
will teach in an early elementary or special education classroom setting and in both these
situations, parental communication is of the utmost importance. Using technology to
communicate with parents can help keep parents engaged in their students learning. With parental
and teacher involvement in students education can help students reach their full potential. Global
communication can assist teachers staying up to date on current topics and interests.
Creating a classroom website is great place to have everything in one place. On a
classroom website, teachers can include a calendar to show what is happening in class,
homework, necessary school forms, contact information, and any other vital information for a
class. By having a classroom website, students can check in to see what homework is due and
what is happening in class. Parents can also be informed on what their students are doing in class
through a website. Parental involvement in students education is increased through technology
(Heath, Maghrabi, & Carr, 2015).
Technology in the classroom can assist in student communication. One great way to do
this is by having students research a topic in groups. Each group can be assigned a different topic
and can use technology to become experts on that topic. Students can then create presentations

through different platforms and present it to the class. Using technology in the classroom can
create an active and engaged learning environment for students (Muncy & Eastman, 2012). Since
students in classes now are raised using technology, they can greatly benefit from the use of
technology in the classroom.
When using technology in the classroom, safety must be a priority. At the beginning of the
semester I will go over classroom rules for technology use. I will cover internet safety,
communication rules, and general rules. Each time we use technology in the classroom I will
review these rules. I will also only allow my students to visit approved websites and will monitor
their work.

Link to classroom website:

Heath, D., Maghrabi, R., & Carr, N. (2015). Implications of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) for School-Home Communication. Journal Of Information
Technology Education: Research, 14363-395.
Muncy, J. A., & Eastman, J. K. (2012). Using Classroom Response Technology to Create an
Active Learning Environment in Marketing Classes. American Journal Of Business
Education, 5(2), 213-218.

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