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800 Self Regulated Learning: Monitoring of Progress

Original Goal: The proximal goal I have set for this inquiry project is to deepen my understanding of the Forest and Nature School
curricular approach. I then wish to create a proposal to present to my school to incorporate FNS into our kindergarten curriculum on
a trial basis.

Revised Goal: My new goal is focused around an inquiry question I have developed. I want to know how can Forest and Nature
School curricular approach can support and promote student motivation, community involvement and culture in my Kindergarten
classroom at Nakoda Elementary School. I will create a presentation, highlighting the benefits of FNS for our Kindergarten students. I
will be creating this presentation to present to my colleagues (fellow Kindergarten teachers) and my administration, in hopes to try
this approach out with our students next year.

Flexible Use of


Seeking Help
Self Monitoring

Flexible Use of Strategies

I have been using different strategies to advance my learning and work through my project
Used daily/weekly to do lists
Created presentation outlines
Used graphic organizers to organize my thoughts and information
Research- Peer reviewed articles - with note taking
Spoke with members of my community to gain more insight about Traditional Indigenous Education
Spent some time away to clear my head- study breaks, snack breaks...etc.

Seeking Help
Emailed Michelle to seek clarification, guidance and advice
Spent time developing a communication plan with group members to discuss our work and the process
Created a GoogleDoc to share comments and ideas

Self Monitoring
Updated my blog- reflecting on the process
Comparing my progress against my goal
Reviewing To Do Lists- making sure I am on track


Identifying area of focus
I have had a really hard time setting a goal for this
Understanding dimensions and properties of goal setting project. I found myself struggling to narrow my ideas to
Review course readings- note take
fit within the parameters of this assignment. I also
Febuary 5 Discussion post
struggled developing a goal that would be specific and

proximal for this course, and one that I would use SRL to

Set Goal- Proximal/ Distal
monitor my performance.

- Emailed Michelle to talk to her about the difficulty I

was having.

Develop a resource for showcasing my Final Project

Feb 8- 22

-Inquiry Focus: review articles to help in SRL process

-Develop a list of resources to meet my goal
-Review and examine resources

- Sought clarification for the assignment

- Asked for advice to narrow my ideas
Taking through my ideas really helped me

-I created a website for another one of PME courses
I have been working on website to use an on online digital
portfolio to document my learning through this program
-Decided this would be a great, user friendly way to display
my learning process, monitor my engagement in the SRL
process and finally display the final product.
- I decided to create a detailed Prezi to show case my

final project. Prezi is a presentation software that you

can present anytime and anywhere. Press allows you
to present a document remotely. Viewers are able to
comment and leave feedback which will be helpful to
me as I progress through the inquiry project
process. I think this will be the most appropriate
media to present my proposal

-I found the research aspect of this inquiry project to be

fairly easy.
-I had never heard of the FNS curricular framework before I
was introduced to it in another class- but was surprised to
find that there was a lot of information available.
-Finding more information and resources was easy
- I then had to narrow down the information I had to figure
out what was useful for the scope of this activity.

Feb 22-
March 10

Blog Creation/Blogging
- Begin Blogging (once a week)
- Documenting the process

Continue Research and working on Final Project

Monitor Inquiry Progress- Small Group Discussion

-I found this to be the most challenging aspect within this

inquiry project. I have never really spent time writing about
my learning in this way.
-I fell short on my goal to blog once a week.
-I was working on my project and working on my final
product but kept forgetting to update my blog

-Created a presentation outline
-Developed a graphic organizer to manage ideas and
-Updated these to my blog

-I found this to be a challenging aspect
-My group started talking and sharing immediately
-I tried to make a D2L chat group, but it did not seem to work
-We discussed different methods of communicating outside
of the D2L discussion postings
-Group members exchanged emails and phone numbers
-We struggled finding a good time to all connect at the same
time due to times and locations of group members
-I was sick for a few days and missed out on a group
conversation that took place
-I decided to create a GoogleDoc to share with the group- an
easily accessible document that we could comment in and
share ideas. It can be accessed at any time and from any


Share Portfolio
Reflect on Work
Final Presentation (March 15)

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