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Yeraldine Rodriguez

Tuesday - 03/01/2016

SB 3.18 - Planning for Research and Citing Sources

Essential Questions:
1. What is the relationship between choices and consequences?
2. What makes a great leader?
NVACS/ Standard(s):
W.7.8 - Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and cite sources as
well as to interact and collaborate with others, including linking to and citing sources.
SL.7.4 - Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with pertinent
descriptions, facts, details, and examples; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear
Language Objective (student-friendly):
I will generate research questions and an annotated bibliography; collaborate with and present research to peers.
Lesson Introduction/Warm-Up: Standard 1-New Learning is Connected to Prior Learning and Experience
Students will answer the following question in their notebooks: How can the objective for today help you with
the embedded assessment?
NEPF IS 1.3 - teacher makes clear the purpose and relevance of new learning for all students. Students are
copying the objective in their notebooks and then thinking about how this objective links to the embedded
Concept and Skill Development: Standard 2-Learning Tasks have High Cognitive Demand for Diverse
Students will recall prior knowledge on a specific topic related to Nelson Mandela, collaborate with a small
research group to generate research questions, independently find and evaluate sources, complete an annotated
bibliography, and present findings to a small group.
NEPF IS 2.2 - tasks place appropriate demands on each student. Students are working in small research groups
to assist them in their first attempt at conducting research in this unit. Students can choose a topic and generate
research questions in groups before independently working to find a credible source and summarize it. Students
also work on their presentation skills with a small group, which reduces the pressure some students may feel
when presenting to the class but still allows them to practice these necessary skills.
Practice: Standard 3- Students Engage in Meaning-Making through Discourse and Other Strategies
High Level QuestionsHow can the objective and content of todays lesson assist you with the embedded assessment?
How can you analyze sites and sources in order to determine if they are credible and reliable?

What makes an effective research presentation?

1. Students will be put in a small group of 3 to 4 students. They will look at the list of topics and choose one that
interests them. Teacher may guide groups to choose a specific in order to have all topics evenly represented.
2. Students will complete the K and W section of a KWHL chart with their group: What I know and What I want to
know. In the W section, students will ensure to write as many research questions as they have members in their
group. Each student will get one research question?
3. Students will independently complete the H section of their chart (How I will find out). Teacher will discuss
possible sources and search terms with students.
4. Students will conduct research using the Ipad in class. They will find three sources and use the Internet Source
Evaluation Chart to evaluate their sources. They will choose the best source based on this evaluation.
5. Once students have chosen a credible site, they will cite it properly on the blank side of a note card, read the
article or information and write a summary and an evaluation of this site on the lined side. Teacher will model
this process before students start.
6. Students will present their findings to their small group, ensuring to remain focused on the main points, use
appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
7. Students will complete the following Quickwrite: What makes an effective research presentation? What
elements were present in the summaries you heard today? What elements would have made them more
interesting and engaging?
NEPF IS 3.1 -teacher provides opportunities for extended, productive discourse between the teacher and
students and among students. Students are working with a research group to complete the research process.
They will discuss their topic and assign sections to each other. Students will also present their findings to their
research group.
Closure: Standard 4-Students Engage in Metacognitive Activity to Increase Understanding of and
Responsibility for Their Own Learning
In order to assist students to understand the purpose of the lesson and how it can be applied to the embedded
assessment, students will be called on to read their Quickwrites aloud to the class.
NEPF IS 4.2 - teacher structures opportunities for self-monitored learning for all students. Students articulate
the purpose of the activity and connect it to the embedded assessment. Students reflect on their presentation and
think of ways to make presentations more engaging.
DOK 1: Recall: recall prior knowledge on a specific topic related to Nelson Mandela
DOK 2: Concept/Skill: collaborate with a small research group to generate research questions
DOK 3: Strategic Thinking:
1. independently find and evaluate sources
2. complete an annotated bibliography
3. present findings to a small group.
Standard 5- Assessment is Integrated into Instruction
Formative: NEPF IS 5.2 - teacher aligns assessment opportunities with learning goals and performance criteria.
Teacher will assess students annotated bibliography entries to make sure they correctly cited sources and
included both a summary and an evaluation in their annotations. For the embedded assessment, students will

have to produce a lengthier annotated bibliography.

Summative: This activity leads and scaffolds to the embedded assessment, in which students will be working
with a research group to create a biographical multimedia presentation of a great leader whose choices had
positive consequences for society.
Homework: Students will read the article Ten Leadership Lessons from Inspiring Leaders and History and
answer the following question: What makes a great leader to you? Which one of the leaders on the list do you
think had the best leadership qualities? Who would you like to know more about and why?
Supplementary Materials:
Ipads or computer lab, KWHL charts, note cards, notebooks
Potential Modifications to Lesson:
If necessary, students may practice annotated bibliographies by creating annotated bibliographies for the two
biographies in activity 3.17.

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